Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 46 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“What are you going to do now, Gilma?”

“What are you going to do? what?”

“What is it, Desul-nim?”

I contorted my face at the Archduke's words. I missed the damn Deseul twice.

Of course, his pride was broken, and if he stayed like this, he never knew what the madman would do again.

“Of course, I’m going to go grab it and run it.”

The archduke took a deep breath at my words filled with irritation. Suddenly, the Mamma monster sitting on the Archduke's head was breathing in the same way as the Archduke.

I raised the corners of my lips at that cute look.

“So, Grand Duke.”

“Well, what is it? Why are you calling me that?”

The Archduke looked at me like he was ominous. I smiled and opened my mouth.

“Can Harim use some?”

- Mamma?


I knew it would come out like that. The hero shook his head and left the room when he saw the archduke hugging Harim tightly. I think I'm going to swipe my card.

“Our rim is trying to touch even a single hair!!”

“All he has is scales.”

"Oh really!!"

The Archduke hugged Harim, the mamma monster sitting on his head, and started glaring at me.

That day, I shrugged my shoulders.

“Your Majesty, think about it.”

“What do you think! Our rim will never do it!!”

I took a deep breath at the stubborn refusal.

“My rim is pitiful.”

- Mamma?

“Well, what’s the pity?”

The Archduke looks at me with suspicious eyes. I raised the corners of my lips to that gaze and said.

“Sir, think about it. Will that little and cute Rim-i get through this difficult world?”

“I can get through it! I'll be by your side!"

- Mamma!

Liam, what do you know and answer?


Lim-yi, held in the Grand Duke's arms, is smiling as if feeling good. Her conscience ached a little when she looked at her bright sunny face, but I said nonetheless.

“Deseul-nim is also targeting me, so how can he not target the only intelligent dragon… … ?”

“… … !”

I looked at the Archduke with a face of genuine regret. The Archduke frowned heavily and gave me a wary gaze.

"Ah… You can’t be caught!”


Of course, as the Archduke said, Rim-i can become an adult without being detected by Desul-i. However, due to the nature of the dragon I know, it was close to impossible.

Even the Archduke showed a fat face as if he didn't think it was a bit too much.

- Mamma? Mamma~?

Rim-i rubbed my cheek against the face of such an archduke and began to show affection.

“Haha, you tickle me.”

“… … .”

I looked at the Archduke with cold eyes, then turned his head. I got goosebumps at the sound of that damn 'you'. The Archduke asked as he was rubbing his goosebumps arm.

“How are you going to use Lim?”

I looked at the archduke at the blunt voice I heard. The Archduke hugged Rim-i even tighter and looked at me. With eyes full of vigilance.

I asked with a smile on his eyes.

“Why does Deseul have the title ‘Dragon Slayer’?”

The Archduke kindly covered Harim's ears and muttered with a sullen face.

“Yeah, that’s why it got such a title because I caught a dragon.”

“Is that so?”

“… What do you want to say?”

I said with a stern smile at the voice asking me to speak straight without turning around.

“I’m going to let Lim roam freely in places where there are no people. I think the rims are a little big too, but we should look around the world.”

“Where did you think our Rim grew up?”

In the eyes of the Archduke, it seems that Harim's body is not visible. No, I can see it, but I'm pretending not to see it.

I shrugged and said.

“There was a time I went to sleep with the hero. At that time, did the rim first grow?”

“… … .”

seems to be correct

The dragon in 'Gloria' where I was at grew up a total of three times. The first is to use the breath, the second is to learn a language, and the third is to learn the appearance change magic called polymorph.

“It seems that Gilma-sama’s dragon and the dragon I lived in were quite similar.

“Did you just film it?”

The Archduke contorted his face. I laughed a little and said.

“You don’t know how different the place I was from and the place you were, so what did I know and say?”

just took a picture

At my words, the Archduke pouted his lips and said.(Read more @

“That’s right, the first growth has taken place. Because of that, the store was blown away... … .”

The Archduke stopped talking to him and looked at me with his eyes wide open.

“Are we going to make our rims go wild by letting them roam freely?”

“You’re going to run. I’m going to make you run around in moderation.”

“That’s it!!”

Rim-i looks at the Archduke in surprise at the sound of the screaming. The Archduke hugged Rim-i like that and said,

“I’m sorry, darling. I surprised you.”

“… … .”

It's a sight I've seen several times, but I can't really get used to it. I frowned slightly, then relaxed my expression.

“If Rim-i runs wild like that, Deseul-i will come to catch him. Then he will catch Desul-sama.”

“What about our Rim?!”

“Of course, I won’t let Deseul touch one of his fingertips.”


