Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 7 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

[Exclusive] Houn’s Path, ‘Do Ha-Jun’… S-class Outbreaker Dungeon Attack alone!

Is it possible to attack S-class dungeons alone?

└ㅇㅇ possible

└There are two more attackers as hounds;

Houn's official came out~ It wasn't Do Ha-joon, but an unknown male and female pair attacked. Guys~~

└ I'll see you too



└ㅁc; I hit several times;

There were some problems, though.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Ms. Gilma

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Mr.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : nah

I sighed and ignored the Archduke's personal message.

- Gilma-sama!!


The price of ignorance was severe.

He fell sideways, screaming at the nervous voice hitting his eardrums.

I can feel the gaze rushing towards me with a loud, loud sound.

“… … .”

ignore it, ignore it

“Um, the chair is sloppy… … .”

He straightened his chair and sat down on the road.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Jin-eon!!

|Pr. Northern Prince| : What are you going to do? How are you going to do it?

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Why didn't you tell me that that person is Houn Gilma!!

|Pr. Northern Prince| : What if my comfortable and peaceful life is destroyed!!

Worrying about useless things There's no 1% chance of recognizing us because of our disguise.

Oh, is disguise only for me? Because the Archduke didn't receive the commission... … . Anyway, it's okay to call me 'brother' back then, but it'll be fine.

My brother stopped by my house in his spare time while he was busy with Outbreaker Dungeon.

“Houn, are you okay?”

“Ugh, are you okay? brother is?"

“Your brother is fine.”

After such a short conversation, I took Dohain and went straight back to the guild. Even now, when I think of Doha-in waking up as soon as the Archduke's cub takes him home, it's still chilly.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : What are you going to do?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : It should be comfortable and peaceful to belong to Houn. leave the guild

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Say that!

The Archduke's Hatchling blasts the Cheeks of Rage. I smirked and sipped an iced Americano.

Also, life is bitter.

Leave the guild

That was impossible for the Archduke. It doesn't just apply to the Grand Duchess.

|9 Circle Archmage| : Sarum that will blow up the company~

This is true for the wizard who is leisurely sending messages in the guild chat, and it also applies to me.

So, for everyone on the return trip.

Please note that registration is compulsory.

Upon returning to Earth after moving through a dimension, returnees belong to this guild.

Three years ago, a guy named ‘Dragon Slayer’ came in with a single question mark, and then no newcomers have come in.

The only thing we have in common is that we are of Korean nationality. All ages and genders are different.

Oh, there is one more thing in common.

[A request has been received from the constellation, ‘Confucianism’.]

All of them are nonsense. Here I exclude.

As soon as the request came in, both personal and guild messages became quiet.

I sip the half left Americano. What should I do with an ambiguous amount to take out or throw away?

Of course, you have to drink it without leaving a drop!

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Grand Duke.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : You know what I'm reading?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Hey

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : ㅑ

Ignore this?

I stopped sending personal messages to the Archduke and turned to guild messages.

|New killer (guild leader)| : Dear guild members,

|9 Circle Archmage| : Gilma, do you drink during the day?

|New killer (guild leader)| : uh

I sent a message with a firm promise that someday, I will definitely save the dark history of the young wizard.

|New killer (guild leader)| : A true tea boy of this age!!

|New killer (guild leader)| : Those who want to hear the fluttering of the Northern Prince~

|Northern Archduke| : uh huh

|Northern Archduke| : star(Read more @

|Northern Archduke| : Nimni ㅁ Black Star F1!!

Again, the Northern Prince appeared right away. I drank my Americano and sent a private message to the Archduke's cub.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : You run this quest ^^

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Oh really hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Honey, why are you crying so desperately—☆

The request message window floating in the air disappeared.

[The 'Northern Archduke' has received a quest.]

I covered my mouth at the message window that appeared.

