Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 77 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“… … .”

But what he saw was Dohain with a bewildered face. Obviously he was supporting it, but he never knew when he fell to the floor like that.

“This, this is now… … .”

Kang Ha-su quickly shook his head. But I couldn't figure out how to get around the situation. So he said with a soft smile.

“Hey, Dohain Deputy Guild Leader. You are very hurt!”

“It's not that bad! Before that, it was… … !”

“Nothing happened before.”

“Don't be funny! I looked carefully with my own two eyes, so what is it that nothing happened!!”

Dohain was crazy and wanted to jump.

A famous person widely known to the public was a Hunter? However, in the many tests that he received on variety shows, it was clear that he was an ordinary person, didn't he?

Did he see anything in vain, Doha In pressed his eyes tightly against his eyes and turned his head to and fro.

“What about the boss? Where is the boss... … .”

Doha-in was able to find Kang-han quickly. It was even more strange that I was leaning against a sword the size of my body and it was difficult to find.

Doha In blankly closed his eyes and asked in a muffled voice.

“You two, what the hell are you doing?”

Kang Ha-soo avoided Doha-in's gaze, and Kang In-han recognized his sword and tried to hide it behind his body.

Naturally, strong Han's greatsword was of a size that could not be hidden even if it was hidden.

They all seemed to avoid answering. At him, the Doha contorted his face.

“You guys, what the hell are you doing?!”

Kang In Han and Kang Ha Soo did not say anything despite the shout. Exactly, I couldn't say anything.

When Dohain somehow clenched his fists for an answer.



The place where they had gathered began to rise upwards.


9. It's better to hit a blank sheet


The ground around the dungeon shook constantly. As a result, the surrounding roads were damaged, and Doha had no choice but to park his car at a distance. Ha-Jun Do got out of the car and headed for the dungeon.

“Guild Leader Do Ha-Jun!”

“Who is the servant? Is it true that the servant got caught up in the dungeon? Is this a confirmed fact?!”

“That, that… … .”

The Hunter, who grabbed Jun Doha by the shoulder, stuttered his words. At that, Jun Doha contorted his face.

“Say something… … !!”

"boss! Calm down! There is nothing to be done if you push it like that!”

His secretary Eun-yul, who followed Ha-jun Do late, stopped him.

Do Ha-jun rubbed his face full of impatience and stared at the dungeon that was transformed like a ‘castle’.

As Eun-yul said, it was not a situation that could be resolved by pushing someone. So Ha-Jun Do cleared his breath and asked Hunter.

“What is your grade? Has the dungeon's level been confirmed?”

"That… yet… … .”

But the stuttering words didn't pay off as he struggled to catch his breath, and his angry voice rang out.

“Have you not been able to check that?!”

The young-looking Hunter showed a gloomy face at the shrill voice. Jun Doha clicked his tongue briefly and moved his steps to somehow find out information about the dungeon. But before he could take a few steps, Do Ha-jun stopped.

“Woman of the guild!”

“Yubin! Where is our Yubin!”

It wasn't a very pleasant voice. But Doha Jun turned his head towards the place where the old voice was heard.



A child under the protection of the Hunter was running towards Umahan. He seemed to be his son.

“What about Mahun? Where did your uncle go?”

“Samjak, let’s go into the zejiki!!”


At the child's words, Do Ha-jun opened his lips blankly. Then he unwittingly moved his leg towards Umahan and Ai.

Uma Han, in embarrassment, grabbed his son's shoulder and asked with his shaky eyes.

“What do you mean, Yubin? Did your uncle go in there?”

“Together with my sister, the three angels… … !”

“Yubin, stop it!!”

It was a man holding a rather large puppy and a smaller kitten who stopped him from talking.


Ha-Jun Do remembered the man's name without difficulty. It was because I read his name in a report posted by Do Ha-in, the youngest brother.

‘Obviously, he was a part-timer at that store.’

Do Ha-joon frowned slightly. However, Do Ha-jun had no choice but to show a surprised face instead of a frown at the words he heard.

“Duke! What the hell are you talking about? Mahun is in there!”

Umahan guildmaster is politely using high-quality words for a part-timer in a shop that he is clearly seeing for the first time. Umahan, who never humbles himself, no matter what.

"there… Let me explain. Go somewhere quiet... … .”

“The explanation.”

Doha Jun took one step, and he approached them. Then he opened his mouth with a face that showed no emotion.

“I want you to hear it too.”

The Jewish ball bit the inside of his lip.(Read more @

Gilma, things are going very wrong right now. So Gilma, if you hear my voice, please answer me.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Gilmani ㅣ Im 1!!!

There was no reply from Dohaun.

* * *

"Hey! I told you not to follow me!! What about Yubin!”

“I have entrusted it to the Grand Duke of the North.”

“Well, now… … .”

I stopped talking and sighed heavily.

“It means that there is only the Archduke outside.”

There is also Ji Han-gyeol, but that bastard is out of the discussion.

For some reason, his head felt throbbing and painful. Even though I couldn't even feel a headache.

I squeezed my temples and asked the person who was hard to see as my companion.

“Why did you follow me? that you should just go on your way. What cat knows if it's Rika or something?"

Desuli, who was watching the dungeon, glanced at me.

“Cat to the Grand Duke. And there is something I want to check.”

“You want to check it out?”

