Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 908: Still swaying... the blood-stained lamp

The thin man floating above the venue exudes an aura of terror, and terrifying spiritual power lingers around him, and everyone's eyes are focused on the thin man.

"The leader of the first-class power, the seven-star gate, the half-step transforming god, Liu Yidong!"

A monk recognized the thin man and exclaimed directly.

When the exclamation rang in the venue, the entire venue once again set off a shocking noise.

Liu Yidong, the head of the top first-class forces in the north, once slaughtered three cemetery warlords with strong Yuan Ying during the Republic of China, once slaughtered thousands of miles in northern Mongolia, and once walked half of the Soviet Union...

These achievements are enough to make Liu Yidong a living legend.

Although the Chen family is a quasi-superpower, the Seven Star Gate is not much weaker than the Chen family, and Liu Yidong's own strength is extremely terrifying, so Liu Yidong doesn't care about the Chen family's attitude.

So when Liu Yidong stood up at this time, all the monks in the auction venue were excited.

"I remember, Liu Yidong has always wanted the raw bone flower in this auction! The lamplighter has such unlimited lighting, and he must have annoyed Liu Yidong!" A big man whispered in the private room, smiling and watching Liu Yidong floating in the air.

"The Seven Star Gate certainly doesn't have the background to light the lamp, so Liu Yidong chose to use this method to force the lamp lighter to take back the lantern." Some big people figured out what Liu Yidong did, and said with a light smile, becoming calm.

"That's not bad. The Chen family has never given a statement. Liu Yidong's strength is terrifying enough to force the lamplighter to give in. After all, he has been lighting the lamp, and we can't play it." Many big figures agree with Liu Yidong's approach. , Wanting Liu Yidong to force the lighter back, and then they sit back and reap their profits.

Big people, talk and laugh a lot.

On the 36th, seeing Liu Yidong's terrifying aura erupted, the whole person was under tremendous pressure.

But when Liu Yidong's eyes were full of killing intent on the thirty-sixth, when he was about to remind the lamplighter, Liu Yidong let out a cold snort and exploded in the venue.

"Lamp lighter, do you have such a weight to light the lamp... It's best to come out and tell us clearly now!" Liu Yidong looked at Zhang Ziling's private room and snorted, the spiritual power around him getting more and more violent.

"If you deliberately made trouble, you don't need the Chen family to take action, my Seven Star Gate will be the first to destroy you!" Liu Yidong continued to snort coldly, his eyes flickering.

Zhang Ziling did not give any response.

All the monks in the venue held their breath, looking at the sudden conflict, very excited.

The Chen family still did not show up, and the venue gradually became out of control.

Most casual cultivators hold the mentality of not looking at things too much, and naturally hope that the conflict will continue to escalate.

Anyway, for those auction items, regardless of whether the lamplighter bids or not, they can only watch the lively points and watch the big figures of the major forces spend a lot of money.

But the appearance of the lamplighter immediately pushed all the big forces to the opposite, and the inaction of the Chen family caused the big people to be unable to suppress their anger, and finally turned the situation into what it is now.

The casual cultivators present at this moment have completely no regard for the auction items, just want to know who the lamplighter is who provokes the Seven Star Gate.

The Seven Star Gate was already a huge monster to the casual cultivators, a completely unprovoked existence. The lamplighter also showed the courage of the audience in the auction just now, and the casual practitioners are looking forward to this wonderful conflict.

Liu Yidong didn't care about the thoughts of the casual cultivators below. He just wanted the lamplighter to stop, not to prevent him from getting the bone flower.

For the auction items under the black cloth, Liu Yidong has already smelled the breath of Shengguhua, and Shengguhua can refine the magic medicine that saves lives. Liu Yidong is determined to win this, and will never allow the so-called lamplighter to intervene!

If someone blocks it, then you die!

Liu Yidong waited for a while, and seeing Zhang Ziling still did not give any response, his expression became completely gloomy, his dantian was sinking, his voice was wrapped in spiritual power, and he shouted, "The lamplighter, get out of me!"

Liu Yidong's violent spiritual power directly stimulated the Chen Family's defensive array. All the casual practitioners in the venue covered their ears in pain, and Liu Yidong's voice shook their eardrums.

And the private room where Zhang Ziling was located, was not broken by Liu Yidong's roar because the Chen family's defensive array had been inspired.

"Daoren Zhang..." Chen Caiwei frowned while looking at Liu Yidong outside.

Li Shuangyan also clenched his fists, wanting to know how Zhang Ziling would deal with this incident.

Do you go out and declare your assets to everyone?

Li Shuangyan thought that only in this way could he regain the initiative and reverse the situation out of control.

But Zhang Ziling still just looked at Liu Yidong quietly outside the private room, but the playful smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger and stronger.

The lit lantern swayed in the air as if provoking Liu Yidong.

Liu Yidong in the sky above the venue was completely swallowed by anger at this moment. The silence of the lamplighter made him feel that he was greatly insulted, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

In this world, no one can ignore him!

Because he is the head of the Seven Star Sect, a half-step powerhouse!

The lighter, unforgivable!

The big figures in the private rooms also became a little nervous at this time, and things developed beyond their expectations.

They thought that the lighter would at least step out to deal with it, but now the lighter never responds, making them sweat.

Everyone present could feel Liu Yidong's suppressed anger.

The anger of a half-step Huashen powerhouse will definitely not simply vent!

Things have gone wrong!

"Liu Yidong is angry!"

"The lamplighter... is really looking for death!"

"Why do you need to light up the lamp? This is all right, and Liu Yidong is completely annoying."

More and more monks began to communicate in low voices, and they were not optimistic about the lamplighters who had not responded yet.

In their eyes, the lamp-lighter must have been frightened by Liu Yidong's aura, now hiding in the private room shivering, asking the Chen family for help.

It's a pity...The Chen family hasn't come forward yet.

The arrogant monk who was unhappy with the lamplighter began to sneer, showing no sympathy for the next situation of the lamplighter.

Great if you have money? If you mess with the strong, you still have to die!

This kind of thought began to emerge in their hearts, and they sneered at the private room where Zhang Ziling was.

The lantern swaying outside the private room, in their eyes, has now become a reminder for the lighter.

Is the lamp so good? Now that you have ordered, you must be prepared to pay a heavy price!

Light the lamp, that is to burn oneself by fire!

How powerful is a half-step transforming god?

The monks whispered in their hearts, getting more and more excited.

The 36th on the auction stage is now clenching his fists, his palms are sweaty, worrying for the lighter.

For the 36th, Liu Yidong's aura is like a boundless ocean, he can't see his limit at all, and it is terrifying.

The atmosphere gradually became warm. Liu Yidong's anger also rose to the extreme at this moment.

"Here! Me! Get out! Get out! Come!"

Liu Yidong finally couldn't help it, shouting word by word, violent aura surging from Liu Yidong's body, and the whole person carrying terrifying spiritual power, rushed towards the private room where Zhang Ziling was located!

Liu Yidong will pick out the lighter himself!

No. 36 closed his eyes at a moment, and his nervousness reached the limit!


A muffled sound suddenly sounded in the venue, and the whole noisy venue became deadly silent at this moment.

I can't even hear the breathing, and the air freezes.

On the thirty-sixth, I felt that the venue suddenly became quiet, and opened my eyes subconsciously...

When I saw the scene in the venue on the 36th, I was shocked.

Liu Yidong is no longer there.

Only the minced meat scattered on the ground and the...blood-stained lantern still swaying.

Liu Yidong, burst.

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