Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 958: Saint level monster

As Zhang Ziling's voice fell, Li Shuangyan was also put down by Zhang Ziling, but Li Shuangyan was still suspended in the air supported by a magic cloud.

Before Li Shuangyan had time to speak, Zhang Ziling took out a man's shirt from the space ring and threw it at her. Li Shuangyan hurriedly caught it.

"This is the only one, and I will wear it." Zhang Ziling said again. Before Li Shuangyan could thank him, he was taken away by Mo Yun.

Li Shuangyan held the shirt that Zhang Ziling threw over, looked at Zhang Ziling's back, and did not react for a while.

"This, this is the clothes of the Nine Emperors?" Li Shuangyan held a clean shirt that Zhang Ziling threw over, still a little unbelievable, in a daze.

Li Shuangyan didn't know why. When she thought that the shirt she was holding was Zhang Ziling's, she felt a deer hitting her chest and her pretty face turned pink.

Although this shirt is for men, it is tailor-made according to Zhang Ziling's physique. Li Shuangyan is still slightly loose.

Perhaps because of psychological factors, Li Shuangyan always felt like she was being held by someone after putting on the shirt given by Zhang Ziling. The faint breath lingering on the shirt also made Li Shuangyan feel a little strange, and even the whole person felt much warmer.

"Master Nine Emperors..." Li Shuangyan folded her hands on her chest, staring at Zhang Ziling's back, and there was a different emotion in the eyes of Zhang Ziling.

Li Shuangyan found that Zhang Ziling seemed a little different from when he was in Shushan.

However, Li Shuangyan couldn't tell what was different.

Zhang Ziling has no time to bother about Li Shuangyan's emotional changes.

All he did was to use his spiritual power to help Li Shuangyan resist the cold, and by the way, he gave Li Shuangyan a piece of clothing to cover her exposing vast expanse of whiteness.

After all, Li Shuangyan was a bit too exposed before, and even the breath of the monster turned into dust became thicker when he saw Li Shuangyan.

After Zhang Ziling sent Li Shuangyan away, the monster refocused his attention on Zhang Ziling.

It seemed that because he knew that the roar had no effect on Zhang Ziling, the monster stopped roaring, but looked at Zhang Ziling coldly.

"Who are you?" Zhang Ziling looked at the monster in front of him and asked.

He needs to determine whether the main body of consciousness that currently dominates this monster is the blood worm or the dust, which determines what Zhang Ziling will do next.

Regarding Zhang Ziling's question, the monster did not reply, but there was a flickering light in his eyes, which seemed to flash a smile.

Seeing that look, Zhang Ziling's mouth also ticked slightly.

"I understand."

In the next moment, Zhang Ziling appeared in front of the monster, and hit the monster's abdomen with a punch.


The aftermath of a shock visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings, rolling up a fierce storm.

The monster was punched by Zhang Ziling and his eyes stared out. The whole body flew out like a cannonball and hit the demon gas barrier in the distance. The surrounding demon gas barrier was full of waves.

The monster's wings no longer flapped, and the whole body fell to the ground.

Zhang Ziling stood in the void and looked at the falling monster calmly, his expression unchanged.

Zhang Ziling knew that the punch just now seemed fierce, but it still couldn't cause substantial damage to the monster.

What Zhang Ziling will do...

Just angered him.

"It seems that while the evil emperor increased the power of the instant blood spirit worm, it also weakened its will strength..." Zhang Ziling said lightly as he watched the monster slowly rising from the ground, "Now the main will of the monster is Dust, the blood worm seems to have merged with Dust consciousness, completely losing its autonomy."

As Zhang Ziling said, the monster stood up again and looked at Zhang Ziling coldly.

The next moment, the wings of the monster slammed suddenly, and then a storm was rolled up, and it disappeared in place, leaving only a broken pit.

"So fast!"

Li Shuangyan in the distance subconsciously exclaimed, she did not see the monster's movements clearly.

If the monster is facing Li Shuangyan, it is estimated that one face... Li Shuangyan will be cut into several sections by the monster's sharp claws.

Zhang Ziling did not show any surprises at the extremely fast speed of the monster, but turned his back slightly.

A black shadow passed by, and a gust of wind swept up where Zhang Ziling was standing, and the monster flew over.

"It seems that the power and speed have reached the limit, just see how Lingzhi is." Zhang Ziling fell from the air, calmly looked at the monster's back, and said to himself.

"Nine Emperors!!!"

A sky-shattering roar roared from the monster's mouth, resounding throughout the world.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the monster who turned around, relaxed his body, and fell straight down.

Several black chains condensed in front of Zhang Ziling, and then pierced the monster.

The monster watched Zhang Ziling fall down, and there was a glimmer of joy in his eyes. He grabbed the pierced black chain with both hands, and then whipped it to Zhang Ziling.

The black chain cut directly through the space and passed through Zhang Ziling's body.

Zhang Ziling's shadow disappeared.

"The fighting consciousness is not affected, knowing to seize the weapon to counterattack." Zhang Ziling appeared above the monster, holding the magic sword overflowing with black energy in his hand, and said while looking at the monster's back.

The monster saw that he smashed the air with a single blow, and was not annoyed, grabbing the chain and whipping to the sky behind him.

Li Shuangyan in the distance only saw the monster pulling Zhang Ziling's chains, drawing a huge circular gap in the sky, and the surrounding space was shattered like a mirror.

"Even the space is cut!" Li Shuangyan just exclaimed, her eyes full of shock.

The black chain swung in front of Zhang Ziling, and was blocked by Zhang Ziling with a magic sword.

Sparks splashed all over, shining brightly in the sky!

"The ability to capture the breath has also been greatly improved, and it can capture the hidden breath of the saint..." Zhang Ziling once again judged the monster, "and there is no loss of reason due to anger."

"It seems that although Chenhua's personality is affected, her mind is not dragged down by the blood worm, and her overall strength is already considered a saint. The evil emperor has made something incredible..."

"It's almost there."

It seemed that he felt that the analysis was almost done, and Zhang Ziling did not continue, and directly dispelled the chain from the monster's hand.

"Nine Emperors!"

The monster saw Zhang Ziling disperse the chain in his hand, and roared again. A horrible wave began to spread between his hands. Then a dark red energy ball with lightning arcs around it condensed between his palms, exuding a command. The power of suffocation.

Around that energy ball, the space began to collapse!

At the same time, a pair of huge black claws appeared on both sides of Zhang Ziling, grabbing Zhang Ziling and binding him in the air.

Li Shuangyan looked at the energy ball in the monster's hand in horror, and his body began to tremble slightly.

"This, this power... how is it possible?"

Li Shuangyan swallowed fiercely, completely unable to believe the power that the monster burst out.

Li Shuangyan had a hunch... If that energy ball smashed into Tianyong City...

I am afraid that the entire Tianyong City will be razed to the ground in an instant, and there is no room for resistance at all!

"I want you to die!" The monster roared, and threw the energy ball directly at Zhang Ziling.

A dark red light pierced the night sky, and the violent power directly shattered the surrounding space. Li Shuangyan was also blown away by the storm caused by the monster's attack. With the help of the magic cloud, she was able to stop her figure.

Feeling the aura of destructive power, Li Shuangyan couldn't help but looked at Zhang Ziling with concern.

At this moment, the energy ball had bombarded Zhang Ziling, and the surrounding space instantly collapsed!

Seeing that Zhang Ziling hadn't broken away from his restraint, the monster flashed a joking smile in his eyes.


At this time, Zhang Ziling and the monster spit out these two words at the same time.

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