"Are we?"

Go Gun-soo still doesn't know.

The midwinter I saw in Cannes, France had a very different image from that time.

Perhaps it was because of the beautiful scenery of Cannes.

"Yeah, then I said I enjoyed the movie, so I asked to take a picture with him, and he gladly took a picture."


Go Geon-soo rolled his eyes and thought for a long time, and then he seemed to have finally remembered.

“Ah, that time… I remember now. I met so many people back then.”

"I understand."

“Oh, I remember too. Nice to meet you. See you here.”

"Good morning. I didn't expect to see you like this again."

Kim Sang-il and Kwak Ki-hyuk also shook hands with each other saying a word to see if they remembered only then.

“I am a programmer for another film festival, but I also got to be a moderator for this film festival. In the end, I was able to conduct a GV (Conversation with the Audience) directed by Go Gun-soo. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you again in Cannes.”

Her me too, she was nice to me, but she took a step back from her and watched her.

Perhaps because she felt my gaze, her gaze stayed on me for a while.

“Ah, this is Ahn Nam, who wrote the screenplay for our short story, our friend. We will go on stage together.”

“Oh, you are a screenwriter. I really enjoyed the movie.”

She asked for her hand, and I reluctantly reached out and took her hand.

My heart started pounding as the soft hand came into my hand.

“But where did we not see it?”

she looked at me and asked.

“Oh, no. I'm seeing you for the first time.”

"Ok. This child did not even come to France at that time. I never saw it.”

Go Gun-soo stepped in and helped out.

‘Why does this child keep interrupting?’

But midwinter keeps staring at me.

so disappointing.

“I think I saw it in Cannes… … I have a keen eye.”

Did you find her then and see her hastily dodge?

I can't.

“Wow, I think you saw Winter too, didn’t you? I've definitely seen this kid. Then he saw me in Cannes and ran away! I ran away through a strange door, but when I opened it, it was an empty warehouse.”

Kim Sang-il, who had found me in France and had followed me, intervened with excitement at the thought that what he had seen may not have been in vain.

“Oh, because it’s not. Think conceptually. How do I get there without even taking a plane? And I was in the laundry all the time. He said he asked everyone around him.”

Kim Sang-il, lowering the tail to my plea.

“Well, it is not. So that's weird. I think I saw Midwinter as well.”

“You must have seen someone like that.”

Then the voices of the film festival volunteers intervened.

“The screening of section 1 of the short story begins at 7:20! Come on in!”

“Oh, it looks like the time is up. Come in quickly.”


Midwinter's gaze moved away from me.

Go Geon-soo and Han Winter went ahead as they talked, and I followed them with my back.

“Hey, isn’t it pretty? Even then, the look in the eyes of Gunsu was not unusual, do you know what is happening?”

Kwak Ki-hyuk whispered to us as if he was a little excited.

maybe a little annoyed

shortened it

“What happens if you say you don’t remember?”

“No, what. I think the look in your eyes today is not unusual.”

“Stop talking nonsense and get in.”

Kwak Ki-hyeok looked suspiciously if he noticed that he was getting irritated.

“Why is Annam doing this to this child? Did you fall for it too? Uh, come to think of it, the two of us just looked at each other and only stared at you.”

“It must be an illusion.”

Kwak Ki-hyuk bows his head as if disappointed.

“Oh, why are we here to meet? Women don't pay attention. Sometimes I wonder if I am an invisible person.”

“It’s us. I am not Haven’t you seen foreign girlfriends in France?”

Kim Sang-il fell from Kwak Ki-hyuk and stuck to me and said,

"Oh right. What happened to that girlfriend?”

I asked because I was curious, but Kim Sang-il's expression turned pale, and Kwak Ki-hyuk giggled and answered instead.

“We broke up shortly after coming to Korea.”


“You can’t talk. You can talk with your hand gestures only when you're together, but you can't do that over the phone. kkkkkk. He probably didn't even say his last goodbye properly."

As Kwak Ki-hyuk frowns, Kim Sang-il glares at him.

"stop. It's not about hurting others. On the topic of maternal solo.”

"What? This bastard is stabbing his lungs.”

“You stabbed me first.”

The two of them quarreled until they entered the theater and sat down.

“Hey, stop it. How long are you going to fight? Please listen.”

The two stopped after being hit in the back of the head one by one.

Go Geon-soo was sitting next to me to the right, and Midwinter sat next to him.

The two had so much to talk about, and the conversation continued until the beginning of the movie.

Had I been staring at her without realizing it?

Even in the middle of winter, she sometimes looked at me, so I had to turn her head in a hurry.



She knows her well, and in her previous life, she spent her three years with her.

We broke up as if we were enemies, saying that we should never see each other again and that we were fed up. Why am I doing this?

I had no choice but to look at the faces of Kwak Ki-hyuk and Kim Sang-il.

The movie started, and a total of six short films were screened one after another.

But will the movie catch your eye?

Not knowing how the time had passed, the movie ended, and when the lights in the theater were turned on, I could barely wake up.

As soon as the lights were turned on, a volunteer appeared with a microphone.

“Did you enjoy the movie? After a while, there will be a conversation with the audience, so if you have any questions, please sit down and wait.”

