"Uncle Master, is it really okay to let her go back?" Xingyu asked Zhang Ziling anxiously as he watched the 36th drive away.

Xingyu was not worried about whether or not their identities would be revealed after the 36th returned, but after Xingyu knew the 36th's identity, he subconsciously regarded her as his master.

From Xingyu's point of view, the Chen family was similar to Longtan Tiger's Lair. After being **** by them on the thirty-sixth, they would go back again, so that they would not get hurt.

"It's okay. I planted spiritual power seeds in her body. No one in the Chen family can hurt her." Zhang Ziling replied lightly, "Now she still has a good impression of the Chen family, and the'master' behind it is also Did not show up..."

"The shadow gate clone Ziyou must have their purpose. Let's take a look at the situation for now."


After that, Zhang Ziling also stopped looking at No.36, which was far away, and left the balcony to return to his room.

When she left on the 36th, Zhang Ziling could see that she had a vague feeling for herself. Although the feeling was not very obvious, perhaps he didn't notice it on the 36th, but Zhang Ziling could still detect it.

Perhaps that kind of feeling was the murderous intent that the Shadow Gate planted on him, but Zhang Ziling had nothing to do with it.

Zhang Ziling knew better than anyone else about that person's methods. What that person was best at... was heart attack.

That person returned to Earth hundreds of thousands of years earlier than Zhang Ziling. Before Zhang Ziling crossed to Xuanxiao Continent, that person already existed on Earth. Zhang Ziling didn't believe that the person didn't pay attention to the lives of him and Zi You.

More than ten years is undoubtedly a blink of an eye for that person.

In other words, Zhang Ziling and Zi You have lived on the earth for more than ten years, and every move may be under the control of that person. So that person also knew how much Zhang Ziling felt for Zi You, so...

That person was sure that Zhang Ziling would not do any harm to Ziyou's clone.

Focusing on the heart, that person definitely didn't want to kill Zhang Ziling simply.

Zhang Ziling knew in his heart that if that person wanted to kill him... Long before he had crossed, or before he had crossed to the Xuanxiao Continent before becoming the emperor... That person would undoubtedly pinch one to death if he wanted to kill Zhang Ziling. Ants are average.

"What...what do you want?" After seeing Ziyou's clone, Zhang Ziling also knew that the chessman's fangs had begun to gradually appear.

Whether it is Naihe, Long Yu, or Shennongzi, Ziyou clone...

One after another chess pieces were placed on the chessboard.

If Zhang Ziling is ruthless, and doesn't care about everything, and doesn't care about Ziyou, then the person holding the chess will naturally have nothing to do with Zhang Ziling.

In terms of cultivation base, that person is just a great emperor... But in terms of layout, that person is hundreds of thousands of years ahead of Zhang Ziling.

"The chess game... officially started?" Zhang Ziling whispered, his thoughts drifting away.

"Uncle Master, someone outside wants to see you."

I don't know how long it took, just as Zhang Ziling was thinking, Xingyu's voice rang in Zhang Ziling's ear, pulling Zhang Ziling back from his thoughts.

"Someone wants to see me?" Zhang Ziling returned to his senses, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"It's the Minister of the Dragon Department, Mu Hong." At this time, Chen Caiwei also walked into the room and said. As a lady of the Chen family, Chen Caiwei had naturally met the Minister of the Dragon Department.

After all, the Chen Family is the first family of the Demon Capital, and it will definitely be taken care of by the Dragon Ministry.

If the Chen family is allowed to mess around, I am afraid the whole demon will have to mess around. Therefore, the Chen family was restrained by the dragon's body quite a lot.

"Mu Hong?" Zhang Ziling said softly, confirming that he did not know this person.

"He seems to have rushed here because of the big movement made by Lord Nine Emperors." Chen Caiwei smiled bitterly at Zhang Ziling.