Damn bastards, you must have seen a message in your eyes every day that the new murderer was commissioned.

|9 Circle Archmage| : ???

|9 Circle Archmage| : Grand Duke?

|Brave| : Guild leader, are you dead?

|Dragon Slayer| : ?

|Spirit Temple| : In this case, maybe something happened to the Archduke and not the guild leader ^^?

| Moorim first coriander | : What the fin!

“… … .”

Guild members who did not know whether they were dead or alive appeared friendly.

“Heh heh, this is deplorable.”

“… … ?”

A nice voice was heard.

A man with long dark hair was sitting in the empty seat next to him.

“Samjak, what kind of dog are you?”

“… … !!”

And sitting in front of him was the kid who gave me the title 'Angel'.

Episode 8

hurriedly turned around.

what is it My lord, why are you here?

|Demon | : Shinsaja was a good guy.

He's not dead! I'm living next to you, so don't send me to a strange place!!

I was about to pluck that long hair up to the root of my hair, but then I heard a knock on the table.

“Hey, you bastard.”

Dohain wiggles his eyebrows and looks at the side where the sound was heard.


That name was a nickname for Doha people who were called by the public. I heard that Dohain's fan club calls him a servant.

I muttered as I put my hat on tight.

“Come wearing sunglasses.”

“Why me on this fine day?”

“Why is it? Can't you feel people's attention?"

Dohain shrugged and sat down in front of me. As I was about to get up, I stood up haphazardly and asked Dohain.

"What are you doing?"

“What are you doing? Can't you see this? I sat down to wait for the coffee to come.”

“What about guild work? Aren't you busy right now?"

“I’m busy. I'm busy... … .”

Dohain frolics with a vibrating bell and blurs his speech. I tilted my head and sat down.



“… No, let’s not talk.”

“Why are you talking? To speak, speak straight.”

“Where were you last night?”

My mouth is square.

I slapped my lips inside my heart and smiled softly.

If it was last night, I was having fun attacking the Outbreaker Dungeon.

Of course, I couldn't say this.

“I was in the room.”

“You said you were going out for a drink with Seoha.”

“You fell asleep like you passed out, so you just didn’t go out. Leaving a sick child pricked my conscience.”

“What is conscience?”

I smiled kindly at the grunting voice. Dohain is right. My conscience has long been hairy.

The vibrating bell Doha-in was holding in his hand hums.

“I’ll bring you coffee.”

“Buy some cookies when you come.”

“Why cookies?”

“The coffee is too bitter.”

“Why do you keep drinking coffee that you can’t even drink!!”

Dohain screamed and stomped down the stairs.

Awful, dirty temper.


“… … ?”

I? Are you calling me? This is ignoring it for now.

“I am calling you.”


I drank an Americano in a hurry, and then I heard Sare. After coughing, I covered my mouth and looked at the Demon King's nephew.

“Ugh, me? did you call me?”


“Why did my baby call me… … ?”

“Call me the angel noona I know!”

“… … .”

A child's eyes cannot be deceived.

No, in this case she cheated, so things are going ambiguously?

“Nephew, are you saying that this woman resembles the angel her nephew called that way?”


The Demon King is staring at me. He raised the corners of his lips awkwardly, avoiding the piercing stare.

“Doesn’t angels look like that?”

Well, like that.

I cried and felt an unknown emotion. Fortunately, Dohain returned before going to pull out the Demon King's hair roots.

“Dohaun, what are you doing?”

"Huh? uh… The baby walks.”


Dohain puts his coffee cup on the table and glances at the table next to him.

"Good morning."

“Uh, hello.”

The little boy has a very bright greeting. Dohain awkwardly waved his hand and whispered to me.

“Do you know him?”

“No, I don’t know.”

After answering firmly, he completely turned his gaze away from the seat next to him.

I bit the cookie Dohain had bought and sent me a private message.

the recipient.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Devil.

|Pr. Demon King | : ?

|Pr. Demon King | : Shinsala, are you alive?

“… … .”

I am living very well while eating cookies in the seat next to you.

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