
Chapter 519: 31.15 Beginning of the end of the warb

Cosmic calendar January 859.

The forces on the moon side have completely withdrawn from low-Earth orbit, and have lost the ability to suppress the star catalog of Saturn. Three days later, Uranus' outer space unmanned fleet finally arrived at Saturn.

A magnetic torrent of magnetic nebula envelopes the planet earth. Suddenly put on a space defense suit for the war-torn Saturn.

The planetary fortress of Saturn, the satellite chain in space, the core orbit module of the science and technology of magnetic nebula, and 1398 senior manufacturers and information commanders landed in the ocean.

The war ended abruptly. Because among giants, it's friends who can't be beaten.

Other forces in the solar system are very responsive to this. As if urinating halfway and being forced to lift pants by others.

The Empire of Water Star, the Elder Club of Carbon Star, the Alliance of the Wind Nebula, and a series of asteroid mining sectors that have made a lot of money in this war. These marginal forces were still predicting the peak of the war a few months ago and could not be recovered in a short time. They were preparing to make new plans based on this.

Rulers such as the Mercury Empire are still very traditional politicians, and their understanding of war is doped with an ‘old battle for power’ understanding.

In this war, they even attempted to rise when the federal core power group fell. This is not, the universe has lasted two hundred years, and many science fiction war games are such a fringe rise theme.

In reality, however, they lag behind in this war. Their marginal position has become more stable.


The third solar system war that has just come to an end is an ideological war in its nature. The core purpose of the two sides in the war is not self-destruction, but the choice of the road to determine the top structure in the solar system.

Please note that during these nineteen years, Saturn's advancement will be seen by other planets, as they are at the bottom in the war, and there will be the illusion that they are the same as us. But in fact, during the war, Saturn has always occupied a very important position in the top structure of the solar system.

The top structure is divided into four parts: culture, economy, technology, and military.

From the beginning of the war, the Commonwealth occupied three economic, technological, and military sectors. However, following the path of organs, the great social order was essentially abandoned, and the humanities and legal system were surrendered. The party insisted on the great social order, so it firmly grasped the position of Saturn's cultural change.

Throughout 1,500 years, the culture of Saturn is actually the strongest in the entire solar system!

Even in the era of diversity and chaos at the end of the Universe, when Kanzawa flickered for a while, the masses were chasing chaos in disappointment. Many advanced ideas and ideologies in history are still firmly imprinted in society.

The elderly system of Carbon Star, the green ice carbon economic system of Mercury Star, and the current development system of Mars Star, its current social system is shaped from the origin of Saturn.

In the 19 years of war on Saturn, a large number of changers chose not to fear sacrifice and choose to insist on their education duties, not because the people of Saturn are more reckless and shy than the stars of Water, but because of the culture of Saturn These choices are correct, and the price cannot be escaped.

Advanced culture can help people chase, advanced technology, economic leadership, and strong military.

The Progressive Party, which is based on the cultural characteristics of the Earth Star and leads its development, is an extremely important party in this war.


War fought for interests, and the Third Solar System War was no exception, but it was different from traditional perspectives. The greatest benefit of this era is not planetary resources, local control, but human thinking.

The Third Solar System War decides who will dominate the thinking of the next historical stage!

In this war, the marginal forces seem to have gained a lot. For example, the elders of carbon star have gained autonomy, and water planet has gained more financial power. But in fact they get a fart!

On the Star of Water, the lifeblood of industry is under federal control.

On carbon stars, the technology of the human organ industry is regulated by the federal government. As for the future of carbon stars, which is also catching up with human organ technology, what will happen?

It is useless to catch up. After the Carbon Star Elders Society has picked Star 4 and left, the elders have begun to develop towards a power monopoly group. This group with pure interests and no legal system constraints, they control Human organ science and technology research is always a bit crooked, and it tends to develop for the purpose of "up-to-down control".

The Federation is now very serious on political issues. Under the constraints of the legal system, the scientific purpose returns to pure ideals-that is, "really take the technology of artificial organs as a civilized road and come out."

Specific sign events-

Cosmic calendar 859, February 3. Four heroic controllers across the Federation announced that they would completely disarm the warmakers from the fleet within a decade.

This is to completely eliminate the lord culture of sea human beings. Each controller will be obliged to guide His Majesty's team of war makers until they can independently drive warships, and at the same time guide the war makers to participate in warship manufacturing and space construction Civilization key posts.

It seems that researchers at the federal level are too stupid, too white, and naive to know how to maximize their research interests.

Humanism dominates the research and development purpose of science and technology. No one can ever hide his purpose from everyone. And all thinkers in the world will make choices based on your purpose.

Carbon Star and the Federation, one has not gone through the war, one has gone through the war, the thinking behind the direction of leading science and technology is very different. If two hundred years after independent development, the carbon star will swarm, and the Federation will have a mastery of artificial organ technology Wisdom.

In fact, the above-mentioned situation of independent development does not exist. In the future, there will be artificial organ users who think about it, and they will definitely tend to the humanistic environment of the Federation, and the Federation will take the lead.

