Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 81 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

It's obvious where you got the holy water. It was obtained by the priests of Gloria who are moving with Deseul-sama.

However, I don't know where he got the holy water.

Did it come from Gloria, or is there anywhere in this world where you can get something like this?

When I meet those cubs, I have one more question to ask.

“Can you move?”

"Thanks to."

I stood next to Deseul-nim with the handle of the sword held in my fingertips.

“Brave, would you like some leftovers to be sprinkled on the sword?”

Desuli frowned at my words and said.

“Sorry. They said it was precious.”

“It’s like that for them.”

Of course, they are precious to me too, but that wasn't what was important right now.

―Oh, it looks like you still have the strength to get up.

Bloody eyes on the floor turned to me, and at the same time, a tingling sensation rose from my toes.

“Damn you bastard of the Demon King… … .”

He contorted his face and held back the moan that was about to pop out. The hero tries to catch me like that.

“Dohaun! Just be quiet!!”


He spit out the words like he was chewing, then moved on.

[The power, ‘Forward’ is activated.]

The raised sword was blocked by the dark red magic circle. He broke his teeth with force and moved the sword again.

“Demon King, my friend dug one death while preparing for the entrance exam? One gave up.”

The demon lord, who tilted his head slightly to avoid my sword, frowned slightly at the corner of one eye and asked me.


“The Demon Lord is a story you don’t need to know.”

He swung his sword at the demon king again. A blue trace made a long scratch on the devil's cheek.

“Anyway, did you choose just one? But do you know what happened?”

- Hmm?

“They both failed because I had a non-scholastic ability test that year.”

―What do you want to say, saint?

The scratch that had appeared on her pale, white skin disappeared in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the surroundings began to glow dark red.

“Do Haun!!”

I hear Deseul-nim and the hero running late. I took a step back slightly.

“The choice you gave me was a failing choice no matter what I choose.”

A dark red light was soon engulfed in a dazzlingly red magic circle. Seeing that scene, I raised an eyebrow.


“I want to talk about that.”

The wall on which the painting was painted was broken. Appearing with him was a toxic judge.

Hae-roon looked at me and smiled, and at the same time, a message appeared.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Gilma, you didn't reply to messages too much, so you came directly, didn't you?

I didn't even get your message, nigga!

* * *

[Meteor (Lv cannot be measured), designated target ‘Azazel’.]

Large rocks began to fall from the wide red magic circle.

“Judge! You crazy bastard!!”

Judging by the clear voice, it seems that our guild leader is in good health.

Hae-roon smiled once at the side where the voice was heard, and then immediately moved his hand. The rock that was falling slowly increased its speed and headed towards the Demon King, Azazel.

Soon, several rocks began to crush Azazel.


Despite the agonizing scream, Hae-Haen was just floating in the air with a calm face.

Boom, kugung—

Hae-roon came down only after the sound that shook the building stopped. Then he burst into laughter at the sight.

It was because Doha Un, who barely crossed his own shoulder, was holding Ishion and strong Hanhan as if they were protecting them. I thought I was hugging the two of them on those small shoulders.

Hae-roon raised the corners of his mouth and approached Doha-un.

“I wonder if I didn’t even put a shield around Gilma-sama?”

Dohaun exclaimed angrily at him.

“I would have hit it! But cancer still does! What do you do if you blow something like that?!”

“Hey, Gilma-sama, it’s too much. It's because the judge is so worried about Gilma, but he's been swearing at him.”

Ishion showed a disgusted face at Hae-roon's charming voice. Hae-won, who did not miss this, clapped his finger.

“Ugh… … !”

"harmful! Don't bully Amon!"

“Aren’t you harassing me? Deseul-nim seems to be looking at the magistrate lightly, so you showed the dread of the magistrate a bit, didn't you?"

“Girl… Ugh... … !”

Ishion opened her mouth for nothing, and she suffered even more. Dohaun raised his hand to his face, holding his shoulder and holding back his groan.

“It’s harmful, don’t you stop?!”

"Ouch! You can stop! Stop it!!”

With a wrinkled face, Harun drew the magic from Ishion with a slap on the shoulder. Then he grabbed Dohaun's cheeks and started looking around.

"What… … .”(Read more @

“Wait, Gilma. Do you know what it is like now?”

Do Ha-Woon grabbed Ha-Ha-Woon's wrist and pulled it away from me, and said sarcastically.

“Of course it would be a mess.”

“Yeah, it’s so messed up that Hajun hyung sees it and grabs him by the back of his neck.”

At that, Doha Un shrugged his body and licked his lips.

“It’s difficult… … .”

I wanted to say it well as if it was covered in blood. Hae-roon got up, suppressing the urge to mess up Doha-un's hair.

Dohaun followed him and asked, raising his gaze.

“What about the other kids? Where are the other kids? OK?"

“Are the other guild members playing with the skeletons below?”

“Under… … ?”

Only then did Do Ha-un realize that the “door” he had opened and entered had disappeared.

Doha Woon opened his mouth blankly, then grabbed Hae-roon with a desperate look on his face and asked.

“Who is the servant? Are you okay in Doha?”

Hae-roon smiled as he covered the hand that was holding me with his palm.

“The master is fine. I'm protecting you first, so don't worry, Gilma. More than that.”

Hae-roon turned Doha Woon to his arms and turned his head.


