Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 20 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“Hey, Houn? Are you lucky? Really?!"

As I slapped Bae Seo-ha on the back, I heard a voice full of annoyance.

“It’s a tearful and emotional reunion moment.

“… … ?”

The man points to the sky.


She opened her mouth with a bewildered sound. Suddenly, the demon king standing next to us muttered with a solemn voice.

“Did you mean to tell me from the beginning that a giant dove is flying?”

“Sir, pigeons are not living creatures.”

“Then what is that?”

“Hey, you have a weird way of talking. Can't you see? It’s a mutated chicken pigeon.”

that's a dove

The man spread his fingers one by one and began to mumble.

“Two ordinary people, one historical drama. I think it would be difficult to keep my mouth shut... Shall I just erase my memory?”

“… … ?”

“If you miss that central monster here… … .”

“There is no answer.”

“Yes, there is no answer. No, ah, surprise.”

The man was startled by the sudden appearance of the demon king, and then he frowned.

|9 Circle Archmage| : Oh my gosh, the Demon King was a yangban man.

|Demon | : Jim is not a nobleman.

|9 Circle Archmage| : •́ㅿ•̀

|9 Circle Archmage| : Yes-! You are the devil oh oh oh!!

I shut my mouth at the message that appeared.


Instead, the Demon King opens his mouth.

“A magistrate makes fun of Jim.”

“… … !”

The eyes of the man standing next to the demon king opened wide.

I looked back at the demon king once, the man standing next to him once, and my life twice. The man quickly blinks his eyes as if trying to deny reality.

|9 Circle Archmage| : Where are you now, my lord?



“What are the coordinates here?”

The man, no, the bastard of the wizard raises his hands and covers his mouth.

I sent a message with a bright smile.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : In front of you, baby.

momentary silence.

In the meantime, he briefly exchanged glances with the young wizard.

Sir, are you Gilma?

Yes, I am your maiden.

At the end of that brief conversation, the juvenile turned his body around and began to sprint around him.

I guess I was very confused. Watching the great wizard forget to use magic and run directly on his two feet.

it's good me

[The power, ‘Path of the Martyrs’ is activated.]

He used the power of his powers towards the direction the wizard cub was running. Satisfied with the noticeably slower speed, he sent a message to the Demon King.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Demon Lord, cover Seoha's eyes.

"what? Why is he like this?!”

The Demon King is covering Seo Ha's eyes with both hands.

“… … .”

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Whoa! by magic!!


The demon lord withdrew his hand with a bewildered sound. At the same time, Seo-ha groaned while fumbling around her eyes.

“Wow! Una, where are you?! I can't see all of a sudden!!"

“Can’t you see me?”

"Do not lie! Why does a kid who can’t see talk so happily!!”

Hmmm, stop thinking that you will be able to catch a cub running away at the speed of a tortoise and run away soon.

I coughed in vain and entrusted Seoha to the Demon King. Seoha fumbles over the Demon King's face.

“Wow!! are you lucky Are you this big?”

“It is a burden.”


“… … !!”

Seoha screamed and pushed the demon king away. He wasn't the Demon Lord who would be pushed out like that, but he must have been surprised.

The demon lord shouted as if it was unfair with his surprised eyes.

“Dohaun! This guy pushed the load!!”

“Yeah, I know.”


"shut up!!"(Read more @

|New killer (guild leader)| : I'm going to catch that bastard, so take care of Seoha!!

There are a lot of wrinkles under the demon king's chin, but it's my knowledge.

As I was, I walked lightly towards the cub.

The juvenile cub was gasping and struggling to move his legs. very slowly

"Why… … ! Why are you so heavy... … !!”

"Is not it? Are you too heavy?”


The juvenile cub screams loudly. The strength in his legs had loosened, so he even sat down.

it's really annoying

Let's see, the emoji that this bastard often sends... … .

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : (૭ ᐕ)૭??


His face turned white as if he had seen a ghost was truly worth seeing. I bent my knees and smiled brightly.

“Hey, the 9th Circle Archmage.”

“Hey… … !!”

He kept his mouth shut and trembled, wondering if he was really the 9th Circle Archmage.


A red magic circle began to appear everywhere.

