Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 100 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“Jim’s magic seems to give them strength.”

Some of them have similar attributes to himself, so it seems likely, and the Demon Lord added an explanation.

“Then, what about recovery?”

“You mean this?”

The bridge that had collapsed at the same time as the demon king's gesture began to be rebuilt in an instant. Floating fragments took their place, and so was where we were sitting.

but… … .

“People who use the Hangang Bridge must feel like they are going to attack the Demon King.”

The design was pretty crude.

It was such a design that, at least indirectly, you could feel the feeling of going to attack the Demon King as the hero said.

At the southern and northern ends of the Hangang Bridge, at each entrance, there was a large skeleton with its mouth open… … .

“Demon Lord, put it back to its original state.”

No matter how I thought about it, it didn't seem like this. At my words, the demon king removed the magic on his legs with a fat face.

I sighed in relief as I watched the fragments that had returned to their place float again on the water.

“Did you not like Jim’s magic, Dohaun?”

“It wasn’t… … .”

I couldn't say it was because of the bad design of the Demon King. But the damn bad guy couldn't stand it and fluttered his mouth.

“Did you get the design of the Demon King?”

“… … !”

At the words of the harmful wizard, the Demon King opened his eyes.

I slapped Hareun on the back with a loud noise and told the guild members who had gathered.

“Then everyone is resting. I'll take care of it."

“You mean Gil-chan will take care of you? how?"

Moorim gurgled and vomited water, then squealed and got up.

“Moorim, do you think you drank a lot of water from the Han River?”

“I can’t swim. I'm not familiar with water... … . So, Gil-chan. Are you going to take care of it yourself? How the hell are you?”

I gave Moorim-nim the power of a saint once and moved on.

“I’ll take care of it and come back.”

“… … ?”

He smiled at Moorim, who tilted his head, and immediately left the seat to see who would catch him. The place he was heading to was where the Spirit Temple was.

Jungryeongsa was freezing the trees that were about to be submerged under the Han River.

I didn't even ask him to do that, but I was very proud of the spiritsman who was doing his job well.

“Spirit Master!”

“… Guild leader?”

When the spirits saw me, they started shouting with a pale face.

“Why are you calling me again? No, why are you coming? I'm busy! Don't come!!”


I replied briefly to the spirit master, and then continued with a bright smile.

“Let’s go over there with me, Spirit Master!!”

"excuse me?"

The spirit sergeant raised his head towards the place I was pointing, and then he screamed in surprise and a whale whale.

“Are you kidding me!! There are judges, bad guys, bad judges! Why are you taking me with you?!”

“The harmful ones need to conserve their magical power.”

I responded lightly to that, and grabbed the Elementalist's back. The spirit sage who was caught by me began to scramble his arms.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry

Anyway, we flew towards the monsters covering the sky like that. When Kang Ha-soo saw the monster getting closer and closer, he was terrified and grabbed my hand.

“Are you kidding me! The two of us alone can't handle them!! Can't you do it?!"

At that, I said with a smirk.

“I wonder if I’m going to ask the two of us to take care of it?”

As soon as I finished my words, cracks began to appear everywhere.

Soon, I wondered if the space was distorted, and the soldiers I had sent out to deal with the monsters began to appear.

“… Those guys.”

“I used some guild reward items.”

I let go of Kang Ha-su and smiled. Kang Ha-soo licked his lips while stroking the back of the back that had been caught by me.

“I thought you were acting without thinking… … .”

“What did you say?”

I clicked my tongue briefly as I watched the spiritsman shut his mouth in a straight line.

Anyway, now it was my turn to deal with those damn monsters.

I raised my hand at an angle in front of the assembled soldiers. The eyes of the empty soldiers flashed red in response to my hand gestures. At that, I lowered my hand, which I had held at an angle, and smiled bitterly.

“Take care of every single one.”

Immediately, the soldiers started running towards the monsters with a loud noise.

I had memories of being overlaid with him. Effortlessly erasing it, he drew out the sword of glory.

《The seal of the title, 'Sword Castle' is forcibly lifted.》

《The seal of the title, 'Victor of the Battlefield' is forcibly lifted.》

If you don't win even though you've done this, you'll be embarrassed and unable to carry your face

So I had to win.


Every time the sword was swung once, monsters poured down the rainwater.(Read more @

He stabbed his sword in the jaws of the monster that uttered a bizarre scream, then turned and moved his legs toward the approaching dragon.


Dark blood flowed from the dragon's mouth with a dull sound.

“Guild Master!”

The spirit man who was burning monsters in another place reached out his hand towards me. The dragon's body, which had been pouring out black blood, was engulfed in flames.


The dragon let out an inaudible scream and fell down. Someone shoots at the dragon. The dragon's mouth was closed by the bullet that hit the head. Scary of that, a playful message appeared in front of me.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Leave the bottom to us!

because you are resting

I let out a small laugh and drew my sword from the monster. The monster's body leaned against the drawn sword.

