Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1013: The big black dog is coming, roast Pegasus to eat


In the crowd, a missionary had a vicious look in his eyes and muttered in a low voice.


Jiang Tian flicked his finger, and the man's head exploded, and the headless body fell to the ground on its back.

"False God, go to hell!"

A believer was trembling all over, not knowing whether it was because of anger or fear. He picked up the carrot and threw it towards Jiang Tian with a ferocious expression.


Jiang Tian's purple lightning pupils exploded, beating the man into ashes.

Some people began to retreat and leave the square.

But the power of faith is terrible.

Less than one-tenth left, and hundreds of people stood on the spot, saying nothing but staring at Jiang Tian with hatred.

"Five seconds are up!"

Jiang Tian suddenly spoke, rose into the air, and struck down with one palm.

A giant Gengjin palm that was more than three kilometers long fell from the sky and covered the entire square, beating at least 500 people into a pulp.

Jiang Tian continued westward and never looked at them again.

Jiang Tian's words had been conveyed to the Holy See through the believers and clergy who exited the square.

Moreover, the Tianqing Sect also announced that those who resisted were all fanatical believers, and Jiang Tian killed them without mercy.

"Haha, do you want to go to heaven? If you die so loyally, you will definitely do it! I will take you there!"


Arriving at another place, Jiang Tian stepped down from the sky and struck it down with one palm.

A church was directly destroyed, and hundreds of clergymen died.

It is another expeditionary force from the Holy See, and I don’t know which country it comes from.

They drove off-road vehicles, hoisted the flag of the Holy See, and advanced along the kilometers. There were thousands of people, equipped with thermal weapons and even heavy artillery.


It was also crushed with one palm.

They didn't even see Jiang Tian's figure and just disappeared from this world in a daze!

In this way, Jiang Tian almost killed hundreds of people with one step, and pushed towards the Holy See with blood stained step by step.

At this time, Jiang Tian's western expedition alone had shocked the whole world.

Those who first faced Jiang Tian were indeed such ineffective small organizations, many of whom did not even understand the holy arts and had no superpowers.

As long as the Holy See confuses them, they will buy guns and cannons, shout slogans, and kill them without mercy.

But as Jiang Tian slapped him with one palm after another, many organizations felt that something was wrong!

Jiang Tian pushed all the way, like a bulldozer, crushing everything.

Each time they only took action once, but each time the entire army was wiped out, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

In just a few hours, Jiang Tian pushed across four countries and two thousand miles of land. He made a total of ten attacks, ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands of people.

In just these few hours, 50,000 people have died in Jiang Tian's hands. No matter how stupid these clergy and believers are, they know that Jiang Tian is not something they can afford to offend!

At this time, no matter how much the Holy See instigates, there is no large force to intercept Jiang Tian or march towards China.

Having no other choice, the Holy See began to mobilize bounty hunters, as well as the power of some nobles and ancient families.

In Turkmenistan, in a valley near the Black Sea.

"Boss, have you made a mistake? For 100 million U.S. dollars, we will intercept Jiang Taichu!"

A bounty hunter with an angel tattoo on his face, holding a medieval shield and wearing golden armor, lay in the bunker, trembling.

Next to him, there were dozens of soldiers, all wearing old armor or robes covered with Dao patterns, hanging crosses, and looking nervous.

Their weapons, the Long Contradiction Card and the Broadsword, were made of exotic metals and were made by alchemists.

The magical lines on it are densely covered, which is comparable to the magic weapon of the Chinese Taoist sect. It can withstand artillery fire and is not afraid of bombardment by hot weapons.

"Gospel Bounty Hunter Group"!

He is very famous in Europe, ranking among the top three, even surpassing Pulsatilla and comparable to Van Helsing.

Their magic power is great, their holy arts are powerful, and several of them are at the divine level.

On weekdays, they subjugate demons and destroy evil creatures, and they are always good at defeating them. Many big European families highly respect them.

These people originally thought very highly of themselves and were arrogant to the sky.

But at this time, he felt like he was facing a formidable enemy. He was trembling with fright and wanted to turn around and run away.

Moreover, he was so frightened by Jiang Tian alone!

There is no way, Jiang Tian's reputation is too great!

Pushing across the East, defeating the powerful institutions of various countries, destroying the Dark Parliament, forcing the European Union and the Pentagon to bow their heads!

Destroy your family, your clan, your religion, your army, your country... you can destroy everything!

Yesterday, he also destroyed the Crusaders, the six major monasteries, and the powerful Brahmins. It was so scary!