More than half of the audience got up and rushed out, waiting for the inside of the theater to be cleared, and then talking with the audience.

Midwinter went out first and invited the director and actors to the stage, and we went on stage too.

The stage filled up in an instant, and the director and lead actors stood in the center of the stage.

We were pushed a little to the side, but that didn't matter.

The work that received the most questions was definitely Ko Kun-soo, no, ours.

Concentrated on questions, the other coaches had to keep quiet with only microphones.

However, in the middle of winter, we proceeded smoothly by properly distributing the questions so that one work does not have too many questions.

I know her from her beginning to her end.

I could see her from a completely different point of view.

“The questions keep pouring in. Unfortunately I don't have time, so I guess I'll have to finish it now. When you go out, I would appreciate it if you could check the piece of paper that you found interesting.”

The conversation with the audience ended with applause from the audience.

no it's not over

Even as they went outside, the audience followed Go Geon-soo, asking questions and asking for autographs.

“You have to be a director. Shall I shoot a movie too?”

Kwak Ki-hyuk looked at him with envy and asked a question, but instead of answering, I shook my head.

“Can’t you be friends and tell me to take a picture?”

“Just take good pictures. Why do you try to do what you are good at and do what you are not good at?”

Kwak Ki-hyuk is ridiculous.

“Wow, that’s a really sloppy murder. It's my fault for asking you. Sangil, what do you think?”

Kwak Ki-hyeok asks Sang-il Kim for consent with his eyes twinkling.

What Kim Sang-il, who had been hungry for a long time, was going to say was obvious.

“Let’s have a drink. I almost died of starvation What goes into my stomach makes my head spin. I'll eat something and think about it."

“Yes, yes. Is food more important to you than friends?”

“Hey, let’s go quickly. have to settle down You said you had an independent filmmaker's night tonight."

I pushed the two of them and went to the venue first.

It was an event that was held by renting a fairly large pub, and many directors were already drinking.

At the entrance, there were volunteers holding small boxes with holes in them, and the people ahead of them entered the boxes with money ranging from 5,000 won to 10,000 won each.

"what? do i have to pay Isn't it free?"

“It’s an independent film festival. The film festival is run by sponsorship, so you can pay as much as you want. you stay still I will pay.”

When I throw 100,000 won out of my wallet, the film festival officials look at me with round eyes.

"Thank you!"

"What. I think we're going to eat a lot. Whoops.”

We went to our seats and ordered drinks first.

Go Geon-soo and Midwinter came to the event shortly after, but it took a long time to get to our seats.

My only interest was in the middle of winter.

Rolling up the baggy sleeves that still flowed down, he introduced Koh Geon-soo to the people.

In the meantime, Kwak Ki-hyuk and Kim Sang-il, who had had a few drinks, complained about the current team.

“No, if it’s a director, you’re a director, so why do you shout at the end of every word? I don’t even get a few pennies to work.”

"I know yeah."

“Do you know what I do when I get money from a project? The director takes half. Then, the first takes half, the second takes half, and the third, the humans below and below take half, and in the end, the youngest, my hand, is a rattle. Thank you for teaching me.”

“I mean, a lot of times we didn't get paid at all. Then the whole team will have to starve.”

The two's complaints were understandable, but there was nothing they could do about it, as it was the practice of the film industry at this time.

“Hey, they were here. You’ve been looking for it for a while.”

“Hey, director Ko is very popular~”

“That’s why I’m a little confused. Winning the Cannes Film Festival has a huge impact. let's toast I have a drink.”

I filled Koh Geon-soo's wine glass with beer.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

“How about Mr. Winter?”

“Oh, wait, where are you going? Maybe it's because of the film festival. Anyway, it feels good. After the movie is over, it's a continuation of good things. Come on cheers! For our bright future!”

“Child, it’s great. Cheers!"

She banged her glass, and emptied her drink.

After that, the drinking party continued for a long time, but the midwinter did not come back.

So, the fun suddenly ceased.

Looking at the time, it seemed that the bus was going to stop soon.

“I will get up first. Tomorrow we have to open the laundry again.”

“Hey, why are you leaving already? He said he also saved a part time job.”

“The boss should open the door.”

“Go play more, my friend~”

Shaking off her catching friends, she came out.

In my previous life, I had left my seat around this time.

Of course, at that time, I had fun playing without realizing the passage of time, and when it was time for the last train, I ran out in a hurry.

When I open the door, a strong wind hits me.

“Why is it so cold? It was a little warm just yesterday, but suddenly it's getting cold. After all, it was the first snow that day.”

I fastened my collar to catch the wind coming through my neck and walked to the bus stop.

In fact, there was a reason that he came out at the same time as his previous life.

No, it came out a little earlier.

After I got to the bus stop and stood for a while, the bus I was supposed to get on came.

The bus slowly stopped in front of me and opened the door, but I did not get on.

In my previous life, I rushed to get on that bus, but in the end I missed it.

Last bus home.

At that time, I don't know how sad I was to miss this bus.

‘Will it snow in a little while?’

I looked up at the sky and counted.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


The first snow began to fall like a lie from the sky.

Since it was the first snow, it started accumulating on the floor.

‘Now she will appear.’

She counted her number, looking in the direction in which she would run.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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