Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 67 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“Ah! It hurts, it really hurts!!”

I gripped the area where the wound was supposed to be. The wizard cub screams loudly and grabs my wrist.

“Because it hurts!”

“It’s healing.”

“How does this cure you!!”

“Don’t you know hemostasis?”

“What is hemostasis! aww! Okay, hemostasis! I got it!!”

I just wanted to make a fuss once in a while. I immediately used the holy woman's power to clean the shaman's wounds.

Oh, just in case you don't know.

“… What are you doing?"

"Because I've heard at first glance that the weapons you handle are poisonous."


I picked up a piece of rolling glass and made a long cut in the palm of my hand.

"drink. If you don't know, you'll have to decipher it."

Healing literally healed a broken or injured part, except for poisoning or poisoning.

This had to use another power called 'detoxification'.

The judge asked me with a sullen face.

"exactly… Should I drink blood, Gilma? Doesn't it look like you're poisoned?"

“But if you talk to me later, I know that there will be no detoxification and nothing else.”

At my words, the judge cries. It wasn't that I hurt my palm because it was me. However, the ‘saint’ blood had the power to detoxify whatever poison it was poisoned with.

While the judge hesitated, the wound on his palm had healed. Just as I was about to cut my wounds with the piece of glass again, the magician took my hand and touched my lips.

“It’s dirty.”

"shut up."

In Gloria, they didn't know that this bastard was so precious that it was called a panacea that can't be bought with money!

“Still, I am impressed now.”

I narrowed my brow at the sound of the palm of my hand. The master pats the wounded area with his fingers and smiles at me.

“I think Gilma will think of me like this.”

"What did you say."

I pulled his hand away from the wizard and frowned.

“Who would move this many people, if not you?”


“Work, work.”

I smiled mischievously, but the magistrate looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, and then shouted.

"OMG! Too much! All I can think of is chasing our Gilma-sama’s judges!!”

"Of course!!"

You are my eternal portal shuttle. Anyway, the bastard of the wizard obeyed me obediently.

“Are we going again?”

“I beg you, warrior.”

“Can’t you work out a little bit about that request?”

I avoided the hero's gaze and scratched my cheek shyly. The one who saved me was the guild leader who moved with me.

“I’m sorry, warrior. I'll definitely do the case... … .”

"Warrior… ? How do you know that I am a 'hero'... … ?”

The hero blurs his words and looks at the demon king.

The Demon King hid behind the proud guild leader at the hero's sharp gaze.

The guild leader Uma Han pressed Uma Hun's head with his hand and made him bow his head.

“Here, Mahun, please take a moment. If you make a mistake right now, Ma Hoon could turn the whole situation upside down... … .”

Then he rummaged through the jacket and handed the warrior a large bundle of cash.

The brave man opened his eyes to the one-color bill of gold, and then smiled and said,

“Well, I can’t help it.”

It's like a warrior who is fed up with capitalism. I frowned as I watched the warrior collect the cash.

"And… … .”

“… … ?”

I tilted my head slightly as the gaze turned towards me. The handsome guild leader nodded his head at the gaze.

“Thank you, Shinsala.”

Shit, I figured it out too.

I looked at the Demon King for nothing and took a deep breath. The elegant guild leader with a straight waist spoke to me with the tone that he had no face.

“Forgive me for my past rudeness, Shinsalja. And I will repay this favor after everything is settled.”

"It's okay. That… There was no rudeness, well... … .”

"no! How many rude things have I done!!”

It was really difficult to see him bowing his back to repay the favor somehow. At that moment, the Archduke and Moorim-nim whispered from both sides.

“Gilma, it’s money. money."

"money! Gil-chan, don’t you know what money is?”

“Both off.”

After sending the Archduke and Moorim to the Master, I smiled and said,

“Then, can you help me not to worry?”

“How do you want to help? … .”

“I’m sure the guild leader will take care of that.”

As he smiled broadly, Uma Han Guildmaster nodded his head broadly and said:(Read more @

"Yes sir."

Anyone who sees it will know that he is going to the battlefield wherever he goes. It was a voice that suited him with such a determined face.

“Guild Master!!”

Along with the bang, the sound of Klaxon, an urgent voice was heard in search of the elegant guild leader. Umahan looked out of the store once, then bowed his head toward me again.

“Then, Mahun, please take good care of me.”


All I'm going to do is gossip. At the sound of a loud, resounding Klaxon, the elegant guild leader moved.

“I’m listening to you, sir.”

Hey, there's no need to call me a 'new killer'.

After patting Ma-hoon on the head, Ma-han left the store as it was.

I took a small breath as I watched him disappear to rectify the situation.

“Are you okay, guild leader?”


“Why do the parents say that they are their children?”

"What do you mean?"

“It means that his brother could be his older brother.”

I shook my head as I looked at the Demon King who was rubbing his hair with a sullen face.

“Ah, maybe.”

Dear guild leader, please do not betray my faith.

* * *

Returning to the chaotic ‘Hwarang’, Umahan first published an article about rectifying the situation in the media.

[Special Alert] The underground guild you've only heard of! Reveal it!!

