
Chapter 437: 27.4 Reasons for Love and Hate

Of the three habitable colonial planets now under federal control,

The resistance that the Commonwealth encountered on Mars was the most intense-because that had evolved into a war of extermination.

The ratio of the area occupied by the Wind Star is the most-because there are a large number of mountains and rivers on the land, you can easily control a large area by directly grasping it.

Although Water Star occupies the least area, it is the most securely controlled. Although the Federation only controls 20% of the area of ​​Water Star, this includes all land and the associated shallow sea shelf, which is more than 90%. population.

The Commonwealth was feudal to feudal lords and allowed churches with moderate doctrines to exist. Very easily maintained the basic order of the planet.

Right now on Mercury, there are only a few "extremely dogmatic" blocs against the Commonwealth.

But this "minority" is actually not a lot.

There are 2 billion people on Water Star, and the resistance still has 15 million people (this figure is estimated based on krill consumption in the southern waters).

They built resistance bases in deep sea corners, using the sheltering nature of the seawater to hide, and the Federation could not find their base for a short time.

These resistance groups still have a certain influence in the people. After all, in a society with many contradictions, some people always need to seek religious comfort.

When Jun Jixing ran out of the embassy, ​​he did not meet. If you stroll below for a few more months, you can find these resistance joints through civilian magicians.


Speaking of the magical inheritance of the water star, you must also say that Yufeng is the great-grandson of Taidou Yuting, the southern method warrior of the Qianchuan Republic. In the 150th year of the universe, he arrived at Mercury as a spaceman. During the war, he fell in love with the girl of Mercury and converted to a religion called Chenhuiguang.

Jun Zixing was very skeptical, this guy was ordered to break into the water star. Because with the subsequent occupation of Mercury by the Confederacy, this morning glow quickly became moderate.

As a generation master, he brought the skills and heritage of spell placement from the Commonwealth.

Martial arts has greatly impacted the field of traditional mages on this planet! Because the past was the ability of the aristocracy on the planet of Mercury, but with the development of industry, with the use of some equipment, the spell skills summarized in the information age have advantages over traditional spells. This more modern line of inheritance will soon be in The water star is crazy.

It is extremely ironic that, now that the Mercury Star is a moderate religion or an extremist, it has regarded the imported goods as the standard of sectarian class assessment.

Because the various standards of martial arts warriors and the evaluation of combat power are more definitive and clearer than the traditional extraordinary system of Mercury.

When standards for spell accuracy, switching speed, and fluency are available, it means that there are very few leapfrogging challenges (only when the standard is not clearly defined and the judgment of strength is not accurate) (There will be a challenge to leapfrogging), so in the internal management of the sect, it is very convenient to match the treatment level, so as not to let the superficial weaker live under the superficial strong.

At present, many young people at the bottom of the Water Star are faintly looking forward to becoming martial arts cultivators, training their powers to control their fate. And the feudal lords of the Water Star, although they have a mechanical suit provided by the Federation, are enough to defeat the martial arts. However, mechanical clothing is equivalent to a locomotive, and its metal muscles need constant maintenance and cannot be worn forever. Can prevent thieves for a while, not thieves.

The Water Star feudal masters compromised the mighty martial arts and the religion behind them. Even in the homes of the nobles in many places, the martial arts were able to become guests.

The check and balance between the feudal lord and religion of this Mercury is also the opinion of the Federation, preventing any faction in the peace zone from completely expanding and then collaborating with extremist organizations.

Of course, the Federation naturally cannot trust the martial arts, and is always on alert.

Now this is reflected directly on the planet's highest specification party held in the Queen's Palace! When Bai Mihai and Jun Jixing attended the conference, a group of heavily armored armoured troops stood directly at the gate of the palace.

These metal smart troops searched the nobles who attended the banquet without emotion.

Jun Zixing looked at the intelligent soldiers saluting himself on both sides of the aisle, and looked at the nobles who had to be searched before being released, and could not help shaking his head.

All stars: Arrogant, too arrogant. The Federation really disdains even a bit of equality.

When these smiling nobles accepted this military style body search, they would never think of any good in their minds, which is why the resistance has vitality here.

