Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 22 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“Umahan guild leader, did my child do that on purpose?”

“My child? Oh, it must be your sister.”

A fierce battle of nerves began to take place between her brother and Umahan.

"Umahoon, what's with that kid?"

“… … .”


Uma Hun kept his mouth shut and his head bowed.

"What is it? Hey. Why are you all of a sudden?”

Umahan patted him on the shoulder, but the Demon King was still silent. It was then that I realized that I had made another major mistake.

When we entered the gate and met the Hunter, we decided to move on to each other's roles.

The Demon King is a citizen 1 who lost his words due to shock, and I am a citizen who asks for help from a Hunter with 1 such citizen 2.

The guild leader Umahan grabbed the demon king's shoulder with a pale face.

“Mahun! Hey!! Why all of a sudden!! I'm scared bro! It’s scary!!”

“… … .”

Demon King, why are you so good at acting?

The older brother comes out to protect Seo-ha and swallows his saliva. It was only then that he seemed to realize that this place was inside the gate again, in the face of the horrific reality in front of him.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : My lord, I'm sorry. Only the magistrate who's making a fuss over there doesn't know and just say it.

Just before sending the message, the Demon King took a deep breath and said:

“Are you bored?”

"Hey! You were surprised!!”

The Demon King once again caught his ear.


With a loud noise, something started to fall from the sky.

The older brother comes out to protect Seo-ha's head and frowns on his face. It was because what fell down was the corpse of a monster.

“Wow! I thought it was really crazy!!”

“… … ?”

A man in a worn-out suit appeared as if he had been pinched by the wind with the gentle breeze.

“I just finished it!! by the way… … .”

The mage cub looks at us all with a puzzled look.

“… What is this situation?”

A colleague is an entity that is thrown away in case of an emergency. Once upon a time, the returning comrades are like that.

I raised my finger and pointed to the cub.

“That hunter saved me.”


The old man looks at me, shouting 'Are you crazy, human?'

When my brother saw me once, and once when he saw the magistrate, he exclaimed with emotion.

“How am I supposed to repay this favor? … !”

"Yeah… … ?”

In the meantime, the Guild Leader Umahan, who knows the identity of the Demon King, was sending a suspicious look to the young wizard.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Demon King, match the beat.

|Pr. Demon King | : You don't have an instrument.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : No shit!! Don't play instruments!!

|Pr. Demon King | : Then, how should I match the rhythm?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Hunter!! Make it into a juvenile hunter!!

The demon king clenched his lips at my words and raised his index finger to the magistrate.

“He is a hunter who uses magic splendidly.”

“… … !!”

You have to get rid of the magic, Demon King!!

3. More and more Taishan


The power that can be used through what is called magic or mana is a fairly popular word in a changed world.

So, in a metaphorical way.

“It’s magic… … . Are you a natural hunter?”

At the words of my brother, the judge looked at me with a puzzled face. I turned away from him and sent a message.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Yes hehe;

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Oh, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

I roughly looked at the situation and tried to tell him to get out, but the Demon King ruined everything.

He said with a smile as if drawn by a judge.

“Yes, what is it?”

The expression ‘magic’ was often attached to the hunters in the natural world that my brother spoke of.

Water and Fire, Air and Earth.

This is because the hunters who summoned and moved them in the empty air looked like 'magicians'.

In my opinion, it is closer to a ‘spirit warrior’ than a wizard, but it seems that the sorcerer is called that because it is a more popular expression.

Our spirits, please show up. It's time to make your name known to the world. Before I go to you and make you run the quest on both feet, bastard.

My brother nodded at the judge's words.

“After all, you were a natural hunter. All the monsters in this area were organized, was this your job?”

“Yes, what. You keep blocking me on my way to work.”

The magistrate shrugged, and my brother admired it.(Read more @

But the guild leader of Hwarang... … .

“… The 9th Circle Archmage?”

“… … !!”

I knew it!

That's why I don't like quick-witted people!!

At U Mahan's muttering, the master's eyes widened. Mahan Umahan sighed and said at the startled face of the master.

“I said what kind of bullshit that Ma Hoon was going to train to become stronger from now on… … .”

“What, what? training? Who? The Demon King?”

Master, shut your mouth too.

At the Master's words, Uma Han nodded his head as if he had attained great enlightenment.

“The 9th Circle Archmage was waking up Ma Hoon with his own hands… … .”

“Am I?”

“Brother, have I never been taught by a magistrate?”

The three-piece set named Chaos, Destruction, and Oblivion was perfectly completed. I looked at the wizard, the demon king, and the demon king's older brother with a cold expression on his face.