Of course, there were not many people who directly believed the articles that were circulated in the media. However, there were not many people who properly questioned the credibility of the article to the owner of Hwarang, a guild that is said to be the most popular in Korea.

“Is it all right?”

“Yes, guild chief. Director Na will keep his mouth shut in return for supporting investment in all drama productions after .”

“Who are you, writer Ji? Does anyone know whereabouts?”

"that… Haven't found it yet. The whereabouts of writer Ji’s family are also unknown.”


Umahan frowned at the secretary's words.

He's obviously the one who was with him when he was taken out of the building by Uma Hun.

But he couldn't clearly remember what happened. I can clearly remember what conversations were going on there.

“Guild leader?”

“No, nothing. Is the guild leader Doha-jun waiting now?”

“Yes, I was tired of waiting and you came right when I was about to go back. An elegant guild leader.”

Umahan frowned at the annoying voice and then immediately released it. Let's not forget, the man in front of us is a member of the gracious 'Shinsalja' family.

“I’m sorry, Guild Leader Do Ha-Jun. I'm late because I have a lot of work to do.”

“Why did the busy person ask me to meet? I'm a busy person too, so I'll have to go back to the guild soon."

“Do I have to go find my brother?”

“… … .”

Jun Doha wrinkled one of his eyes and looked at Uma Han who was standing. Uma Han raised his hands and smiled.

“I didn't mean to be sarcastic. I had no intention of making fun. Am I not in a position to have a younger brother?”

“So what do you want to say?”

Uma Han clasped his hands together and opened his mouth.

“We are here to help.”

Jun Doha did not understand U Ma Han and frowned. Uma Han, who would normally frown just like Jun Doha, kindly extended his words.

“I will help you find your brother.”

New Salja, I will relieve the Dohajun guild leader from worrying about you and interrupt the Dohajun guild leader who wants to find you!

If Do Ha-un had been here, he would have grabbed your brother by the neck, asking if he was going to raise his blood pressure.

* * *

- Weong.

In the alleyway where one person could barely pass, someone was sitting with his knees bent.

- Wee Aeon.

It's softly mimicking a cat's cry.

A man with his hood over held out a bowl of milk close to the garbage heap.

Among the piles of rubbish, a young cat with a lot of fur was glaring at the man.

The man took a deep breath after having a snowball fight with the young cat.

“… It's not coming."

The man eventually straightened his knees and started walking.

- Weong.

“… … ?”

However, before the man left the alleyway, a cat hiding in his garbage heap started rubbing the man's ankle.

The man let out a hoarse voice that glanced down.

“Drink the milk you left there.”

- Wee-ae-ong!

The man frowned at the hoarse voice. The man tried to ignore the little cat that was rubbing my ankles. If it wasn't for the raindrops that fell one or two drops at a time.

The man looked up at the sky for a moment and then looked at the young cat crying sadly.

- Wow!!

At the sound of a rather nervous voice, the man bent his knees and carefully hugged the standing cat. Then he put it under his hood and murmured.

“It will be fine.”

Neither of them seemed to hate animals.

So the man moved on again. Even in the raindrops that fell steadily, the man was only slow.

―Wow! Wow!

Then, at the sound of crying from below, the man decided to move a little faster.

In front of the hideout that had barely returned, the man pulled out the hood he was wearing and opened the front door.

“… Why are the shoes?”

The neatly laid out brown shoes caught my eye.

Was it even an insurance agent, or did someone come to tell you something good?

If it were the former or the latter, the two of them would have brought them inside without kicking them out. And you will be silently listening to the story.

The man's guess was half right and half wrong.

“Then, let’s meet again later to talk. Seeing off is fine, so please don’t come out.”

The woman who came out of the study in the back looked surprised when she saw the man. But she soon greeted the man with a smile.

“Do you think you are that person?”

The man frowned slightly at the voice that asked, knowingly. The woman smiled on her face, showing her uncomfortable expression.

“Please understand that I am greeting you like this because I do not have a complete memory yet.”

“… … ?”

“I’ll remember it properly the next time we meet.”

The woman said hello and left the hideout. The man glanced at the closed front door and tilted his head.

She pretended to know about a woman she didn't remember, because she had nothing to think of when she thought of cancer.

- Wee Aeon!

"Oh yeah."

The man carefully lowered the cat he was holding in his arms to the floor. Scary of that, I saw tabi feet in one color with a flower pattern.

“Are you here, Sion?”

Ishion raised his head and looked at the man who welcomed me. The man, who was dyeing his hair gray, bit his candy and asked.

“What else is that cat?”

The young cat Ishion brought with him was diligently searching all over the hideout. Instead of answering the man's question, Ishion asked a question.

“… Mamon, who was that woman just now?”

It was someone other than Mamon who answered Ishion's question who he was.

“He will be moving with you soon. You are a precious person, so I hope you will treat me well.”

"why me."

Ishion frowned at the man who appeared from the study where the woman came out.

“Dante, you idiot. What do you do if you don't explain it properly, and if you explain something like that?"

“We call a noble person a noble person. So, what do you call it?”

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