Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 906: Hao throw

Li Shuangyan froze in place, pursing his lips, staring at Zhang Ziling.

There was a slight fear in Li Shuangyan's beautiful eyes.

The figure of Zhang Ziling in the ascension meeting once again appeared in Li Shuangyan's mind.

That peerless heroic figure, that strength comparable to that of a god, and that sky full of chains... Li Shuangyan will never forget.

Nine Emperors.

In front of the Nine Emperors, their so-called five little saints were completely a joke.

Chen Huaben walked into the private room confidently, but before he had time to speak and mock, he felt the strange atmosphere in the room.

"Sister Shuangyan..." Chenhua looked at Li Shuangyan suspiciously, her pupils shrank suddenly before she could say anything!

Dust found...

Li Shuangyan was shaking.

"How, how?" At this moment, Chenhua's forehead was suddenly covered with cold sweat, his throat became dry, and his palms trembled slightly.

Chenhua never knew that Li Shuangyan would be so afraid of a person.

For a time, endless doubts and fears filled the dusty heart.

After seeing Li Shuangyan's performance, Chenhua realized... Zhang Ziling's strength seemed to have exceeded his imagination.

The person who can make the first saint of Tianyong fear... Chenhua dare not continue thinking about it.

That is no longer an area he can touch.

"Meet again." Zhang Ziling didn't look away from No. 36, but said this to Li Shuangyan indifferently.

"Yeah, we met again." Li Shuangyan was a little nervous and smiled reluctantly.

Chenhua on the side heard Li Shuangyan's slightly trembling tone, and his heart became more and more shocked.

If Chenhua had just judged Li Shuangyan's fear of Zhang Ziling from Li Shuangyan's physical movements, now Chenhua had already felt Li Shuangyan's nervousness and fear from Li Shuangyan's trembling words.

Who is he... on earth?

Chenhua stared at Zhang Ziling's profile face firmly, cold sweat on his forehead kept slipping. The development of things up to now has exceeded Chenhua's expectations, making Chenhua a little panicked.

"Sit down, don't stand." Zhang Ziling's faint words sounded in Li Shuangyan's ears, causing Li Shuangyan's body to shake slightly.

"Yes." Li Shuangyan smiled bitterly, and then sat beside Zhang Ziling obediently, like a frightened rabbit, not daring to move more.

Li Shuangyan's actions were dumbfounded and shocked.

Li Shuangyan was so well-behaved in front of Zhang Ziling, she didn't have the arrogance that the Five Little Sages should have. This made her dusty brain blank and her breathing became rapid.

You must know that Li Shuangyan's strength is about to catch up with Chenhua's father, the Chen Family Patriarch, and she also has almost the top background power in China. Such a strong person... actually appeared so timid in front of Zhang Ziling!


Chenhua swallowed fiercely, wondering what she should do now.

There is no way to talk about all the revenge against Zhang Ziling that Chenhua planned before.

Without Li Shuangyan's support, Chenhua felt that she was a joke in front of Zhang Ziling!

"Sao Chen, what are you doing in a daze? Find a place to sit down!" Chen Caiwei closed the door of the private room and squinted at Chenhua with a smile.

Although Chen Caiwei was surprised that Chenhua's friend was Li Shuangyan, Chen Caiwei was not surprised to see the scene in the private room now.

Chen Caiwei has also heard about the deeds of the Nine Emperors at the Ascension Conference. As a saint of Tianyong, Li Shuangyan had conflicts with the Nine Emperors at the Sword Tomb of Shu Mountain. Now Li Shuangyan has such behavior when facing Zhang Ziling. normal.

Hearing Chen Caiwei's words, Chenhua suddenly felt like his face burned, and he did not dare to stand still, sitting on the sofa behind Zhang Ziling, staring at Zhang Ziling's back in horror.

Chenhua no longer expects to avenge Zhang Ziling. He only hopes that he can safely get out of this private room.

When facing Zhang Ziling before, although only hints, his attitude was already very clear. Chenhua believed that Zhang Ziling could definitely see his hostility and arrogance.

If Zhang Ziling has a grudge in mind, Chenhua does not think that she can escape her life in front of Zhang Ziling.

Even Li Shuangyan, who is as clever as a rabbit in front of Zhang Ziling, is not an enemy of her move.

Five little saints in the younger generation represent invincibility.

But the person who should have been invincible, now behaves like a rabbit and uneasy.

Seeing Chenhua's now worried look, Chen Caiwei's heart was very happy, but Chen Caiwei didn't say any mocking words, and sat next to Zhang Ziling again.

The dusty food shrank, but it made Chen Caiwei relax a lot next to Zhang Ziling.

The private room fell into silence again, and at this moment the number on the big screen on the auction stage had soared to more than two billion!

Now there are not many forces that continue to bid, more than two billion is obviously more than the value of the spiritual weapon itself.

Those who are still bidding, clenched their fists every time they bid, and at the same time glanced at the lanterns that were on outside Zhang Ziling's private room.

When they saw that the lantern was still bright, everyone's pupils shrank slightly.

The bidding price reached 2.3 billion, which is not a small figure for a big power. With such a huge amount of money to auction the next monk’s spiritual weapon, and at the risk of breaking the chain of funds within the clan, big People of the power want to bid for it, and they think twice.

However, the bidding price is 2.3 billion, which means that the person who lights up the lamp will spend 4.6 billion to buy this spiritual tool...

4.6 billion...

Such a horrible figure is enough to make any first-rate force hurt.

Now the bidding has been very slow, and the bidding price has only increased in the number of several million, and there is no leaping range of hundreds of millions.

Everyone was afraid that the lighter would suddenly withdraw the lantern at a certain price, so that they would have to spend an excessive price to purchase the spiritual tool. This kind of result is obviously not what they want to see.

So... the final bid price of this magic weapon stayed at 2.4 billion, and it didn't beat anymore.

The last big person who made the bid couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the lantern lit outside the private room had not been taken back by Zhang Ziling, and he did not dare to increase the price again.

The 36th stared blankly at the frozen numbers on the big screen, and opened her mouth slightly, completely forgetting that she was hosting the auction.

Such a huge amount...

The monks present only had heavy breathing, staring at the bright lantern.

As long as the lantern is not retracted within a minute, it means...

The lamplighter will spend 4.8 billion yuan... to buy this spiritual weapon!

Such a huge number... the monks simply couldn't imagine how terrifying financial resources that lamplighter had, so that he would throw it so aggressively for a spiritual weapon!

Everyone was counting down silently in their hearts, until the last second was counted, the lights in the venue were bright, the mallet on the 36th fell, and the auction price was finally fixed...

4.8 billion!

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the numbers on the big screen in the private room, his eyes were indifferent, as if he didn't care about the huge numbers on the screen at all.

In the venue, there was also a shocking noise at this time!

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