Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 966: Power far beyond a saint

When Zhang Ziling uttered these words, the entire unnamed room seemed to shake.

The Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu's body shook slightly, and a trace of shock and panic flashed deep in his eyes, but he was soon hidden.

"I don't know what you mean..." When the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu changed his frightened look before, he calmed down and said calmly to Zhang Ziling.

"You should know that no matter how you struggle, you are not my opponent." Zhang Ziling was not surprised by the attitude of the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu. Instead, he said a threat that was not related to what he was asking.

"Heh... how do you know if you don't try?" The Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu laughed, his eyes flickered, and the arm that was twisted by Zhang Ziling miraculously returned to its original shape.

"Useless struggling." Zhang Ziling looked at Emperor Beiyin Fengdu expressionlessly, and the devilish energy surrounding him instantly turned into a black giant palm, which was smashed by a sharp claw coming from behind.

Seeing that his sneak attack was unsuccessful, Emperor Beiyin's face changed slightly, and he directly chose to blast towards Zhang Ziling from the front.

"Give me to die!" The Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu roared, and the violent power was concentrated on his right palm, and the terrifying aura made the entire Weiming Space violently shake.

Zhang Ziling's expression did not change the slightest in response to the attack of the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu. With a casual grab with his left hand, he easily grasped the arm of the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu.

"What!" Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu's pupils shrank suddenly. Before he had time to react, Zhang Ziling directly punched the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu in the abdomen, and then slammed his left hand.


Zhang Ziling directly tore off the arm of the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu, and the hot blood sprayed on the ground. The Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu roared in pain, and the violent power of the saint escaped into the air, causing the sky to tremble.

Seeing the painful look of Emperor Beiyin Fengdu, Zhang Ziling also twitched the corner of his mouth, throwing away Emperor Beiyin Fengdu's broken arm at will, and directly grabbed his neck.

"you you……"


Without waiting for the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu to speak, Zhang Ziling exerted a slight force and directly broke the neck of the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu.

Seeing Emperor Beiyin's body slowly falling to the ground, Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed with red light, and he kicked his head.

The Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu flew out like a cannonball.

"Immortal body, it's a good sandbag." Zhang Ziling looked at Emperor Beiyin Fengdu flying far away, the smile in his eyes grew thicker, and then the whole person kicked his legs and rushed directly to Beiyin Fengdu Next to the emperor.

"Let me loosen up your muscles and bones first!" Zhang Ziling once again grabbed the head of the Great Emperor Beiyin, and forced him into the earth by the speed of his flying out!


The violent power directly opened a big hole in the entire Weimingxu. Zhang Ziling grabbed the head of the Great Emperor Beiyin and rushed out of the Weimingxu, pressing it onto the floor of the attic.

The falling figure of the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu couldn't stop at all. Zhang Ziling took the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu directly through the floating island and smashed into the earth of the small world of the Shadow Gate Dige.

The earth with a radius of thousands of miles shattered instantly!

The monstrous smoke and dust permeated the entire small world of the shadow gate.

Tianhuang has turned into a tripod at this moment, flying out of Weiming with Zhang Ziyou, floating in the sky.

Now Zhang Ziyou is sitting cross-legged inside the Tianhuangding Cauldron, surrounded by extremely terrifying power, and those powers are constantly pouring into Zi You's body with Zi You's breath and breath.

Every moment, Zhang Ziyou's breath is rising.

"Okay, what a terrifying power!" Soul Eater appeared beside Tianhuangding, staring at the completely broken ground below, and swallowing hard.

You know, Zhang Ziling didn't use any spiritual power at all. It was solely relying on the power of the flesh to break through the evil emperor's nameless space, and the entire land was broken!

The endless dark crows were shocked by the terrifying impact at the moment when the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu smashed into the earth.

The sky was shrouded in endless smoke and dust, and the visibility of the entire small world was reduced to the extreme.

Afterwards, a violent demon gas soared into the sky from the broken earth, forming a monstrous tornado, and the sky was completely blown away by smoke and dust!

Looking down from the sky, the whole land is already covered with cracks, spreading like a spider web in all directions.

The whole small world turned into ruins in an instant.

Standing on a protruding boulder, Zhang Ziling looked at Emperor Beiyin Fengdu, who had turned into meatloaf below, and was very calm.

After a while, the Emperor Beiyin Fengdu, who turned into a meatloaf, slowly recovered his human appearance, kneeling on the ground and panting, his breath weakened to the extreme.

The exaggerated power of Zhang Ziling simply frightened the Great Emperor Beiyin.

Even the Western Titans in the ancient prehistoric lands, the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu had the confidence to take their fists.

You know... the power of the Titan God is the most powerful existence in the God Realm. A punch can blast the dragon into fleshy foam, breaking the earth, even the saints dare not resist.

But... the power that Zhang Ziling showed just now caused the Great Emperor Beiyin's heart to be filled with endless despair.

He simply can't bear the kind of power that is far superior to a saint!

"Devil, Devil..." The Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu raised his head with difficulty, looked at Zhang Ziling standing on the huge boulder with some horror, his body began to tremble slightly.

Shouldn't he have sealed his power at the saint level when he was in the underworld?

How, how?

The Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu couldn't figure it out at all, he was scared everywhere in his body, and even the power in his body was somewhat out of control.

"I wasn't on the earth at all during the prehistoric period, but I learned from Yizanami that there was a saint with the same name as me who was active in the prehistoric period..." Zhang Ziling looked at the Great Emperor Beiyin below with indifferent eyes. At first I thought it was the evil emperor who used my name, and I didn't really care about it..."

"But judging from the reaction when you called me the Devil Emperor when you saw me..." A red light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and the whole person instantly came in front of the Great Emperor Beiyin, "I don't think we were before Have seen it."


The two palms of Emperor Beiyin Fengdu were pierced by two black chains, and the whole person was hung in the air.

The severe pain caused the Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu to roar out, his face distorted again because of the pain.

The Great Emperor Beiyin Fengdu wanted to mobilize the power of the saint in his body to relieve his pain, but was horrified to find that the power in his body was like a pool of stagnant water, and he did not listen to his orders at all!

For a time, endless fear filled the heart of the Great Emperor Beiyin.

"Perhaps you now tell me who is the person who pretended to use my identity in the prehistoric times... and will suffer less skin and flesh."

Zhang Ziling looked at Emperor Beiyin Fengdu who was hung in the air, and the smile on his mouth grew thicker.

"Say it."

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