Wherever he went, he could see a face with a smirk on his face.

That's right, you bastard, that's right.

“… Hello, Gilma.”

As I greeted the greeting, I rolled my eyes and moved the chains that bound me.

“Billion… … !!”

The chains quickly bound the body of the magistrate. At the same time, the red magic circle that appeared around them also dispersed and disappeared.

The judge's eyes widened.

Without knowing what to do, I just floated the body of the young monk upside down in the air.

The judge, who realized the situation late, began to struggle.

“Wait, stop!! Stop, Gilma! This is not!!”

“No, it’s not what.”

He nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

“Gilma! Guild member welfare!! Welfare!”

“I threw away the guild leader’s welfare, but there is no way for the guild member’s welfare to be there, right?”

“… … !!”

After showing a laugh, he went back to the side where the Demon King and Seoha were.

Seoha was squatting next to the Demon King. He seems to be getting angry because he didn't talk to the Demon King.

I know that heart very well.


“Wow! are you lucky Are you right?!”

“Yeah, it’s me.”

"Where have you been! Don't leave me and him alone!! I mean, he looks a little weird!!”

Seo-ha jumps up and spreads her arms. As she was, she hugged Seo-ha and patted her on the back.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“It is rude. Jim is not strange.”

"look! That's weird!"

I laughed awkwardly at the shouting.

“More than that, Dohaun.”

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Do it with a message.

|Pr. Demon King | : Who is that guy?

The demon lord pointed to the wizard hanging upside down in the air. I replied with a sneer at the judge.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : You bastard who made fun of you.


The Demon King opened his eyes wide and screamed.

“It’s yours!!”

“… … !!”

No, be surprised. I thought you were saying who it was. I knew that the royal palace had come.

“Did you dare make fun of Jim?!”

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Ma, Demon Lord, calm down... … !

Seo-ha jumps, saying that she is not only strange, but also crazy.

“My lord!! That's it! I didn't mean to... … !”

"Devil? That voice is that of an office worker, Mr. Hunter?”

Who else is the office worker Mr. Hunter? I can't. You can't keep Seoha standing in such a mess.

Seo-ha asks how did you get to know that person, and did you meet that person while you went to see a play?

I avoided answering and used my power.

[The power, ‘rest’ is activated.]

“Wow! I'm... … .”

He fell asleep as he was. I'm sorry, Seoha.


I managed to grab Seo-ha's body as he collapsed and opened my mouth.

“Demon Lord, take off your coat.”

“I don’t like it.”

“If you don’t want to be caught next to a bastard of a wizard, take it off when you say something nice.”

He couldn't lay Seoha down on the road that was messed up with the monster's corpse.

Apparently he didn't want to be caught next to a young wizard, so the Demon King took off his coat with a sullen face and handed it to me.

After putting Seoha down on the Demon King's coat, he shook off his body and got up from his seat.

I saw a judge whose face was red with blood. I smiled broadly and waved his hand.

“You bastard! How's the air upstairs?"


“Gilma, should I call you?”

The young wizard began to struggle with all his might. When I entered the gate, I remember the words the Demon King said.

You're like a moth that jumped into the fires of hell, mage.



“A dove is sitting over there.”

"Oh right. It was there, right.”

A huge chicken dove was sitting on a seven-story commercial building. Stop teasing the bastard and go catch that one quickly, I thought.

“… Huh?"

If the dove hadn't moved its head to and fro following the cub, it would have gone to catch him right away.

I tried to move the end of the chain that bound the young wizard. Then the chicken's head moves as well.

“Aww! what! What is it all of a sudden?!”


“What oh come! Can't you stop?!"

I smiled brightly at the terrified shouting voice.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : (૭ ᐕ)૭?

“Aww! Fuck!!”

Why, there is such a saying in the old saying.

You will reap what you sow.

The bastard of the wizard is steadily paying off the mistakes of the past. I said with my eyes closed.

“Master, I think he knows you as a toy.”

Swish and turn to the side, the judge screams.

“Why are you like that? cat toy. Did you know that?”

He swung to the side again and moved it. All of a sudden, the demon king is moving his head hard with the chicken dove.

Why the hell are you... … . No, just don't think about it.

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