Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 856: All misunderstanding

Seeing Zhang Ziling's indifferent appearance, Xingyu was very excited.

When Zhang Ziling appeared here, Xingyu knew that he had been saved.

However, the tramp did not understand Zhang Ziling's strength, and after hearing what Zhang Ziling said, he laughed directly.

"It's really arrogant... you deserve to be the running dog of the Chen family." The tramp didn't bother to take care of Xingyu, and looked at Zhang Ziling guardedly.

In the view of the tramp, Xingyu has become a useless person for the time being, and there is no threat to him anymore. He only needs to deal with this sudden appearance of another bounty hunter.

Most bounty hunters voluntarily go to the bounty guild to receive various commissioned tasks in order to earn training resources, and complete tasks in exchange for training resources of relative value.

Because it is very difficult for casual practitioners to obtain training resources, and when a bounty hunter does a task, it is a relatively easy way to obtain training resources without joining the sect family, so most casual practitioners have more or less worked as bounty hunters. .

However, it is precisely because of this that the strength of the bounty hunters is uneven, and the quality is also huge.

So in the view of the tramp, it is normal for Xingyu to be so weak and have a strong partner.

The tramp could not see Zhang Ziling's strength, so he would be very alert to Zhang Ziling.

"Chen Family?" Zhang Ziling heard the words of the tramp, and did not care about the insults of the tramp, but became curious about the "Chen Family".

In Demon Capital, there is only one well-known cultivation family with the surname Chen.

The organizer of the Black Market Boxing Club, the quasi-superpower, Chen Family.

In the two days since Zhang Ziling came to the magic city, although he did not find the woman who looked exactly like Zilong in the photo, he also got a lot of news about the Chen family.

The Chen family is the first family of the Demon Capital, and it is also quite famous in the Chinese cultivation world. Its strength exceeds the average first-class power, but it has not reached the level of super power. Its status is not high in China, so it can only be regarded as a half super power. power.

Even so, the Chen family is enough to become a giant, covering the sky in the magic city.

Zhang Ziling came to the magic city this time, although he didn't know what Zi You wanted to do, but Zhang Ziling estimated that there was a high possibility that he would go to the Chen family for trouble. So now that Zhang Ziling heard the word "Chenjia" from a monk disguised as a tramp, Zhang Ziling was naturally very curious.

After all, just looking at the monk now, Zhang Ziling knew that he must have a great relationship with the Chen family, otherwise no monk would play the role of a tramp and live in such a cold and humid place.

As for training Dao Xin, let's be honest... Zhang Ziling still doesn't think there is a monk in this earth mortal who is qualified to do this.

If it hasn't reached the level it should be, it is nonsense to talk about training Dao Xin, and it will not do any good for the cultivation of the monks.

Trying to build a high-rise building without even laying a solid foundation is tantamount to ruin.

"It seems that both of you have the same virtue. You must know what you know, so you have to pretend not to know!" The tramp looked at Xingyu and sneered. There was a touch of spiritual power around him. Zhang Ziling took a look. Knowing that this tramp has reached the late stage of foundation building and is about to form a golden pill.

This kind of strength, although it is not a popular list in the Chinese cultivation world, it can also be regarded as a master, and it can be quite nourished in the circle of casual cultivation.

After all, even among the big forces, there are not many masters of the golden core, and most of the bosses of the Yuan Ying stage are the pioneers of the big forces.

Only the super power can cultivate the existence beyond the Nascent Soul monk with that strong foundation.

As for those who have reached the Golden Core Nascent Infant in casual cultivation, no one is not a talented person. Otherwise, with the thin concentration of the earth now, it is impossible for ordinary monks to cultivate to that level.

Seeing that the tramp can only build a foundation, Zhang Ziling suddenly had no expectations for the strength of the tramp, and lost interest in watching tramp performances, and asked bluntly: "What is your relationship with the Chen family?"

"Go underground and ask your master yourself!" The tramp did not answer Zhang Ziling's question, but chose to preemptively attack Zhang Ziling.

The sharp spirit blade was condensed in the palm of the tramp, and it cut towards Zhang Ziling.

Fighting at their level, taking the upper hand can often determine the result, so from the perspective of the homeless man, he can know that he is a man with sophisticated methods.

However, Zhang Ziling was also lacking in interest in the high-tech attacks of the tramp, and there was no desire to even move it, so he let the tramp attack him.


The spirit blade shattered instantly after touching Zhang Ziling's shoulder, and the tramp felt like he was hitting a steel plate, his palm swelled up instantly and he lost consciousness.


After touching Zhang Ziling's shoulder, the tramp realized that there was a huge gap between him and Zhang Ziling's strength, yelled in his heart, and quickly stepped back.

Zhang Ziling did not stop the movement of the homeless man, allowing the homeless man to retreat to his place.

"How about? Do you want to continue fighting?" Zhang Ziling asked jokingly at the tramp.

"You!" The tramp glanced at his red and swollen palm, a trace of fright flashed in his eyes.

To have such a hard body, the realm is at least the existence of the late Jindan. Such a terrifying power, even among the bounty hunters, is considered the top level existence.

The tramp did not expect that in order to kill the people, the Chen family would be willing to ask the power of the later Jindan to chase him down.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's playful smile, the tramp knew that he was planted here today.

He didn't think he could escape from this narrow bridge hole under Jin Dan's powerful eyes.

As for holding Xingyu, the tramp didn't think that Zhang Ziling would do nothing before he caught Xingyu.

In other words, the current situation is a dead end for homeless people.

After understanding his current situation, the homeless man's face suddenly appeared a touch of gray, and he completely lost the desire to resist.

"I can't blame others for inferior skills. I know that you are taking money to do things, and I will not blame you." After a while, the tramp accepted the status quo, and completely gave up the treatment, and even started Seeing Zhang Ziling smiled, "Actually, I also know that sooner or later there will be such a day. Even if the person who killed me is not you, there will eventually be someone else coming over."

"After all, the person who wants to kill me is the Chen family. How can I, such a little monk, have escaped the clutches of the Chen family?" The tramp smiled self-deprecatingly, "You do it."

"It's worth it that I can die under the hands of Jindan Power."

Seeing that the tramp had accepted his dying ending so quickly, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but appreciate his mentality.

If given considerable training resources, this person can become a master.

But even if the homeless man called Zhang Ziling to do it, Zhang Ziling hadn't planned to kill the homeless man from the beginning, so naturally he would not do what the homeless man said.

After waiting for a while, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the homeless man. He looked at Zhang Ziling, who was still not moving, and asked inexplicably, "Why?"

"So, so..."

At this moment, Xingyu, behind the tramp, clutched his stomach and smiled bitterly, with helpless eyes in his eyes, "This is all a misunderstanding!"

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