Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 24 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨

“… … .”

I pondered for a moment on how to respond to such an insignificant message.

There's nothing to worry about. Just don't send me an answer. Instead, I nodded my head to go with him.

“Umahoon, what are you going to do?”

“Are you going to go with me?”

Kang Ha-su opens his mouth slightly at the Demon King's tone.

Are you surprised? But it will be easy to get used to. I'll take you to the conference room before you get used to it.

“Shall we go? He said that the meeting would start when CEO Kang Ha-soo arrives, so he probably hasn’t started yet.”

“Oh, I’m glad! Thank you, student. I don't know if I'm doing anything because of me."

Kang Ha-soo showed a friendly smile and whispered to the wizard and the demon king behind me.

“Besides, why are the students here? I don't think it's the Hunters belonging to the center... … .”

“Jim is not a student.”



Kang Ha-soo screamed at the sudden voice. I also screamed at the sound of screams hitting my eardrums.

Kang Ha-su grabbed his heart and exhaled.

“No, I’m surprised… … .”

I said, stroking my throbbing ears.

“Don’t worry about him.”

Kang Ha-su nodded his head with a trembling face.

While CEO Kang Ha-soo calmed his startled heart, a message that made fun of me came.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : It's not like that.

The giggled laughter of a juvenile was heard. I ignored the sound and moved my feet in stride.

How many minutes did it take? I saw a place where the hunters had gathered.

“Ah, it seems there!”

Kang Ha-soo smiles broadly. I nodded and said.

"Yeah. You can go over there. We'll just go.”

I think I saw Dohain among the gathered hunters. I had to jump because I didn't know what kind of nagging I would hear when we met. But Kang Ha-soo quickly grabbed me and hugged his waist.

"Gosh. Thank you very much, student. Here, this is my business card, please come to the company later. I’ll give them an album or autograph or whatever.”

"Yeah? not really... … . I'm not interested in celebrities... … .”

“Still, accept it. Students, come here.”

Kang Ha-soo also gave business cards to the wizard and the demon king.

The judge stares at the business card and shows a proud smile for some reason.

When I asked him why he was showing such an unlucky smile, he was able to understand the reason in the message that came in.

|9 Circle Archmage| : I'm a lawyer who listens to the students in the ninth (૭ ᐕ)૭!!

|New killer (guild leader)| : What;

I said that I no longer use that emoji!!

The Demon King also stared at the business card he had received and opened his mouth.

“Jim is not a student.”

is that again?

I put my forehead on the stern voice. Kang Ha-soo muttered with a puzzled face.

"Ah… You said you weren't a student?"

"Yes. Jim is not a student, but a demon king... … !”

He became one with the judge and shut the mouth of the demon king. As if asking what the Demon King is doing, his eyes widened like that.

“… Devil?"

I exaggeratedly made up words on Kang Ha-soo's soulful face.

“Mahoon is an actor in a children’s troupe! I'm very enamored with the role of the Demon King!!"

"Ah… i See… … .”

I raised the corners of my lips as high as I could at the mumbled voice.

“Then we will go.”

The wizard presses the back of the demon king's head to make him bow. I also nodded and quickly turned back.

Only after Kang Ha-soo and the hunters disappeared beyond the corner did me and the wizard let go of the demon king.

“What is this?!”

“What are you doing!”

As if possessed by the Demon King's brother, he slammed the Demon King's back with all his might.

“It hurts!!”

“I hit you because it hurts, you devil bastard!!”

The judge shakes his head.

"Wow… mama king. Does the devil want to say he is the devil with his mouth?”

“It is true that Jim is the Demon King. Do you have any reason to be ashamed?”

“… … .”

The judge looked at the demon king with a tired face. At that gaze, the Demon Lord tilted his head. I took a deep breath and said.

"done. I just think of it as the identity of the Demon King.”

At my words, the master raised one of his hands and opened his mouth.

“I think your identity is very unique, Gilma-sama.”

“I don’t think that’s what you’re going to say, judge.”(Read more @


“Let’s introspect and find the answer.”

The magistrate puts his hand near the heart. How many minutes have passed?

A short message flew in.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : (૭ ᐕ)૭?


Hey, you fucking bastard!!

"Ah! Wait a minute!! Wait a minute!!”

I will pluck out your hair root. I was pulling the shaman's hair as if it was about to tear it apart, when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

Somebody was the Demon Lord, so they screamed out without looking back.


