Hearing the roar from outside the door, the dust family members in the room suddenly panicked.

"Well, the elders have found out!"

"what should I do now?"

"Chen Hao, let's go out and explain it to them!"

The Chen family members in the room were extremely anxious, and the old woman just now tremblingly held Chen Caiwei's father's hand, and persuaded again and again.

"Grandma, don't worry, leave everything to me." Chen Hao comforted the old woman, then turned to look outside the door, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Caiwei, follow me out." Chen Hao's voice became louder, and his entire popularity changed drastically.

"Yes, father..." Chen Caiwei was taken aback for a moment when she saw Chen Hao like this, then she came back to her senses and stood behind Chen Hao.

"Miss Li, made you laugh." Chen Hao apologized to Li Shuangyan next to him.

Regarding Chen Hao's words, Li Shuangyan also smiled and nodded in response, without saying anything, and stepped aside.

"Thank you." Seeing that Li Shuangyan was not ready to intervene, Chen Hao thanked Li Shuangyan with some gratitude.

No matter how... they are also the Chen family, there are always some grievances that need to be resolved.

Chen Hao also knew that this day would come eventually, and he himself had been preparing for this situation.

However, because of Zhang Ziling's appearance, their break was premature.

"Father, be careful..." Chen Caiwei warned behind Chen Hao.

"Yeah." Chen Hao nodded, took a deep breath, and then pushed the door out.

"Elder, why is it so angry?" Chen Hao walked out of the room and smiled at an old man standing outside the door.

"Ask you knowingly?" The elder squinted, and a murderous intent appeared in the depths of his eyes, "Do you not know what happened at the venue?"

Hearing the words of the great elder, Chen Hao flashed a hint of surprise in his eyes, and asked in a little surprise: "Why did the great elder say this? The black market boxing club has always been the great elder and you are in charge. We basically can't interfere, even me. I haven't been to the boxing meeting this time. How do I know what happened in the meeting?"

"You really don't know?" The elder raised his eyebrows.

"I really don't know." Chen Hao shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Then why are you discussing to leave?" The elder squinted and asked, "At the moment of the Chen family's crisis, you, as the Chen family, didn't think about sharing the grief for the Chen family, but just wanted to escape?"

"Is the second child in the same line so unbearable?"

Hearing the words of the great elder, Chen Hao shook his head and smiled, "Elder, now my father is still lying in the hospital, and his whole body cultivation is banned. Our family members are very rare. Now we organize a party to visit. Father, what's wrong?"

"Really just visiting my second child?" The elder chuckled. "The monks from the outside world have gathered. None of our Chen family can get out. Even the elder Taishang has come forward. How can you get out? ?"

"Elder, now the Chen family is suffering. As the backbone of the Chen family, you are not stabilizing the family members, but you are running to embarrass us..." When Chen Hao wanted to speak again, Chen Caiwei stood up. The tone was a little excited, "We have been bullied by you all the time, our power has been emptied, and our resources have been deprived. We didn't remember us when we were blessed, but now we are suffering... Do you want us to share our adversity?"

"Elder, do you want to use the mere word ‘dust’ to let people from our family be buried with you!"

"Caiwei!" Seeing Chen Caiwei suddenly stood up, Chen Hao's face changed slightly, and he quickly grabbed her.

"Father! Why do you have to talk nicely to him?" Chen Caiwei broke away from Chen Hao's hand forcibly, "Isn't the great elder here just wanting us to be hostages?"

"Will Lord Nine Emperors change his plan because of me?" Chen Caiwei changed her gentle look before, and her tone became extremely cold. "The Chen family is dead, and now we should save the last fire of the Chen family. Things?"

"Caiwei..." Chen Hao didn't expect that Chen Caiwei would be so tough, and his eyes became more complicated, but in the end he sighed slightly and stopped stopping.

Originally, Chen Hao still had his last illusion, and wanted to cooperate with the Great Elder to fight for the Chen family's first line of life...

But when Chen Caiwei said that, the last bit of the skin between them and the elder was completely torn.

"Sure enough, you are discussing the matter of escape again!" Hearing Chen Caiwei's words, the elder was not angry, but a happy expression appeared on his face, as if he had been waiting for Chen Caiwei to say this, "Come here," Capture all these traitors for me!"

As soon as the great elder's voice fell, several powerful men of the Nascent Soul Stage appeared around, bypassed Chen Hao, and rushed into the room.

"You!" Chen Hao's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to rush in to save people, but was blocked by the Great Elder.

Chen Hao easily stopped with the cultivation base of the ageing spiritual stage.

"Get away from me!" Chen Hao burst out with a terrifying aura, trying to knock the Great Elder away.

"How dare you commit the crime, it's the opposite!" The elder sternly slapped Chen Hao's chest with a palm, and shot Chen Hao away.

"Dad!" Chen Caiwei saw Chen Hao being photographed by the elder, and exclaimed, ran to Chen Hao and helped him up.

Chen Caiwei never imagined that the great elder turned his face so quickly!

"Grab the two of them too." The Great Elder coldly looked at Chen Hao and Chen Caiwei not far away, and said lightly.

He had known what happened in the meeting place from the mouth of the dust, and now the entire family was being watched by the nine emperors, and the outside of the manor was surrounded by the forces, and could not escape at all.

The only thing that can keep them alive now is to take Chen Caiwei and others who had been with the Nine Emperors as hostages, let the Nine Emperors let them go, or use them to hold the rescue to the Shadow Gate.

In the eyes of the great elder, Chen Caiwei must have a leg with the Nine Emperors. The Nine Emperors' protection of shortcomings is a well-known thing. Even if there is no way to use Chen Caiwei to escape, delaying time can still be done.

The Great Elder knew exactly how strong the Shadow Gate was.

As long as they come, the Chen family will definitely be saved!

Therefore, starting with Chen Caiwei's line, from the very beginning, the Chen family had negotiated together.

Two Nascent Soul stage powerhouses appeared on both sides of Chen Hao, forming a formation to block Chen Caiwei and Chen Hao.

"Yes, damn..." Chen Hao spit out a mouthful of blood, clutching his chest, didn't care about his condition, instead looked anxiously into the room.

Many of them are ordinary people, how can they withstand the attack of the Nascent Soul monk?


At this moment, the door of the room was knocked open, and the few Yuan Ying monks flew out and smashed to the ground.

"What's the matter?" When the Great Elder saw Monk Yuan Ying who fell on the ground, his face changed slightly.

"Inside the Chen family...is it so rotten?"

A cold voice came from the room with a majestic momentum.

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