Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 50 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“Your Majesty’s magical state is so messed up!”

“Can you see something like that?”

“Gilma-sama seems to underestimate the judges too much. Do you think the same judges will not even notice the magic of the other person?”

“Didn’t you also recognize the bastard of the wizard who appeared with the bastard Deseul?”

The judge, who was harmful to my words, pouted his lips with a sullen face.

“I tried to find out, but I failed.”

“It’s incompetent.”

"Hey! Who says you are incompetent!!”

Just look at your personality. I frowned at the screaming voice, then turned away.

“Duke, I’ll go back and look at your condition. Let's take this bastard and go home."

Desul, who had lost his mind like that, was entrusted to pick up the cub, but the warrior and the archduke who came down frowned and asked.

“Where do you want to go?”

“Okay, where are we going?”

The judge tilted his head and looked at me. I scratched the corner of my chin and said brightly.

“The hero’s shop.”

“… … .”

The hero blinked his eyes blankly, then twisted his face and shouted.

“Guild leader, do you want to die?!”


I handed the warrior a gracious black card and asked for forgiveness. The warrior threatens to make a firm determination.

If the limit is exceeded, a text message will be sent to Houn, I hope this does not happen.

* * *

The man had a dream of 'before' after a long time. He missed and wanted to see him many times, but he could not see him, and only after suffering his death just before he was able to face the memories of 'before' like a lantern.

'Your name will be remembered for a long time. Dragon Slayer, to ‘Sion’.’

Of course, the end of the faded memories that I dreamed up was not so good.

The man opened his eyes at that last moment. With him came intense pain in the shoulder blades.

“Are you in a lot of pain?”

It wasn't the voice of concern. It felt like it was bad, and I wished it would hurt more.

The man looked at the owner of the voice, contorting his face at the familiar voice.

"What you looking at."

“… … .”

The owner of the voice was sitting proudly with one leg crossed on the opposite sofa.

The man immediately tried to grab the sword at the sight.


“Ugh… … !”

But he couldn't do that because of the tingling sensation he felt in the hand he wanted to hold the sword. The sword wasn't even summoned in the first place.

It was then that the man noticed that something was wrapped around my wrist like shackles.

There seemed to be an unpleasant rattling sound with every move. The man frowned, trying to untie what was holding my wrists.

"If you want to untie it, you'll have to cut off your wrist, Deseul."

"What… … ?”

“But you get used to it over time.”

That too, said the woman cheerfully. She showed her wrist to the man who was contorting her face with her dreadlocks.

She had the same thing as a man's shackles on the woman's wrist.

"Thanks to the title of 'Shin-Sal-ja' that you wanted so much, how about this shape and this shape?"

Still wanting it, the woman scoffed. The man gritted his teeth at the voice that made fun of me.

* * *

“Deseul-nim, are you doing well?”

“… … !”

I was surprised by the voice coming from behind, and the little boy was also surprised. With a mischievous smile on my face, I pinched the damn judge's cheek.

"You are… … !”

"Ah! hurt!!"

The judge screams that he is sick. At that sound, both me and the little cub frowned.

“Where have you been watching?”

“I was watching from the beginning, but Gilma-sama didn’t notice.”

I don't know if the 'New Killer' is not sealed. Only the 'Saints' have been released from the seal, but of course you don't know!

For reference, the sword cannot be released from the seal unless you hold the damn holy sword called the sword of glory. And this sword can only be used when the saint's title has been released from the seal.

After I let go of the master's ear, I clenched her chin while looking at the cub.

“Gilma-sama, do you need to get your posture right? Otherwise, your spine will be twisted, right?”

Like this damn spine fairy.

I immediately untwisted my legs and glared at the master. Even though he must know he's looking at him, this harmful judge whistles like he doesn't know.

“… Weird guys.”

I was at a loss for words at the sound of a slow voice.

To be honest, I had a lot to say, but if I got angry here, I thought I would become a ‘strange bastard’ along with a real bastard.

But even in this situation, the judge made fun of his mouth.

“How did you know they were weird? But you know that Desul-nim is a strange person too, right? Ah, I found something in common!”

“… … .”

If that mouth doesn't talk for even a minute, no, even for a second, will I get sick? More than that, you bastard, you put a bullet on Deseul-sama's shoulder in front of him and make fun of him.

“… crazy guy.”(Read more @

I heard from Gearco Desul that he was a crazy person. The judge laughed, saying that it was good too.

I don't know if my personality is good or bad.

“Ugh… … !”

As soon as the magistrate touched his hand, Desuli crouched down and began to suffer. At the same time, the smell of burning skin began to pierce his nostrils again.

I could see the bandage covering the baby's wounds burning.

When I looked at the master with a tired face, he was looking at me with a grin.

This bastard obviously has a worse personality than me.

* * *

The guild called ‘Haun (夏雲)’, known as the best in Korea, was darkly locked like a dark cloud in summer.


“… … .”


Do Ha-joon raised his head at the sound of shouting as he lightly slammed the desk. His secretary Eun-yul frowned slightly at Do Ha-joon's tired face and said worriedly.

“Why don’t you close your eyes for a moment? I will find out about Do Ha-un-sama.”


