Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 804: Roaring heaven

"Human, what do you mean?"

Following Zhang Ziling's words, the tone of Evil Ghost Road became gloomy and asked Zhang Ziling.

"It's... literally."


As soon as Zhang Ziling's voice fell, the violent demon energy burst out from Zhang Ziling's body, swallowing Jiang Jingsheng completely!

"No, impossible!"

The surrounding Dao Law began to agitate, and the evil spirit screamed, "How can you find my will? This is impossible?"

"Of course, if you didn't board Jiang Jingsheng, it would be difficult for me to find the core of your will. After all, the laws of the Great Dao are scattered all over the world, invisible and intangible, without a trace, and there is no trace at all."

"But..." Zhang Ziling smiled, and drew a black viscous liquid from Jiang Jingsheng's body. The liquid condensed into a small ball in the air, twisting irregularly.

That is the core will of the evil spirit.

Zhang Ziling looked at the small black liquid ball in the palm of his palm and chuckled softly: "You have placed all your will in Jiang Jingsheng's body. If you don't speak, it's okay... as soon as you speak..."

"It's easy for me to find you." Zhang Ziling's tone was full of joking, and he didn't put the will of the evil spirit in his eyes.

"Human, let me go, I will completely open the Evil Ghost Dao Law to you for your wanton use!" Zhang Ziling grabbed his core, Evil Ghost Dao was completely stunned, and he didn't dare to challenge Zhang Ziling again.

For the evil spirit road, it is already very difficult to derive spiritual wisdom. If it is now erased by Zhang Ziling, there will never be a chance to derive spiritual wisdom.

Heaven will never give it another chance.

"Devil Emperor, kill it, don't give it any chance!" At this moment, the voice of Heavenly Dao sounded in Zhang Ziling's ear, his tone very urgent.

"Oh? Tiandao? So leisurely?" Zhang Ziling raised his brows slightly when he heard Tiandao's voice, and said with a chuckle.

"I finally escaped the investigation of the Superintendent of Heaven to talk to you. I don't have much time!" Tiandao speaks quickly, and it seems that he is really anxious.

"Don't listen to it! If you help it kill me, it will also give you the origin of the Dao of Heaven. As long as you let me go, I will give you all the origin of my Dao, and even I can be driven by you! "It seems that because of the appearance of the Heavenly Dao, the Evil Ghost Dao became anxious, and said directly to Zhang Ziling, promising a great temptation.

"Devil Emperor, I have helped you many times, this time help me!" After Evil Ghost Dao spoke, Tian Dao became very anxious, and seemed to want Zhang Ziling to erase Evil Ghost Dao's will.

Seeing Heaven's Dao so anxious, Zhang Ziling laughed with a meaningful expression in his eyes.

"Devil Emperor, I am running out of time, so quickly erase its will!" Tian Dao almost roared, his tone extremely anxious.

"Don’t listen to it, presumably you also know how precious the Dao’s origin is. Even if I am the last of the Three Thousand Dao Dao, as long as you have my Dao’s origin, it means that you want to understand the law of the evil spirits, You can understand that even an uncivilized animal can instantly become the supreme power! You should know what this means!"

The Evil Ghost Dao's will also seemed to be pressed by the Heavenly Dao, and shouted at Zhang Ziling: "As long as you don't obliterate me, the origin of my Dao, the core of my will...all for you!"

"The Devil...Kill him! I'll give you 10,000 square meters of the origin of the Heavenly Dao!" Tian Dao seemed to be blushing at this moment, and he didn't care about being discovered by the Heavenly Court, and promised Zhang Ziling.

"It's a mere trailing trail, which is completely inferior to my source of heaven, 10,000 square meters of source of heaven... You can't get so much even in that world, right?" Tian Dao tempted Zhang Ziling, "My time is running out. , As long as you erase its will, I promise to give you 10,000 squares of the origin of the heaven!"

"It's all bullshit! Even though the origin of the Dao of Heaven is stronger than the origin of my Evil Dao, 10,000 square meters can't do anything at all! You have all my Dao origin, that means endless, quantitative change equals qualitative change!" Evil Ghost Dao felt the determination of Heaven to destroy it, and roared again, "Moreover, even if I am a low-level trail, it doesn’t mean that I can’t evolve! If the opportunity is right, I will replace Heaven, and Evil Ghost is not impossible! "

"In that life..."

"Evil Ghost Road, you are crazy!" Tian Dao violently interrupted Evil Ghost Road, and roared loudly.

"You are going to kill me, what does it matter?" Evil Ghost Dao retorted loudly to Tian Dao.

Zhang Ziling was surprised that Tiandao's emotions became so excited, and suddenly he became extremely interested in the relationship between them.

Even in the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanxiao Continent, when Zhang Ziling was on an equal footing with it, or even surpassed it, the will of Heavenly Dao was still extremely calm, there was no mood swing at all, and he was not humble or overbearing even when he was talking to himself, and he didn’t care if someone was overriding it. Above it.

The Heavenly Dao of the Xuanxiao Continent developed several epochs after the collapse of the God's Court, and it has turned into the ultimate will of the world, treating everything equal.

Xuan Xiao Tian Dao had the same attitude whether it treated the vegetation or the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling who was above it.

However, after Zhang Ziling returned to the earth, he found that the heavenly ways of the earth were a little different.

The heavenly path of this earth... is much more emotional than the heavenly path of the Xuanxiao Continent, and this heavenly path is actually imprisoned by the gods of the heavens, and even the Three Thousand Dao Law has derived its own will...

All of this is so strange.

"Devil Emperor, you kill it, I will send you the origin of Heavenly Dao now!" Heavenly Dao seems to have been unable to wait, the dialogue time has been too long, if it continues, Heavenly Dao is likely to be discovered by Heavenly Court.

At that time, the loopholes in the God Realm that Heavenly Dao finally found were repaired by the heavenly gods. That day, Dao wanted to contact Zhang Ziling again, and it was even more difficult.

Now Zhang Ziling is the key to rescue it, and it naturally does not want this way to be banned by the heavens.

"Please... I'll give you everything! I don't want to die! The origin of the Dao is given to you, and my will is driven by you, don't obliterate me!" The Dao of Evil Ghosts has no more bargaining chips. Begged to Zhang Ziling.

Seeing the core will of Evil Ghost Dao trembling slightly in his palm, Zhang Ziling hooked the corner of his mouth and said lightly: "God, I have something to ask you."

"Kill it first! My time is running out, let's talk about it next time!" Heavenly Dao's voice has begun to intermittently, it seems that the heavenly gods have discovered a little strangeness, Heavenly Dao doesn't have much time...

"No..." Zhang Ziling smiled, a red light flashed in his eyes, "Next time we talk, let's talk about this."

"Devil Emperor..." The voice stopped abruptly before the words of Heaven were finished.

"You won't kill me?" Seeing the aura of heaven disappeared, the tone of the evil spirits' will was a little surprised and excited.

Looking at the will of the hungry ghost in the palm of his hand, Zhang Ziling's mouth slightly tickled, "No..."

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