Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 579: Fierce collision

The island where Snake Qi’s Eight Houses were located was shaking violently, the **** energy erupted from the Soul Eater Demon Sword was lingering in the sky, and the Upper Void Spirit Armor began to dim.

The eight Patriarchs standing in the void now have no blood on their faces, and their aura is extremely weak. It seems that they may fall from the sky at any time. Among the eight Patriarchs, the light of the Soul Eater Sword gradually becomes weak. , Zhang Ziyou's rising breath also slowed down, and he was about to reach the peak soon.

However, the eight Patriarchs in the sky did not have the slightest worry on their faces at this moment. Even though Zhang Ziyou's strength has far surpassed them, the limitations of the Upper Void Spirit Armor on the Soul Eater Sword still exist, not to mention because of them just now. Burning the essence at any cost has provided enough power for the awakening of the seniors of the Eight Snake Family...

Now, the true powerhouses of the eight Sheqi family have returned.


Dozens of rays of light that pierced the sky lit up from the depths of the Eighth House of Snake Qi, followed by a few long howls, a huge momentum swept all around, a large amount of seawater around the island soared into the air, and then swiftly. When it fell, countless marine creatures died, and blood stained the red sea.

The eight heads of the Eighth Family of Sheqi finally relaxed, and fell to the ground, quickly retreating to the distance.

They are no longer enough to resist the sword aura that unconsciously radiated from the Soul Eater Demon Sword.

The **** glow that wrapped Zhang Ziyou gradually dissipated, and Zhang Ziyou's figure reappeared in the sight of everyone.

Now Zhang Ziyou's expression is extremely cold, his pupils have turned blood red, and there is no trace of emotional fluctuations in his eyes, only endless coldness.

With long blood-red hair fluttering in the wind, the Soul Eater at this moment seemed to have lost all its power, just like a normal weapon.

However, everyone in the Eighth Family of Sheqi in the distance was shocked to find that the current Zhang Ziyou...has no human breath at all, she seems to have become a magic sword!

The **** sword aura lingering all around made people palpitate.

Zhang Ziyou raised his eyes and looked at dozens of bright stars of various colors in the sky. The Soul Eater in his hand gradually turned into a light spot and melted into Zhang Ziyou's body.

The thousands of soul-eaters and sword shadows also turned into blood-colored energy, rushing towards the upper Void Spirit Armor in the sky.


The Upper Void Spirit Armor began to tremble violently, and all the people who controlled the Upper Void Spirit Armor from a distance vomited blood, and many people even died suddenly!

And because of the impact of the Soul Eater Sword this time, the blue energy permeating the sky suddenly dimmed, and Zhang Ziyou's breath soared again!

The eight Patriarchs who had retreated to the distance saw Zhang Ziyou burst out with such terrifying power, their expressions all changed, they knelt down, looked up at dozens of light spots in the sky and shouted: "Seniors, can't wait any longer. That's it! Please seniors to punish this enchanting girl, seize the magic sword, and strengthen me!"

Following the roar of the eight Patriarchs, the remaining disciples of the Eight Patriarchs who were still alive also followed suit, and their voices went straight into the sky.

Zhang Ziyou also heard their shouts, looked indifferently at the people of the Eight Snake Qi Family in the distance, waved his hand gently, and the vast blood energy swept away to everyone like a tsunami!


The whole Snake Qi Family disappeared in half in an instant, and countless disciples of the Snake Qi Family were submerged in blood-colored energy, and there were no bones.

Even the eight Patriarchs couldn't withstand the bombardment of **** energy, and all of them were seriously injured. If it weren't for the treasures on their bodies, they might not be far from death.

After the blow, there were very few disciples from the Sheqi Bajia who were still standing, and the disciples who were farther away escaped further.

Seeing that he didn't kill everyone with one move, Zhang Ziyou frowned slightly, raising his hand to make another blow, but at this moment, the dozens of light spots in the sky finally moved, with a terrifying aura, directly Tore through the blood and blue energy, came to the front of Zhang Ziyou.

The ancestors of Sheqi Bajia...

The aura of each one is not weak, although it is worse than the current Zhang Ziyou, but it is not far away.

Most importantly, there are dozens of them!

"Is this the power bestowed on mankind by the gods from the outside world? It is really horrible, and it is actually possible for a little girl to obtain a skill that surpasses our hundreds of years of hard work in a moment..."

Among the dozens of ancestors, an old man with long white hair in a white robe slowly walked out, looked at Zhang Ziyou indifferently, and lightly grabbed it, and the upper virtual spirit armor in the sky was sucked into his Hands.

Zhang Ziyou looked at the white-haired old man, did not say anything, just looked at him quietly.

Zhang Ziyou is now fully integrated with the Soul Eater Demon Sword. Although Zhang Ziyou's consciousness is still dominant, Zhang Ziyou has the characteristics of the Soul Eater Demon Sword...

Bloodthirsty, arrogant, pretentious...

In Zhang Ziyou's red eyes, the killing intent gradually diffused, and became substantive around him.

"It's worthy of a **** from the outside world... Even if the energy is almost completely lost, I can still feel the boundless power here." The white-haired old man grabbed the upper virtual spirit armor and said lightly: "Everyone, this **** armor and The magic sword, if we Snake Qi Family get both, this world... it should belong to our Eight Family."

"So, leave no room, kill that girl, seize the magic sword, kill it back, and become... the king of the world!"

As soon as the white-haired old man's voice fell, dozens of powerful men shot together, and the violent power once again formed an energy storm in the air. The entire Sheqi Bajia family could no longer withstand such a great pressure. The buildings burst and the ground cracked. , The sea is flooding!

It seems that those ancestors of the Eighth Snake Family wanted to kill Zhang Ziyou with one blow.

Because they understand that once they shoot at this level, especially if dozens of people shoot together, as long as they fight for a little longer, the violent energy will sweep around and eventually affect the entire country!

At that time, countless forces will know that they have recovered, and countless troubles will follow.

At this level, everyone has countless enemies. What's more, they are afraid that they will attract the attention of the Chinese practitioners!

Since the invasion failed decades ago and they were driven away by the Huaxia Cultivation World, they have been hiding, in order to make the monks of the Huaxia Cultivation World think that the cultivation world of their country has declined and gave up the pursuit, so that they have enough Time to recuperate.

If China’s super powers were to discover that countless powerful men would cross the sea, then their situation would really become desperate.

Therefore, they had to go all out from the beginning!

Seeing the monstrous energy sweeping toward him, Zhang Ziyou's facial expression did not change at all, just a lightly raised hand, the massive **** sword energy formed a giant sword across the sky in front of Zhang Ziyou, attacking the powerful All resisted, the two energies converged, and the aftermath of the terrifying impact poured around, and the island was instantly blasted in half!

A group of Snake Qi and eight disciples suffered heavy casualties.

Seeing this scene, the white-haired old man frowned. The destruction of the island is not a major event, but if the clan members die too much, their family will have no new blood. Even if they get two **** soldiers, it will still take decades. Cultivation and vitality.

He can't wait for such a time!

"It seems... I had to go ahead."

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