“Shin-sassin, I’m pulling the wizard’s head, so look at that.”

“What do you mean, Demon King!!”

Ignoring the wizard's voice, he looked at the direction the Demon King was pointing.


Unknowingly, I let go of the wizard's hair, and the demon king filled my void.


“Ah-bad!! Are you really pulling on me, crazy demon lord?! Let go! Aren’t you going?!”

A red magic circle began to unfold. Either way, I just opened my mouth blankly at the scene unfolding in front of me.

[The constellation, ‘I am the devil Fabre’ has received a request.]

I accepted the request without asking or questioning.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : heh heh heh heh

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Am I free now?

Could it be?

He simply ignored the Archduke's message and freed the power of the new killer.

“Gilma! How are you doing, my lord! my head!!”

“Demon Lord, let the judge go.”

The judge, who was released from the demon king's hand, cleans his head with a face full of tears.

“But Gilma, why did you take the quest?”

“Look ahead.”

"front? Why is the front... Heh.”

The Duke opened his eyes wide and raised his trembling fingers.

[The constellation ‘I am the devil Fabre’ asks the guild, return, to remove the S-class royal servants who escaped.]

I don't know when the Gobdeungi became an S-class Chungwangjong.

“How the hell did you manage? … .”

The star answered my murmuring.

[The constellation, 'I am the devil Fabre' apologizes for a management mistake in the process of calming the chaos of the sanctuary, 'I am the Demon Fabre'.]

You should have taken care of that right away!

“Jim will take care of it.”

The Demon King stepped towards the swarm of spears covered with spears.


At the beating of tens, hundreds, or even tens of thousands of animals moving at the same time, the Demon King stopped walking.

“It’s a new death.”


“I can’t.”

“… … .”

Gaegaeng, the Demon King was KO'd.


“Can I blow up the building, Gilma?”

“… … .”

How can there be no kids to help?

I wondered how to deal with those bastards so that the rumors would spread.

“Hey, students! Haven't you been back yet?"


Kang Ha-soo's voice, who must have entered the meeting, was heard from behind.

"That's fortunate! That's right, I just came out to go to the bathroom, but where the hell am I... But what are the students doing standing here?”

Except for the Demon King, the master and I forcibly moved the stiff neck muscles.

Kang Ha-soo was smiling like a person.

After a moment of that smile, his eyes widened like that, and astonishment began to appear on his face.


“Aww! Ifrit!”


A red pillar of fire flew past me and the Dharma.


The red flame burned and killed all the gophers attached to the spear, and then went out like a lie.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Silence descended. It was the judge who broke it.

“Cow, did you see fire coming out of your hand?”

“… … .”

If you are a natural hunter, this is possible.

However, CEO Kang Ha-soo is an ordinary person. This is also a fact proven in an entertainment program.

But 'Fire' with 'Ifrit'... … .

Kang Ha-soo simply denied the judge's words with a friendly smile.

“You must have misunderstood.”

“My vision is 2.0. Can't you see it wrong?"

“You seem to have dropped to 0.2.”

It seems that electricity is bouncing between Fajijik, Beopsa and Kang Hasu.

I stared at the two of them, and decided to send a message to lighten this unanswered situation.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : The curls on your head.

“Oooh! Undinesi!!”

Kang Ha-soo was surprised and raised his hand. At the same time, the spray pierced the ceiling and spurted up.


-invasion! invasion! An intruder has occurred!


“… … .”

I shut my mouth at the sound of the emergency bell ringing in the center. But at this moment, there was a mouth that didn't shut up.

“Dohaun-ah, I think that guy is a spirit samurai… … .”

no shut up

I slapped the demon king's mouth with a loud sound.

“It’s over there!!”

“There is an intruder over there!!”


It is a situation in which swearing comes out of nowhere. I blinked at the wizard, and the wizard blinked at the demon king.

Will the Demon King understand your gaze!!

He pulled the magistrate's ear as hard as he could and shouted softly.

“Open the portal quickly!!”

“Ah! Okay!!”

A red magic circle unfolded. I went inside with CEO Kang Ha-soo and the Demon King, who were crazy.

Fortunately, the Xuan's portal led to the space in the center where we were sitting.

[The S-class relic 'Anonymous Reptile Egg' has been stored in the warehouse.]

[The request has been terminated.]

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