Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 567: Moment of life and death

"Warning! Warning! The self-destruction procedure has started, please evacuate the base as soon as possible within 30 seconds!"

The cold mechanical sound reminded of the entire base, flashing red light, giving people endless pressure, but although the warning sound said so, the blockade of the surrounding gates was not vague at all, and it seemed that they were not going to let people evacuate.

"It's only thirty seconds, and withdraw a fart! Is this a move to die together?"

Yang Fei yelled out, but watched Xingyu running towards him.

"Go! It will explode in more than twenty seconds!" Xingyu yelled, and ran to Yang Fei after exhausting all his life strength, "Hurry, take me, I can't run!"

"Follow me." Looking at the panting Xingyu, Sakuragi Sanye directly cut the rope that Yang Fei tied to his hands, and then rushed to the big hole that the deputy leader of the Heikou group had hit.

Yang Fei didn't hesitate too much at this moment, grabbing Xing Yukang on his shoulders and quickly followed Sakuragi Mitsuba, "What's the matter with you kid, do you have a self-destructing program to set the time?"

"This, I don't blame me." Xingyu gasped, "After I copied the data, it started by itself."

"Forget it, let's escape first. This program may be pre-set, and it will be activated as soon as someone copies the data." Yang Fei pulled Xingyu out of the underground base, and soon came to the previous connection base and study room. In the secret way.

The entire manor is constantly shaking, and there are still more than ten seconds before the explosion, but depending on the distance of the secret road, if Yang Fei loses Xingyu, he might be able to escape...

"Man, it seems that the two of us are going to die for our country!" Yang Fei smiled bitterly at Xingyu as Sakuragi Sanye's back disappeared into his sight.

Sakuragi Sanye had rescued them once, and Yang Fei didn't expect that she would rescue them again, not to mention the self-destruction accident of the base was caused by them themselves.

As for the method of abandoning Xingyu and fleeing by himself... Yang Fei admits that he is not cold-blooded yet. He forced Xingyu to come here. If he is now used up, then Yang Fei and him What is the difference between those evil ways that are usually eliminated?

As a member of the Dragon Division, Yang Fei still has a bit of conscience.

If Yang Fei loses Xingyu and escapes alone this time, regardless of other things, then in the future, Yang Fei's cultivation base will not improve by half.

The demons are not easy.

"You run faster, I still have important things to do, but I can't die... Forget it, if you leave it now, I should be able to escape, you just need to do one thing for me." Xingyu is in Yang Fei Quickly said on his shoulder, "Help me find the Bajia headquarters of Sheqi, find a woman named Zhang Ziyou, and tell her not to trust her master! I parked a computer in a suburban Internet cafe and brought it!"

Xingyu stuffed the USB flash drive in Yang Fei's pocket, and without waiting for Yang Fei's answer, pushed Yang Fei away.

"Silly boy, what are you doing!" Yang Fei turned and looked at Xingyu who fell to the ground, reaching out to hold him.

"Hurry up, that is my only wish. If we both die, there will be nothing!" Xingyu shouted at Yang Fei.

"Damn it!" When Yang Fei heard the last five-second countdown from the base, Yang Fei's eyes were fierce, no longer caring about Xingyu, and exhausted his strength to rush out of the secret tunnel.

Xingyu is right, if both of them are dead, then there is really nothing left.

" seems that I can't fulfill my promise." Xingyu leaned on the wall and closed his eyes, listening to the countdown from the base, with muddy tears falling off his cheeks, "I still want to destroy you with Master. From the Shadow Gate, I didn’t expect... but I died here."


A strong light covered the entire passage, followed by a loud explosion.


Xingyu's figure disappeared in the light, and then... the violent tongue of fire covered the entire passage and the base collapsed.

Yang Fei stood outside the study, looking at the sky full of fire, his arms trembling constantly, and he tightly squeezed the USB flash drive Xingyu handed him.

The entire experimental base was destroyed in an instant, this kind of explosive one can survive inside.

"That's it... dead?" Yang Fei sighed while looking at the USB flash drive lying quietly in his palm.

At the 30-second countdown, Yang Fei tried his best. He was originally a powerless monk, and when he was fighting with the deputy leader, he had already exhausted the spiritual power in his body. When he was carrying Xingyu, Yang Fei Fei was exhausted.

Leaving Xingyu aside was the only way he could survive.

At this time, Sakuragi Sanye appeared in front of Yang Fei, looked at Yang Fei with a gloomy face, and whispered: "Come with me, Ziling wants to see you."

Yang Fei looked at the plain-faced Sakuragi Mitsuba, a hint of irritation flashed in his heart. Yang Fei knew that Xingyu’s death had nothing to do with Sakuragi Mitsuba, but in his heart he couldn’t help complaining that Sakuragi Mitsuba had met. Dead.

With the strength of Sakuragi Mitsuba, it is more than enough to save Xingyu!

"Are you blaming me for not being saved?" Sakuragi Sanye looked at Yang Fei's twinkling eyes and asked.

Yang Fei did not answer Sakuragi Sanye's words, but looking at the silence, Sakuragi Sanye could also see that Yang Fei had such a thought in his heart.

"I don't care what you think, now Ziling wants to see you, either you will go with me, or I will take you away, choose yourself." Seeing Yang Fei's silence, Sakuragi Sanye laughed instead. Looking at Yang Fei with a heartless look, smiled.

In the eyes of Sakuragi Sanye, Yang Fei would have no other choice. In fact, Yang Fei really had no other choice.

Can't beat Sakuragi Mitsuba, and even his life was saved by Sakuragi Mitsuba, and Sakuragi Mitsuba has no responsibility or obligation to save Xingyu, and Sakuragi Mitsuba now asks him to see the nine emperors. Big shot...

Yang Fei couldn't find a reason for rejection.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Yang Feiqiang said to Sakuragi Sanye with the sadness in his heart.

"Let's go, there are no people living in this manor. Ziling is also waiting for us outside. The kid before...I don't need to save it."

Yang Fei clenched his fists and said nothing.

As the two left where they were, the study collapsed, and the headless body of the deputy leader of the Heikou group was also revealed, and it had been burned to charcoal at this moment.

The manor at the headquarters of the Heikou Group was completely swallowed by flames.

Three kilometers away from the Heikouzu manor, in a Starbucks, Zhang Ziling had a faint smile on his face, looking at the blood-stained Xingyu on the opposite side, two cups of coffee on the table were steaming.

Xingyu's current appearance scared many people away. Starbucks waiters were watching Xingyu from a distance, and the surrounding guests quickly left the area where Xingyu was.

After all, Xingyu's appearance is almost the same as that of someone who just killed him. Those of them don't even understand that the two people are bloodied and clean. Why are they here?

Some people even reported to the police secretly.

Xingyu was fidgeting in his seat now. Although Zhang Ziling rescued him from the explosion at the very moment of his attack, after all, Zhang Ziling was a member of the Nine Emperors, and the natural pressure made Xingyu very nervous.

After a short silence, Zhang Ziling finally spoke.

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