Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 92 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)


The demon king looked at me with a face that asked how he could say such a thing. He said he couldn't speak when he was shocked too much, and that was exactly the case with the Demon Lord.

I let out a small laugh and took the hand that was stroking my hair.

“Let’s go, my lord. I need to talk to the kids.”

* * *

“As long as the face is unknown, I don’t care.”

“Your face should already be known to most hunters… … .”

At my words, the warrior wrinkled his face in annoyance.

“It doesn’t matter as long as the shop customers don’t know that I ran like that, guild leader.”

ah-ha, I see.

As soon as the hero finished speaking, the archduke raised his hand and said,

"Me too! As long as Harim can be guaranteed safety, it doesn't matter!"

“I’ll make sure you don’t get caught in the lab. Before that, can't you just use your magic well?"

“I’m often being taught by a judge! Without knowing anything!!”

I've never seen a magician take a magic class, is that kid lying?

Scared of wrinkling his face, this time the master raised his hand and said.

“Just clear the frame of Rowoon, Gilma! Then I’ll do anything with a guild or anything!”

“Your frame will be taken care of by your brother.”

“Aww! Rowoon is no longer a criminal! Rowoon went through all sorts of hardships because of a girl who started with ‘Do’ who lives somewhere… … . Whoop!”

I tossed the cushion and closed the mouth of the harmful bastard. The Archduke who was sitting next to him sat down from Hae-roon with a disgusted look on his face.

“Gil-chan! There is something I want to ask you!!”


“If the guild is known to the people, can I legally miss class?”

Moorim is looking at me with bright eyes that I have never seen before. At that burdensome gaze, I hesitated and backed away.

“… Perhaps?"

“Yes!! I'll do it! I will definitely do it too!! I’ll do it, Gil-chan!!”

I shook my head at the sound of cheering. I didn't know that the guild would be known externally, so people would come out so easily.

“Oh, Ifrit! Why are you all so carefree! What are you going to do without measuring back and forth?!”

Oh, there was Kang Ha-soo.

“How the hell are you going to let the public know about this guild, guild chief!”

How are you planning to publicize this damn guild? … .

I looked at the Demon King once and smiled softly.

“First, shall we present the Demon King as a signboard? Demon King, when did you say that you will resume filming the drama?”

Filming of , which the Demon King was said to be appearing on, was suspended due to a series of incidents.

At my words, the spirit lord screams.

“Are you kidding me!!”

I said with a pouty lip at the shrill voice.

“Or you can use the hero as a signboard.”

“How the hell did you hear me say that it doesn’t matter if only the face is unknown, guild leader?”

After I replied that I heard it with one ear and let it go through the other, I told the Spirit Master.

“After talking with you, I tried to make a plan with you in detail! Because I don’t even know how a ‘guild’ works!!”

“For now, the return is going back to the bullshit.”

I threw the cushion at the injurious bastard once more.

Unfortunately, the cushion I threw hit the anti-aircraft through the wrong aim.

“What are you doing, Gilma!!”

“It was a mistake, a mistake.”

I quickly apologized to the Archduke and then told the Spirit Master.

“Anyway, are you against it?”

I wondered if the spirits were thinking about something with my words, and then nodded.

“The first thing to do is to have a specific plan. I will make a decision after seeing the plans being made.”

"okay… like that… … .”

I nodded my head with a sullen face. The spirits spoke to him as if trying to appease me.

“Isn’t it that I was just against it? It means you can see the plan being made and agree to it.”

“I don’t plan to keep it no matter what, I think it would be better to just agree. I think so.”

“That’s right, Elementalist hyung! My new year's plan was to unpack all the E○S books one by one before school started, but look at me now!!”

are you proud

I clicked my tongue briefly and said to the Elementalist.

“Yeah, if that’s what you mean.”


|New killer (guild leader)| : Answer me, Desul.

“… Why are you suddenly calling the Dragon Slayer, guild chief?”

Ignoring the questioning voice, I continued to call Deseul-nim. But no matter how many times I call, this damn little bastard doesn't answer.

In the end, I decided to use my last resort.

|New killer (guild leader)| : I'm going to tell the Demon King to speak a mantra.

“Dohaun, you can fly right now.”

"Wait a minute."

I decided to wait 3 seconds. When only 1 second is counted.

|Dragon Slayer| : Why.(Read more @

Finally got the reply back.

I smiled and sent a message about whether or not to announce the return to the public.

|New killer (guild leader)| : What are you going to do?

|Dragon Slayer| : Do whatever you feel like.

Alright, Desul-sama's opinion has been established.

I smiled brightly as I looked at the faces full of doubts.

“According to the principle of majority vote, it was decided to announce the return externally.

“What is that?!”

After all, it is the decision-making method of a democratic society.


“I said the opposite! Obviously he said so!”

“Yeah, I heard you say that.”