Obviously Bai Mihai didn't care about this, and maybe he didn't bother to care about it. He found that the garrison of Mercury, once found a local aristocracy to contact the resistance, directly killed it.

Now he ignored the guards of the palace all the way, and rightfully took all stars to step into the palace.

In front of the throne in the palace, Bai Mihai bowed to a dignified and mature woman who was the master of the country of eternal blue.

Although Jie Xing said in his heart, "Sell yourself for the power of the rule." On the surface, however, she gave a very heavy gift to the empress.

This caused the nobles in the hall to look sideways.

Bai Mihai stunned, then pulled up Ji Xingxing with a smile, and whispered: "This is my mother, I salute for filial piety, you only need to bow slightly." Speaking of which, he shot After shooting Jun Xing's back, he gestured his head up.

As the supreme military officer of the Federation, if his mother is not the empress of the eternal blue, he is the standard emperor.

From the spirit to the birth, Bai Mihai is a native Saturn, and the empress is a spiritual water star.

The empress's bloodline was the group of senior commanders who emigrated to Water Star five hundred years ago and then localized, otherwise they would not be able to provide Bai Mihai with genetic data.

Jun Zixing looked at Bai Mihai's serious expression, and whispered, "I think it is necessary to maintain the necessary respect for your Majesty. By the way, your mother, isn't you very strict?"

At this time the Queen smiled and said, "Find the sea, this little kid you brought with him is very cute."

Bai Mihai said: "Master, he is my schoolmate, an excellent commander, and a knowledgeable scholar (big maker)."

The queen froze. As a window to Mercury and the Federation, the lady knew the concepts of a commander and a large maker.

All picking stars bent down deeply: "Respectful, kind, and beautiful Her Majesty, the whole empire is full of your virtues, such as the golden scales overlapping the rising sun."

The queen nodded to Jun Zixing, but smiled on her face.

When Jun Zixing sat down with Bai Mihai, he couldn't help but say, "Who doesn't like to listen to good words in this world? Sometimes, when there is no interest to induce war and you can't force the other party to recognize your own ideas, you should live in peace. Respect each other. "

On the other side, Bai Mihai took a picture of all stars, and sent a message light grain and the message light grains of the stars: "You don't want to be blocked here?"

Jun Zixing shook his head and sent back a message light grain: "How is it possible, I just think that the face of the maid is very important, brother, are you really condescending like this, is it really okay!"

Bai Mihai stared for a while, then looked at Jun Xing with a smile: "Well, am I wrong?"

Under the smile of Bai Mihai, Jun Zixing nodded and took a sigh of relief: "I know the federal strategy of controlling the Water Star, but this is your mother." Jun Zixing looked up at the uncircled people in the sky. Gunboat sighed.

Bai Mihai solemnly said, "Hey, pick the stars, this is the theater! Don't be lazy."

Jun Zixing nodded helplessly and said, "I know, it is the theater. You are not wrong."

Then he sighed and sent another message of light. He further explained: "We have given equality, but in exchange for the invasion of religious thoughts (the thoughts of the children of the first generation of commanders were affected), alas, The intimidation of "pagans should go into flames after death" makes it impossible for us to tolerate them. "

The strong dominance of the federation is ideologically aggressive overall! But young people's thoughts are pure and kind, and they are tolerant. This is to accept knowledge and the earth-filled world view of Earth Star. And the water star culture is obviously prematurely aggressive to young people. So that under the federal education concept, teenagers in this environment are very vulnerable and susceptible to bullying-just as the worship of "guddle" teenagers in schools may not be able to adapt to modern society in the future, but at the time it was more ordinary than in schools Children are more social!

Jun Zixing took a deep breath and muttered in his heart, "Yeah, it's a dead knot." He bowed his head and stopped speaking.

Bai Mihai comfortedly stroked the hair of the stars.

[No love for no reason, no hate for no reason. Most people have reasons for love and hate. Love the whole world and hate the whole world. All picking stars is too naughty, but some point can make Bai Mihai tolerant. However, although his mother and the empire had blood links, there were many things that made him intolerable. 】

Cosmic calendar 836, September.

Bai Mihai opened the authority for Jun Xing, repeatedly telling that Jun Xing must be safety-oriented (don't do anything), and then boarded the spacecraft and went back to Earth to meet each other.