"Jiang Taichu used a magical weapon called Kuilian to defeat the Crusaders and the Six Major Monasteries, but according to intelligence, he did not carry that magical weapon! Therefore, our chances of winning are still very high!"

The leader of the hunter group had a pale face, a cross hanging on his face, and the holy light filling the air, making him look very calm.

But in fact, he also wanted to curse.

I fuck your mother, St. Louis, you are hiding in the back and not coming out, drinking wine and eating meat, using us as cannon fodder!

But there was nothing he could do. The bounty hunter group required training and certification from the Holy See, and even many businesses were distributed by them.

The Holy See has spoken. If you don't come, you are going against the Holy See. St. Louis will be furious! From now on, everyone will have nothing to eat!

Even after Jiang Taichu is eliminated, the Holy See will also clean up another wave! Just wait to be killed!

Such things have happened many times in history. The Vatican's adjudication office is not just a decoration, but it is always burning and hanging people!

"The odds of winning are ridiculous! There's no chance of winning! Don't you know how powerful Jiang Taichu is?"

All the members wanted to fuck the leader's mother at this moment, and they secretly complained in their hearts.

"However, I heard that this time, a strong man from an ancient family came to help! We are just here to help!"

The group leader showed a hint of hope and prayed secretly in his heart.

You must come! If the strong man from this ancient family doesn't come, we will really be just cannon fodder!

"What family?" someone asked.

"The famous blue-blood family!"

The group elder was present and said with reverence on his face.

"What? Are they coming too? Then at least we still have a six to seven chance of winning!"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

This is a noble family in Spain, second only to the hidden royal family.

Their blood is blue, they are famous in history, majestic and domineering, and their influence is vast and far-reaching.

As a result, Westerners later used "blue" to refer to those noble and intelligent elites.

At this moment, the holy light flashed in the sky, white light filled the air, and a divine white horse came across the sky.

The wingless Pegasus can fly, which is unspeakably miraculous.

This horse has the blood of a unicorn. It is white and smooth, without a trace of hair.

"Pegasus! This is Pegasus! It can fly!"

"Yes, it can actually fly, it's so amazing!"

"Legend has it that only the hidden royal family and true nobles can control it! It can travel thousands of miles a day, tirelessly!"

Everyone looked at him with admiration and yearning.

Such magical species are very rare and only exist in legends. Now, we can finally see them! .

On Pegasus, a girl is wearing silver armor, with tall breasts, slender waist, graceful and slender figure, blond hair shawl, a pair of eyes as blue as the sea, a straight nose, a bright red mouth, and her snow-grey skin is almost transparent, and can even See the blue blood vessels underneath.

"What a beauty!"

"She is the little princess of the blue-blood family, Arale!"

Everyone was stunned, their hearts were itching like a cat scratching them, ready to move.

I just feel that she is like the best work of art in the hands of God, perfect. I just feel that being looked at by her is worthy of my life.

"How far away is Jiang Taichu?"

Arale is holding a silver spear, with a heroic appearance and cold eyes, overlooking everyone like a high-altitude little princess.

"Reporting to the noble little Princess Arale, the intelligence officer said that Jiang Taichu is still three hundred kilometers away from our defense line!"

The leader put his right hand on his chest, bowed respectfully, and said.

"Hmph! You haven't come here for so long. Could it be that I, Arale, heard that I was coming to fight him and didn't dare to come?"

Arale rode her horse and landed on a mountain peak, looking to the east, a trace of disdain flashed through her blue eyes.

She was very proud that among the young generation of many secluded families in Europe, she, who was already half a saint, could be ranked in the top twenty.

Arale has heard so many legends about Jiang Taichu that her ears have become calluses. She has long wanted to fight Jiang Tian!

"Hmph, if I, Alale, were born, I would be able to overpower Jiang Taichu and become the master of Taoism!"

However, the reclusive families in Europe all adhere to the principle of escaping from the world, and the head of the family does not allow her to come out at all.

But this time it was better. The Holy See called on the strong men from all over Europe to kill the Eastern devil, and the family was also instigated. They mobilized their troops and arranged their troops in formations. They were so busy that they had no time to look at her.

She sneaked out and prepared to kill the evil dragon Jiang Tian and become an epic hero!

"Friends from afar, I'm sorry to disturb you. Have you seen my master?"

Just when everyone was shocked by Arale's arrival and the magical Pegasus.

In the sky, suddenly a huge black dog ran up in the air, spitting out a scarlet tongue, panting, and mouthing human words to ask questions.

Moreover, it is also a standard London pronunciation, just like a sonnet, very pure and elegant.

Everyone was stunned immediately!

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