Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 973: Saint Vincent Middle School


The tour guide looked at the strange man in front of him suspiciously, not understanding what Zhang Ziling wanted to do.

"Let's go." Zhang Ziling did not explain too much to the tour guide, but just smiled and got out of the car.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's back, the tour guide felt Zhang Ziling more mysterious, but he didn't think much about it. It was important to do his own tour guide.

Take tourists to visit Sheng Teng Middle School.

The reason why Zhang Ziling wanted to report to this tour group was to get into this school for legitimate reasons.

This Shengteng Middle School does not allow outsiders to enter casually, and the travel company reported by Zhang Ziling is a cooperative relationship with Shengteng Middle School. Every week, a group of tourists will visit Shengteng Middle School.

Although Shengteng Middle School is a school, the scenery inside is extremely charming, and the photos alone attract a large number of tourists.

However, because Sheng Teng Middle School does not allow outsiders to enter, only tourists who have signed up for this tour group will have one hour to visit, so many people report the company's tour group just because of Sheng Teng Middle School.

Even if it is only an hour, the travel company has harvested a large number of tourists because of its partnership with Sheng Teng Middle School, and it has made a lot of money.

Of course, Sheng Teng Middle School will also draw money from this travel company, rather than profit through the condemned means of tickets.

After all, the Holy See still needs a lot of expenses. Like this kind of fragmentary income, the Holy See still has a lot of it. It is these incomes that support such a huge machine of the Holy See.

If the Holy See relies solely on donations from believers, the money donated by those believers... I am afraid that even a decent Knight Order cannot support it.

So the Holy See also had to make some extra money.

Zhang Ziling happened to report for the last place in the tour group to visit Shengteng Middle School this week, but you can use the perspective of ordinary people to see what is magical about this school.

After coming to Europe, Zhang Ziling was not in a hurry to contact Ella, but chose to come to this school for a quiet observation.

Saying that the Holy See has no conspiracy here, Zhang Ziling would never believe it, and Zhang Ziling guessed that the goal of the Holy See is likely to be the power staff and the original ring around Aila.

Zhang Ziling has enough reasons to believe that after the Holy See gets the heaven-seeking rites, it is impossible not to be uninterested in his **** soldiers.

Let Ella stay in this school, indicating that the Holy See is likely to have any means to control Ella in a short time, or brainwash Ella... Let Ella willingly hand over the Primordial Ring and the Staff of Power.

The Holy See, which possesses the Heavenly God Weapon, also knows that if we want to forcibly seize the Heavenly God Weapon, there is basically no such possibility, so we can only do this kind of curve to save the country.

Otherwise, if you put it in the past... If you let a Duke-level blood race and the students of the Holy See mix together, I am afraid that all the archbishops will have a trouble.

From the information Zhang Ziling learned, none of the 32 bishops of the Holy See opposed the Pope’s proposal.

What kind of plan is contained in this is worth pondering deeply.

If Zhang Ziling appeared directly by Ella's side, it is likely to alert the Holy See and terminate the operation early.

After all, the Holy See is also very concerned about the news of the Nine Emperors. If the Holy See is asked to guess the identity of Zhang Ziling, the Holy See will most likely terminate the plan directly and hang Ella all the time, letting Ella stay in the school to delay time.

Zhang Ziling did not have so much time to wait for the Holy See to show his feet.

What he needs is to grab the Vatican's tail, then force the Vatican to release, and then take his own things, and give the Vatican some warnings by the way, let the Vatican know the pain, and dare not provoke the blood.

Zhang Ziling never thought of destroying the Holy See. After all, there are too many members of the Holy See in this world. If the center of the Holy See is destroyed, I am afraid the whole world will become chaotic.

This is not what Zhang Ziling wants to see.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling chose to mix tourists in the tour group, which can perfectly mix into Shengteng Middle School, and he can also observe the Shengteng Middle School which has the title of the cradle of the Paladin.

Very much, after the tour guide communicated with the school guard, he led everyone into the Shengteng Middle School without hindrance.

As he passed the school gate, Zhang Ziling clearly felt at least five breaths sweeping from him. This also explains the importance of Shengteng Middle School to the Holy See in disguise.

Zhang Ziling deliberately walked at the back of the tour group, looking around the state of the students in the school.

These students are wearing monk uniforms. The whole campus is very quiet. Most of the students are reading books under the shade of the trees, or discussing things in twos and threes.

Although this kind of scenery adds a strong learning atmosphere to the entire campus, Zhang Ziling always feels that the school is less energetic.

"There's nothing good about this school! I think it's just like the school in our place, and all I learned are nerds!"

In the middle of the tour, a strong man with the appearance of a nouveau riche in the tour group dug his nostrils and vomited. The voice was not so small that the entire group could hear it.

"You can't say that. The scenery of this school is indeed the same as the one in the photo. It is beautiful, not as unbearable as you said! And I am very optimistic about the students, and it will definitely become a good one in the future." But the thin and weak man disagreed with the brawny's words, and he retorted directly.

"Hey! What's the use of reading? Isn't it going to work for me?" The strong man spit on the ground disdainfully, and then shouted at the tour guide: "Hey, I have seen enough of this bird school, let's go! Aren’t we going to the Vatican next? Let’s go directly to the Vatican to see the church!"

The brawny's crude behavior quickly caused dissatisfaction among many people in the tour group, but everyone glared at the brawny without making any accusations.

"Sir, others still need to continue to visit. If you don't want to continue watching, you can act alone for a while, and you will gather at the school gate." The tour guide smiled and said to the strong man, although he didn't like the rudeness of the strong man in his heart. Behavior, but as a tour guide, he didn't dare to be angry with his tourists, so he had to soothe him.

When there are more tour guides, he has seen all kinds of tourists. He has encountered such unreasonable people as Xiang Zhuang, and he knows what to do.

"Hey! Look at this **** place if you like, I'll go outside and wait for you!" The strong man sipped to the ground again, turned and left in the opposite direction, without staying at all.

"Oh... vulgar person." The thin man watched the strong man leave, glanced at the phlegm on the ground, frowned and shook his head, and then said to the tour guide: "Guide, I'm tired too. Go back first."

After that, the thin man followed the strong man.

Seeing the two people leaving the group directly, the tour guide was stunned at first, and then reacted, thinking that there were other tourists, and quickly adjusted his mood, and after a few words of comfort to other people, he took them to continue the tour.

On the contrary, Zhang Ziling looked at the back of the thin man and the strong man with interest, a trace of joke flashed in his eyes.

"Two interesting people, it seems there are some unexpected surprises..."

The next moment, Zhang Ziling did not intend to continue with the group, nor did he say hello to the tour guide, and walked directly in the direction where the strong and weak men had left.

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