-Ouch... Ugh... … !

from his head to his toes. Azazel, the demon king whose half of his body had been blown away, was wriggling and regenerating his body. Kang In-han clenched his fists with a face that looked like he was about to cry.

Ishion frowned with a terrible face. It was the same with Dohaun.

Only Harun spoke lightly with a peaceful face.

“Should I deal with that? Zombies don't even survive like that, but they're really persistent."

is not it?

At the voice of such a question, Doha Un nodded his head.


“You don’t think you can die by crushing your body? This is difficult.”

It was as the judge had said. I wanted to kill a guy who constantly regenerates, whether it be the head or the limbs.

It was the hero who suggested a solution to this.

“… You will have to destroy the heart.”

“If you destroy your heart, will you die? I told you that he is a man who continues to regenerate whether he has his head cut off or his limbs cut off.”

At my words, the hero opened his mouth with a face full of bewilderment.

“Originally, even if he destroys his heart, he will come back to life after a while… … .”

The end of the hero's gaze was directed to the demon king who had finished regenerating.

“… I think I could completely die here.”

“How can you be sure of that, warrior?”

“Because there is no God.”

There was a laugh at the end of his voice. The hero raised his body using the sword as a support.

“Because there is no damn god who made him.”

So, saying that I can die, the hero fixes the sword and grabs it.

“Can you help me, guys?”

“You say that. But I hope the hero doesn’t go out.”

“I really hope you don’t go out, guild leader.”

Heck, I shrugged at the smiling face.

“Why don’t you both just go out?”

“That’s a good idea, Dessel. Our blatant Gilma and our hero, who the Demon King is aiming to kill, are just quiet... … .”

We weren't there. The hero and I met our gazes once, and immediately moved our legs.

“… I will not speak.”

The magistrate muttered in despair and spread his magic. The countless spears that flew towards us were blocked by the magician's magic and bounced off.

-You guys... … ! Dare me... … !!

“If you look at what you say, you are our Demon Lord.”

A great flame swept towards us. I think it would be difficult for a judge to stop this. But, to my surprise, a whirlpool swirled from the ceiling and engulfed the flames.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : What are you doing, Gilma? not running

Glancing back at the message that appeared, the wizard with several magic circles was smiling brightly.

Just like Desul escorting a magician who was casting magic, he was striking a flying spear.

I, too, showed a bright smile and sprinted off the steps.

-Like a mouse... … !

“I heard that a lot somewhere.”

Was it the devil of Decion? I do not know. Anyway, I raised the corners of my mouth, avoiding the chains that were trying to catch me like a mouse.

“Damn lord, have you forgotten something?”


The warrior who had dug up to the front of the demon king raised his sword.

- Ugh... … !

He managed to avoid the warrior's sword, but there was nothing he could do about giving up one of his arms. I did not miss that moment and immediately climbed onto the Demon King's shoulder.

―You boy!!

As soon as our eyes met, I could feel the pain rising from my bones. I grinded my teeth and loosened the chains that bound me.

“Because I have the same thing as the Demon King… … .”

After tying up the demon king's body, he raised his sword and pierced his eyes red as blood.

- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!

The fingernails trying to remove me dig into my skin. Nevertheless, I did not fall away from the Demon King.

“It will hurt. I applied the holy water that Deseul-sama gave me on my sword.”

Although it is said that the remaining few drops have been applied, it will inflict a considerable blow to the evil-type people such as ‘Demon Lord’.

“Do Haun!!”

I could feel the heat from behind. Damn, I'll have to step back from here.

I untied the chains that bound the demon king's body and immediately retreated to the hero's side. The huge fireball that was about to attack me was consumed by the wizard's magic and disappeared.

“Guild leader, even reckless behavior is enough.”

“It wasn’t that reckless.”

Deseul-nim narrowed his brow and looked at the blood flowing down his forearm. I smiled vaguely and wiped the blood.

[The power, ‘detoxification’ is activated.]

I was trying to figure out how to remove the bloodstains left on my clothes, but an unwelcome message appeared.

Detoxification, why all of a sudden?

It was the hero who solved the question that came to mind.

“Guildmaster, are you okay? Azazel's nails are poisoned... … .”

“… So it just popped up.”


“No, nothing. It's okay, so don't worry, hero."

I smiled broadly and grabbed my sword. Meanwhile, the Demon Lord who restored his eyes was glaring at us as if to kill us.

―A saint would dare, to Jim… … !!

I think I've heard those words from the Demon God of Decion. It was a moment when I was curious about the well-being of the god.

“Gilma-sama, avoid it! I can't stop that!!"

The body lifted backwards with the shout of the judge. Because the hero grabbed my waist and threw it into the air.

"you… … ! This damn warrior... … !!”

From the horns protruding from either side of the demon king's ears, he could see huge spheres being made. Pajijik, this electricity was continuously destroying the red magic circle.

“Ugh… … ! Hero!!”

There was no time for pain in the back of the head after hitting the glass floor.

He staggeredly got up and called for the warrior who was still standing.

"Warrior… … !”


A huge burst of sound engulfed my voice. It was difficult to open my eyes properly because of the gust of wind.

I had to float though. I had someone to find.

“Soldier… … ! tough!!"

He could not see ahead of the thick smoke. Then I screamed at the big thing that grabbed my hand.

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