Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 9 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

|New killer (guild leader)| : Judge's portal.

|9 Circle Archmage| : a

|New killer (guild leader)| : If it bothers you, I go to your company, kid? Don't you know that I won't come to you because I don't know?

I don't know, but I caught Gao once.

|New killer (guild leader)| : You bastard

|New killer (guild leader)| : Are you still off work?

|New killer (guild leader)| : Am I really looking for you?

|New killer (guild leader)| : 5

|New killer (guild leader)| : 4

|New killer (guild leader)| : 3

|New killer (guild leader)| : 2

|9 Circle Archmage| : Where shall I take you, Gilma?

I sent the coordinates with a triumphant smile. The place was where the Demon King was.

* * *

“It seems that a new murderer is coming.”

“A new death? Your guild leader?”

“It is.”

His older brother frowned at the words of the ‘Demon King’ of the return, his real name ‘Uma-Hun’.

“What happens when he comes? How could you save my son from a three-headed cub without a single wound.”

Woo Ma-Hun's older brother, U Ma-Han, the owner of the guild 'Hwarang', held up a blackened spear.

“Even if you dry it, I’ll go take care of it.”

“You can’t deal with it. The content of the quest is to ‘capture without a single wound’.”

“Oh, then what?! our son! your nephew!! You are trembling over there right now!!”

“You can’t see Genga stroking a puppy while saying it’s cute. Brother, your eyesight seems to have deteriorated a lot.”


Mahan Umahan grabbed the back of the neck that was pulled tight and spit out abusive language. After that, Umahan sighed and yelled at his younger brother.

“I didn’t entrust you with the baby!!”

“Did your brother-in-law say the same thing?”

“Aww, really!!”

Uma Han clenched his fists at the carefree voice of Uma Hoon and trembled.

“Oh, you came.”

“… … ?”

A red jin (陣) spread wide in the air.

Uma Hun opened his mouth blankly, and the cub of Keroberos, who was playing with his son, raised his head.

“Damn the wizard bastard!!”

With a bright shout, Do Ha-un fell down.

* * *


huh, crazy.

It's called the 'child' of Cerberus! Wherever you look, that's a bastard!

All three-headed beasts open their mouths. I moved my body as I clicked my tongue against the pointed fangs.

[The absolute power, ‘the absolute above the law’ is activated.]

The falling body stopped in mid-air, and I stepped forward as if there was even a floor and frowned.

“Where is the Demon King?”

“Are you here?”

He took a deep breath at the sound of a voice coming from behind. When he turned his head, he saw the Demon King standing tall with his long black hair fluttering.

“Umahoon!! You crazy man! Don't let me fly like that... … !!”


“This is my true name.”

Ah yes... … .

For some reason, I lost my mac.

The cub of Cerberus, which opened its mouth towards me, is rattling and causing noise pollution. Ignoring the sound, he looked around.

“Where is the baby?”

“Between the claws.”

When I looked down, I saw a little boy sitting between his claws.

“Angel noona!!”

“Yubin, don’t move! sit down! Sit down!!”

As the little boy jumped out of his seat, a large puppy patted him with his paw and made him sit down.


Fortunately, the little boy smiled brightly, making sure there were no injuries, and waved his hand toward me. I smiled awkwardly and waved my hand.

“Isn’t my nephew fearless?”

“… Know."

I asked, pointing to the man who was giddy as he called her little one.

“Who is that?”

“You are my brother. Do you know about returnees?”


“Did you hear it?”

“… … .”(Read more @

What is the catch? I wouldn't even try to hide it in the first place!!

"Don't worry, I'm not the one to go anywhere and make fun of you. Rather, I was moved by your appearance.”

“Don’t be impressed.”

I frowned at the demon king's words. The Demon King continued speaking without even paying attention to my disgusted face.

“I will surely repay this favor… … .”

“Don’t pay it back.”

He adamantly cut off the demon king's words.

Even if you don't know about other guys, there should be as little as possible getting along with the Demon King. My intuition said so.

I muttered as I looked at the dog making the noise pollution.

“I have to capture that alive… … .”

“If you try to get close, it is not easy to move because you are trying to intimidate your nephew.”

“Can’t you just take the baby out?”

“I tried, but… … .”

The demon lord blurted his words and murmured gloomily.