“Did you say Ji Han-gyeol? About what he said... … .”

Desul raised his hand and touched my lips once, then turned his head away from me.

“Okay, don’t tell me.”

One of the ways to annoy people is to drink while talking. So I went straight to Deseul and raised his foot. Desleigh, who has kicked his ankle, frowns on his face and leans over.

“With natural hair!!”

“Because you think you have a better personality than anyone who suddenly puts a knife on your stomach?”

“… … .”

Deseul showed a speechless face. Yes, if you have a conscience, you shouldn't say more here.

“Given that much back, the back end… … .”

A little bastard is a bastard with no conscience.

I felt like my patience was cut off at the muffled voice. This time, I thought I'd swing my fist, but Hae-roon carefully grabbed my wrist and asked.

“Gilma, what about your wrist?”

“As you can see, I’m fine. So, can you put this down?”

The red marks had long since disappeared. The master gently released my wrist and raised the corner of his mouth.

Not wanting to see that smile, he raised his hand to pinch his cheek when he heard Moorim's shrill voice.

“What the hell, puck! Gil-chan! Look at these!!”

When the hell did you get there? Moorim, who went to the place with the spiral staircase, was jumping and showing a disgusted face.

I wondered why, and there were charred corpses of centipedes at Moorim's feet all over the place.

I frowned at the corpses of large centipedes, twice the size of an adult male.

“It is unsightly.”

I nodded my head involuntarily at the words of the Demon King.

At that moment, the wizard who was gently pushing the body of the centipede with his feet next to me asked.

“Did the master have a skill in the natural world?”

"No, there is not."

“Then did the hero do this?”

“The corpses are too whole for a hero to do it.”

If it was a hero, I would have ripped it to pieces. Above all else, the hero is not a wizard. However, he does not command spirits like the Spirit Master. In other words, it was impossible to burn corpses like this.

“These are not perfect, guild chief.”

“… … ?”

Deseul threw something at me. When I saw that it was seated in his two hands, it was a single gourd of a skeleton infested with maggots.

After being frozen for 3 seconds, he threw his teeth at Deseul and screamed.

“Aww! You fucking bastard! You were surprised!!”

Deseul, who avoided flying, shrugged his shoulders, asking if he was afraid of such a thing. I took a deep breath, holding back the bubbling inside me.

It is not easy to forget the feeling of the maggots that climbed on your fingers, even for a moment.

“I think the hero did this right.”

The judge, who had gone to Deseul's side, muttered while looking at the shattered skeletons. At the judge's words, Deseul tilted his head and asked.

“Then who the hell did this? They say it's not Gil-chan's younger brother, and they say it's not even the hero's older sister."

“Isn’t there one person who can do this?”

At the words of the Demon King, I remembered the spiritsman who had a friendly smile on his face.

“… ah, please.”

Spirit-sama must be managing the cub at the company right now, so why is he here?

“I hope they catch people.”

"Shut up."

After shutting the mouth of the harmful baby, I asked the Demon King for one thing.

“Demon lord, can you give me some mantras to the spirit lord? Where are you right now?”

“Spiritual bastard, tell me the mantra about where Do Ha-un is now.”

Please give me some response, Spirit Master! It seems that some star has heard my prayer like this.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Whoa! I'm the oldest in the guild 1!!!

“… Are you getting messages?”

I didn't like the content of welcoming me violently, but the spirit lord showed a certain reaction.

―Please save me!!

"Ahh! Fuck!!”

It was a problem if the problem was that they reacted so strongly. Damn Elementalist bastard! Did he get a disease that would kill him if he didn't speak his mantra?

“Dohaun… … ?”

“Gil-chan, why are you like this?”

“… Every time I see it, it’s a one-man show.”

“Gilma-sama, it was a little funny.”

“Shut up everyone.”

The voice of the spirit cub's cub seems to ring in my ears. I patted my dry ears and sent an annoyed message.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : what? What else is going on?

-Devil! The Demon King is very... … !!

“Wow! Elementalist, you fucking bastard!! Send me some mantras!!”

At the same time as I shouted, I sent a message to the Spirit Master

If he utters the mantra one more time, he will send a new punishment as soon as they meet.

Of course, this is a story when the title of 'New Killer' was released.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : The Demon Lord is with me now, what is he talking about?

He told me not to spread the mantra, I don't remember telling him not to send a message, but there is no reply back.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Spirit Master?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Hey.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : excuse me?

It was the same no matter how many times I called. I screamed nervously, scratching my head.

“This bastard cuts off contact all of a sudden and is a jerk!!”

My feet were thumping and rolling in annoyance, and the master asked me with a shaky face.

“What kind of conversation did you have with the Spirit Master?”

"do not know!!"

“Our Gilma, this is not a joke. It's just a joke, and if you touch it once, you'll be devastated."

good to know

I kicked a piece of the skull that touched my feet and walked up the stairs.

“Dohaun, are you going up?”

“You have to go up.”

The dungeon created in the hero's shop had a rather unusual structure. The oval-shaped brick wall at a glance, and the spiral staircase going up along the wall.

It was like a horse tower.

Anyway, the figure of the warrior was not seen here. It was the same with Doha.

So to find the two, I had no choice but to go up the stairs. If they hadn't gone down to the ground, the two would have gone up.

“Gil-chan~! And my brothers! Why are you so slow? Let's move fast!!"

“… … .”

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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