Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 891: Once the king, return

Looking at the headless corpse lying on the ground, the expressions of the powerful Chen family were ugly.

"Patriarch, we..." A man of the transformation stage looked at Chen Lesheng hesitantly and asked in a low voice.

This strong man in the Nascent Soul Stage had his head cut off without them noticing it... Zhang Ziyou's strength made them tremble with fear.

This... is no longer what a cultivator in the Transcendental Stage can do.

In other words... Zhang Ziyou's strength is stronger than their Supreme Elder!

The headless corpse of the strong man in the Nascent Soul Stage now looks extremely dazzling and makes people feel trembling.

Every cultivator of the Nascent Soul who is still alive is extremely scared. If Zhang Ziyou had cut their neck with a sword just now, none of them could survive!

Chen Lesheng's body was also trembling slightly, cold sweat slipped off his forehead, and his eyes were full of struggling expressions, obviously thinking about something.

Not knowing how long it took, Chen Lesheng took a deep breath, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Leave this to me, you all go back and do your own thing. Remember, don't let the people know about the demon girl's appearance!" Chen Lesheng suddenly said such a sentence, and then turned into a light. .

After seeing Chen Lesheng's departure, other strong men seemed to know what Chen Lesheng was going to do. The tight expression on his face relaxed, and he safely handled the body of the Nascent Soul monk before guarding the manor. After the two disciples were killed, they returned to the Chen Family Manor.

As if they can be sure that Chen Lesheng can solve all the troubles they are facing now.

As for what Zhang Ziyou did to the Chen family just now, if the experts of the Chen family don't want the clansmen to know, then killing the two disciples in the foundation building period is undoubtedly the easiest way to prevent the spread of this matter.

Zhang Ziyou, who was standing near the manor, could clearly see everything the Chen family had done.

"Sure enough, the high-level Chen family is rotten to such an extent...The shadow gate penetration is quite powerful." Zhang Ziyou muttered to himself, then raised his eyes to look at the place where Chen Lesheng had left. Coldly.

"I hope you don't let me down."

The next moment, Zhang Ziyou turned into a red glow and chased in the direction where Chen Lesheng left.


"At that time, looking at your expression, I knew that you were very unwilling. I planned to come to you again later, but I didn't expect to meet him at the meeting place of the Chen family." At an abandoned factory in the suburbs of Magic City, Zhang Ziling looked at The bronze coffin in front of him whispered.

From the first glance Zhang Ziling saw the bronze coffin in the venue, he felt the familiar breath in the bronze coffin.

He had seen the owner of this bronze coffin before.

And the Miao family wanted this bronze coffin, and they must also know where the bronze coffin came from...

There is the most ferocious tomb in China. The monks who entered are dead for nine years, and the monks who come out alive are half dead, with very little gain.

However, there are always monks who are lucky enough to bring something out of that place, and the large objects brought out from the tomb have their own unique signs.

Zhang Ziling touched the half-corrupted gilded black dragon in the corner of the coffin with his hands, his eyes flashed with red light, and the corners of his mouth had a faint smile.

"Qin Shihuang Mausoleum..." Zhang Ziling said softly, then grabbed the lid of the coffin, broke the seal on the bronze coffin with spiritual power, and opened the lid.

This bronze coffin... comes from the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang!

Jiang Wu was able to bring this bronze coffin out of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, which in itself had a great element of luck, and the people in the bronze coffin also helped Jiang Wu avoid a lot of danger in the dark.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Wu possesses the power of the God Transformation Stage, he will definitely not be able to emerge from the tomb alive!

And the person in this bronze coffin is naturally...

"Si Huang, since they are all back, then wake up."

When Zhang Ziling left the Japanese underworld, Zhang Ziling knew that the Emperor Shi Huang would not be willing to stay in the underworld after seeing him.

And like Shi Huang, even though his body was destroyed with the Tao Xing Gong Palace Master when he was on Mount Fuji, that does not mean that Shi Huang would not prepare a stronger body for himself.

Even the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, the forces of Shennong Sect have the secret method of building the body with blood sacrifices. As the first emperor who swept the six kingdoms and unified the world, it is impossible not to master this method.

Whether it is the dead body of the four hundred thousand Zhao soldiers in Baiqikeng, the dead body of the Great Wall and the tomb of Afangxiu, or the burning of books and Confucianism... Those can be used to refine the blood and build the spirit drive!

At that time, the abundance of spiritual power contained the monstrous vitality... it is not comparable to the lives of millions of people today.

In other words... the bodies condensed from the sacrifice of blood and energy more than two thousand years ago, not to mention reaching the strength of a saint, they must be far beyond ordinary gods!


The heavy bronze coffin lid hit the ground, splashing a cloud of smoke.

A strange fragrance, accompanied by dazzling red awns, poured out from the bronze coffin!

Zhang Ziling calmly watched the coffin bursting out of horror, and the magical energy escaped from his body, isolating the entire abandoned factory from the outside world.

The sound of the muffled avenue echoed in the abandoned factory, and the ground began to vibrate violently and gradually cracked.

A long-haired man wearing a black dragon robe with sword eyebrows and stars slowly floated out of the bronze coffin and stood in the void.

The man is surrounded by red awns, his robe has no wind, his breath is ethereal.

After a while, the man opened his eyes, his eyes as deep as stars.

"I... are back." The magnificent voice echoed in the abandoned factory, and a violent aura rose to the sky. If it weren't blocked by Zhang Ziling's devilish barrier, I am afraid that everyone in China could hear the man. sound.

Zhang Ziling looked at Shi Huang's current appearance, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The man slowly fell in front of Zhang Ziling, his violent aura was reduced, and the old factory returned to calm.

"I didn't expect that the first person I saw after the resurrection was you." The man looked at Zhang Ziling and said lightly.

"It's all a coincidence." Zhang Ziling chuckled, "I admire you very much. You can make resurrection as easy as drinking water, ruining your chance of resurrection, and still have this hand."

"Millions of vitality, plus more than two thousand years of accumulation, I...I've planned for such a long time in the underworld..." The man paused looking at Zhang Ziling, and decided to change his own name and stop using it. I".

"You ruined my layout in Dongying, so I had to use the spare body placed in my mausoleum. It was originally used by me to revive my army, but now it is used on me." The man shook his head. Sighed.

"Although this body is much stronger than my original one, it uses too much blood and energy, it hurts heaven and harmony, and it is extremely troublesome when reincarnating..."

"If it's as simple as what you said, I would have come back long ago, why do you need your spiritual power to wake me up?"

"It turns out that the role of the terracotta warriors...It seems that you still have thoughts about this world." Zhang Ziling narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Should I send you back?"

"Without you, I would naturally fight." The man smiled, "But I didn't expect a person like you in the world. Since there is supreme power to pursue, the ultimate secular right is for me. , It has no meaning."

"Anyway... I owe you a favor." The man said to Zhang Ziling, and then a fierce aura broke out, "Don't worry, this world except you..."

"Even the gods and Buddhas in the sky can't interest me."

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