Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 90 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The hero frowned at my words.

“Why do you make us do what you put in, guild leader?”

"Yes. Gilma-sama can put it in.”

- Mamma!

Following Harim's voice, Master Spirit said as if there was no absurdity.

"That's right. Guild leader, don't you know how to put a mantra?"

It's like the damn guild members.

It's not that I don't know how to put a mantra, it's that I can't speak mantra! Just learn how to speak mantras. I will blow my soft voice to everyone. Rather, Harim, when did you solve the polymorph again?

Anyway, there was someone that came to mind at this moment. It was our Demon King who did it without saying anything when asked for it. The Demon Lord must have listened to the guild leader who was woomahan by now.

|Pr. Demon King | : Dohaun, are you okay?

It seems that the guild leader has a deaf ear. Otherwise, you're deaf but have the brains to send me a message.

I sniffed once for nothing and sent a message to the Demon King.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : It's not okay.

- It's not okay! What do you mean by that!! I'm going to Do Ha-un right now!! brother! don't stop me!!

“Ah! Damn you bastard Demon King!!”

These are very paired bastards! This time, he could not control himself and fell.

How could I endure Moorim-sama's sweet voice, but I couldn't stand the mellow voice of the Demon King no matter how many times I heard it.

The Grand Duke frowned when he saw me falling over with a loud noise.

“Uh… I will be sick.”

- Mamma? Mamma?!

Harim opens her surprised eyes and flaps her wings. The Archduke hugged Harim like that and patted him.

“Honey, your mother is fine. So take it easy.”

Judeong, why is that bastard suddenly saying ‘you’ again?

I straightened the chair that had fallen over and sat down again. Then, he immediately sent a warning message to the Demon King.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Demon Lord, just come to Houn. You die and I live.

But there was no reply to the sent message. You bastard, are you sure you're not coming to the real Houn? No, it's not already there, is it?

I frowned, wondering if Seol Seol was catching people, and Moorim sent me a message.

|Pr. Moorim first coriander | : Gilma, why didn't you reply?

I shook my head in annoyance, and Moorim sent a message to the cub.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : There must have been no reply because there was something that didn't come back!!

|Pr. Moorim first coriander | : What the Puck!!!

|Pr. Moorim first coriander | : Something like that happened to Gilma too!!

No, is this kid?

I managed to endure the rising swearing.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Where are you now?

|Pr. Moorim first coriander | : I don't know ㅠㅠ I'm so sad ㅠㅠ

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : I'm sad because of you.

|Pr. Moorim first coriander | : Hee hee

Hiing, Jiral, Nabal, and Moorim didn't seem to have the brains to properly tell where he was. So, I sent a message to the judge saying I was with Moorim.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Where are you now?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : no. what do you see

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : I can see the fierce eyes of the Houn guild members! Judge, I'm so nervous right now!!

fuck off... … . This bastard is the same.

I frowned in annoyance and struggled to find the location of the damned wizard and Moorim.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Do you know what floor it is?

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : I think you went down to the first floor?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Why the hell did you go down there? … .

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : I came to my senses after talking crazy with Moorim.

“… … .”

When I meet the Demon King, I must make a covenant with Moorim. I'll have to keep my mouth shut.

After taking a deep breath, I sent another message to the judge.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Grab a passerby and ask where they are.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Heh heh heh!! I am an introverted MBTI Type I person.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : damn

You are a type I human! Apologize to all the Type I people in the world, you bastard!!

After such a short time passed, a message came from the judge.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : This is the lobby.

“… … .”

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : It was the lobby!

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : (૭ ᐕ)૭!!

“Oh! Damn you bastard!!”

Houn's building was a high-rise building with more than 20 stories. The VIP room was located on the top floor close to my brother's office. But how did you get down to the lobby from the top floor?! Amman, even if Moorim was talking crazy with her cubs!!

As I was scratching my head in annoyance, the Archduke stopped Harim's ears and said to me.

“Gilma! Stop cursing! Then Harim will learn!!”

“What am I?”

I stood up, showing my fat face.

“The person whom Beopsarang Moorim will pick up with me.”

The spiritsman picked up the phone and began to tap the screen, and the hero picked up the magazine book.(Read more @

- Mamma!

“Harim rejected.”


“You also rejected.”

I looked at the Grand Duke. The Grand Duke hugs Harim and the cat and smiles broadly.

“I have to take care of the kids.”

“… … .”

It's like the damn guild members.

* * *

The guild leader of the Hwarang, Umahan, wanted to become a mouse if there was a mouse hole.

“Where is Dohaun! Come and bring Dohaun!!”

In the middle of the lobby of the rival Houn, the only brother was shouting like that without shame. The good thing is that the reporters don't see what action Houn has taken.

“I’m not the guild leader… … ? who's next to you... … ?”

“I think he’s the guild leader’s brother, Umahan? Why did you catch a dragon with Mrs. Houn? … .”

The unfortunate thing was that there were too many guild members gathered in Houn's lobby.

Umahan looked at Umahoon with a ten-year-old face.

“Dohaun! The load has arrived!!”

Houn's guild members gathered in the lobby narrowed their brows at the loud shouting voice.

