Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 913: All, sit back

The entire venue was extremely noisy, and all the monks glared at the two powerhouses in the transformation stage, and even more important figures walked directly outside the venue, declaring that they would mobilize their own forces to level the dust family.

The Chen family's actions completely aroused the anger of the public.

Chenhua looked desperately at the increasingly chaotic venue, her eyes were bloodshot, and she screamed frantically, but she couldn't even say a word.

Where's the Chen family?

Chenhua looked around in a panic, but did not find the existence of a Chen family.

father? grandfather?

Chenhua suddenly remembered what the Great Elder had said to him...

"Hua'er, we have prepared the seventh auction item, you... get ready."

Thinking of his grandfather's weird expression, Chenhua suddenly woke up now.


They always knew.


At this time, the doors around the venue slammed shut, and the big figures were directly locked in the venue.

"Unreasonable, this broken copper and iron wants to stop this young man?" A first-rate young man looked at the closed metal giant door coldly, "Ajiu, blast it for me!"


Behind the young master, a strong man at the peak of the Golden Core blasted away at the metal gate with a punch, and violent spiritual power suddenly burst out of the venue.

And at this moment, a red light shot from the giant metal gate and directly penetrated the strong man's head.


The golden core expert fell feebly in front of the young man, blood soaking his body, and the blood hole on his forehead was shocking.

"Ah, Ajiu?" The young man looked at the corpse lying in front of him in horror, his eyes widened, his body trembled slightly, his face full of disbelief.

"Help, help!" The young man knelt in front of Ah Jiu's corpse and screamed out desperately.


Another red light flashed, and a hideous blood hole appeared on the young man's forehead, and then the young man weakened weakly on Ah Jiu's body, completely out of breath.

The cultivators behind that young man saw the red iron gate, their fear in their eyes became more and more intense, and they kept moving back, afraid to touch it again.

At every exit of the venue, such tragedies were repeated.

Those big figures who had not yet chosen to leave saw the strange appearance in the venue, their expressions were gloomy, and they looked coldly at the powerhouse on the auction stage.

No need to think about it, these are all ghosts made by the Chen family and the two black robe powerhouses.

In this venue, there are also three cultivators of the transformation stage, and there are more than ten cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage, and the Jindan stage is countless. If you really want to start, they will not be afraid of the Chen family.

However, they are not together, and unified scheduling is still somewhat difficult, so the big shots did not choose to do it the first time, but instead watched coldly and waited for things to change.

The big figures of the major forces have completely marked the Chen family as death, as long as they return, the Chen family will definitely be swallowed by the anger of the major forces in an instant!

Zhang Ziling still sat in the private room, quietly watching the chaotic scene outside the private room, without any movement.

Chen Caiwei and Li Shuangyan were completely shocked, and had no idea that things would become like this.

Li Shuangyan didn't understand why the Chen family wanted to do this, and offended all the forces in the venue, even the super forces...I am afraid they will be razed by the major forces in an instant.

Li Shuangyan couldn't figure out what exactly was the reason for the Chen family to make this almost suicidal action.

Even Tianyong City would not dare to do such things!

As for Chen Caiwei, she lowered her head slightly, her hands were trembling slightly, her teeth were clenched, tears rolled in her eyes.

After today, even if the Nine Emperors don't do anything... I am afraid that the Chen family can only become the dust of history and be removed from the Chinese cultivation world.

It's all over.

"All, sit back for me!"

Just as the meeting place became more and more chaotic, a slightly stronger black-robed strong man spoke on the auction stage, and the cold voice exploded in everyone's ears, making the monks' scalp numb.

"What on earth do you want to do?" A fairy-style and white-haired old man walked out from a corner and asked the black robe powerhouse sharply, breathless.

"Linglong Taoist!" After seeing the white-haired old man walk out, the big figures suddenly shrank and exclaimed.

Linglong Taoist, a veteran of Huashen, circulates among the major superpowers, and is extremely powerful in his own right, and is a good target for the major forces.

Seeing the appearance of Linglong Taoist, there was a hint of joy in the heart of the big man. With Linglong Taoist's words, there were four strong gods in their faces, and even more so when facing the two black robe strong Emboldened.

Now that the venue is completely isolated from the outside world, the information inside cannot be spread at all, and the big figures of the major forces have not brought much strength over, after all, no one would have expected such a thing to happen in this black market boxing club.

So they only have the existing strength to solve the current dilemma, which is naturally the stronger their own strength, the better.

"Linglong Taoist!" Li Shuangyan couldn't help but exclaimed, "He was a guest in our Tianyong City a few days ago, and even my master praised his unfathomable strength!"

Zhang Ziling did not respond to Li Shuangyan's exclaim, still looking at the meeting place outside the private room with cold eyes.

As Linglong Taoist questioned, the other casual practitioners also felt relieved slightly, looking at the two strong men on the auction stage, wondering what they were going to do.

The black-robed strong man who asked everyone to sit back to their seats looked at Linglong Taoist indifferently, a black light flashed in his eyes.

"Old beast, I will let you... sit back!"

As soon as the words of the black-robed powerhouse uttered, there was a lot of noise in the venue.

So crazy!

The expressions of the big figures also changed slightly, and they didn't expect that the black robe powerhouse would actually speak to Linglong Taoist like this.

That Linglong Taoist... but the powerhouse in the later stage of transformation!

This, this matter is getting bigger and bigger!

Linglong Taoist heard the words of the black robe powerhouse, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he shouted directly: "Laughter!"

With an angry mouth, Linglong Taoist shot directly at the black robe, and the defensive array around the venue was instantly inspired by Linglong Taoist's momentum. The violent power caused the array to resonate, and all the monks changed their faces and were shocked. call.

The black robe powerhouse just watched indifferently as the Linglong Taoist attacked him, his pale palms were exposed under his wide sleeves, and then he made a fist.

"To the old man..."


Linglong Taoist hadn't finished speaking yet, the black robe powerhouse hit Linglong Taoist with a punch, directly smashed Linglong Taoist's body protection spiritual power, and punched Linglong Taoist's head with a punch.


With a crisp sound, Linglong Taoist's head was directly blown by the black robe powerhouse!

Blood spattered on the face of the black robe powerhouse, and the headless body of the Linglong Taoist flew out and smashed into the wall of the venue.

The venue...

It was quiet again.

The black robe powerhouse wiped the blood on his cheeks with his hand, and then looked at the dull monks indifferently, his pupils flickering black.

"All, sit back."

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