“What are you saying to the benefactor right now, the guild leader, Umahan?”

My brother, who was watching Honpa Network with me, couldn't see it, so I asked.

At the sound of his brother's annoyed voice, Umahan covered his mouth with a face that he made a mistake.

The teacher, who was excitingly chatting with Umahan, also glanced at his brother with a disappointed face.

The only one who is carefree is the Demon King.

“Dohaun, who is that person who has no resemblance to you… … !”

The sound of slaps and slaps on the back blocked the demon king's mouth.

"brother! It hurts!!”

“I was beaten because it hurts.”

Umahan said to his brother with a face as carefree as the Demon King.

“Guild leader Do Ha-joon, this is an acquaintance with me.”

“I am… … ?”

The judge asks like a fool.

At his question, Mahan gave a friendly smile and opened his mouth again.

“You are close with my younger brother, but it seems that they were caught in the gate together. He must have saved my brother and also your sister.”

At Umahan's words, the master muttered blankly.

“So I… … ?”

Umahan ignored the teacher's words.

“Brother, this is the first time I met the magistrate today. The person I am close with is Dohaun over there.”

The Demon King kindly corrected the words of my blood and flesh.

I looked at the demon king's finger towards me with soulless eyes.

Then someone stopped in front of me.

“Umahan guild leader, are you kidding me?”

it was my brother

My brother blocks my way and looks at U Mahan fiercely.

“I don’t think he knows either you or your brother?”

At his brother's words, Umahan showed a face with a lot to say.

The teacher, who accidentally got caught between the two, looked at his brother and U Ma-han alternately and sent a message.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Gilma, what do you do in this situation?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Knowing the Demon King

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : But how the hell does that person know who I am?


|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : When was my personal information stolen again?

I was going to tell you that the personal information of everyone belonging to the return was stolen by that person, but I decided to reveal the identity of the person who confided it.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Ask the Demon King and he will give you an answer.

What came back was a message covered in 'ㅋ'.

The judge sighed heavily and moved his steps. The place he reached was in front of the Demon King.


“… … ?”

The judge puts the names he picked up and smiles broadly.

“Were you very scared?”

The demon king turned his head with a white face.

"brother. The judge seems crazy!”


The judge looks at me with a face that asks what these bastards are all about.

what do you say to me

I turned away from that gaze and told me an important fact.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : He's not a communicator.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㄲ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

Mahan Umahan asks Umahoon to look at the master's face properly and scolds him if it's a face he knows. Mahoon Woo was terrified that he was crazy about such a hyung.

“… Are you all crazy?”

I nodded my head at the sound of my brother's murmuring.

Yeah, I think so.

hey hey!!

“… … !!”

Everyone turned their heads to the sound of the beast's cry from afar.

Kuung, the ground shook, and the reddish sky began to clear.

At the same time, white doors decorated with red patterns appeared everywhere.

“Oh, the gate is over.”

As soon as the judge finished speaking, people poured out of the door that suddenly opened.

* * *

[Special] The hero of Gangnam Avenue! Office worker Mr. Hunter H, who is he?!

―So you're an office worker, but you're also working as a hunter, right?

└ If it were me, I would destroy the company and become a hunter;

└ I can't beat him with a salary of billions of dollars hahaha

└No I heard it's Park Bong?

└Why did you go to work?

“I went there to make a living… … .”

You must have been reading the same article as me.

Hunter H, an office worker, threw his depressed face down on the table.

“My life is ruined… … . It wasn't about paying half... … .”

At the sound of beans hitting the table, the Demon King frowned.

“You bastard, don’t hit me. Aren't the cookies spilling out?"

The Demon King, who spoke a word to the judge with a solemn face, puts a cookie in his mouth.

“… … .”

The magician looked at the Demon King with an absurd face, then sighed and wiped his face. Me, the Demon King, and the wizard are now in a place called the Center.

The people pouring out of the open door stood with dismayed faces. Then, when he saw the faces of his brother and U Mahan, they shouted their names and cheered.

People immediately looked at the old man's face and bowed in thanksgiving. In a place full of chaos, we hurriedly ran to the center.

It was really fortunate that Umahan had movement skills.

Cleverly, at the sound of a knock on the door, we raised our heads side by side. The person who showed the face was very familiar to me.

“Do, Dohaun.”

Dohain is crouching and calling me. He even nods to come out. What's going on? He shook his head and pulled up the chair.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Gilma?

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : You don't plan on leaving me alone with that demon lord right now, do you? Huh??

I jumped up from my seat.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Yaㅑ1!!!!!

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : s

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