Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 28 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“… … .”

The hero tapped the Styrofoam box on the floor and dropped it.

“… Why are you doing that bastard?”

“I had to do it for taming.”

“It’s terrifying… … .”

The hero showed a disgusted face and entered the kitchen. He felt that he was really lucky that there were no guests again.

The baby dragon was chewing and biting to see if the warrior's ingredients looked delicious. He stared at him and asked the Archduke.

“Duke, are you really going to grow this?”

“This is it! Rim!! Harim!!”

“… Yes, will Harim raise them?”

"Yeah!! Didn't he bring you here to raise him?"

“It is, but… … .”

Hatchling, who quickly ate a chunk of meat, spreads his black wings and mutters.

- Mamma!!

“Haha, it’s good to see you eating well!”

“… … .”

Just looking at the cancer, the sight of him holding a hatchling with a bulging belly and bursting into laughter seems insane.

Anyway, I'm glad the Grand Duke took over and raised him. I thought about whether I should go to the Demon King if it was difficult.

I glanced at the clock and it was pointing to '1'. At a later hour than I expected, I hurriedly woke up.

"grandee! Take me home!!”

“What do you mean? Judaism Is it time for part-time work?”

“What is Alba! After all, there are no guests! I mean, I'm sneaking out now! You have to go quickly!!”

The hero came out of the kitchen with a frown on his face. He holds a cocktail glass in both hands.

“What cocktail?”

“I was going to tell you to go for a drink when there are no guests. do you have a judge? Can I ask him to open the portal?”

“You said you’re going to sleep well?”

First, thank you for the free drink and receive a cocktail glass. The hero asked me to wait for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“Judge, are you sleeping?”

|9 Circle Archmage| : Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh hehe

|9 Circle Archmage| : Why is Iljin so fierce today? Why is everyone so anxious that they can't bully the judge?

At the message that appeared, I narrowed my eyes and the warrior shrugged his shoulders and said.

“Isn’t the judge still sleeping?”

“… Did you say a mantra?”

“I thought the message would be ignored.”

Having said that, the hero drank the glass while ignoring the angry message of the young wizard.

I took a sip of the blue drink as I slammed the glass against the warrior's cup.

“Didn’t you play with alcohol today?”

"Why? Shall I hit you again?”

It's ironic to hear a voice asking softly. I twisted my face and blew my middle finger.

“Dear, I’ll make you a nest, so will you go to dreamland?”

In the midst of this, the Archduke is obsessed with Hatchling, who wonders if it is Harim or what. The hero drank the cocktail at once with a disgusted look on his face and said,

“저 새끼 저 지랄 하는 거 계속 들어야 하니?”

"You'll have to listen until he gets home from work."

I shrugged and drank the free drink the hero gave me at once. Now is the time to really go home.

“Thank you for the free drink. I'll come for another drink next time."

“Then you will get paid.”

The warrior waves his hand saying that he will bring a pile of money. After he said ok to anything with a black card, he hurriedly left the store.

“Guild Master! You are… … !!”


Ignoring the voices coming from behind. I went into an alleyway where there were no people passing by and called the portal shuttle.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Judge

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : •́ㅿ•̀

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Judge, isn't it completely ridiculous right now? Are you completely blown away?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Alright, open the portal ^^!

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : This damn road lady is really trying to turn me into a portal shuttle ^^?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : It's the sin of not sleeping while sleeping haha

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : The magistrate was going to sleep! But the hero uttered the mantra!! The judge was absolutely amazed!

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : (૭ ᐕ)૭?

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : o;

He sent me the coordinates to open a portal or something. As soon as the coordinates were sent, a red magic circle unfolded.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : The magistrate is sleeping really, really well now!!!

Whether I sleep or not, I just go home and do not reply.

I tried to enter the magic circle that spread out like that.


If it wasn't for the sword that pierced his chest. Not even a scream came out of his closed mouth. I tried to turn around, but things were not going well with the body caught behind me.

The bastard who covered my mouth slowly turned the pierced sword and pulled it out at once.

His body tilted with the intense pain rising up.

[The power, ‘healing’ is activated.](Read more @

For a moment, the blood stopped and the wounds on the body that had been pierced disappeared in an instant.

[The holy sword, the ‘sword of glory’ awaits the master’s call.]

He grabbed the handle of the damn sword at once and swung it.

“… … !”

I could see the man who had managed to avoid the bluish trajectory with a slight frown around his eyes.

Then, noticing the blood running down his cheek, he raised his hand and wiped him away.

I sighed and stood up at the sight.


According to the harmful judge

“Damn, what are you?”

Why is Iljin so fierce today?

《The seal of the title, 'Sword Castle' is forcibly lifted.》

[Effect is reduced by half.]

[Effect is reduced by half.]

… [Effect is reduced by half.]

Decrease or not, it's up to you.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : (૭ ᐕ)૭?

When I asked why the wizard who said he was going to bed was sending such a message, his portal was closed.

Ignoring the message of the wizard, I sharpened my teeth and raised my sword.

“Who are you? Who is it that I put my knife bread behind me out of nowhere? Huh?"

