Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 97 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

No one knew that the reason Dobi was annoyed was not because he was a nerd, but because at best, his perfectly makeuped face was wet with sweat.

At that moment, the wall began to thump loudly.

"CEO! You must go now!”

“Dobby! Now, take the CEO and the people and evacuate to a safe place in the basement or anywhere!!”

With those words, the barrier finally broke.


What appeared was a chungwang bell with long antennae.

As if looking for prey, Kang Ha-soo's face turned white as his antennae moved and squirmed. Dobin grabbed Kang Ha-soo's wrist and said.

“Sir, you must go.”

At that sound, Kang Ha-soo barely came to his senses and moved with difficulty without falling.

But, then.


“Aww! Spider! Spider!!”

Screams began to be heard from those who had run away first.

Kang Ha-su was okay, so it was time to tell Do-bin to go and help people.


“… … ?”

Kang Ha-su raised his head at the sound of a bird chirping.


A large spider resembling a creeper spider landed on Kang Ha-soo's forehead. Dobin saw this and quickly moved away from Kang Ha-soo.

“Dobby! I'm going to protect you!!"

"noisy! I can't get a spider like that on this body's hand... … !”

Dobin couldn't keep up with her. No, I couldn't.

This is because the violent fire engulfed the river river.


“Someone pour some water on me!!”

H-Entertainment celebrities had no way of knowing that the fire was caused by Kang Ha-soo.

However, the weaker flame burned the large spider that settled on Kang Ha-soo's forehead, and Kang Ha-su, who appeared from the flames, began to rub his forehead lightly.


“Daddy, sir?”

However, not satisfied with this, Kang Ha-soo made a large water droplet in the air and put his face in it.

“… … .”

Everyone held their breath at the sight.

Kang Ha-soo pulled his face out of the water droplets and wiped the water vigorously and shouted.

“O Ifrit! Why are you giving me such an ordeal!!”

It was the moment when Kang Ha-soo's secret was revealed.

* * *


Long claws brushed past his cheeks. There was a sharp pain, and at the same time the wound on his cheek healed.

Afraid of that, a monster that looked like a bat ran towards me.


It looked like a bat, but it had a distinctly different look. what did you call that I think it was called 'gargoyle'.

I twisted through the air, avoiding the pointed fangs. He took a crumpled iron stick with him and swung it loudly.


The upbeat sound is really fun. The gargoyle that was running towards me fell down with a slender cry.

I whistled once and tried to move the iron stick in my hand.

“I can’t.”

It was completely cut in half, and it seemed that it could no longer be used.


- Kyaak!

There are still dozens of monsters left.

I took a deep breath and stepped towards the swarm of monsters flapping their wings.

The monsters that were flapping their wings flew towards me with their mouths wide open.

[The power, ‘Holy Ministry’ is activated.]

He couldn't even scream and began to fall down.

I bowed my head and looked down at my feet. I could see the bottom being completely crushed around me.

Seeing that, I scratched my cheek and said,

“Because you can ask the judge to restore it later… … .”

Even now, the red magic circle is flashing from the inside while fighting monsters.


I stepped back, leaving behind the loud noise.

The destination was the annex.

I could see monsters swarming over the building that was built lower than the main building.

The possibility that the building would collapse was too great if the sanctuary was used. So I kicked the air and raised my fist high.


A chicken-like monster noticed me, but it was already too late.

I put my fists in my face as I tilted my head and smiled.

[The power, ‘divine punishment’ is activated.](Read more @

At the same time, the monster that was hit with a fist out of nowhere flew away, and a shattering electric shock quickly spread around it.


Chickens, no. The monsters did not flap their wings and fell down.

I shrugged my shoulders and went downstairs to the building.

As if to prevent the invasion of monsters, I saw a wall erected at the entrance. Was there something like this among Dohain's skills? … ?

I tilted my head and tapped the wall lightly. There was no answer, so I knocked on the door a little harder this time.

Again, no answer came back this time.


I fiddled with the corners of my mouth once, and this time raised my feet, not my fists.

I didn't know what was going on inside, so I couldn't wait like this.

“Doha, I’m in.”

Hoping that my words would reach Doha-in, I just put my foot on the wall and kicked it.


A large hole was pierced in the wall blocking the entrance with a sound like a mountain collapsing.

I cleaned up the debris and went inside.