"no, that's fine."

Jun Doha rubbed his face once and shook his head. Eunyul sighed as he shook his head.

It has been over a week since the terrorist attack on the set of . The terrorism had been over for a long time, but there were people who never came back.

“Boss, though, Do Haun-sama will be safe with Mr. Haeun.”

“Yeah, that’s right… … .”

“So, don’t worry too much… … .”

“How can you not worry!!”

Do Ha-joon slammed the desk and shouted. Then he mumbled, rubbing his face with both hands.

"Sorry. I'm sorry, Julia. It's not that I'm angry with you, but I'm pathetic that I can't find a younger brother... … .”

“… No, boss. My thoughts were too short.”

At Eunyul's words, Dohajun took a deep breath. His younger brother and the bodyguard who guarded him have disappeared.

He believed he would be back soon, but a week had already passed.

I want to track the location, but I can't get a signal from the two of them. The card seems to be swiping well, so it seems to be okay, but... … .

“Where the hell are you doing?”

Did you mean that you scratched a huge sum of 990,000 won? Doha Jun ruffled his frizzy hair and grimaced at his face.

I went to the place where the card was scratched, but only heard that I did not understand English and came back. I checked the CCTV just in case, but nothing was recorded during the time the card was scratched.

“Houn… … .”

Doha Jun called out his brother's name as if sickly and buried his face in his desk.

How did he find his brother, how did he lose it again?


“Wait a minute, I’ll be here for a second.”

“No, I got a call from Dohain.”

At that sound, Hajun jumped up from his seat. Eun-yul called him without a word.


―Hyung, I am on the way to meet CEO Kang.

Doha-in asked Doha-in urgently.

“What does CEO Kang say? You say you've seen Houn and Rowoon?"

- No, this time, it's futile.

Jun Doha contorted his face at the voice he heard and slumped down on his chair.

―But, CEO Kang, it is clear that you are hiding something.

“Can you dig in?”

-Of course.

In response to the youngest brother's answer, Do Ha-jun reached out to Eun-yul, who was guarding him. In the hand Ha-jun Doo held out without a word, Eun-yul handed him several sheets of densely written paper.

[…] The peculiar thing is that the whereabouts of 20■■.6.19~20■.6.26 were unknown... … .]

a week gap.

Jun Doha hardened his face at what was written in the report. Because he remembered the time of a year when his sister, who doesn't know where it was, disappeared.

Jun Doha made a hoarse voice as he lightly tapped his desk.

“… Be careful, servant.”


After Dohain's short answer, the call ended.

* * *

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : How the hell are you going to handle this?!

In response to the message that came out of nowhere, I asked for an unknown cookie.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : I know you're ignoring the message.

a ghost guy I swallowed the cookie I was biting and sent a message.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Are you going to take care of it?

―What do you take care of yourself!!

"Ouch… … !!”

Does this crazy spiritsman give out a mantra if he forgets it? The sound of the sound hitting my eardrums made my ears tingle.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : You damn spirits!!

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : So, get it right! Think deeply and answer the question!!

I puffed out my lips at the message filled with anger.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Do you know how difficult I am right now because of you?!

“How do I know… … .”

The spirit sergeant bluntly uttered words that he could not hear, and I leaned back on the sofa.

In fact, I knew that the elemental would be in a pretty difficult position.

Kang Ha-soo was the last person to appear after the raid that occurred during the filming of .

I remember that it was quite an issue as it appeared intact without any injuries. Of course, the media focused directly on news of the recovery of the guild leader Umahan.

I guess Houn's side is blocking everything about me and the toxic judge.

“I’m happy if I’m happy.”

I picked up a handful of cookies, put them in my mouth, and murmured.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Today, the vice guild leader in Doha came and went!

My brother has nothing to do. A few days ago, his brother visited the four stores of the hero.

It's a shame because the harmful judge erased all my traces, otherwise the hero would have been in a lot of trouble.

I muttered sweets like that and remembered the past.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : How sad it was to see the dark under the eyes!!

“… … .”

For some reason, my throat was choked, so I emptied the half-remaining juice at once. Oh, this is a judge.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : How long are you going to go out?!

how long To be honest, I didn't expect that I would go out for this long.

I was thinking of making Deseul grab the baby by the collar and shake it to blow something related to 'Gloria'... … .

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Don't worry, I'll get back to you.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Guild leader, I'm not worried about you!! I'm worried about my health!!

It's like this damn guild member.

I decided to end the conversation with Kang Ha-soo.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : I'll take care of it, so stop sending messages.

-Guild Master!!

“Ah! Shit, really!!”

I pierced my ears at the sound that hit my eardrums and screamed.

“I will be back! I will be back!!”

Of course, I also sent a message.

“If you send me one more message, I know how to turn you into the second office worker, Hunter H!!”

I also sent this as a message. There were no more messages from the Elementalist as to whether my warning was properly followed.

I took a deep breath and drank.

Again, I didn't know I would go out like this.

Damn Deseul, I was going to ask you something, but what would you say you're going to faint again?

Perhaps the wizard's cub's magic was quite powerful, Desuli lost his mind darkly before I even brought out the 'a' of 'Gloria'.

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