The road to civilization continues.

Bright justice is the mainstream of wisdom, and conscientiousness and conspiracy continue to be defined as inaccessible.


The solar system actually ceased fire in January, and on June 6th, Sun, Saturn, Magnetus, Moon, Ice, and many fortresses conducted an official joint communication to formally determine peace.

Cosmic calendar 859 years, history turned a new page.

The federal control of the solar system reached a new level in this civil war.

Before the war, in order to prevent cultural fragmentation, the control on the major planets was basically the colony, with only resident personnel.

During the war, the federation had to emigrate, and the planets of Mercury, Wind, Mars, Halo, and Carbon Star had large populations, and tried to maintain their rule by imperialist methods.

And after the war, with the deepening of the great social order, the earth star proved that as long as the middle and lower levels are willing to pay the price, there is still the possibility of upward progress.

The Commonwealth also determined a new culture during the war, confirming that a large amount of new blood from the lower levels could be accepted by the core class. To the lower levels, to the creators, do their best to cultivate.

Bottom-up centripetal forces reappeared throughout the Federation. Before the war, the crisis of diversification was lifted.

The solar system, distant sky blue stars, ice stars, and asteroid belts have had a limited role in the central government in the past, and are in a state similar to separatism. Before the war, they appeased these areas.

In the second half of 59, the federal government proposed the deep space herder plan and the halo star superintendent plan. It seems that it is determined to vigorously promote new technological changes to master deep space. As for the sky knight road ... Hidden Era is right.


Of course, the most important issue for the federal government of the solar system county government is how to deal with the relationship between the two groups of people with the most progressive consciousness of the Cenozoic Citizenship and the Cryptozoic Cenozoic.

——A large part of the advanced humanities in this great revolution originated from the bold practice on these two planets, and it is naturally worthy of the title of people to go out of history.

In fact, as early as after the Cenozoic seized the orbital space.

The federal elites have been shaken by the mode of average star picking. They believe that maintaining the old model in the solar system is a burden on their core competitiveness.

However, if a full withdrawal of the three planets will lead to a humanistic regression, the population of this area will most likely persecute the core area of ​​civilization with the external intervention of Divine Star.

As for promoting progress and change on each planet? The mentality of commanders such as Rong Jixuan and controllers such as Blood Springs can represent the minds of those in power in the Federation. They admit that all stars have won the war, and they will actively work to adjust the social model internally; but they will never learn how to choose stars to advance and promote the stars of water, carbon, fire, and wind. Changes in external civilization. Now the entire core of the solar system's civilization is clear. If humanities are to take a step forward, how many heroes will go into the mud.

If the federal war is won, the authoritarian order model will be used to allow the Guild and the Cretaceous to jointly bear the responsibility of the current solar system. But the war was lost, and the Federation is now asking for two new forces to contribute to the maintenance of the current civilization.

This matter is troublesome, because no force will take the initiative to undertake responsibilities that were not undertaken in the past. The Progressive Society and the Cenozoic Era are no exception. They are more inclined to cultivate talents after joining together. As for other marginalized civilizations, that's bad assets. Recovery is urgently needed after the war, and now they do not want valuable people to think and feel the money in those backward societies.

Put the supreme goodwill and responsibility on hundreds of civilians of Water Star, and after they can't keep them from becoming talented, they will be thankful for the gift of the gods, just thank the guides lightly, and then when the guides need help, they all No question at all. -Even wrong guidance.

The Hidden Cenozoic calmed down after the huge cost of loss in the Knights of the Heavenly Knights. As for seeking to join the Association, it is more rational to deal with war makers all year round. The romantic and revolutionary dedication, with the continuous decline of the stars, has passed away. The forces that have not previously participated in this change have permanently missed the times.

At the beginning of the 60's, the Commonwealth was very proactive in deciding to invite representatives from various regions to gather together for a conference on the future direction of the solar system.

The 860-year-old cosmic calendar is in the six-party conversation.

Originally hosted by the federal government. ——But the protagonist is still on Ice Star, who can only send newsletters every ten hours to pick Star Two.

In the core area, topics are discussed and outlines are discussed every ten minutes. After the discussion, they were all confirmed and announced by Jun Xingxing.

Blazing fortress.

Bai Jiuyang froze. He shook his head with a smile in the face of the increasing wave of radio waves in various areas of space. As a result of this meeting, the Federation was completely out of control.

Bai Jiuyang couldn't help but switch to private communication and lamented her sons and daughters: "Everyone picks the personality of a star, and outsiders just want to control it. They are born to do things."

Before this meeting, the federal government was quite worried about what moths would be out. So let Bai Jiuyang go to explore the bottom.

Junping Xing 2 sent a newsletter to Bai Jiuyang and patted her chest to ensure: "It will definitely promote peace, integrate development, and leave no hidden dangers for the future." If Su Tianji wanted to give Bai Jiuyang such a guarantee, Bai Jiuyang would definitely rest assured, but change all As Xing said, Bai Jiuyang always felt like an old general on the stage.