But before he could take a few steps, he had no choice but to keep his shoulders tight with the sword aimed at his neck.

did not avoid

“… Dohaun?”

Hey, because it was Dohain who was targeting me. I thought it was a monster.

I smiled as I gently pushed the sword that stopped in the air.

“You look okay, Dohain.”

"you… … !”

Doha-in wanted to take a deep breath and drink, but without knowing what to do, he hugged me.

"uh… Hein... … ?”

are you, uni? wow?

Looking at my trembling shoulders, it looks like I'm really crying.

“Doha-in, are you crying?”

"shut up!"

Dohain sniffed his nose once and wanted to raise his head, then grabbed my shoulder and started shaking.

“Dohaun, you will be quiet in the main building! What did you come out dangerously for?! How else are you going to break the barrier?!”

I don't know why it's so much fun when it's shaking to and fro. I just giggled and laughed without answering.

“I can laugh at the current situation?!”

“When did you say I laughed?”

I wiped my smile away and shrugged my shoulders.

Dohain looked at me once with a sullen face and then wiped away the tears from his eyes. Seeing that, I laughed and made fun of Dohain.

“Dohain, did you cry? Are you lucky?”

“Because it’s noisy.”

Seeing his fat face, the desire to make fun of him started creeping up. But before that, there was work to be done.

“The monster… … !”

“Aww! Run inside!”

Dohain hastily tries to send me behind him. So I hid Doha-in behind me again and took the sword that Doha-in was holding.

"uh… … ?”

“Doha, is this expensive?”

"expensive… There it is, but wait! Dohawoon!!”

I swung the sword with all my might.

The monster that looked like a mole that had its mouth wide open towards me was split in half according to the trajectory of swinging the sword.

I raised the corners of my lips as I stepped on the dark blood that soaked the floor.

“It’s worse than the sword of glory.”

I handed the sword to Dohain and pulled out my sword, which I loved so much.

Doha-in opens his eyes in surprise at the sight of the sword appearing in the air and opens his mouth blankly.

“Dohaun… What the hell are you?”

When I heard the words, I smiled and answered.

“What? You said you were a returnee.”


The monsters split along the blue curved trajectory.


―Kyauk! Carr!

Behind them, another monster pops out.

At the sound of laughter that seemed to laugh at me, I smiled bitterly and tilted my head slightly.

[The power, ‘Holy Ministry’ is activated.]

The monsters that were about to run towards me with the sound of kuoung, were thrown to the ground in an instant.

- Crook... Cree... … !

I think the strength was weak. The dark foam of blood boiling from the corners of his mouth didn't look good.

I frowned and increased the intensity even more to demonstrate my sanctuary.


The monsters that were crushed with the vibrating vibration once again could not scream once and exploded in all directions.

“Dohaun! OK?!"

“It’s okay, so don’t come out.”

Even though he was fully demonstrating the power of the new killer, there were still dozens or hundreds of monsters left.

―Kuruk! Kuruk!!


No, it seems there are thousands of them.

I frowned angrily and grabbed the sword of glory.

“How are you going to catch all that by yourself?”

“Because you can catch it. Why don't you come out?"

"Hate. I will be outside.”

Dohain was so stubborn that he ended up standing by my side. I glanced at Doha and said sullenly.

“Even if I get involved, I don’t know.”

“Do you think I am the deputy guild leader of Houn for nothing?

"Huh. Didn't you become a deputy leader with your brother's bag?"

"no it's not?!"

I shrugged my shoulders at the shrill voice, spurred my seat, and ran towards the swarm of thousands of monsters.


I could feel Doha-in running after calling me.

But before the Doha-in overtook me, I swung my sword as hard as I could and displayed the power of a new killer.

[The power, ‘divine punishment’ is activated.]

Crushing it, the lightning spread around it in an instant.


I saw Dohain let out a short scream and then step back.

That's right, just go inside. I'm trying so hard to get hurt.

I gently landed on the large fallen monster and raised the corners of my lips.

“I told you. Even if I get involved, I don’t know.”

“Even so! What kind of dangerous skill do you have?!”

“This is not a skill.”


I laughed out loud at the shrill voice. And that moment.



I started to feel a huge earth rumble that I couldn't control my body.

“Do Haun, back!!”

He turned around at Dohain's words and saw a red magic circle covering the ground.

“… crazy."

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