I wondered if it was a force aimed at the guild or ‘Houn’, but it doesn’t seem to be. If it were, I would have tried to kidnap rather than kill.

So who is that?

I tried hard on the narrow relationship, but there was only one answer I came up with.

Who the hell is the house that put the knife bread in the first page?

Hearing my silent question, the man slowly opened his mouth.

“… saint.”

“… … ?”

I blinked my eyes blankly at the man's identity revealed.

The bastard who put the knife-bread on me is definitely a man.

The pale, tired complexion looked like it wasn't me that was stabbed by the sword, but it was a man with XY chromosomes who stabbed me anyway.

But what?

“You sound like a saint.”

Rather, 'saint'... … .

I've heard that hunters with heal-type skills are called that way in a metaphorical expression like magic.

But you don't think that's why you called me in this situation?

Hoping that it would not happen again, he raised his sword in front of the unknown cub at once.

“… … !!”

He didn't rush to kill him, but he didn't know how to easily escape. The sword that stabbed me right in front of me came crashing down.

He turned the sword he held up as it was and blocked the sword that was approaching in front of him.


As if he didn't know I could stop him, the man looked up in surprise.

“Until the sword… … .”

I opened my eyes in surprise at the name I heard. In the end, it happened anyway. Her face was contorted.

“You, you fucking bastard. Are you a returnee?”

“… … .”

Silence is affirmation is the word used in this case.

There are only two returnees whose faces are unknown. The Dragon Slayer and the best master of Moorim. Both of them are naughty bastards that are hard to meet in guild chats, but... … .

“I’m going to go hunting for a dragon, but I don’t know why you came here to catch Amon?”

I don't think Moorim's best swordsman would wield a sword that could be used by knights.

It seems that was the correct answer. His face, which looked surprised, frowned slightly. I smirked and swung the sword I was facing right away.


He lost his focus in an instant and put his feet on the collapsed body.

I thought I was going to break a rib, but the damn slayer cub was pushed back and looked fine.

To be able to meet like this with the master of reading and chewing, the only time he appeared in the guild message.

I don't know if I should be happy or sad about this.

I want to grab it right now, but I have work to do before that.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Grand Duke, put a barrier around the shop.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : ??

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Sir, haven't you been yet?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : I didn't go, so the barrier is fast!!

I wondered if a golden magic circle would spread in the air, but it disappeared in an instant.

The Dragon Slayer looked at the sky where the magic circle had spread with his eyes full of excellence.

You must have met a cub with the same magical power as the Archduke in a dimensionally shifted place. I said with a smile to the cub, who seemed to be immersed in memories of the past.

“I know who it is, then I have one question for you.”

He fixed his sword and raised it towards the Dragon Slayer.

“Why did you suddenly put a knife-bread on me, guild member?”

That bastard attacked me even though he knew I was the guild leader of the return. He didn't attack, he just wanted to kill him.

When I saw the way they were talking about a saint or a swordsman, I knew that the title attached to me was sealed. So, I thought that I would have the same body as an ordinary 'ordinary person' and wanted to kill me.

“… … .”

However, the master of read-chew also casts read-chew in face-to-face.

The blood pressure that was about to rise to the temple was controlled in the name of the saint, and he swung his sword lightly.

In the blue trail, the Slayer also swung his sword lightly.

A trajectory split in half left a long scar on the wall of the side building. After expressing their condolences to the owners of each building, they immediately kicked the ground.

Dragon Slayer frowned slightly and raised his sword.

Instead of raising my sword, I exposed the chain that was hiding.


I was going to have a conversation, but you won't open your mouth until the end, so you have no choice but to tie it up and defeat it.

Of course, it's just words.

What are you doing to hurt my fist?

It hurts, but I think I'll put one or two in that belly button. I'll still have to feed the bastard who punctured my body with a fist.

He stopped his feet and walked slowly.

The sword fell from the Dragon Slayer's hand, perhaps because of the chains that tightly bound his arms.

The slayer cub looked at me with a slight frown and asked. very slowly

“… Why."

“That’s what I have to ask.”

I frowned angrily.

The voice that gave out only a very slow, short answer seemed to ignite a fire inside.

Thinking that the only way to deal with this swelling stomach was to eat one, he tried to pull the chain closer.



Unless the damned Archduke didn't show his face through the alleyways. Actually, it doesn't matter at all that the Archduke showed his face.

[The power, ‘Detect behind the scenes’ is activated.]

The feeling of living in the back was a problem.

He hurriedly raised his sword and prevented it from flying. I thought it would end with one, but it was a huge mistake.

“… Such crazy.”

A blue gin was seen covering the sky. I was agitated for a moment by what was very familiar to my eyes, and then I hurriedly woke up at the sound of a voice.


A golden shield was placed in front of me. However, it seemed that this alone could not avoid the oncoming attack.

Eventually, Deseul released the chain that was holding the baby and moved it in front of me. A frighteningly blue light flashed and lightning struck me.


A strong light poured from the chains that made it difficult to even open my eyes. It's not like I'm getting stabbed in the back again.

It was such an ominous thought.

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