Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 95 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Umahoon smiled broadly at the sight and got up from his seat.

"brother! Jim is here! it came just fine A little while ago, Jim and Dohaun were recognized by the authors as Awoken… … !”

Uma Hun couldn't finish his words.

“Umahoon, you fucking bastard!! If there's anything, just call me, so you're doing this while you get the items?!"

It was because the guard had to be raised to the kick of the flying Umahan. At the perfect 10-point kick, I thought, clapping my hands without a soul.

It would have been better if you showed up a little sooner.


As I learned later, the high-ranking officials at the center had called in the reporters and brought up the story like that.

As soon as I agreed to the story that Mahoon and I were giving, I was planning to publish an article and play the press.

“Still, you haven’t revealed your identity!”

Even so, the identity of the Demon King has already been revealed, and he has firmly established himself at the top of the search rankings on various portal sites.

I clicked on an article and giggled when I saw a funny comment.

“Mahun-ah, look at this. Everyone is praising you.”

“People have now recognized the greatness of my burden.”

The Demon King smiles proudly without even reading the comments.

Unlike him, Umahan's face was filled with gloomy dark clouds. I had no choice but to do so. This is because the image of Hwarang has fallen to the ground thanks to a certain demon king who lives somewhere.

Uma Han wrinkled his face fiercely and spoke to the shivering center's senior officials.

“Thanks to them, the image of the gallery has been completely damaged. How are you going to handle this situation?”

Doha-in, who arrived late, smiled bitterly and helped U Ma-han.

“Obviously, you said you were going to guarantee the confidentiality of your visit to the center.”

“I am very curious how this happened.”

At Umahan's words, the high-ranking officials swallowed their saliva and began to spit out excusable words.

“I was going to keep you a secret! But that bastard... … !”

“When did you do that?! Nope, the guild leader of the majestic! I was asked to do this... … .”

“It’s not you!”

"When did I! When did you do that!!”

They just started shifting the blame to each other.

I heard that the center director's seat is currently vacant... So I thought it was a mess.

I picked up a notebook that had fallen on the floor and unfolded it to a high-ranking official who was arguing.

“Stop fighting. The two of us, please keep the promise that we will be recognized as Awakened.”

"That… Still, I think I'll have to take a test first... … .”

At those words, I smiled broadly and stabbed Umahun in the side. Uma Hun looked at me in amazement and then lifted his elbow and stabbed Uma Han in the side.

“Ah! What are you doing! Woo Mahoon!!”

“I stabbed my brother in the side.”

“Then why did you stab me!”

“It’s just that Dohaun stabbed him.”


Umahan looks at me with a face full of bewilderment. It’s like Shin-Sal-ja, why did you have Ma-Hoon to kill me… … ? He seemed to be asking, so he turned away his gaze and said to Umahoon.

“I was just poking him one more time, you bastard.”

“What kind of magic do you want?”

“Forbidden covenant! What I walked to those people!!”


The magic circle began to spread all over the place as soon as I screamed.

High-ranking officials began to tremble at the unfolding magic. I looked at them and smiled. That seemed pretty evil.

"one week! No, I'll send it to you tomorrow!!"


“The Awakened Certificate! I’ll also give you a stamp commemorating the center’s 5th anniversary!”

“No, you don’t need that.”

Even if it's the 100th anniversary. Rather, where can I use the postage stamp? I'm glad it came out quickly though.

The Awakened Certificate comes out at the earliest, but it takes a week... … .

When he looked at the high-ranking officials, who were sweating profusely, with sullen faces, one of them exclaimed urgently.

“Oh, or I can send it to you today!!”

At that, I smiled broadly and nodded.

“The sooner the better. Then I will be waiting for you.”

I answered and left the room. Doha-in, who followed, grumbles and asks.

“It’s impossible to come out in one day. What the hell happened inside?”

“The Demon King did something like a Demon King.”



Not knowing how to pick up the words that have already been uttered, I covered my mouth and looked into Dohain's eyes.

But Doha-in did not question my words.

Instead, he raised his finger and pointed at someone.

“If you’re a Demon King, you’re talking about the guy who is being beaten by the guild leader over there, right?”

I nodded when I saw where Dohain was pointing.

Dohain frowned at my nod and said.

“Umahan is called ‘Poongwolju’, and his younger brother is called ‘Demon King’. They're so fucking twins."

“You are a slave.”

"Hey."(Read more @

Dohain opens her eyes and looks at me. I stick out my tongue and walk away.

Being recognized as an Awakened was easier than I thought, so I had to go back and take care of the next thing.

Passing by Brother Woo, who was in the midst of such a fight, I saw a familiar person trying to leave the center.

Eyes met a familiar person once, and I walked one step ahead of Doha-in.

“Doha-in, get out first.”

“Where are you going? restroom?"

“No, I know someone. Let's go talk and talk. Get to the car first.”

“Where is the person you know at the center!”

Ignoring the loud shouting voice, I ran to the 'acquaintance' who was leaning against the wall.


"here! Acquaintance!!"

“… … ?”

