Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1024 The Messiah surrenders and destroys the Vatican

The Xuanshui is so heavy that it can crush a god to death. It is as black as ink and rolls like a tide.

In the rolling black water, a green dragon that was more than a hundred feet long soared and twisted like a blue train.

This dragon is so majestic, its scales explode, its teeth and claws open, its bloody mouth opens, it eats living people alive, and spits out mysterious water!

In the blink of an eye, under its sharp claws, members of the royal family fell one after another, falling from the sky like rain.

Plop, plop!

The ground was filled with corpses, piled up into hills, and more and more corpses almost filled the Colosseum, the streets, and the Imperial Senate, forming a sea of ​​corpses and blood. In the blink of an eye, thousands of people died.

"Gengjin divine body, kill again!"

Jiang Tian was filled with joy, laughed loudly, and shouted loudly.

Another Gengjin God General crashed to the ground.

He was a hundred feet tall, his face was vaguely the same as Jiang Tian's, his eyes were like glass, his nails were like sapphire, his golden armor, golden helmet, golden sword, golden boots exuded a bright light, and his whole body was as if cast in gold. It's like an ancient god of war has arrived, coming across the vast ages, arrogant!


Boom! Boom!

He dragged a wild-shaped golden sword with one hand, took a big step, and shook the earth with one foot, pushing towards the Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica like a human bulldozer.


He was invincible. He swung his fist and shattered a church with one punch. With one foot strike, hundreds of people died unexpectedly. With one slash of his sword, he annihilated a void.

The clergy and believers of the Holy See and Brahmins suffered heavy casualties.

Broken bones and tendons, and death without a complete body are all lucky.

Most of them were turned into blood and flesh, or turned into ashes and disappeared under the direct push of General Geng Jin.

"Strong, so strong! Jiang Taichu is so strong that he can completely crush the Demon God! No wonder he can suppress the Heavenly Star Realm!"

The winner's ancestor's face was shocked, and his eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

Countless people were gasping and dumbfounded.

I just feel like what I saw today is like a myth.

"One person can crush the Messiah and challenge two traditions, the eight royal families! Even if you give me another ten thousand years, I won't be able to catch up with him!"

At this time, among the crowd, Ying Su's heart was trembling, his eyes were frightened, and he was sweating.

Facing Jiang Tian's overwhelming power, he was completely convinced at this time!

The other Chinese royal families were scared to death!

What a blessing!

Fortunately, I woke up in time and didn't confront Jiang Tian. Otherwise, I don't know how I died!

Originally, Jiang Tianmo traveled to the west, went deep alone, and single-handedly defeated the two great unifications and many royal families in Europe. Many people did not believe that Jiang Tian could win.

Now, I have discovered how terrifying and powerful Jiang Tian is!

There is only one person, but he is slaughtering thousands of armies!

This is simply like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, crushing and killing one side, killing people like grass without hearing a sound!

No wonder he dared to kill the Jin family before and ignored other hidden royal families.

Who can defeat Jiang Taichu like this?

“Messiah can’t hold it any longer!”

Suddenly, Tang Linglong smiled sweetly.

Everyone looked up.

Jiang Tian was seen walking in the air, walking with his hands behind his back, approaching the Vatican.

His eyes were cold and his expression was neither sad nor happy.

He is like a banished immortal coming to earth, with an ethereal temperament.

Command the Whirling Divine Tree, Gengjin Divine General, and Xuanshui Qinglong to kill tens of thousands of troops.

However, tens of thousands of flying swords were focused on dealing with Messiah alone.

"Archangel's Sword!"

"Hell Divine Punishment Forbidden Technique!"

"The Left Hand of God, the Holy Art of Great Destruction!"

Messiah was covered in blood, roaring angrily, and letting out pitiful screams from time to time. He used holy spells frequently, and the magic weapons were thrown down as if they were free, trying to resist Jiang Tian's thousands of flying swords.

But he is no match at all!

He was drowned by flying swords, blood burst out, and the holy light was annihilated. He was killed by flying swords again and again, falling into the dust, struggling to hold on.

"God, why don't you save me! I can't hold on any longer!"

Messiah falls again!

Seeing thousands of flying swords attacking together, he screamed in shock, turned into a ray of holy light, and disappeared from the place.

Tens of thousands of flying swords paused for a moment, then stabbed the granite ground and exploded, spinning and drilling into the earth like an iron dragon roaring.

But it was the Messiah who quickly escaped from the underground to St. Peter's Basilica.


St. Peter's Cathedral, five kilometers away, suddenly fell into pieces, and countless sword lights shot out in all directions.

Thousands of rotating and rolling flying swords, like long metal dragons, broke out of the ground, chasing the figure of the Messiah, and killed towards the sky.