“Just as he did his magic, that dog devoured all my strength and ate it up.”

So, saying that he has grown like that, the demon king cub shows a proud smile.

"I'm so strong, Shinsala."

“… … .”

Episode 10

Do you want to brag so uselessly in this situation?

I clicked my tongue once and went downstairs.

“Yubin! I'll be leaving soon, so be quiet!!"

The baby's father didn't seem to even know I was there. I tilted my head to the face with tears in my eyes.

Because it was a strangely familiar face.


“Umahoon! You told me not to fly!!”

“You put a barrier around you, so the only person you can see is your brother anyway.”

“Even so! Don't fly! If you don't do it, don't do it, please!! What are you going to do if Yubin sees you and does the same thing!”

“Then can I catch you? It would be fun to fly in the sky with my nephew.”

“That’s not what you mean!!”

It seemed like my brother had a lot of trouble. The Demon King's older brother found me belatedly and said while crying.

“Because of Ma Hoon, I know a little about the Returners’ Guild. Is it true that you can't handle that because of the 'request'?”

Demon King, what the hell are you hiding?

I opened my eyes and glared at the Demon King. The demon king cast his dodge.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

“Yeah, if you inflict a wound, the gate will burst.”


The man swept his face down once, then rolled his eyes.

“… Is the guild leader a normal person?”

“… … ?”

I tilted my head at the cautious question. How does this man know that I am the guild leader of the return home, and I believe the answer to that question is well known to the Demon King.

You're more normal than that, so why do you say things like that?

The baby's father mumbled blankly and answered my questions.

“I thought you were like Mahoon, who was tired of concept quality.”

“… … .”

The demon king bastard puts all returnees to shame.

The guild leader of the Hwarang looked at me as if it was really strange.

Hey, is it rude to look at you like that? By the way, how the heck did this bastard of the Demon Lord lower the reputation of our guild?

… There is no such thing as reputation.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Devil.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Let's talk later

“The story can be told now… … !!”

I smiled as I covered the demon king's mouth with a loud, snapping sound.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Did you say you wanted to repay the favor?

The Demon King nods his head.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Then only reply to messages with messages, kid.

|Pr. Demon King | : Do you know?

The guild leader of the Hwarang, characteristic of the little boy's father, Umahan, this time looks at me with eyes full of bewilderment.

I smiled awkwardly and lowered the hand that blocked the demon king's mouth.

“I am a normal person.”

"Ah… Yeah… … .”


"Yeah… It seems so.”

Uma Han scratched his head and added.

“Sorry for the misunderstanding. My brother looks like that.”

The Demon King frowned and looked at his brother. At that glance, his brother clicked his tongue.

I shrugged.

“It could be misunderstood.”

No, it's just misleading.

“Shall we go catch that puppy instead?”

“Did I tell you that if you approach me, you will threaten your nephew?”

“You can approach me before I threaten you.”

The Demon King widened his eyes and raised his thumb as he said it was a good answer. I folded the Demon King's thumb without saying a word.

“Your power is eaten by that dog?”

“That’s why you grew up like that.”

“Then stay here quietly.”

“There is no way the person who became the Demon King can be touching his back.”

“… … .”

Shall I faint?

Fortunately, before I hit the Demon King's head, his older brother stepped forward.

“Mahun-ah, I think it would be better for you to stay quiet as he said.”

The Demon King showed an uncomfortable look at those words and folded his arms. It seems like it should be quiet.

“Can you help me?”

"Yeah? Can I help you?”

“Two is better than one.”

In fact, you can do it yourself. But the kid wanted his dad to save him.

If I'm alone and my baby gets hurt... … .

“Your brother just needs to save the baby. I will take care of the puppy.”

“Shinsalja, is there nothing this body can do?”

“Be quiet and cheer for me.”

“You know.”

I saw the cub of Ceroberos standing up to her claws and clasping her little one. The little boy is not afraid, and puts her hand on the claw.

I felt it in the exhibition hall, but I thought he was a very fearless kid.

I took one step at a time and opened my mouth.

“When I shout three, run to the baby immediately.”


I smiled broadly at the question full of doubts.


He immediately jumped to the ground and jumped.

[…] Captured without a single wound... … .]

Star has entrusted me with a very cumbersome quest.


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