Of course, the combat system of a combat division is directly tied to Jun Zixing. This military command also indicates that if Jun Zixing wants to run around, artificial intelligence will directly warn him with severe military laws. And the sixty-man Battlemaker Guard who was called from the space fortress accompanied the stars to ensure safety.

In such a battle, all the stars have lost their skin.

In the library of the Eternal Blue Palace, rows of titanium alloy steel bookshelves are erected here. The books on the bookshelves are blocked by glass partitions, and the glass partitions are protected by pure nitrogen and oxygen. Of course, there is an electronic button under each book. Press this button to view the contents of the book on the electronic interface.

Jun Zixing did not climb up on the titanium alloy bookshelf, but expanded the field, and adjusted his thinking speed to 1,500 times. You can consult this valuable information.

Now the body's full energy level has reached 180,000, and the highest acceleration of thinking can reach 2,700 times. I also realized that I was about to reach the upper limit on the basic level.

If we continue to increase the energy, the body's carbon-based material balance will collapse, and it will develop towards a thorough elementalization, leaving behind a body composed of heavy nuclear elements and metal and silicon.

This phenomenon occurred only 100,000 years ago when the demigods reached a very high level. The name is: the mortal body is transformed into the body of the god.

But now, the federal scientific community knows that when the carbon-based part is completely removed, the original self-bearing living matter is abandoned by itself. I should not be myself.

All thinking originates from consciousness, and consciousness originates from extremely subtle physical phenomena on the basis of the brain's material.

This micro-physical wisdom consciousness generation phenomenon may have appeared at the beginning of biological evolution of neural cells. With the continuous complexity of species neurons, it has evolved for hundreds of millions of years.

From a scientific perspective, human beings can only study the continuation of life if they know exactly which material phenomenon the "ego" is in.

Therefore, contemporary humans have determined that the self-thinking program copied in the electronic computing chip is by no means a continuation of life, it is just a “sculpture” of a foreign object like its own shell, and its own essence has not been transferred.

Human essential life is attached to carbon-based substances.

Recently, all stars have noticed that some of their own changes are not very good.

For example, the jealousy of hatred a few months ago, now I want to come, it is an extreme performance. It is very similar to the phenomenon that many high-level artificial intelligences have extreme thinking before the collapse of emotional programs.

Jun Zixing feels that there is a major problem with the control of self-thinking. The second evidence is:

Jun Zixing has become more and more certain. It seems that this unique road to the sky knight now seems to have reached the limit, and the possibility of defeating Rong Jiying in the deep space is becoming increasingly slim.

The problem is that Jun Zixing found that his efforts had come to an end. But I am not sad, unwilling, very, very calm! The Buddhist system is stable.

Therefore, Jun Xingxing has determined that his sensibility seems to be less and less.


In the general library, all the interface information of the squares around the stars are flashing around like digital snowflakes. After three hours, all the stars have consulted the information in the small library and slowly sat in the library's maglev. On the chair, he reached out and patted his head, saying, "In other words, am I saved?"

Jun Zixing said that the tone of the sentence is like playing a game and seeing that the character under his control is about to die.

Seventy thousand years ago, the so-called demigod thinking was completely deified, but everyone looked up with envious eyes, and no one thought about what the demigod had lost. It is difficult for outsiders to feel such harm if the parties do not narrate their fears.

Take a deep breath, sense your own heartbeat, your own enthusiasm, remember the efforts of your own life, and try to make the sensibility in your thinking grow again.

After a few minutes.

Jun Zixing complained and said, "What? The speed of thinking can't continue to improve, then I had to make the plan of the Heavenly Knight, or it will be a bad building?"

All picking stars squatted down, holding their heads slightly with their hands shaking, and at the same time slowed down and slowed down their thinking speed. When they slowed down to 20 times the speed, they all picked up a flash of light, which suddenly accelerated the thinking speed and increased to one thousand. After thinking about the calculation, Jun Xing solemnly said, "I really want to do this kind of thing, can I really be responsible?"

Afterwards, Jun Zixing turned his head and looked at the map on the sky in the library, taking a deep breath: "Unconsciously, is it extreme? Or, my idea is too far ahead."

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