Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 55 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : Is it because of the clothes?

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : I'll return it right away, so stop joking around?

At that time, Hae-roon realized that he had lent his clothes to him at the message returned from the Dragon Slayer. I borrowed it because my tattered attire didn't look good, but it's going to be like this.

“… I just have to tell him to go.”

It wasn't his favorite clothes, but I thought it was a waste. But he didn't want to get it back.

As Harun was leaning against the counter with a fat face, the duke started sweeping around the counter.

“Sir, please leave for a moment because it is disturbing the cleaning.”

“Your Majesty, it’s too much! It's raining outside, are you telling me to go out?"

“The rain has stopped!”

- Mamma!!

Hae-roon made one whining sound as he brushed his broomstick, then left the store and sat down by the roadside. Meanwhile, messages from the Dragon Slayer were piled up.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : Hey.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : Are you going to go into hiding after letting go of all the mantras?

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : If you are doing this for clothes, will you return it right away?

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : What are you really going to do?

It was a message that looked like they were all very angry.

Hae-roen knew very well how to make the opponent more annoyed here. So Hae-Hun sent a short reply.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Pretty thing.

Dragon Slayer, Ishion frowned at the returned message. Not only did he frown, but he also snorted in a low voice.

While Ishion was swearing like that, Hae-roon was admiring, ‘By the way, our Deseul-nim, you were such a talkative person.’

So he sent a message, expecting a reply back.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Do you have clothes for Deseul-nim? Even if I die, I won't wear the clothes Deseul-nim wore again!!

However, contrary to expectations, there was no further reply. Even a few minutes passed.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : 。 ́︿ ̀。

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Deseul, are you ignoring the judge?

It was correct.

Dragon Slayer, Ishion decided to ignore the harmful 9th ​​Circle Archmage.

Because it seemed to be beneficial to the mind and body. But Harm was not the kind of person who could be ignored.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : If you ignore the judge like this, the judge will be really angry!!

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨


Ishion let out a voice full of irritation and moved on. He was about to go out on the highway, but he seemed to be in a way that other people wouldn't see him again. Ishion rode on the outer wall of the building like that.

So it didn't happen.

“Ugh… … !”

Ishion suddenly stumbled at the burning pain felt in his left shoulder. Fortunately, the crash site was where he had piled up his garbage bags.

At the musty smell, Ishion grinded his teeth and gripped the painful shoulder.

“You fucking judge bastard… … !”

-I said I would get angry if I ignore it.

I got goosebumps when I heard a playful voice in my ear. Ishion got up from his seat with a face full of irritation and uttered a mantra to Hae-won.

“What the hell do you want?!”

-Well, what?

At the voice of the question, Ishion frowned. It didn't seem like a question I was hoping for an answer to. Harun didn't expect an answer from him, as Izion had thought, so he went straight to my words.

"Oh yeah. Please. Please don't forget that I have the magic that I left on Deseul-nim's shoulder."

―The guild boss tells you not to touch it, it's cruel.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

Hae-roon gave a smirk.

Woo Ma-hoon, who was later kicked out of the store, frowned when he saw that smile.

“You bastard, don’t laugh sly. It’s ugly.”

“You look ugly! Rowoon was sarcastic!!”

At that, Mahoon wrinkled his eyes.

“Whether you are sarcastic or not, I don’t care.”

“Mahoon, you talk too harshly!!”

People passing by on the street glanced at the two once.

While Hae-roen had a small brawl with Uma-hun, Ishion was stroking his shoulder, the pain had disappeared.

Shion frowned and sent a message to Hae-roon, who suddenly lost contact.

Please, I hope that there will be no further contact after this message.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : I got it right, so stop calling me, you fucking wizard bastard.

At the message that appeared in front of him, Hae-roon smiled. Mahoon Woo saw this and shouted at the store.

“Dohaun! The harmful one is laughing unsightly!!”

"Hey! Why is Gilma calling me?!”

"you! Make a fuss in front of the store!!”

The two were kicked away from the store by such a strong boss.

* * *

damn it.

Hearing the hero's voice from outside the door, he lost his sleep.

It seems that the judge and the demon king had an accident. I rubbed my sleepy eyes once and got up.

In order to chase after sleepiness like that, I was stretching the door open without knocking. Someone told me it was the Archduke with Harim on his head.

“Gilma! Please look at Rim!!”(Read more @

"why me… … .”

- Mamma!!

Before I even asked the Archduke if I should look at him like that, Rim-i flew over and clung to my face.

“That’s because the regular customer who made a reservation today doesn’t like animals.”

“He’s a dragon.”

If a dragon is an animal, it is an animal, but... … .

I grabbed Rim's neck and pulled it away from me.

“Even a dragon looks like a puppy to other people! I'm begging you!”

As the Archduke said so, he placed a yellow bowl of deliciously cooked meat and a large plate side by side on the table.

“Mamma Rim and Mamma Gilma, I will leave you here, so take care of yourself! Make sure to take care of Lim and Mamma!!”

