Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 861: Are you the sword emperor Zhang Ling?

"Master, Master..." Xingyu saw the files on the screen, and a faint flicker flashed in his eyes.

Xingyu knows that the information on this file is for them... even this name is forbidden.

Shadow door.

The files in this U disk record the transaction information of the Chen Family and the Shadow Gate, and various account records.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the transaction information on the computer screen without saying anything, but the surrounding atmosphere became more and more depressing.

Even the stunned Chu River on the side could clearly feel the changes in the atmosphere in the villa. He shuddered all over, and quickly looked towards Zhang Ziling.

"This, this is..." Chu He didn't know what Zhang Ziling and the others had seen, that would have caused such a change in the surrounding environment.

Although Chu He could not see Zhang Ziling's expression, he could still feel the strange atmosphere in the room.

Swallowing fiercely, Chu He's forehead was suddenly covered with cold sweat, standing still not knowing where to go.

Chu He was very curious about the contents of the USB flash drive, but he was also afraid of Zhang Ziling's current aura.

At this moment, Chu He once again refreshed his understanding of Zhang Ziling's strength.

Now Zhang Ziling has picked up the mouse, slowly browsing the various information in the U disk.

Xingyu was fidgeting beside him, feeling extremely depressed.

Since seeing the Shadow Gate, Xingyu knew that the next thing would never be easy.

Xingyu and Zhang Ziyou were chased by the Shadow Gate for a long time, and they were naturally at the same level as the Shadow Gate. And Xingyu also knew that as long as Zhang Ziling knew which power had something to do with the Shadow Gate, then that power would definitely not end well!

A **** storm is absolutely impossible to avoid.

Even if the Shadow Gate can hide from everyone's sight and hide in the darkest part of the world, the forces that can cooperate with the Shadow Gate are on the bright side.

Zhang Ziling met, how could he let them go?

After seeing the contents of the USB flash drive, Xingyu began to notice the changes in Zhang Ziling's expression.

Xingyu only found that under Zhang Ziling's calm face, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and his eyes were calm and terrifying.

"Unexpectedly... there would be such an unexpected gain." Zhang Ziling chuckled, but his tone was extremely cold, making people feel like falling into an ice cave.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's tone, Xingyu understood that this Demon Capital... will no longer be peaceful in the next few days.

"Shadow Gate...what is this?" In the end, Chu He couldn't help his curiosity, and cautiously approached him. When he saw the transaction information on the screen, he couldn't help but ask.

Although the Shadow Gate is well-known among the major superpowers, it is rarely seen among ordinary monks. In addition, the Shadow Gate is very low-key, so many monks have never heard of the Shadow Gate power.

However, most monks are aware of a rumor that there is a mysterious force in the cultivation world that controls the development of world history and can push the wheel of history forward.

The power in the rumor is the Shadow Gate, but few people know the name of the Shadow Gate.

When the Nine Emperors turned out, many monks in the cultivation world even automatically applied the previous rumors to the Nine Emperors, thinking that the Nine Emperors were the mysterious forces that influenced the history of the world in the previous rumors, and the Shadow Gate was even more visible from the public. Hidden among them.

Even, there are many super powers in the world that have thought that after the appearance of the Nine Emperors, the shadows are no longer worthy of their attention.

Although the influence of the Shadow Gate has dropped sharply in the world, their strength... has not been affected at all, and the Shadow Gate is still a huge monster to the entire world.

Like boundless clouds, shrouded in the blue sky above the world, let the world fall into their shadows.

Zhang Ziling also knew that even if he completely destroyed the Xuan Pavilion and Huang Pavilion of the Shadow Gate, it would be irrelevant to the Shadow Gate.

"A group of rats hiding in the dark is quite harmful." Zhang Ziling did not choose to ignore Chu He's question, and Feng Qingyun said calmly.

Upon hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xingyu and Chu He's brows jumped, and their hearts twitched.

For the old users who were chased by the Shadow Gate, Xingyu had the most say in the strength of the Shadow Gate. Naturally, he knew how powerful the Shadow Gate was... In Xingyu’s cognition, the Shadow Gate even disappeared. Super powers are nothing to say.

Xingyu faintly felt that the Shadow Gate was a force at the same level as the Nine Emperors!

Therefore, when Zhang Ziling said that the Shadow Gate was a group of mice, Xingyu felt that his brain was trembling and deeply felt Zhang Ziling's almost instinctive madness.

As for Chu He, it was completely trembling.

The various transaction information in that document, the treasures of heaven and earth given by the Shadow Gate, can make a **** storm in the cultivation world.

From those information, Chu Heguang could see how terrifying the Shadow Gate was.

I dare not say anything else, Chu He is sure that the Shadow Gate is definitely much better than the Chen Family.

In other words, the Shadow Gate is a super power!

Chu He believed that Zhang Ziling absolutely knew the strength of the Shadow Gate, and he also believed that Zhang Ziling had no need to fool himself with wild words.

Chu He still didn't feel that he was qualified to be fooled by Zhang Ziling.

And the superpower can be called the existence of a group of rats...

Chu He only thought of the Nine Emperors.

Nine Emperors!

After this thought flashed through Chu He's heart, Chu He couldn't restrain his thoughts anymore, and even his breathing began to rush.

If Zhang Ziling is the Nine Emperors, then the various methods Zhang Ziling demonstrated before have been explained.

Suddenly, Chu He thought of the black chain that had restrained him in the bridge hole before.

According to rumors, one of the methods used to massacre Zhang Ling, the sword emperor from all directions, was the sky full of black chains.

Thinking of the description in the rumors, and comparing it with the black chains that bound him before, Chu He has almost determined Zhang Ziling's identity.

One of the Nine Emperors, Zhang Ling, the sword emperor, used the sword to fight the five ghost sects, and killed the Penglai island master with one move, killing a group of demon kings like slaughter dogs, and even Qionghua Penglai’s destruction of the door is suspected to be related to the sword emperor Zhang Ling.

With such a terrifying existence, no matter which one of the achievements in the rumors is taken out alone, it is enough to make a person a legend in the cultivation world, with a reputation for generations, and a name forever.

And these terrifying to suffocating achievements, but concentrated on one person.

In Chu He's heart, he didn't think he could see such a mythical figure standing at the top of the world... Now that the sword emperor Zhang Ling appeared in front of him, Chu He felt that he couldn't breathe anymore.

Xingyu noticed Chu He's strangeness, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He looked at Chu He and asked, "Brother Chu, you are..."

As Xingyu's voice rang in Chu He's ears, Chu He was awakened suddenly, his legs softened and he sat on the ground.

Chu He trembled, swallowed fiercely, pointed at Zhang Ziling and asked tremblingly: "You, you are..."

"Sword Emperor Zhang Ling?"

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