Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 944: Crazy dust

In the discussion hall, the pungent smell of blood permeated the hall, and even a faint blood could be seen in the air.

Chen Hao had become extremely weak, no longer even the strength to scream, kneeling weakly on the ground.

And because Chenhua absorbed Chen Hao's power, his aura climbed again to reach another peak, and the surrounding air trembled slightly because of the unconscious aura of the dusty bloom.

"Hahaha, power... it's all power!" Chenhua released the knife in her hand and began to laugh madly.

The abundant spiritual power in the body made Chenhua feel unprecedentedly comfortable.

"Wait for the Nine Emperors, the Shadow Gate...When I absorb all the nutrients, you will all die by my sword, I swear!" Chenhua said sharply, her eyes flashing with endless red light, full of distortions Hatred.

"Yes, damn..." Chen Caiwei looked at Chen Hao's frail face, tears washing her face.

But she couldn't do anything except cry.

The spiritual power in the body was banned, and the body was bound by an immortal rope. Now even if an ordinary person is in front of her, Chen Caiwei can't do anything.

"Who, who will save us..."

Chen Caiwei fell to the ground, her eyes filled with despair. The experience of her father made Chen Caiwei feel unprecedented fear and despair.

Suddenly, Chen Caiwei felt the rope that bound her untied, and the ban in her body was broken by a mysterious and powerful spiritual force.

Chen Caiwei regained her freedom.

Just before Chen Caiwei could react, she felt a familiar but unfamiliar breath appear next to her.

"It's cold on the ground, get up."

Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Chen Caiwei's ears, causing Chen Caiwei's body to shake slightly.

"Nine, Lord Nine Emperors?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Chen Caiwei's suppressed emotions instantly lost control, and she began to cry loudly, not looking like a eldest lady.

Seeing Chen Caiwei's helpless appearance, Zhang Ziling didn't say anything, but gently helped her up.

"Don't worry, then... give it to me." Zhang Ziling slightly wiped the tears from Chen Caiwei's face, blocking her behind her.

"I just saw that your father and the kid lying next to him are still alive, it's nothing serious." Zhang Ziling looked at Chen Hua's back and comforted Chen Caiwei softly.

"Hmm..." Chen Caiwei was like a dose of tranquilizer when she heard Zhang Ziling's words, and a smile appeared on her crying face.

"Gu Gu... Nine Emperors!"

Chenhua's back looked very gloomy, and the whole person made a very strange sound.

Seeing the appearance of Chenhua, Zhang Ziling's eyes condensed slightly, and a red light flashed past, confirming that Chenhua had eaten the blood worm!

"Who gave you the blood worm you swallowed?" Zhang Ziling looked at the dust and asked aloud.

"Hehe...Do you want to know?" Chenhua turned around staggeringly, looking at Zhang Ziling with a strange smile, "It turns out that the Nine Emperors also don't know anything!"

"I thought the Nine Emperors knew everything, omnipotent..."

"It turns out that it's still a trash, no different from other people!" Chenhua said strangely, and blood mist began to surround him.

Zhang Ziling was not annoyed at the mockery of Chenhua, but looked at Chenhua quietly.

The person who swallows the blood worms can gain soaring strength by absorbing the power of their loved ones, gaining power that is hundreds or thousands of times higher than their own body, but correspondingly...the blood worms will also affect people. Sanity makes a person become bloodthirsty crazy, arrogant and conceited, and lose all good side, only leaving violent bloodthirsty.

A person's negative emotions will be amplified indefinitely, and when the negative emotions reach a limit, the blood worm will completely swallow that person's brain, turn that person into a blood slave, and will only kill endlessly.

Therefore, even in the Xuanxiao Continent, the Blood Spirit Worm is a forbidden item in the Upper Shenzhou of Southern Xinjiang. It is sealed in the forbidden land by the Holy Land of Southern Xinjiang. It will be sacrificed only when the Holy Land is threatened by the extinction land. enemy.

Once, the Holy Land of Southern Xinjiang even repelled a great emperor with a blood worm! This is enough to show how terrifying the blood worm is!

"Master Nine Emperors, he ate the blood-drinking worm. It is an evil item traded by the Great Elder's line and the Shadow Gate." At this time, Chen Caiwei said behind Zhang Ziling.

"Shadow Gate..." Zhang Ziling narrowed his eyes when hearing Chen Caiwei's words, "No wonder..."

"It seems that you know quite a lot, Caiwei." At this time, Chenhua laughed and said to Chen Caiwei, "Even this blood-drinking bug was traded with the Shadow Gate."

"But to be precise... this blood-drinking worm was stolen from the Shadow Gate, those idiots... even this kind of treasure can't be seen, I got it for nothing."

"Don't worry about the nine emperors, after I have absorbed all the waste of the Chen family, I will come and kill you, and then I will flatten the Shadow Gate, let them taste... the taste of being destroyed by their own treasures!" Chen Hua quacked. Smiling, "Now, let you live a little longer..."

When the dusty voice fell, the whole person turned into a pool of blood and disappeared in place.

"He's gone?" After the dust disappeared, Chen Caiwei couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, Zhang Ziling was not surprised by Chenhua's escape. He just said indifferently: "Don't worry about him for now, save people first."

At present, Zhang Ziling has not figured out the reason why the evil emperor released the blood worm, so he plans to release the dust first.

Anyway, he won't leave the Chen family until Chen Hua has absorbed all the Chen family.

It still matters to save people.

Zhang Ziling used his spiritual power to draw Chen Hao and the distant Chen Ye to his side, and began to repair their injuries.

Because Chenye was only stabbed by Chenhua, and Chenhua did not choose to absorb the spiritual power of Chenye, although Chenye's injury was very serious, but relying on its own strength during the foundation building period, it barely managed to reach Zhang Ziling.

In this way, Chenye is also considered fatal.

Soon, Chen Hao and Chen Ye recovered under Zhang Ziling's spiritual treatment. Although their auras were still weak, they were fine, they just needed a good rest for a while.

"Caiwei, it should be fine for you to take the two of them out alone?"

After stabilizing Chen Hao and Chen Ye's injuries, Zhang Ziling said to Chen Caiwei.

"No, no problem." Chen Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Chen Hao was fine, and then gratefully looked at Zhang Ziling and said excitedly.

Seeing that Chen Caiwei was okay, Zhang Ziling also nodded, and then said softly: "Well, take them out... Next, the Chen family, I'm afraid it is a bit dangerous."

"In it...maybe something in the Shadow Gate is hidden."

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