Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 902: Self-confident dust

When the disciple of the Chen family branch told them to change the private room, Chen Caiwei was directly angry.

She had arranged this private room yesterday. Every member of the Chen family sect is eligible to book a private room, and Chen Caiwei also specially booked a private room that is not so outstanding, just to avoid causing dispute.

But even so, the disciple of the Chen family branch still came and asked her to change the private room... Whether this was aimed at, everyone knew well even if Chen Caiwei didn't point it out.

Just now Chen Caiwei was still worried that the Great Elder's line would be destroyed by the Nine Emperors, but now she has been targeted so much. Why doesn't Chen Caiwei feel chilly?

Every clan member has his own social circle. And in this level of event, the disciples of the Chen family sect usually invite guests who are very important to them in the private room. Even if today is not the nine emperors in the private room but Chen Caiwei's other important guests, If you just change the private room like this, I'm afraid Chen Caiwei's status in the hearts of the guests will drop sharply.

The Great Elder's line of doing so clearly wanted to split the relationship between Chen Caiwei and Zhang Ziling.

They naturally knew that the guest Chen Caiwei invited was a casual repair in the venue yesterday. Chen Caiwei and Zhang Ziling and other strong men are close, naturally not Chenhua wants to see.

"This private room belongs to me, and I won't change it if anyone comes!" Chen Caiwei looked at the disciple coldly and said, "Get out!"

The branch disciple was shocked by Chen Caiwei's tone, but when he thought of the people behind him, his confidence in his heart rose.

The branch disciples grabbed the door that Chen Caiwei was about to close, and said stiffly to Chen Caiwei: "Miss, Chen Shao and a guest who can't afford to offend the Chen family want to use this private room. Everyone is the Chen family. , No matter how arrogant you are, you have to think about your family, right?"

Speaking of this, the branch disciple narrowed his eyes, and said in a weird manner: "If that guest gets angry, our Chen family will suffer a huge loss. Miss, as a member of the Chen family, everything belongs to the Chen family. For... if you do this, your conscience will pass?"

Upon hearing the words of the branch disciple, Chen Caiwei even directly put her anger on her face.

The guests?

Which guest in this world is more important than the one in this room?

Nine Emperors...that is the horror that even Minister Longbu has to whisper in front of him, and how many people in the Chen family can live depends on the mood of the person in the house. If you really change the private room, it will be Come on?

"Get off!" Thinking of this, Chen Caiwei was no longer polite, and directly slammed the disciple with a palm, sending him out.

"Caiwei, what's the matter with such a big anger?" At this time, Chen Caiwei's voice sounded in Chen Caiwei's ears, and the disciple who was bombarded by Chen Caiwei was firmly caught by Chen Caiwei.

"Little dust." The disciple clutched his chest and retreated to the back respectfully.

Hearing Chenhua's voice, Chen Caiwei's face suddenly became extremely cold, and she looked towards Chenhua and said faintly: "This is my private room, even if it is you, I am not qualified to change it."

"It turned out to be this..." Chenhua smiled and shook his head, "It seems that I didn't order it, and I was misunderstood by my younger brother."

"I mainly want to visit that person this time." Chenhua looked at Chen Caiwei and smiled, "I didn't mean to let Caiwei change your private room."

As for the person Chenhua said, Chen Caiwei knew Zhang Ziling even without thinking.

"Why? Do you want to repeat yesterday's wretched performance?" Chen Caiwei naturally also knows what Chenhua did in the venue yesterday. Now that Chenhua hits her gun, she can't help but ridicule to vent her innermost feelings. anger.

Chen Caiwei is not a fool, and naturally knows that Chenhua is looking for a place.

Yesterday, Chenhua did not attack Zhang Ziling because there was no one who could hold the place in the venue at that time, and Chenhua's attack on Zhang Ziling was definitely not good.

But today, when the dust came here, he must have brought him friends who thought he had a lot of weight.


For Chenhua's thoughts, Chen Caiwei just laughed in her heart.

The one in the room, even if you move the Shadow Door over, you can't please!

It's a pity... Chenhua doesn't know Zhang Ziling's identity.

"Of course not," Chenhua smiled to Chen Caiwei, "Yesterday's thing is over and it is over, presumably that person doesn't want to be entangled in this matter. Today is mainly my friend who wants to see that person, so I Just call someone to inform Cai Wei you."

"But I didn't expect that he had misunderstood what I meant and caused such a big misunderstanding. Here I apologize to Cai Wei and that one first." Chenhua smiled.

"Huh!" Chen Caiwei snorted, not believing Chenhua's nonsense.

The Chen family is strictly hierarchical. If there is no instruction from Chenhua, the disciple of that branch would definitely not dare to speak to Chen Caiwei like this.

"What about your friends, others?" Chen Caiwei became relaxed after she found out Chenhua's purpose, and couldn't help but ask Chenhua with a chuckle.

If Zhang Ziling didn't care, Chen Caiwei didn't mind hitting Chenhua and his friends in the face.

"She will be here soon." Chenhua chuckled, "Shall we go in and talk?"

"Let him in." Zhang Ziling's voice came out.

With Zhang Ziling's instruction, Chen Caiwei smiled more and more happily, and even took the initiative to welcome the dust in, and she was puzzled by the dust.

Chenhua didn't understand why Chen Caiwei's mood suddenly changed so much. She obviously made her feel sick on purpose...

Chen Caiwei was indeed disgusted by the practice of that branch's disciple just now, and the whole person was extremely angry, but it was precisely because Chen Caiwei was disgusted that she became more happy now.

Because Chen Caiwei knew that the more disgusted she was just now, the more cruel she would be treated after the dust.

For this, Chen Caiwei is naturally very happy.

Although Chen Caiwei has feelings for the Chen Family, it does not mean that Chen Caiwei has the slightest affection for the three generations of Chen Family Elder, Chen Family Patriarch and Chen Hua.

Seeing them deflated, Chen Caiwei was very willing, after all, their line has been marginalized by the line of the elders, and they have long been stunned.

"Sir, I met again." After being greeted by Chen Caiwei into the private room, Chenhua no longer thinks about why Chen Caiwei has changed so much, but directly looks at Zhang Ziling and greets gently.

The dust is still distinguishable between the lighter and the heavier.

In Chenhua's eyes, Chen Caiwei is not a big deal at all, and after this black market boxing meeting, the second elders and the same line do not need to exist.

However, Chenhua's current attitude towards Zhang Ziling has changed drastically from the time when he was in the venue yesterday, and there is no fear at all.

Seeing Chenhua's self-confident look, Zhang Ziling just smiled, without making judgments, and said lightly, "Sit down."

Without being polite, Chenhua directly sat on the sofa opposite Zhang Ziling, sitting relaxedly, as if about to sink into the sofa.

Seeing Chen Hua's indulgent appearance, Chen Caiwei just smiled, did not care, and sat respectfully in front of Zhang Ziling.

Chen Caiwei knew that now is not the time for her to interject, and the only thing she can do now...

Just sit quietly and watch the future power of the Chen family make a fool of yourself.

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