"Master Demon Emperor, all the remnants have been collected, and I haven't missed a trace."

Not long after, Tianhuangding's voice rang in Zhang Ziling's mind, with a respectful tone.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling said softly, "Put Xiao You's body in your body to nurture, so that the remnant soul fits into her body."

"Yes..." Tianhuangding sucked Zhang Xiaoyou's body in, then turned into a light and flew back into Zhang Ziling's body.

"Master Devil, we really want to..."

"No need to say more."

"I understand……"

Tianhuangding stopped talking, and fell completely silent.

On the auction stage at the venue, Zhang Ziling was finally left alone.

The monks present all looked at Zhang Ziling nervously, their palms covered with sweat.

Although they didn't know exactly what Baoding was doing just now, they could all see... the previous auction girl's coma made the Nine Emperors feel very bad now.

Judging from the inexplicable level of dilapidation in this venue, the cultivators also realized that they must have lost their memory for a period of time, and during that period of time, something very terrifying absolutely happened!

But...no one dared to explore what happened before now.

Before the Nine Emperors left, the monks present did not dare to move rashly, but secretly begged the Nine Emperors not to anger them.

"Who actually killed my son!!!"

At this moment, an angry roar came in from outside the venue, causing all the monks present to change their colors.

"What the **** is going on?" Many big shots were ignorant of their image, and shouted madly at sending messages to the disciples of their own forces.

Didn’t you say no noise, no entry?

Does this want to kill everyone in the venue?

The cultivators who were still alive in the venue now all want to smash the corpses of the people who are shouting outside.

"Boss, it's from the Miao family, they have too many strong people, we can't stop it!"

Soon, the big figures in the venue received the news, and their faces became extremely cold.

Miao family? Super power?

A bunch of bastards!

"The Miao family, let me kill them all!"

Almost at the same time, the big figures in the venue gave such an order to their disciples one after another, killing intent in their eyes.

In their eyes, the Miao family had already provoke the Nine Emperors and was destined to be destroyed. Now when they come to seek death, they must also be buried with them. Naturally, the big men will not make the Miao family feel better.

"Doesn't matter whether the grid or the grid kills?"

Outside the venue, a Yuanying monk received the news of his head, and his whole person was taken aback. He couldn't help but look at the Miao family powerhouses who were stopped by other monks, with a flash of shock in his eyes.

They are just first-class forces. Why does the leader dare to give such orders?

What happened in this venue?

For a while, the Yuanying monk was filled with infinite doubts and became curious about the scene inside.

"Qiao, Brother Qiao, have you received the order?" At this time, another powerful man came in front of the Nascent Soul monk and asked tremblingly.

"You also received it?" The Nascent Soul cultivator looked at the strong man in shock, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's probably not just us..." The strong man swallowed fiercely, with cold sweat on his forehead, and swept a circle of the strong men around the major forces. Everyone had a shocked look on their faces. All the forces in the venue...have received the order to destroy the Miao Family!"


Hearing the words of the strong man, Monk Yuanying surnamed Qiao swallowed fiercely and looked at the Miao family who was blocked by the monks with a little trembling, his throat became extremely dry.

"Inside, inside, what happened?"

"Get all out of me!" A Miao family of God-level powerhouse yelled out, his voice shook the sky and his eyes were grim, "I count three times. If any power is still blocking here, it is our Miao family. Mortal enemy!"

If the words of the Miao Family were kept in peacetime, no one of the forces present would dare to stop...but now they all received the same order, everyone looked at each other and did not give way.

Seeing that the monks were still blocking their way, the strong men of the Miao family all turned sullen.

"It seems that the name of our Miao family in southern Xinjiang doesn't work here!" A strong Miao family said yin and yang strangely, and the tone became cold.

"It's time for these clutters to feel the power of superpower!"

"A group of first-rate and second-rate forces dare to block the way of the Miao family? Hey! I am so impatient to live!"

For a time, many strong people in the Miao family made a sneer.

This time the Miao family came to the Demon City to find the troubles of the Chen family and the casual cultivator. Naturally, they brought most of the strong people in the family. There were three people who came here during the transformation stage, and there were more than ten Yuan Ying, so naturally they were not afraid of everything stop.

"Also let the dogs of the Miao family roar outside, do you all want to bury them with these **** trash!"

Suddenly, the monks of all forces received news from their boss from the meeting place, and everyone's expressions changed suddenly.

Seeing the huge changes in the faces of the monks, the Miao family powerhouses thought that their threat had worked, and they were preparing to open their way into the venue.

"It's none of your business, let us..." As soon as the Miao family roared out, they were interrupted by endless roars.

"Fuck, you Miao family talk a lot, brothers!"

"The super power is very powerful? We Liuyingmen haven't been afraid of anyone yet! The disciples follow the order, the Miao family, kill without mercy!"

"Miao Renlong, you are not the only superpower in China!"

For a time, whether it was a first-rate force, a second-rate force or a super force, they all condemned to the Miao Family, and then countless monks directly attacked the Miao Family.

The Miao family stared blankly at the cultivators who were suddenly violent. Before they could react for a while, everyone in the Miao family was directly dragged into the fight.

The Miao family never thought that these forces from all over the country would unite against them at this time!

In the end what happened?

Miao Renlong, the head of the Miao family, faced two powerhouses in the transformation stage alone, and instantly fell into a hard fight.

Not only the Miao Renlong, but every monk in the Miao family was attacked several times by their own combat power. Soon, the Miao family had color on their bodies, and those who were weak were killed directly and tragically on the spot!

The individual forces present will not be afraid of any coming out of the Miao family, but when they unite... even the Miao family can't withstand that fierce offensive!

"You are all crazy! Do you want to withstand the revenge of our Miao family?" Miao Renlong shouted hoarsely, then he hit his chest and flew out.

"Miao Renlong, today is the death date of your Miao family, don't struggle anymore!" A white-haired cultivator of God transforming into a flying sword said coldly to the Miao Renlong who got up from the ground.

"You scumbags! This is what you forced me!" Miao Renlong gritted his teeth, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, glanced around coldly, and then shouted, "Miao disciples listen to the order, the poisonous dragon formation, Sheng Miao Sheng Flag, put Gu Immortal Poison!"


All the disciples of the Miao family who were struggling with the challenge tried their best to get out of the battle, and quickly stood around the Miao Renlong, taking out their own Gu worms.

For a while, poisonous gas began to diffuse around, preventing the monks from getting close.

The fangs of the Miao family's super power are completely revealed at this time!

"You guys, all have to die!"

Miao Renlong's face was distorted, and he tore off his coat, a one-meter-long centipede was twisting on Miao Renlong's body, terrifying!

Miao family, good at...

But to drive away Gu and control poison, with one enemy and one hundred!

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