Above Nanzhou City, Zhang Ziling stood in the void and calmly looked at the busy city below, and quickly found a place to live.

"In this mortal world, Nanzhou is considered to be the place where I have visited the most." Yizanami looked at the city below with a chuckle, and suddenly her face changed slightly.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ziling noticed the change in Yixannami's expression and asked.

Izanami seemed to be listening to someone speaking, and did not respond to Zhang Ziling for the time being, but Zhang Ziling could judge from the solemn look on Izanami's face, maybe something bad had happened.

After a while, Izanami came back to her senses and looked at Zhang Ziling helplessly and said: "The sequelae of killing Izanaki in the underworld is here..."

"Something happened to Gao Tianyuan?" A red light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes.

"Nothing has happened yet." Izanami shook her head, "But Izanagi's disappearance made Gao Tianyuan a little turbulent."

"Some gods who dissatisfied with Izanaki are beginning to move around, and a considerable number of gods advocate asking the heavenly court for an explanation...Anyway, Gao Tianyuan has become very messy now."

Hearing what Yixian said, Zhang Ziling frowned and asked, "So, are you going back to preside over the overall situation now?"

"Actually, I don't want to care about these chores... What does Gao Tianyuan's life and death matter to me?" Izanami said reluctantly, "But after all I came from Gao Tianyuan, these chores still have to be dealt with. When something goes wrong, both the **** realm and the mortal world will get into chaos."

"Do you need me to help you quell the civil strife?" Zhang Ziling asked Zhang Ziling softly.

"No need..." Izanami shook her head, "I saw that when I was in the underworld, you have more things than me, and you don't need to trouble you with these things."

"Okay." Seeing Yixannamei's refusal, Zhang Ziling did not insist, "The Nine Heavens Devil Orbs will continue to be there for you. Just remember to deliver spiritual power to it on time."

"Do you really rest assured that such a treasure is with me?" Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not intend to take back the Nine Heavens Devil Orb, Izanami was slightly surprised.

These days Izanami has been studying the Nine Sky Demon Orbs. Naturally, I know that the Nine Heaven Demon Orb is a higher-level artifact than her Heaven Marsh Spear. Until now, Izanami has not thoroughly studied the Nine Heaven Demon Orbs.

"It's okay, that guy seems to have depended on you. I still have nine things like it." Zhang Ziling smiled and waved his hand, and said indifferently.

"Bringing bragging." Yixana whitened Zhang Ziling, naturally not believing what Zhang Ziling said.

According to Izanami’s understanding, the levels of these nine-day devil orbs are almost the same as the Chaos Supreme Treasure in the Primordial Period, and there are only three Chaos Supreme Treasures. Zhang Ziling said that he still has nine such artifacts. Izanami is crazy. Will believe Zhang Ziling's nonsense.

Seeing Yixannami’s disbelieving expression, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled. He didn’t care whether Yixannami believed it or not, and continued: "You may go back this time to negotiate with the heavenly court, you try to help me drag one. Take time."

"Yeah." Izanami nodded, "This was also what I had to do."

"Thank you for that." Zhang Ziling saw Yixannami's promise and smiled and said: "I don't want to entangle the gods in the heaven for the time being. You are a great help to me."

"But if you negotiate with Heavenly Court, you, a saint, may be in a disadvantaged situation." Zhang Ziling's voice suddenly changed, directly pointing out Izanami's disadvantages, "Although you don't care about Gao Tianyuan, if you are trapped now, you may be at a disadvantage. Encountered a lot of trouble."

"To be honest, the Nine Heavens Demon Orbs still don't have much power, and they don't have a big position for you..." Zhang Ziling analyzed it, then looked at Naihe behind him and said: "You will help Yixie for now. a."

"Yes, Lord Demon Emperor." Naihe is now bowing his head to Zhang Ziling, and naturally will not refuse any order from Zhang Ziling.

"You!" Izanami looked at Zhang Ziling in shock, but didn't expect Zhang Ziling to send Naihe to her!

During this time, Izanami also knew that Naihe was a saint's servant that Zhang Ziling received.

Although Yixie didn’t know how Naihe came, and he didn’t understand what Zhang Ziling did to make a saint obedient, but no matter what... a saint-level powerhouse who bowed his head and obeyed, Yixie That beauty simply cannot imagine how valuable it is!

In other words, if you let Naihe follow you, Izanami can basically walk across the Three Realms.

For hundreds of thousands of years, Izanami has not discovered a saint who can beat two.

"But now he is like a blank sheet of paper, and he doesn't even know how to fight." Zhang Ziling looked at Yixenami with a wry smile, "I don't have time to teach him, let him follow you can bluff and learn a lot. Something, this is a win-win thing."

"Okay..." Even though Zhang Ziling said so, Yixanamei was still moved. After all, if he followed her, she could do too much.

As for those who don't know how to fight, that is basically Zhang Ziling's excuse for lending Naihe to her.

Nowadays, it is extremely rare for the saints to do hands-on.

Of course, except for the saint who met Zhang Ziling.

So far, Izanami has not discovered a saint who has not been beaten after being touched by Zhang Ziling.

"Forget it, not much to say, I'm leaving." Izanami looked at Zhang Ziling and opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but finally waved her hand, "No matter how you go with me."

"Yes." Naihe responded, appearing behind Izanami.

"I'm leaving!" Izanami waved to Zhang Ziling and smiled softly.

"See you next time." Zhang Ziling whispered softly.

After saying goodbye to each other, Izanami and Naihe disappeared in place, leaving Zhang Ziling alone in the entire sky.

Just when Zhang Ziling was about to fall to Nanzhou City, Izanami suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Ziling.

"By the way, I have forgotten one more thing." Izanami said to Zhang Ziling.

"You...huh!" Before Zhang Ziling had time to speak, Yixian Namei deceived him, holding Zhang Ziling's face in both hands, and directly kissing Zhang Ziling's lips.

Yizanami's pink tongue forcibly pried Zhang Ziling's teeth away and leaned in.

Zhang Ziling didn't expect Yixannami to do such a thing. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted. A smile flashed in his eyes and took the initiative to fight back.

The two of them hugged in the void for a long time before slowly separating their lips.

Izanami was a little bit ashamed, and looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "This, this is the first time, it's a little strange...bye, bye!"

After Izanami finished speaking, she fleeed away without giving Zhang Ziling a chance to speak.

Zhang Ziling stared blankly at the beautiful figure of Yi Xie, her body still lingering around her.

After a long time, Zhang Ziling smiled silently, his figure gradually becoming illusory and disappearing into the sky.

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