“The king’s speech… … .”

“Come to think of it, I heard that the younger brother of the guild leader Umahan was appearing in a historical drama.”

“Excessive immersion is such a scary thing.”

Uma Han shook his head to see what to do with that crazy little brother. If there was such a commotion, the news would have come to Ha-jun Do, the guild leader of Houn.

Before that, I had to drag that crazy little brother to the gallery.

“Mahun-ah, Shinsal… No, he seems busy right now... … .”

"brother! Do Ha-woon is not as busy as I thought!!”

"That… so?"

Umahan asked with a sullen face. At that question, Uma Hun nodded his head broadly and opened his mouth again.

“Dohaun! If the luggage has arrived, where the hell are you?!”

Finally, a voice was heard answering the agonizing voice.

"hemp… Hoon! Are you crazy?!"

“What the hell, puck! Brother, are you crazy?”

“Mr. Harmful! And the strongest army!!”

It was harmful and the strongest. Mahoon Woo frowned at the sight of the two of them running in a hurry.

“I can’t even see Dohaun I want to see, so why do I see you bastards?”

Harun also frowned and said.

“Mahoon, why did you come all the way here?”

“Didn’t you tell me you came to see Dohaun, you bastard?”

“… Please, let's talk about being a judge while we're together, okay?"

Woo Ma-hun asked with a puzzled face at Hae-roon's words.

“Aren’t we still together?”

“We are not alone! Can't you see those people over there?!"

Uma Hun looked around him and said.

“Aren’t those people around Jim?”

“Then what is your brother and Moorim-nim?”

“Isn’t my brother behind Jim and Moorim behind you? You are the only one I can see clearly in my eyes.”

“… … .”

It was a strange thing to hear. Because of that, Hae-roon hesitated and took a step back.

It was then that I heard Dohaun's annoyed voice.

"harmful! The best!! And Woo Mahoon, hey!! you obviously... … .”


At that voice, Mahoon Woo ran to Do Haun.

It happened in the blink of an eye, so no one thought of catching Woo Ma-hoon.

When Doha Woon saw U Ma Hun hugging him in an instant, he was shocked and his eyes widened. Ma-hun Woo rubbed his face against Do Ha-woon's hair, saying he couldn't see it.

“Dohaun! Aren't you worried?!"

"uh… So… … .”

That was then. After hearing the news late, Do Ha-jun appeared with an angry voice.

“Wow Mahan Guild Leader! What the hell is this! Without contact, you can join someone else's guild at will... … !”

Then I saw it.

"you… … ! you... … !!”

Will it fly away when the wind blows, or will it get wet when it rains?

The image of the younger sister who was raised dearly, in the arms of a man who is not a strange man, but who becomes the younger brother of the damn guild leader.

“Haw… Our Houn... … !!”




Jun Doha grabbed him by the back of his neck and collapsed.


My brother is now lying on the sofa in the office.

To be precise, he was making a painful sound while putting the ice pack Dohain had given him to his forehead.

Right now, Eun-yul, who should be taking care of her older brother, will be taking care of Beopsa-nim and Moorim-nim.

Anyway, my brother.

“Houn… Our Houn in the arms of a stranger … .”

was doing that

“Guild leader Do Ha-joon, are you a stranger? Aren't you and my brother Googun?"

My brother opened his eyes sharply at the voice of Mahan who spoke as if pathetic. So did I.

Uma Han, startled by my gaze, shook his body and coughed.

“Hmmm, hmmm. Our Mahun may have forgotten his face. Cancer, not like that.”

“Brother, Jim’s face is not easy to forget once you see it.”

“Please keep your mouth shut!”

At Mahan's words, Mahoon shows a sullen face. This time, as if I was pathetic, I looked at them and asked my brother worriedly.

“Brother, are you okay?”

He looks at me as if he looks okay. Then he smiled and opened his mouth.

“Yeah, brother, it’s okay. Houn-ah.”

That's a lie. It was obviously a lie. It was clearly visible in both eyes that the raised corners of his lips were trembling.

When Do Ha-in saw such an older brother, he stared at Brother Woo in annoyance. The guild leader Umahan laughs at the gaze of Dohain.

At the moment when Doha-in was about to get angry, I stopped my brother and opened my mouth with a smile.

“The guild leader who is majestic.”

“I’m sorry, my lord. I was really wrong. It’s because I raised my younger brother too much or not.”

Doha-in opened her mouth blankly at the sight of Ma-han who bowed her head terrifyingly.

Maybe he just bowed his head, and Umahan even forced the Demon King to bow his head.

"brother! Jim's head is breaking!!"

"shut up!!"

Dohain came to his senses and muttered to himself at the sound of his voice.

“Why is that person all of a sudden… … ? What more... … ?”

Doha-in's eyes turned to me.

“Let’s get killed… … ?”

I could feel my brother's gaze, who was lying on the sofa, turned towards me as well. He wanted to ignore it, but his gaze showed no sign of falling.

I finally sighed heavily and rubbed my face once. Then his brother asked Umahan carefully.

“… Umahan guild leader, did you know?”

“What did you know?”

“It means that our Houn is a returnee.”


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