|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Spirit Master, listen carefully.

It's not that you listen well, you have to wash your eyes and watch, but anyway!

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Well, from now on, the cubs who invaded the center are the cubs.

The spirit sergeant opens his eyes wide and looks at me. I avoided that gaze and sighed.

It seemed strange to the spirits who stared at me with surprised eyes.

“… CEO Kang Ha-soo?”

Doha-in raised his hand to block my gaze from the Spirit Temple and frowned. The spirits exclaimed urgently at the vigilant gesture.

"Yeah? No, wait! It's like there's something on Ms. Houn's face!"

The only thing on my face was cookie powder that I hadn't been able to shake off. I wiped the cookie powder on my lips with my hand, and looked at Doha-in with a bashful smile.

The Doha frowned and lowered his hand that was covering mine. As soon as Doha-in lowered his hand, an urgent message appeared.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Are you planning to sell Dragon Slayer? Oh my god. What did he do wrong!

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : The crime of putting a knife on me.

Kang Ha-su opens his eyes again and looks at me. I tapped the corners of my eyes once.

Hearing my hand gestures, Kang Ha-soo bowed his head and looked away from me. Still, the flying message remained the same.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Knife bread! What the hell did you mean to threaten him with a knife?!!

"no… … !”

“… … ?”

Haha, I didn't even know I made a noise. Dohain looks at me with eyes full of wonder. I pretended not to notice and ignored the gaze and picked up the few remaining cookies.

“The sweets here are so delicious!!”

“… CEO Kang Ha-soo, can I get some of this when I go out? My older sister has a good taste.”

"Yeah? Yes, of course.”

Damn, I've become the second of such a good-natured Do clan.

“More than that, sir? Anything to say about the intruder? Dohavn? Haven't you seen it either?"

The arrow was also returned to me this time. I rolled my eyes and tried to roll my head as well.

"uh… I… … .”

“Miss Houn must have never seen it. You and your friends were always inside. Right, Miss Houn?”

"Yeah… … ? Yeah."

The spirits give people a friendly smile.

why are you doing that bastard You're showing me such a smile to rip me off.

Without letting go of my vigilance, I too faced the spirits and smiled awkwardly, but a message appeared.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Did you tell the Dragon Slayer that you were hit with a knife?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : o

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Then, since you must have met him in person, please tell us about your impression of Dragon Slayer.

“… … !”

Elementalist, you bastard!

When I looked at the spirit sage out of emotion, the spirit sage gently pulled up only one corner of her mouth. I decided to let go of that unlucky laugh generously this time.

Dohain, who seemed to be thinking about something at the words of the spirit master, swept the corner of his chin once, narrowed his forehead, and asked the master.

“Seeing you say that, I think the CEO saw something?”

"Yeah, actually, I didn't tell you if he was an intruder, but... I have seen suspicious people.”

Doha-in's eyes changed in an instant.

“Are you suspicious? Can you be specific?”

“Yes, of course.”

In line with the spirit's answer, I delivered a message about the impression of the cub.

“It was a little gloomy. I'm just muttering something... … .”

The spirit sage stopped his words and wrinkled his eyes slightly.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Are you serious?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : o

The spirit sage swallowed his saliva and continued with an ambiguous smile.

“You’re a saint, you’re a swordsman… I mumbled things like that.”

Dohain's face grew serious at the spirit's words. Dohain, who was writing down the words of the spirits in a small notebook, narrowed his forehead and said.

“A saint or a swordsman? If it's a saint, the Heal-type Awakened, the sword... There are a few Awoken who have been given such nicknames... … .”

“Something like a child of darkness. The thing wrapped up and down... Still, it looks like there's a story behind that bastard!"

"Yes… … ?”

“… … .”

Elementalist, you bastard. What if you read the message sent as it is? Still, the elemental immediately noticed his mistake and corrected his words.

“Ah, I was going to say that it was such a sentimental feeling, but it was in vain. haha."

Doha-in tilted his head as he burst out laughing. Still, he seemed to believe the spirit's words. If you were lucky, you were lucky.

As I breathed a sigh of relief, the damn servant cub asked another difficult question.

“Thank you for telling me. Then, CEO Kang Ha-soo. Can you tell me what happened to ‘Spirit Temple’?”

“… … .”

Let's just move on, damn brother!!

In the silence that had arrived, the spirits coughed in vain and said:

“It was no big deal. My hobby is mountain climbing, but the members of my agency see me like that and call me ‘Jeongyeongsa’ or something like that.”

“… Yeah?"

The Doha-in tilted his head in embarrassment. So did I.

Are you over there, Spirit Master? What nonsense are you talking about now? How are you going to climb a mountain and be so nature-friendly that you call them spirits or anything?

I wanted you to keep your mouth shut, but the spirit sage gave a friendly smile.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

“I think the guild leader’s brother Umahan knew about it and called me that way.”

“… … .”

How does the devil know that?

Doha-in seems to have the same thoughts as me. I don't even know that the guild leader's younger brother Umahan is the 'Demon King'.

Nunji 100 Dan, Dohain frowned and opened his mouth.

"that… … .”

“Is that an answer? I hope it will be, Dohain Deputy Guild Leader.”

I could feel the heavy power in the voice of the spiritsman who cut off Dohain's words. Dohain swallows his saliva and nods his head. It seemed to me that I did not

Seeing that, I frowned slightly and sent a message to the spirit lord.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : There, Spirit Master.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Don't force your voice, right? Our youngest son was scared!

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Why don't you keep asking? You have to keep your mouth shut!