Originally, Chen Caiwei intended to return to the Chen family, but then she changed her mind. Given the chaotic situation in the Chen family, it might be a bit dangerous to go back by herself. So Chen Caiwei simply lived in Zhang Ziling's villa.

Hearing Chen Caiwei’s explanation, Zhang Ziling remembered that he had had a vision in the world because of emotional fluctuations...

Thinking of this, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

Zhang Ziling knows just how terrifying the vision is. Zhang Ziling knows better than anyone else. It is estimated that spiritual power has almost transformed into spiritual intelligence, and this is still visible to all citizens of the Demon Capital...It is estimated that the vision is a person from the Dragon Ministry. It's anxious.

No matter how the Longbu has Wei Yiyun, Zhang Ziling is not good at giving the Longbu face, and the alliance with the Longbu only two days ago has caused a mess now... Zhang Ziling is also a little embarrassed.

"Let them in, I will see him." Zhang Ziling said to Xingyu, and walked out of the room.

The compensation that should be given still needs to be made up. After all, the Dragon Ministry has suffered such an unwarranted disaster, and it is necessary to fix such a big hole... I am afraid that the Dragon Ministry is busy again.

Soon, Xingyu took a middle-aged man into the living room.

This middle-aged man had a tough face and a tall stature. He knew he was a tough guy at first glance, but judging from his haggard expression, he must have been worried about too much.

The middle-aged man Xingyu brought in was the head of the branch, Mu Hong, who rushed to here from the Dragon Division in an armored vehicle.

"Hello, this is Zhang Ziling." Seeing Mu Hong walk in, Zhang Ziling stretched out his hand to greet him without making any comments.

Mu Hong didn't seem to expect the Nine Emperors to be so easy-going, there was no such thing as a master at all, and the whole person was slightly taken aback.

However, Mu Hong was also someone who had seen the big scene anyway, and he quickly adjusted his surprise, with a smile on his face and shaking hands with Zhang Ziling: "Hello Lord Nine Emperors, my head of the Dragon Department, Mu Hong. "

Even in the face of Zhang Ziling, Mu Hong's momentum was not suppressed, which made Zhang Ziling look at him a little bit higher.

"Minister Mu Hong rushed over in a hurry, I must be tired too, let's sit down and talk." Zhang Ziling motioned Xingyu to prepare a seat, and said to Mu Hong.

"I'm going to make tea!" Chen Caiwei was not idle at the moment, and went straight into the kitchen. The hospitality was still necessary, and there were no servants in the villa, so she was the only one to leave.

As for Chu He and Jiang Wu, the two stayed quietly, trying not to make trouble.

"Master Nine Emperors are polite." Mu Hong and Zhang Ziling soon sat down, and the two sat face to face, looking quite formal.

Zhang Ziling stared at Mu Hong without speaking, and Mu Hong did not show a cowardly expression. He also looked directly at Zhang Ziling with determination in his eyes.

Mu Hong's attitude of neither humble nor overbearing made Zhang Ziling start to appreciate it a little, after all, there are not many people who can face the Nine Emperors so calmly and calmly.

"I don't know what's the matter with Minister Mu Hong coming to me?"

The two looked at each other for a while, and Zhang Ziling also dissipated the oppression of Mu Hong and went straight to the subject.

If Mu Hong is a soft guy, then Zhang Ziling doesn't need to talk to him anymore.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling was so direct, Mu Hong didn’t intend to go around the corner. After all, going around is not something Mu Hong is good at, so Mu Hong directly said: “This time I came here mainly to ask if anyone in the magic city provokes nine. Lord Emperor, do you want us to help arrange arrangements."

Cang Dang!

When Mu Hong uttered these words, Chen Caiwei just walked out carrying the tray with the teapot. After hearing Mu Hong's words, Chen Caiwei couldn't help shaking her hands and almost didn't throw the teapot down.


Isn't it only the Chen family that provokes the Nine Emperors?

Thinking of this, Chen Caiwei's heart is full of bitterness.

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