At the added voice, the Archduke looked at me with suspicious eyes. As much as I cherish Lim, I want you to cherish it a little more, but that damn Archduke.

I took a deep breath and continued.

“And I’m going to make it inconspicuous. Borrow the power of the judge lying over there.”

"I… … ? what i... … ?”

“… … ?”

I opened my eyes wide at the sudden voice. The judge, lying dead on the sofa, was waking up with a moan and pain.

“Judge, are you okay?”

“I’m fine… Where else are you?”

The judge frowned.

“Why is the spirit man sleeping underneath?”

“This is the hero’s shop, and the demon king accidentally put the two of you to sleep.”

“The Demon King? I think I saw the Demon Lord before getting caught up in the explosion... … . Ah."


He tilted his head slightly and looked at the judge. The Duke sighed deeply, then raised his hand and rubbed his face, looked at me and asked.

“Are you hurt?”

“As you can see. you are?"

"I'm not hurt either... … .”

It was a voice that looked tired for some reason. The Duke scratched his head and got up.

“Let’s go out for a second. I want to get some air.”

Whether or not he had come to his senses yet, the judge staggered and stepped forward. Can I send it that way, I was worried.

- Mamma?

“You are Harim. It looks like a dragonfly... … .”

I don't think you should send it that way. The master lightly stroked Harim's hair in the Prince's arms and went outside.

“Doesn’t the judge look bad?”


I shrugged.

“Anyway, will Rim call?”

- Mamma!

“Okay, Cole.”

“Hey there, Gilma!!”

The Archduke yelled, but I was already clapping hands with Harim.

“I’m looking at you, Spirit Master.”

"I do not like it! You won't be watching!!"

Even if I shout like that, I know that the spirit lord will be watching. I went out like that.

It was obviously crowded with customers, but the store was empty. I approached the warrior who was paying at the counter.

“Have all the guests left?”

“Guild leader, thanks to you.”

I haven't done anything.

I just pouted my lips. The hero smirked and returned the card to me.

“I only drew up to 990,000 won.”

“Thank you so much.”

I didn't know it was going to be real.

I clicked my tongue briefly and took the card as if it were stolen.

“Who is the judge?”

“Out there. He looks like he's in bad shape."

“So I’m going to take a look.”

The judge was squatting on the roadside sadly. What are you doing dangerously?

At the sound of a rattle and ringing, the judge turns his head and looks at me.

“Judge, are you okay?”

At my question, the magistrate raised the corner of his mouth and said.

“Wow, Gilma, you are kind. Maybe it was because the judge was worried... … .”

“That’s right, tell me quickly. OK?"

The magistrate looked surprised and then smiled bashfully.

“Gilma, do you know that?”


“I had a dream, but I can’t remember what it was.”

“I don’t know.”

The judge, who was harmful to my words, pouted his lips.

“Our Gilma, are you so kind? At times like this, I have to say I know.”

I thought it looked bad, but it seems to have gotten better.

I raised my hand and lightly tapped the judge's forehead.

[The power, ‘rest’ is activated.]

‘Sleeping’ was the power to put the other person’s mind at ease.

Depending on how you control your power, you could put your opponent to sleep. I put Seoha to sleep with this. Anyway, I said that the power the Demon King used showed the most terrible moment of his life, so it will be quite helpful.

The master patted his forehead with his hand and looked at me. It was quite a surprise. I ignored it and got up.

“Get some fresh air and come in. Oh, in case you don't know, the cell phone... … .”

“Thanks to Deseul-nim, it was smashed.”

The judge showed me the phone with the screen out. With this, even the toxic mage had a reason to go to the Dragon Slayer.

The Duke put his chin on his lap and looked at me and asked.

“Are you sure you’re not coming back?”

I nodded my head without a word.

“Hajun-nim and the master must be worried.”

“I know, that’s why I don’t want to go.”

My brother and Dohain are different from the Umahan guild leader who accepted the Demon King as he is.

What's more, they both shared feelings of guilt with me. I couldn't tell these two people about 'I' as they were.

“But I will come back when the time is right.”

The judge smiled at my words and opened his mouth.

“Then, let’s go back together. It’s a little scary to go back alone.”


“Are you going to come out like that? Then, will I go to Hajun-hyung right now and tell him all about you?”

“Do it now.”

I made the invisible chain partially visible and threatened the harmful wizard.

The judge grows up saying it's scary. In the face of that ugly face, I raised my hand and slapped the judge's forehead.

“It hurts!!”

I hit it because it hurts.

* * *


Uma Han pressed heavily on his chest and then opened his eyes with a falling hand.

As his blurry vision became clear, he saw his younger brother patting him with an arrogant face. The problem was that the hand was very crude.

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