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Shut your mouth Dobby.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Dobby-kun, even if you shut your mouth a hundred times a thousand times, it's no use!!

“… … .”

I'm not saying that's bragging. Seeing his sassy face, he doesn't seem proud.

I leaned back comfortably on the sofa and sent a message.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Okay, so please end the conversation as much as you can.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : I don't think so.

Wherever the angry face went, the spirit sage opened her mouth with a soft smile.

“Chief of the Dohain guild? When you've finished speaking, would it be okay if I just stood up?"

"Yeah? Ah… Yes. I've been eating up too much of your time. Sorry."

“Oh, no.”

CEO Kang Ha-soo showed a friendly smile and held out his hand to Do Ha-in. Do Ha-in also showed a pretentious smile and held Kang Ha-soo's hand.

It's a very heartwarming sight when others see it, but I know. That the scene in front of you was created based on the thorough capitalist ideology.

“Then we will go.”

Dohain said so and patted my shoulder lightly.

“Dohaun, get up.”


I nodded and followed Dohain. The spirits open the door to see you off. No, I tried to open it.

"CEO! Please listen to this body!!”


“… … !!”

The door burst open and hit the face of Jungryongsa and Kang Ha-soo.

Kang Ha-su screamed silently and grabbed his face, and Do-ha-in stopped in front of me with a breath.

"CEO! representation… … . Why are you doing this?”

“Mr. Bean!! What should I do if I break into the CEO’s office so recklessly?!”

At the familiar name, I looked over Doha-in's shoulder and then hurriedly bowed my head. Because that damn dobby bastard was standing in front of the door.

Kang Ha-soo rubbed his face once, and then slowly spit out a voice that had calmed down his anger.

“… Dobby-kun.”

He seems very angry. At each word of Kang Ha-soo, the air in the office began to vibrate.

I thought it was an illusion, but seeing Dohain sweating, it seems that it is not.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Sir, calm down.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : How do you calm this down!! I thought my nose was going to disappear!!

Why are you so kind to me?

I pouted my lips and sent a message to the spirit master again.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Follow me.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Whoo-ha, whoo-ha.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : What are you doing?!

The spirit sage sent a very angry message saying he was teasing me now, but he took a deep breath and then exhaled and started to breathe ramazu.

I guess that worked. The air in the room began to calmly subside.


“… Yes, sir.”

Kang Ha-soo said with a broad smile.

“If I had a business, I would have said ‘knock’ and come in, right?”

“It was so urgent that I didn’t even look at it. I'm sorry, sir."


Oh, but it doesn't matter.

I opened my lips slightly at the sight of the dobby chick with her head bowed slightly. Kang Ha-su took a small breath and asked.

"so? What is urgent business? If it’s not too urgent, I want to see off the guests and listen.”

“This is an urgent business.”

Kang Ha-soo's smile twisted slightly. Me and Dohain were watching the situation without being able to do this or that. Kang Ha-soo took a deep breath this time.

“Dobby-kun… … .”

"CEO! This is a really urgent business!!”

Dobby cub hurriedly cut off Kang Ha-soo's horse and shouted.

“CEO, are you really going to keep this body appearing in that big drama!!”

“… … .”

If it's a drama in which Dobby is appearing, you're talking about the fusion historical drama , which is gaining popularity these days.

The main story is that two brothers born as twins fight for the throne... … .

But why is that a bummer? There's nothing to be messy about?

“Why can’t this body become an emperor?!”

Oh, you're saying you're a nerd because you can't become an emperor? What's with all these guys?

For reference, Dobby took on the role of the first of twins.

“… It seems that the second prince will eventually ascend to the throne.”

Dohain muttered blankly. Come to think of it, he got spoiled by the lead actor in the drama.

Kang Ha-soo, who was standing with a stupid face, came to his senses at Doha-in's voice and asked for our understanding.

"Gosh! Wait!! Please wait!!"

Spirits, can't we just let it go like this?

But the spirits didn't seem to care about us.

“Chief Kim, Dobi-kun, did you come out while filming a drama?”

"Yeah? Yeah… … . Sorry."

The man called Chief Kim was the man who was with him the other day when the cub of Dobi was chasing at the hero's shop. He thought it was really hard to meet the wrong celebrity.

The Elementalist took a deep breath and said:

“Dobby-kun, what do you do when you say you don’t like the script you received? I've said it a few times. The reason for letting Dobby-kun roam freely... … .”

"I know! It's good for me and the company! However, representative. Think about it! What is the image of this body!”

Kang Ha-soo raised his eyebrows slightly and answered succinctly.

“I’m an Ahn Ha Mu-in.”

"That's right! such me! You can't be emperor... … !!”

“… … .”

It was a very convincing statement.

Wait a minute, if you become an emperor, you become a tyrant, don't you?

Unfortunately, it seemed I was the only one thinking of this.

Kang Ha-su made a moaning sound and nodded his head.

"I understand for now. Let's talk a little bit with the director and writer... … .”

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted Kang Ha-soo.

"CEO. I got a call from the director.”

"Ah… Yes sir."

The spirit sage let out a sigh that was like a sigh. He rubbed his face once and said to us with an ooh-ooh-o-o-o-o look.

“Dohain Deputy Guild Leader, and Miss Haun. I'm really sorry. That's how things turned out... … .”

Dohain immediately understood that it was becoming difficult to see them off.

“No, sir. We can go together. I hope things turn out well.”

I put on my hood and nodded my head roughly. I'm afraid that I'll see Dobby for nothing. It was time to trot like that and try to pass the dobby cub.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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