"Jiang Taichu, I accept it! Don't kill me, you are the true god! I am willing to serve you!"

The Messiah was covered in blood, his skin was torn, and his face was filled with despair and pain. He suddenly knelt down in the sky, worshiped, wagging his tail and begging for mercy.

At this time, Messiah realized in despair that the so-called true god was also afraid of Jiang Taichu!

That strong man from the Light Saint Clan actually activated the teleportation array and wanted to escape to the Kingdom of Heaven. He didn't even dare to challenge Jiang Tian!

The Messiah is just a messenger and preacher of the true God. He is no match for Jiang Tian and can only be worshiped.

Ten thousand flying swords paused around Messiah, ready to go.

In front of Messiah, Jiang Tian's tall and majestic figure looked extraordinarily tall, as if the true god had descended.

"The founder of the Holy See, the spokesman of the gods, the Messiah, actually knelt down and surrendered!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was terrified and couldn't believe it, as if they were facing a myth or legend.

"There is some use in keeping you, but there is no need for the others!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and he put away his flying sword, but he did not put away his many other magical powers and continued to kill everyone.

"Messiah has surrendered! He is so holy. Adam was not born. How could he be afraid? I can't hold on any longer! Run! Run! Run!"

Master Gaye was so frightened that his soul was shaking, and cold sweat covered his bald head.

He said in his heart that after escaping, he must find a suitable body to be reborn, lest Jiang Taichu find him!

He flew close to the ground, his body flashed, and he flew five or six kilometers in the blink of an eye.

But the speed of the whirling green wood was too fast, and a green branch came across the sky, whipping him away like a whip!

The other five or six branches, as if connected with each other, caught him and entangled him, and tightened them together!

"The big golden bell!"

"Twenty-Four Divine Powers of the Heavens!"

"Blood Shadow Snake Escape!"

Master Jiaye shouted violently with a painful expression on his face, and used more than a dozen magical powers at the same time. His body changed rapidly and his body was filled with brilliance.

But it's useless!

His waist and chest were strangled like a hemp rod, his body was twisted and deformed, and blood dripped from his body.


There was a muffled bang, and Master Gaye's body was shattered, blood flew everywhere, and exploded.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Amidst the shrill and piercing sound, Jiang Tian pointed a finger, and the branches of the sacred tree burst out, condensing into fists, spears, and swords.

Suddenly, the flying horses and members of the royal family were entangled, strangled to death, or pierced.


Jiang Tianjiu danced his main flying sword wildly in the air, piercing through the golden flying boats one after another, and strangling the strong men of the Holy See one by one.

Just when the current Pope St. Louis wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy, Jiang Tian pointed out with cold eyes, and his body exploded, turning into a rain of crystal flesh and falling down, and he died an untimely death.

A ghostly shadow appeared in a remote alley in the southern part of the city of Rome, vaguely representing the image of Master Gaye.

"You little thief Jiang Taichu, if you destroy my body, I will cut you into pieces and peel off your skin with cramps!"

This soul is tangible and intangible, composed of a piece of golden light. It is an extremely old man, and it is the soul of Gaye.

He was gnashing his teeth, filled with hatred, and just wanted to run away.


A devil as solid as vinyl, the size of a millstone, condensed in the air, grinning weirdly: "It's a pity, you have no chance!"

He opened his mouth wide and took one breath.

Amidst the shrill screams and pleadings of the soul of Gaye, he held it in his mouth, biting and chewing it deliciously.

"No! God save me!"

In the Vatican, outside the gate of St. Peter's Basilica, St. Paul was crazily attacked by the whirling sacred tree. His body was stained with blood and seriously injured in many places. St. Paul howled in despair. He was retreating steadily and was in a state of embarrassment.


He was almost dead, but Jiang Tian didn't stop attacking, forcing him to scream and roar. He clenched his hands in vain, and a black blood-stained magic gun suddenly condensed in his hands.

The Spear of Longinus!

When the Messiah was tied to the cross and suffered, it was this spear that stabbed the Messiah to death and was stained with the holy blood!

This is the real God-killing Spear!

Even after more than 1,700 years have passed, the blood on this god-killing spear is still bright red, exuding overwhelming divine power!

The God-killing Spear used by Huo Qingtian is an imitation made based on this, but it is already a quasi-spiritual weapon!

At this moment, St. Paul felt the ultimate crisis. He was as powerful as a mad tiger and without any reservation, he danced his spear and stabbed at many branches.

Every time a gun is thrust out, thunder bursts out, the holy blood fills the air, and the holy light spurts out, enough to shake the heaven and the earth, and easily pierce through a cruiser.

But under the branches of the whirling sacred tree, it is useless!

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