“… … .”

“Dear! I hope you enjoy it!!”

Tak, I looked at my mamma at the closed door. Grand Duke, he probably doesn't even know what he's talking about.

- Mamma! Maam- Ma!!

It seemed that I could not take care of Rim's food. He stuck his nose in the yellow bowl and ate the meat on his own.


Just by looking at them, I laughed out loud at the sight of them eating to their fullest.

It must have been strange for me to smile like that.

- Mamma?

As I tilted my head, I said while stroking Rim's head.

“It’s good to see you.”

- Mamma!

He may have understood what I said, but Rim-i started to eat meat again, wagging his tail.

I stopped laughing and took my share of food.

I shouldn't be like this, but I'm so used to living here.

“You don’t have to get used to it… … .”

Oppa and Dohain will be looking everywhere. With that in mind, I had to finish the work as soon as possible and go home.


“Hello, Madame. Long time no see."

This was not something that could be finished quickly.

A single bow of a knife that attacked me, and an explosion. The explosion didn't happen by magic. In other words, it was similar to the power used by the Hunter.

However, the magic of 'Gloria' was clearly unfolding in the sky. The judge didn't stop it.

How many hunters in this world know that I was a saint while using Gloria's magic?

The face was suddenly contorted.

- Mamma!

A heavy weight was felt in the hand holding the plate. Harim was sticking her nose in the meat I was going to eat.

Chop chop, I burst into laughter at the sound.

“Yes, you eat.”

I put Harim's plate down so that she could eat it.


I thought it was cloudy, but it finally rained. Maybe the rain that was already falling was getting stronger.

“It’s dreary.”

I felt uncomfortable in the room I had gotten used to living in.

* * *

“… … .”

Ishion blankly opened his lips. He was drenched and had a musty, rotten smell all over his body, but he didn't want to wash it off.

This is because the so-called 'hideout' was completely in chaos.

The sofa was torn apart and the TV was split in half and fell to the floor. The large window in the living room was also shattered and rain was pouring in.

“… … .”

Izion was not the only one standing in the middle of this chaos.

“… What are you?"

The guys I had to show were not seen, and a man who seemed to have created this chaos was staring at Ishion.

Ishion pulled out his sword without saying a word. Seeing that, the man smiled bitterly.

“Does it look like you’re stuck here again?”

“… … ?”

At the unfamiliar sound, Ishion frowned slightly and muttered.

Today, Iljin said he was filthy and ferocious.

The fight didn't happen.

It was because Ishion jumped out of the broken window before he could even run towards the suspicious man.

Ishion hurriedly approached the window, but no trace of the man could be found anywhere.

Ishion frowned and muttered angrily.

“… what?"

“No worries, Shion-san.”

Ishion turned his head in surprise at the sudden voice he heard. But the black did not lift.


It was because the owner of the voice knew someone.

The man, who was dyeing his hair gray, took a cigarette and approached Ishion. Ishion let out a small sigh and asked slowly.

“… Dante?”

“I went to look for a house. I don't think I can stay here any longer.”

“Just because of him?”

At Ishion's question, the man nodded. At that nod, Ishion frowned.

"Who is it?"

It was the sound of asking who the man who ran away was. The man understood this like a ghost and said,

“Who will be of great help to Zion’s goal?

At Mamon's words, the man, Ishion frowned.

“… You must have the same goals as me.”

Dohaun, the leader of the Returning Guild, who has many titles including the saint. beating her neck.

That was the goal of Ishion and those with whom he joined hands.

Mamon only smiled at Ishion's words.

“Where have you been before?”

In response to the question that changed the subject, Ishion did not say anything special.

Mamon said to the answer that did not come back.

“Since Saint-sama was said to be missing, she wouldn’t have been circling around Saint-sama.”

“… I don’t know.”

Ishion answered that with a sullen face, but Mamon said it was not a big deal and passed it on.

This is because Ision had disappeared several times before without contact.

And he would usually come back full of scars. But this time... … .

“So what about Dante?”

He looked relatively intact.

Mamon lit the cigarette he was biting and said.

“Are you on a real estate tour? You said you went to look for a house.”

At those words, Ishion sent his eyes, asking why are you here. Mamon shrugged his shoulders at that gaze and said.

“I came back to leave a note for Shion-san.”

Ishion thought that both of them were useless and that one act was very quick.

It doesn't look like you fought the guy who attacked the hideout, but you did avoid it beforehand.

“I had a fight with him. only me."

Mamon recognized Ishion's thoughts like a ghost and said. At Mamon's words, Ishion tilted his head slightly.

“What is Dante doing?”

“Did you go out to find Mr. Sion? I tried to kick him out without calling Dante, but he was stronger than I thought.”

So, on the way, he ran to Dante's cub, Mamon added with a laugh.

Ishion felt a sense of reluctance at Mamon's shivering appearance. Surely he didn't say he knew about the man? But he was stronger than I thought, Lani.

‘It’s strange.’

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