I set my feet in the air and looked around once.

“Guild Master, there is no end.”


There was no sign of an end to the fighting that was taking place everywhere.

Fortunately, the ‘One Legion of Left Angels’ summoned as a reward item did not show any signs of exhaustion.

But it was impossible to prolong the fight like this.

What should I do?


“… brother?"

I turned my head to the sudden voice. I must have heard it wrong, but I saw something approaching in the distance.

- Mamma!!

“… Rim?!”

It was Harim.

“Houn! OK?!"

Ha-jun's older brother appeared riding Harim.

No, how did this happen?

As I got closer, I widened my eyes. Where will our cute Harim, who is fully embraced in our arms, go... … .

- Mamma! Mamma!!

A huge mamma monster appeared in front of me, enough to easily knock down a building. I groaned blankly with my mouth open.

"this… How did this happen?”

Kang Ha-soo spoke on behalf of my voice that was not coming out. I woke up late, and asked her brother, who was sitting on Harim's head.

“Why is Oppa showing up with Harim?! Houn!!”

“Hawk is fine. Rather, her name was Harim, not Rimi.”

The older brother gently stroked Harim's round hair. As if the touch felt good, Harim spread her big wings wide.

- Mamma!

Harim, can't you hear the Archduke screaming from below?

The older brother then came down from Harim's head. I wondered what would happen if I fell, but my brother just floated in the air.



“I’ll ask why Harim calls you ‘Mom’ later.”

“… … .”

She had a strong sense of what had happened. It seems that Harim came looking for me and she came here. Harim quickly flew toward the Archduke as soon as her brother got off.

Seeing her brother with a happy face, she spit out words that made her chattering.

“And why, I’ll ask you later on why Gong Yoo is ‘dad’.”

It seemed that procrastinating the fight as much as possible would be beneficial to my personality.

But, it couldn't be. Even now, the Han River Bridge was damaged or damaged.

It was impossible to know how much more damage it would take if the fight was dragged on here.


At that moment, the Archduke, who had been resting because her magical power was exhausted, appeared riding on Harim.

“I will sweep it away! Come out!!”

"What… … ?”

I asked blankly, but seeing Harim's mouth wide open, I had no choice but to turn her body as she immediately grabbed her brother's hand.

- Mammah!!

Whoops, because of the passing wind, the group of monsters in the northwest disappeared at once.

My brother swallows his saliva. I, too, swallowed my saliva and yelled at the goddamn grand duke.

"Hey! What would you do if you got caught up?!”

“That’s why I told you to come out! Honey, you should go over there now!”

- Mamma!

Don't call that crazy bastard, 'You' to Harim!!

"you… … ? What do you say to the kid now? … ?”

“You heard it wrong, brother.”

I massaged my brother's shoulder once and looked at the open sky.

The breath is amazing, and while admiring it, a blue magic circle began to unfold in the sky that was suddenly dyed red.

“That… … .”

It was Gloria's magic circle.

When my eyes were dazed, blue lightning struck the monster. It happened with no way to react.

My brother hurriedly grabbed me and spread the defense. There was no need for that, and a colorful magic circle spread around me and my brother.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Gilma, are you okay?

|Pr. Northern Prince| : What's wrong with this?

|Pr. Demon King | : Dohaun, it seems dangerous, so stop coming down.

Pajijik, it disappeared when electricity hit a barrier with different colors.

“Houn, are you okay?”

"yes I'm fine."

I answered with a shiver and tried to find a damn bastard with magic.

Not far away, I saw someone waving at me.

When I looked around with a frown on my eyes, I caught my eye on a man with a short haircut, who had run away with a cub on the set of the drama.

A man who has dyed his hair gray is dragging him away.

“… Those cubs.”


"Nothing. I'd rather you go down than that."

“What do you mean, Houn?”

My brother frowns and looks at me. I just laughed awkwardly at him.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Grand Duke.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : 👌👌👌👌

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : How are you, Spirit Master? are you okay?

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Neon! you're fine! Are you with me now?

Fortunately, it seems that he didn't get caught up in the attack a while ago. I glanced at my brother and sent a message to the Archduke.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Then come here and take my brother.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : How about Gilma?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : I can't because I have something to do.

There was no reply, so just as I was about to send another message, a reply came back from the Archduke.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : ㅇㅋ I know;

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Don't do anything dangerous.

At the message that appeared, I smiled and looked at my brother.




"What… … ?”

With those words, I strengthened my strength and gently pushed my brother's shoulder.

The pushed older brother started to fall, and the archduke and the spirits snatched him up.

- Gilma! Are you crazy!! I told you not to do anything dangerous!!

―Are you crazy, guild chief!!

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