“Oh, Ifrit! How do you just listen!! Where did the respect for opinions go!!”

I shrugged at the clear voice of the spirits.

“I will respect your opinion. When I talk with you later, would you like to go with me?”

“Why am I going there?”

“I wanted you to go and tell me your ‘plan’.”

“… … .”

When he smiled, the spirit sergeant twisted his face and turned his head away.

I'm sorry for the Spirit Master, but the quicker the situation was resolved, the better.

One of the guild members, who had been quietly listening to the conversation between me and the spirit master, suddenly raised his hand.

“Gilma, what about me?”

It was the judge.

I smiled broadly at the clear question of the judge.

“Doha-in can’t eat you right now, so I’m anxious, Master.”

"Good! I'll keep you here quietly, Gilma!!"

Finally, with the judge shutting his mouth, the story was finally settled. I took a small breath and tried to open my mouth.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : But, guild chief, is that the only thing you have to ask me?

“… … ?”

The lips, which had been slightly opened at the sudden message, were closed again.

“Guild leader? Why?"

“No, nothing. I'll go out for a while and come back. We are talking.”

The hero asked what we would like to talk about at this crazy party, but I ignored it and went outside.

As soon as they came out, a loud voice began to be heard from inside the VIP room where the guild members had gathered.

We have a good conversation.

Aren't you asking how the cat is doing? I don't know why the hell he's doing this.

As I tilted my head with a fat face, a message came back from Deseul.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : I'll ask Rika for a while.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : What?

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : It's because it's hard to move.

At that, I pursed my lips. Come to think of it, Deseul-nim, are you currently being held in the center? Apologizing for what came to mind late, I sent a message to Deseul.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : How about the center? They said they were watching us closely.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : I'm going to ask you quickly, guild chief.

It was as if a sarcastic voice could be heard vividly in my ears.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : The humans at the center asked if they would like to work with them.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : so?

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : I exercised my right to remain silent.

Why do you think the word is in the past tense?

I tilted my head and sent a message to Deseul again.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Are you still asking questions?

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : no.

thank God. It seems that the humans in the center knew the dignity of Deseul-nim, the great king of read-chews.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : I came from the center.

It came out like that... … . Then, of course, I can't ask, you bastard... … .

Disappointment came over for some reason. What the fuck did you get out of the center? Did your brother take it out?

As I narrowed my forehead in response to a question that suddenly popped up, Deseul sent me a strange message.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : There was that guy in the center.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : That guy?

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : Yes, that guy.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : You will be able to see it when you enter the center, guild chief.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Are you kidding me?

How easy are you to tell this damn little bastard to go into the enemy camp?

While she was grimacing, Deseul sent a message that seemed to be mixed with laughter.

|Pr. Dragon Slayer | : Then, take good care of our Rika until I pick it up.

That was the end.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : excuse me?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Hey.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Yaaaa1!!!

The damn little bastard read and chewed the message at the end.

“Damn you bastard… … .”

- Wow!!

I said with a fat face at the nervous cry from below.

“Your owner is not really responsible. Is not it? Rikaak!!”

Even for a young cat, the biting mouth really hurt terribly.

It is said that pets resemble their owners!

* * *

Ishion ignored the message full of profanity and exited the narrow alleyway.


At the low call, Dante greeted Ishion with a smile on her eyes.

“Are you done with your business? It's more than that. Is there anyone that Zion knows!”

“How do you view my relationships?”

At that, Dante said, with her eyes wide open as if surprised.

“Mr. Zion, the word is not appropriate for Mr. Zion. Aren't there people you can relate to?"

“… … .”

Ishion suddenly clenched his mouth with an expression as if he had been hit in the back of the head. Dante smiled brightly at him, she said.

“Now, shall we go? Mamon is preparing a special meal for Zion.”

“… Aren't you playing with tofu?"

There is no reply from Dante. Ishion clicked his tongue briefly and said.

“I won’t eat it even if I give it to you, so call Mamon and tell him to stop right away.”

“Sion! How could you say such a cruel thing! How can people not know that food is precious!!”

"Crazy? Don't you turn your voice down?!"

Ishion and Mamon were in the middle of the Gangnam intersection where everything was restored. Even at Ishion's words, Dante cried out and cried.

“Gloria! Forgive the Lamb who does not appreciate this food!!”

“Okay, let’s eat! Are you eating?!”

Ishion hurriedly covered Dante's mouth at the rushing gaze.

“Eat it, you idiot!”

In the meantime, he didn't forget to put on a hood, hoping that someone might recognize him.

Dante, whose mouth was blocked by Ishion, smiled. Ishion was disgusted with the sight and removed his hand that was covering his mouth.

'I can see why Do Haun is so good with these crazy people.'

It was because there was a madman who experienced it first.

"What… I don’t know.”

"Yeah? what did you say?"

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