Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 846: Conquer the will

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Lingdao's will visibly trembled, and he hesitated for a moment.

Zhang Ziling looked at the Ling Dao Will that was stunned in place with interest, and did not make any movements.

Zhang Ziling knows how Lingdao will choose.

Sure enough, Lingdao was very reluctant and slowly floated towards Zhang Ziling.

Lingdao's will can be judged, and Zhang Ziling's strength just shown is stronger than it.

"Mortal...what do you want to do?" Lingdao asked Zhang Ziling with a little trembling will.

"Lingdao, pay attention to your words!" At this time, the voice of the evil spirits' will sounded around, yelling at Lingdao.

Prior to this, the evil spirit Dao Will never thought that one day he could have such a strong confidence to talk to Ling Dao.

After all, I am only a low-level trail, and Lingdao is the top one thousand avenues. The two are two levels apart, so the power of the two is also very different.

However, now the will of the evil spirits is surrendered to Zhang Ziling first, and we also know how powerful Zhang Ziling is, so the will of the evil spirits has a different sense of superiority when facing the spirit of the Tao. After all, the longer you stay with Zhang Ziling, the better you will know how powerful Zhang Ziling is.

Now I am afraid that even if Zhang Ziling takes the initiative to drive away the will of the evil spirits, I am afraid that the will of the evil spirits is not necessarily willing.

"You!" Lingdao Will didn't expect the Evil Ghost Dao Will to dare to speak to him like this, and his tone couldn't help but be a little sulky, "A little bit of a trail, how dare you talk to me like this?"

"Dissatisfied? Come and fight?" Seeing that Lingdao's Will hasn't realized that Zhang Ziling is a big man who doesn't even look at Heavenly Dao, he can't help but feel happy, and directly hardens his will with Lingdao.

After all, looking at the current situation, the evil spirits will know that Zhang Ziling must be intending to subdue the will of the spirit. If he does not leave a deep impression in the will of the spirit now, I am afraid that in the future working together under Zhang Ziling, he will be spirited. Tao will suppress infinitely.

Zhang Ziling naturally knows the calculation of the will of the evil spirits, but Zhang Ziling is also happy with the will of the evil spirits. After all, this kind of will is very awkward. When Zhang Ziling first encountered the will of the evil spirits, the will of the evil spirits and this spirit Tao Will now has the same attitude.

So Lingdao will have to be polished.

Perhaps it was because of the confusion of spiritual power in Shennongjia, or perhaps because Tiandao already knew that Zhang Ziling could not be persuaded, so after the emergence of Lingdao Will, Tiandao did not come out to let Zhang Ziling wipe out Lingdao Will like last time.

"Fight me? Why on earth are you as a stubborn trail?" Hearing the provocation of the evil spirits will, Lingdao's will has a trace of disdain, "just rely on you to find a saint as a backer?"

"This mortal is better than me, I admit it. But don't think I don't know your calculations..."

"It's impossible for you two to make me surrender!" Lingdao Will shouted at Evil Guidao Will and Zhang Ziling.

Hearing the clamor of Lingdao Will, Evil Ghost Dao Will laughed, and his tone was full of mockery, "Ignorance is really scary..."

"Absurd! The trails that rank in the low-end, now dare to laugh at me, ranked 762? Who is ignorant?" Lingdao Will ridiculed the evil spirit Dao Will in a weird manner: "We two The forces collide, believe it or not, your power will be completely defeated in an instant?"

It seems that Lingdao Will's constant emphasis on the ranking of the two makes the Evil Ghost Dao Will a little annoyed. He suppressed his voice and shouted at Lingdao Will: "Sometimes, ranking does not mean everything!"

The Will of Evil Ghost Dao is now blessed by Zhang Ziling's great emperor's power. If Ling Dao and the current Evil Dao collide, it really doesn't necessarily win.

Now the Evil Ghost Dao will not take action, but Zhang Ziling's consent has not yet been obtained.

If Zhang Ziling nodded now, I'm afraid the evil spirits will directly rub the spirits on the ground.

"Huh! I'm tired too... Mortals, please make a request. It is impossible for me to surrender like the evil spirit road. I can give you ten thousand directions of spiritual origin. How about you let me go?"

Hearing Lingdao's words, the originally sullen evil spirits almost laughed.

Just kidding, even if Tiandao begged to give Lord Devil Emperor 10,000 squares of the source of heaven, Lord Devil didn't blink his eyes. Which green onion is the source of your spirit?

Just when Evil Ghost Dao's will was about to refute Ling Dao, Zhang Ziling spoke.

"In front of the emperor, there are really not many who can dare to speak like you." Zhang Ziling looked at the spirit road ahead and said with a chuckle: "And those who speak like this generally don't end well."

"For this emperor, your power is dispensable... if I am in a bad mood, it is not impossible to extract the origin of your Dao and feed it to the Devil Dao, do you understand?" A red light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and a terrifying aura radiated from Zhang Ziling's body, oppressing the spirit road will.

Feeling an extremely terrifying aura emanating from Zhang Ziling's body, Lingdao's will was immediately frightened, and the hazy energy began to tremble.

Zhang Ziling's momentum made Lingdao's will begin to be a little tranced, and may collapse at any time.

From now on, Lingdao's will began to understand... I seemed to have some misunderstandings about Zhang Ziling's strength before.

Seeing Lingdao will begin to tremble, Zhang Ziling also only smiled slightly, dissipating his aura, letting Lingdao will relax.

But before Ling Dao's will to breathe a sigh of relief, Zhang Ziling spoke again: "Evil Ghost Dao, then take a good look at this guy and let it recognize the current situation."

After speaking, Zhang Ziling turned around and left.

"Give you an hour of free time... whatever you do with it."

Evil Ghost Dao Will felt that a terrifying force of the Great Emperor suddenly poured into his Dao Origin... Feeling his rapidly expanding power, Evil Ghost Dao Will was overjoyed and shouted at Zhang Ziling’s back: "Yes. Lord Devil Emperor, I promise to make it clear!"

The voice of the evil spirit Dao's will fell, and Zhang Ziling's figure gradually distorted and disappeared in place.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's departure, the Evil Ghost Dao Will spread its origin of the Dao Dao, and sealed the Spirit Dao Will in the ground, preventing any possibility of the Ling Dao Will escaping.

"Humph! Just relying on you as a nasty little... What are you doing? Don't, don't come over!


The scream of Lingdao's will came from the bottom of the earth and went straight for nine days.

Zhang Ziling, who returned to the ground, heard the screams of Lingdao’s will. He couldn't help but tick the corner of his mouth. He looked towards the blue sky, his eyes narrowed, and he said to himself: "Shennong religion has collapsed, and the rest of the game is handed over to the dragon. Just leave it."

"If Huang Ding found it today..."

Zhang Ziling looked at the Tianhuangding tripod in his palm and couldn't help but feel happy.

"At least... Zi You's physique doesn't need to worry anymore..."

Zhang Ziling's figure gradually distorted and disappeared, leaving only his voice echoing among the ruins of the mountains...

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