I just opened the door and pushed an acquaintance inside.

“Dohaun! Hey!!"

Doha-in, who missed me in a short time, knocks on the closed door. I shouted the whale whale for the Dohas beyond the door to hear.

“I’ll finish it short and leave! I'm starting the car!!"

Dohain stepped forward only after stating that if he did not come out in 5 minutes, the center would be overturned.

I sighed in relief at the sound of footsteps getting farther away.

“What is this doing?”

“Let’s talk. After all, you also have something to talk to me, so haven't you been waiting that long?"

Ji Han-gyeol nodded at my question with a shaky face.

“That’s right, but… … .”

“Then, no problem. Rather, why are you here?”

“Because I belong to the center. Have you been certified as an Awakened?”

“Thanks to the Demon Lord, I received it comfortably. So what are you going to talk about with me?”

"that… … .”

Ji Han-gyeol, who knew he was going to bring up the main topic right away, is reeling. I wondered what he was doing to bring out such a great story.

Ji Han-gyeol took a deep breath and heard the voice he had been waiting for.

“Mr. Dohaun, are you planning to announce your return?”

“You must have come here for that, and have obtained your Awakened Certificate?”

At my words, Ji Han-gyeol narrows her forehead gently. Seeing that, I asked with a sly smile.

"Why? Are you trying to tell me not to go out again?”

“Aren’t you the one who will hear me say that?”

It was a slightly dissatisfied voice.

After saying that, Ji Hangyul continued.

“We will make it easier for you to work.”

“… What?"

I'd be surprised.

At the same time, a blue system window appeared in front of me.

['Ji Han-gyeol' requested to share the request.]

“Let’s make a deal, Mr. Dohaun.”

* * *

[Breaking News] Center is currently closed

[Breaking News] Hwarang, Umahoon is currently resting in Hwarang... I don't care what happened at the center

Hearing the news he saw, Hae-han smirked scornfully.

“I guess Gilma is destroying the center with the Demon King.”

At Hae-roon's words, Judeong shook his head as if there was no way.

“Isn’t the devil going to destroy it alone? Gilma-sama is drying it.”

Kang Han-han nodded his head and said.

“Due to the character of the guild leader, it doesn’t seem like he is destroying the center with the Demon King. What the hell happened?”

“If you have any questions, you can send a message to Gil-chan!”

At the strongest words, Kang In-han pulled up Harim's quilt from a nap and said.

“Did the guild leader tell you not to send a message?”

“What is the truth? There was no saying not to send the mantra!”

Kanginhan smiled softly on the brightest face of the strongest.

“Try it once.”


“I don’t know if I get beaten up by the guild leader later.”

“… … .”

Choi Kang narrowed his mouth to let out his voice.

The members of the returning guild, who took a comfortable rest in the room provided by Houn, were now gathering in the VIP room in Houn.

Except for Kang Ha-soo, who has to run the company, and Ishion, who doesn't know where he is and what he's doing.

Here, Ma-Hoon Woo is moving with Do Ha-Wun, so he is also excluded.

Anyway, the returning guild members were waiting for Dohaun to come.

They had to go back to their own lives, but they didn't know why they were doing this.

Harun refreshed the screen several times to see if there was any news.

[Exclusive] Center lifts lockdown measures


Hae-won leaned her back on the sofa and gently narrowed her forehead.

Seeing articles like this pop up, it seems like something happened at the center... … .

At that moment, the Jewish Duke picked up his cell phone.

“I have Gilma-sama’s number, shall I call you?”

“I’ll call you.”

Hae-roon immediately called Dohaun. However, the phone hung up before it could beep a few times.

Hae-roon wrinkled one of his eyes and said.

“… I don’t get it.”

“Do you have any number, Demon Lord?”

“I have the number of the Umahan guild leader… … . I'll call you over here."

Harun picked up the phone again.

I wondered how many beeps would go on, and then the phone hung up.

Harun frowned at him and said.

“You don’t even get a guild leader?”

Everyone's expression hardened at those words. Hae-roun smiled broadly as they looked at each of their hardened faces.

“Who is going to the center with me?”


* * *


“… … .”

Ji Han-gyeol looks at me as if he knew it would come out like that I didn't like that look, so I opened my mouth angrily.

“Do you know what kind of commission you are receiving and accept it? And I'm busy just getting my job done right now."

“Mr. Dohaun, is this a request related to the work you are dealing with?”

He shut his lips at the words he heard. Ji Han-gyeol looks at me like that and continues talking.

“It’s impossible to keep getting caught up in the requests from the Holy Constellations.”

“The constellations are not sending requests right now.”

Just as it was a lie that he sent every once in a while, there were no quests flying in after killing the dragon.

See if you're busy.

Ji Han-gyeol looks at me laughing and says.

“I don’t think you’re thinking that you won’t be spending forever.”

“… … .”

It's not that I didn't think of it that way. I just looked at Ji Han-gyeol with a sullen face.

Ji-Hyeol looked at me without avoiding my gaze, then turned his head slightly and said.

“Think slowly. How could it be better?”

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