Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 883: Outrageous composure

As soon as Miao Renhu appeared, the atmosphere in the entire venue became tense. All the monks looked at Miao Renhu in horror, and did not dare to speak loudly.

The coercion that Miao Renhu exudes now belongs to the Yuanying monk, making everyone feel extremely frightened and unable to move.

For a time, all the monks looked at Zhang Ziling sympathetically, thinking that Zhang Ziling would definitely die.

"Hey, casual cultivators shouldn't be so rampant, shouldn't it be enough to shrink a little in front of the big forces?" A monk sighed.

"Unfortunately his terrifying talent, if he was born into a certain super power, maybe one of the five little saints now has him a seat, right?"

"This ending is doomed, he will undoubtedly die."

Some casual cultivators felt sorry for Zhang Ziling's upcoming ending, but no one dared to help Zhang Ziling.

Let alone whether they are opponents of the Miao Renhu, just offending the Miao family is a price that most people cannot afford.

"Uncle Miao, what brought you here?"

Just as the Miao Renhu exuded a terrifying aura to oppress Zhang Ziling, a clear voice rang out in the venue. Everyone heard the reputation. After seeing the young man, their pupils shrank!


The grandson of the great elder of the dust family, the son of the master of the dust family!

The first person in the younger generation of the magic city!

After seeing the dust appeared, the monks couldn't help but become nervous, the surrounding air began to freeze, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

The leader of the Chen family's guard who was shot flying by Zhang Ziling... Now Ke Du was still lying in the wall hole and didn't crawl out.

Now that the dust has appeared, facing the giants of the Miao Family and the Chen Family...No matter how the cultivators look at Zhang Ziling, they have not found any way to survive.

Even if a miracle is coming and Zhang Ziling has broken through to the realm of Yuan Ying, there is still no hope!

Many cultivators have sensed that the powerhouse of the Chen family has appeared around the venue and built a net of heaven and earth.

Hearing the voice of Chenhua, Miao Renhu also looked towards Chenhua, the coldness on his face immediately melted, and said to Chenhua: "Nephew Chen, my family Miao Renying was beaten on your site."

"It's the kid's negligence in management that hurt Brother Miao. After that, I will apologize to Brother Miao." Chenhua said to Miao Renhu slightly. "We really didn't expect this ignorant casual cultivator to be so ignorant and dare to treat Miao. Do it."

Speaking of this, Chenhua also looked at Zhang Ziling, his eyes narrowed slightly, "He had already provoked our Chen family's majesty yesterday. If someone hadn't protected him, he would have been thrown out to feed the dog."

Behind Chenhua, the corner of Chenyu's mouth conjured up a sneer and looked at Zhang Ziling coldly.

Revenge, here comes.

"Oh?" Miao Renhu raised his brow slightly, "It seems that this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, no wonder he is so rampant."

"But this is also a scum among our family, so Uncle Miao should stop watching the jokes." Chenhua smiled at Miao Renhu again, "This loose repair will be handed over to Uncle Miao, but he also asked Uncle Miao to save him. , Let us take care of it."

"After all, he also made us dusty."

"Good to say!" Miao Renhu laughed, "Today I will only give this unexplored loose repair to discount arms and legs, and leave the rest to Nephew Chen for disposal."

"Thank you Uncle Miao." Chenhua said to Miao again, and then stopped talking.

After speaking, Miao Renhu stopped paying attention to the dust, looked towards Zhang Ziling, and sternly shouted: "Little livestock..."

Before Miao's words could be spoken, he froze in place.

The direction where Zhang Ziling was before...the person is no longer there.

"What about people?"

A trace of doubt flashed in everyone's eyes, and even the monks watching the excitement around did not notice when Zhang Ziling disappeared.

Everyone's attention was focused on the conversation between Miao Renhu and Chenhua, and didn't care about Zhang Ziling's movements at all.

Just when Miao Renhu thought Zhang Ziling had used some means to escape, and his heart was filled with infinite anger, and he was about to roar, an exclamation sounded through the venue.

"There!" someone exclaimed, and everyone heard the reputation.

"No need to look for it, behind you." Zhang Ziling's playful voice rang in Miao Renhu's ears, and Miao Renhu turned around abruptly.

"Uncle, uncle, save me!" Miao Renying cried to Miao Renhu for help.

At this moment Zhang Ziling was sitting on Miao Renying's back, stepping on Miao Renying's head with one foot, and looking at Miao Renying jokingly.


When Miao Renhu saw Zhang Ziling pressing Miao Renying on the ground, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart was shocked.

He didn't even notice when Zhang Ziling came behind him, and even subdued Miao Renying!

Not only Miao Renhu, but all the cultivators present, including Chenhua Jiang Wu, did not discover how Zhang Ziling did it!

It was like... Zhang Ziling appeared out of thin air, without warning.

"You, what are you..."

"Don't be surprised." Zhang Ziling said lightly, interrupting Miao Renhu's words.

"Because you will find..." Zhang Ziling grabbed Miao Renying's hair, stood up, pulled Miao Renying from the ground, and let him kneel on the ground, "This is just the beginning."

"Let me let him go!" Seeing Zhang Ziling treat Miao Renying this way, Miao Renhu's eyes burst out with angry fire, and a violent aura erupted from his body, gritted his teeth and growled.

The monks who watched the excitement suddenly felt that the spiritual power around them began to agitate, and their colors changed.

Miao Renhu...angry!

However, Zhang Ziling didn't seem to feel the aura of Miao Renhu at all. He still said in a hurry: "I remember Miao Renying said just now that if I detoxify Jiang Wu, he will kneel down for me. ."

"Since he didn't mean to kneel down, I'm the only one to help him, right?" Zhang Ziling let go of Miao Renying's hair, pressed his head, and made him kneel on the ground.

"Beast, I want you to die!" Seeing Zhang Ziling, Miao Renhu directly let Miao Renying kneel down, roared out, and slammed Zhang Ziling with a punch.

The violent spiritual power mixed with the terrifying fist wind broke the ground and rushed towards Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling just twitched the corner of his mouth against Miao Renhu's attack, and then grabbed Miao Renying's head again to block him in front of him.

Seeing Zhang Ziling using Miao Renying as a shield, Miao Renhu's expression changed drastically and he forcibly retracted his attack.


Forcibly retracting his own attack, Miao Renhu suffered a terrifying backlash and directly vomited a big mouthful of blood.

The venue became deadly silent again, and everyone looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, and his body began to tremble.

They did not expect that Zhang Ziling, who possessed the strength of the Golden Core Realm, could actually force the Miao people to such a level!

Even Jiang Wu's complexion changed slightly, the terrifying calm that shocked Zhang Ziling.

A monk of the Golden Core Stage could be so calm when facing the Nascent Soul Stage!

If Miao Renhu had not had time to withdraw his fist just now, I am afraid Zhang Ziling and Miao Renying would both die suddenly at the same time!

Can calculate Miao Renhu to death, and don't care about his own life and death...

At this time, all the talents finally realized the terrible Zhang Ziling!

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