Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 854: Confusion caused by roast chicken

Seeing that more than a dozen homeless men rushed towards them, the few homeless men who gnawed roast chicken quickly hid the half-eaten roast chicken behind their backs, and wrestled with those homeless men with a pair of oily hands.

Perhaps because they had a bit of strength after eating the meat, they basically beat three, and they still had the upper hand.

The man who threw down and wanted to sneak attack on Xingyu tramp knocked the sneak attacking tramp to the ground with a single punch, and then picked up the wooden stick and beat other tramps.

The fighting in the small shed again aroused the viciousness of the homeless people outside, and more and more homeless people attracted by the smell of roast chicken gathered in this small shed. Everyone scuffled into a ball, and they didn't know who was fighting with whom. Everyone was extremely spicy, as if only those who survived were qualified to eat roast chicken.

The people who snatched the roasted chicken were even caught up by the tramp. No one could hold the roasted chicken for more than two seconds. Everyone grabbed the roasted chicken and took a bite. It was crazy.

Xingyu stared blankly at the tramp who were fighting in front of him, his whole body was stunned, and he didn't expect things to develop into this way.

So far, several homeless people have been knocked to the ground after grabbing roast chicken, and they have shed blood.

A crowd of homeless people seemed to have red eyes, and they became more and more aware of the severity of their attacks, and many people suffered serious injuries.

However, the tramp who had saved Xingyu before still slapped one punch, and every punch made a person pass out.

Although the tramp looked vicious, everyone who fell down by him just fainted, and there was no serious problem at all.

The scene became more and more chaotic, Xingyu's brain was blank, and he did not notice the strangeness of the tramp.

"This kid has yet to improve his resilience..."

Above the bridge, Zhang Ziling leaned on the railing and looked at the river, muttering to himself.

The river wind was blowing snowflakes across Zhang Ziling's face, and the world was white and peaceful.

The passers-by walking slowly on both sides of the bridge and the vehicles passing in the middle didn't know that there was a group of homeless people below them, killing their eyes for a few dusty roast chickens.

On the surface, the bridge was peaceful.

No pedestrians noticed Zhang Ziling.

No one realized that... the man they passed by lying on the railing and looking at the river view was the top existence that could subvert the world by turning his hands. Everyone was walking their own way as usual.

Different from the peace and harmony on the bridge, the hole in the bridge has reached a white-hot state, and more and more homeless people fall to the ground, bloody.

There was even a tramp who fell on the chicken bones that fell on the ground, and even if he took two hard punches, he would eat a bit of meat from the chicken bones.

All the tramp were completely aroused by the smell of meat.

Xingyu looked at the vagabonds who were getting more and more fierce, and finally came back to his senses. Only then did he find that the person who had saved him had been protecting him, so that he could be stupefied for so long without being affected by the vagabonds. Shock.

"That person...something interesting." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly and commented.

More and more people were injured, a few roast chickens were torn clean by everyone, and a crowd of homeless men had begun to fight for a few cans of beer.

Seeing the chaotic scene, Xingyu couldn't help but feel anger, and the spiritual power in his body began to flow.

The **** air mixed in the bridge cave gradually became hot.

"This kid, have you thought of using your own power for so long?" Zhang Ziling also felt the spiritual fluctuations in the air, smiled slightly, and disappeared in place as if he had never been here.

"Give me all...Stop!!!"

Xingyu roared, his voice mixed with spiritual power, exploded in every homeless ear, deafening.

Following Xingyu's roar, the entire bridge cave fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at Xingyu in a daze.

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the homeless man who had saved Xingyu, and the look in Xingyu's eyes became strange.

Seeing everyone stopped, Xingyu took a deep breath, but when he wanted to say something, he realized... he didn't even know what to say!

For Xingyu, an otaku, there are not many people he usually contacts, so naturally he doesn't know how to persuade him to fight, especially the fight was caused by himself.

Do you want to say "Anything comes at me?"

This thought flashed in Xingyu's mind, and then he shook his head abruptly, and directly suppressed the sign.

Xingyu didn't think that he could do these dozens of homeless people alone.

All the tramp waited for Xingyu for a while, seeing that Xingyu hadn't even suffocated a fart, they scuffled again, and the bridge cave fell into a commotion again.

However, the tramp who had rescued Xingyu before did not do anything, and quietly retreated to the side, and stopped protecting Xingyu.

Seeing that man walked away, several homeless men thought they had caught the opportunity and rushed to Xingyu.

Now everyone is stunned, and Xingyu's outfit also makes many homeless people greedy.

Although they are useless with their clothes, they can wear such glamorous clothes, there is always some money in their pockets, right?

They didn't do anything when Xingyu entered the bridge hole for the first time, because no one took the lead, and they themselves were extremely weak, so naturally they would not provoke Xingyu. Now everyone's eyes are red, and the blood is completely aroused, so naturally he won't worry about anything.

There was that person who helped Xingyu block the homeless people during the previous chaos, so Xingyu was not attacked. Now that person took the initiative to retreat, all the homeless people naturally rushed towards Xingyu.

Compared to roast chicken and beer, Xingyu is obviously more attractive to them.

Anyway, there is no one in charge of this bridge hole, even if it is dead, the police do not know how they are naturally fierce.

Seeing a crowd of homeless people rushing towards Xingyu, the person who had rescued Xingyu frowned and wanted to go up to help, but eventually stopped and looked at Xingyu quietly.

Seeing that several homeless men suddenly rushed towards him, Xingyu couldn't help but a flash of panic in his eyes, and subconsciously used the spiritual power in his body.


With spiritual power released, the few tramp who rushed were directly blasted out by Xingyu, crashed into the small shed, and fainted not far away.

Xingyu's hand made a huge movement, once again stopping the fighting among the tramp.

Everyone looked at Xingyu in fear, and walked back quietly.

Xingyu's methods frightened them.

The person who had saved Xingyu saw Xingyu blast away the tramp, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed at the corner of his eyes.

Xingyu stared at his hands blankly, never thought that he was so strong.

Although Zhang Ziyou taught Xingyu to practice, Xingyu never had the opportunity to use spiritual power, so Xingyu didn't even know that he still had this kind of power, and he didn't control his strength when attacking.

Those tramps who were bombarded by Xingyu had obviously been seriously injured.

"I, I am..."

Xingyu became a little panicked.

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