Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 990: Hope of rejuvenation

Father Sean crashed into the metal wall made of alloy, the entire base shook violently, and the main building above the base also began to show signs of collapse.

Father Sean almost crashed the foundation when he hit it just now!

There was endless violence in Louise's eyes, and it seemed that she was not satisfied to punch Father Sean into the wall. With a slight kick on her legs, the whole person bounced in the direction of Father Sean like a cannonball.

But just as Louise was about to rush into the pothole, a light blue barrier suddenly appeared at the entrance of the hole and bounced Louise back.

On the light blue barrier, there is also a strong atmosphere of Dao law.

"I didn't expect... I really didn't expect..." Zhang Ziling retracted his soul, saw the barrier that appeared suddenly, shook his head and laughed.

"In this small Shengteng Middle School, there are two derivations of the Dao Law." Zhang Ziling's mouth was with a subtle smile, and his eyes flashed with excitement, "No wonder the Royal Soul Orb can stimulate Louise's awakening. , Let Louise gain the power of Tyrant’s Way."

"Three thousand avenues ranked ninety-seven high-ranking avenues, Soul Dao, turned into a bead, and briefly activated its power by absorbing the blood of the priest..."

"It seems that the laws of the earth can not only evolve into living beings, but also into any object, and it's hidden so deep...If I don't check that aspect, I won't find it at all!" Zhang Ziling looked at the blue. The barrier said excitedly, as if he had discovered something great.

The origin of the tyrant's avenue is of no use to Zhang Ziling, it is nothing more than to strengthen Zhang Ziling's power, which overlaps with the law of evil spirits.

But the Soul Dao is different. As long as Zhang Ziling gets the Dao Origin of the Soul Dao Law, Zhang Ziling's soul can quickly recover, and it is estimated that Zhang Ziling will be able to restore his soul to its heyday in a few months.

At that time, Zhang Ziling could also break through the seal he had planted for him, so that his power was no longer limited to the saint, and he would return to the realm of the emperor in one fell swoop, and even return to the supreme!

Why isn't Zhang Ziling excited to be able to recover all his strength in a short time?


Just when Zhang Ziling was thinking about how to use the origin of the soul road law, Father Xiao En erupted in the pit with strong power, rushed out directly from the inside, surrounded by terrifying soul power.

"The humble intruder, you have angered the Lord, and now the Lord has given me this supreme power and has asked me to nail you to the cross!" Father Sean looked at Louise and Zhang Ziling and screamed, his eyes full of soul. Flickering, the horror of the law of the road surged.

It seems that because of the stimulation of the great power in Father Sean's body, the violent color in Louise's eyes has become more intense.

"Go! Die!" Louise actually spit out two words, and then rushed to Father Sean again, and fought with Father Sean.

"Have you started to master the language?" Zhang Ziling looked at Louise who was fighting with Father Sean and said softly.

Zhang Ziling has no plans to make a move yet. After all, Zhang Ziling doesn't know whether the Yuhunzhu will dissipate directly and the will of the soul will die if he shows too much power.

If the spirit of the soul is allowed to die, then Zhang Ziling can't get the origin of the soul.

The origin of this great avenue, apart from the law of will itself, no one can find where it is.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling needs to use Louise to attenuate the power of the Yuhunzhu, and then Zhang Ziling will capture the will of the soul in one fell swoop.

However, the battle between Father Sean and Louise was too fierce, and the entire base was destroyed by the power of the turbulent road law. If Zhang Ziling had not restricted the battle between Father Louise and Father Sean to one range, I am afraid they are now Destroyed the entire base long ago and rushed to the ground to fight.

"Zhang, Brother Zhang..." Just as Zhang Ziling was watching the battle between Louise and Father Shaun with great relish, Chen San's voice rang in Zhang Ziling's ears.

"Huh?" Zhang Ziling turned slightly to look at Chen San when he heard Chen San's voice.

Chen San's face was ugly at this moment, and his eyes flashed with struggling expressions.

Seeing Chen San now, he seemed to understand something in his eyes, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but a tick, and he asked Chen San, "What is it?"

Chen San's throat moved, seeming to hesitate, but in the end he said to Zhang Ziling: "Zhang, Brother Zhang, there is something wrong with the children, you need to see it."

"Okay." Zhang Ziling did not hesitate, and walked straight to Chen San.

The battle between Father Sean and Louise will continue for some time, and Zhang Ziling now has the energy to deal with other things.

"Here." Chen San also breathed a sigh of relief when Zhang Ziling came over, and then quickly turned and walked in a certain direction.

Zhang Ziling followed Chen San closely, watching Chen San's back with interest.

At this moment, Chen San's body was a little stiff, and he seemed very nervous.

This base is already very quiet at the moment. Because of the children's riots, there are not many living people in the base. When Zhang Ziling and Chen San are walking, there are clear footsteps echoing in the corridor.

Suddenly, Chen San suddenly stopped.

"Why, don't you go?" Zhang Ziling looked at Chen San who had stopped, raising an eyebrow and asked.

"Brother Zhang, you'd better go..." Chen San turned around, "I guess I won't be able to survive, so I don't want to drag you into the water."

"If you have a chance in the future, please take revenge for me!"

Chen San quickly said to Zhang Ziling.

Hearing Chen San's words, the smile on Zhang Ziling's mouth became stronger and stronger, "This is what you want to tell me?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling's reaction, Chen San couldn't help but stunned, he really didn't expect it to be the current situation.

Chen San thought that he was not expressing clearly enough, so he simply explained to Zhang Ziling again: "Brother Zhang, I just met He Fei and smiled. He poisoned me and threatened me to take you to him."

"Why not a laughing character, even if I take you over, I will die. You should run away. The children can't be saved anymore. You will have a chance to avenge me in the future!"

After Chen San said these words, Zhang Ziling's expression did not even change at all, as if he had not heard what Chen San said at all.

"Brother Zhang?" Chen San didn't expect Zhang Ziling's reaction, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Lead the way." Zhang Ziling looked at Chen San and shook his head, and said lightly, "You can't go."

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, Chen San's body shook suddenly!

"Brother Zhang, you..."

"I know it in my heart." Zhang Ziling's tone was flat, "Lead the way."

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