Sure enough, at the current large-scale exchange meeting, even though Jun Xing did not instigate war, he did stand on a development perspective and did not want to cause hidden dangers to the future. But-the topic of guidance, let the Federation feel a pressure no less than the repulsion of the magnetic nebula and Saturn V!

[All stars: We want to create the mainstream culture of space civilization. 】

What is mainstream culture? That is the common ground when people who have wealth and knowledge are at the same time.

In the era of agriculture, the number of peasants in charge of farmland and the livelihood of the people was the mainstream of culture, and these people would read poetry in their spare time, so the poetry society became a mainstream cultural place.

In the pre-industrial era, workers and managers learned information through television broadcasts and cared about finance and politics. So in front of the TV in the cafeteria, the place where the city reads newspapers is the mainstream cultural place.

In the post-industrial era, production management is gradually leaning towards digital summary and research, and front-line production is giving way to intelligence. This group of people communicated through the Internet, and became mainstream culture. Even the baldness that these people bothered about from the original upset has become mainstream troubles.

And the space civilization wants to get rid of ‘planetization and division of the planet’, and the only way is to let those who control the productivity and daily life all move to the connected space of space. Define space as a place of productivity.

For the first forty to a hundred years of human life, humans still live on various planets, but this life must be considered a non-adult life! The habit developed on the planet should be regarded as a hobby of kindergarten in early life.

Two hundred years old will be the dividing line for human adulthood.

As adults, humans must leave the planet to produce, think and build in space, and no longer settle on the surface of the planet. Who will bring the results of kindergarten exchanges to adult world exchanges? Everyone can't wait to hide all the performances of the kindergarten.

When Dian Junxing finished elaborating, it attracted the approval of the young people including the Federation.

Bai Jiuyang looked at the interface on the left, and Zhu Kongjie, who supported his fists, expressed his deep sympathy for the matures over Qiyue.

Why do these young people in the Commonwealth agree? In the third solar system war, they were very confused and did not know what was excellent.

All stars: ‘Excellent is still excellent. What is changed in war is not the standard of excellence, but just the responsibility to determine excellence. ‘These 20 years of fighting have left no blame among the young elite in the Federation.

As for the old people of the Commonwealth, it will also be difficult to abandon traditional thinking and welcome this young and energetic era.


No artificial intelligence was present at this meeting. Advanced artificial intelligence represents human experience, and now it is a new chapter. There is no past experience to draw on.

[After the war, federal artificial intelligence was still suffering for those contradictions in the system, and they have not come out of many problems in the past. 】

For example, in a large number of judging formulas, the average star rating belongs to only the first-class commanders of this generation, but they continue to win a large number of top commanders in major battles. The judgment logic of artificial intelligence can be wrong once and twice, and patch explanations can be added to these wins again and again. But I have made mistakes several times, and there are too many explanations.

Artificial intelligence has always wanted to prove that all stars are non-hero commanders, and it is impossible. The war has already ended, and even Jun Wu used his cool method to set his own victory in the two major fields of Sky Knight and Commander.

Although Su Tianji, Bai Jiuyang, and Rong Jiying have not tangled with this problem, they passed after sighing, and their attention turned to the future, but artificial intelligence cannot stand it. If the right and wrong cannot be accurately defined, all their logic will be shaken, and they will have to examine all their own past decisions. In emotional programs, there is a huge guilt for errors.

"Play all the advanced artificial intelligence of this generation"-this is the achievement achieved by Jun Xingxing in this generation.

There are a few exceptions-gunfire.

In the core area of ​​Jiyue, the intelligent control room, the crystal processor with a diameter of 20 meters is blinking.

Beware of the thriller emerging from the data blockade cell, welcoming her lower-level artificial intelligence and introducing her to missing historical information in recent years.

The low-level intelligence tells straightforwardly after the failure of these years of war.

In the data space, the blood spring star projection appeared in front of the thriller. The controller looked at what once belonged to 'rebellion' and now belongs to the only correct artificial intelligence. "Please repair the logic program of other twelve-level thinking bodies."

As a logically correct person in advanced artificial intelligence, once accepting this task, it will become the source of federal data code. This glory, considered logically optimal by human civilization, used to be the crown of contention between the highest artificial intelligence.

Today, the artificial intelligence made a tens of seconds and made a completely different request: "I applied to restart the carbon-based brain four hundred years ago."

Blood Spring said after a pause: "It can, but you are now a program system, and it is difficult for your mind to recover in a carbon-based brain in a regenerative way."

Gunfire horrified: "I don't want to be born again, but I want to tell me that I shouldn't die."

Xuequan: "You?" She wanted to refute based on the common sense that ‘sensory phenomenon has completely disappeared hundreds of years after the brain was frozen, but in the end, she closed her mouth and nodded to the light in front of her. I settled in my heart: The decision to “take care of and guide responsibilities for this intelligent brain”.

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