Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1036 The power of one kick, defeating the ninth-level Seraph

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

There were more and more angels crowding around.

After the first wave of strong men such as Seraph and the old Angel of Wisdom were dispatched.

Young wise angels and throne angels, led by many senior angels, rushed to the foot of the Ninth Holy Mountain to form the second echelon.

The other angel armies, numbering in the thousands, all left the palace and pushed dozens of kilometers downward as the third echelon.

Huang Ling'er couldn't help but feel nervous. She was covered in cold sweat and grabbed Jiang Tian's palm.

She glanced at Jiang Tian.

Seeing that Jiang Tian's face was still calm, she suddenly became more courageous and her chest puffed up.

I just feel that as long as Jiang Tian is here, even if the world is turned upside down, there is no need to be afraid.

At this time, the Holy Lord Seraph and the Elder Cherubim of the Eighth Holy Mountain led about three hundred superior angels to gather together and silently approached Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian turned his head and glanced at the thousands of corpses on the cloak. The corpses were so densely packed that the dragon tendons were almost not enough.

His eyes were cold, he shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"Have I not killed enough people to make you think that I am kind and gentle?"

Seraph suddenly said coldly and pitifully:

"Jiang Taichu, you destroyed the Holy See on Earth, came to heaven to kill people, and destroyed the Tenth Holy Mountain. Your sin is unforgivable. You commit suicide to wash away your sins!"

"Otherwise, I will lead an army of angels down to the lower world and slaughter your family and the Tianqing Sect, leaving no chickens or dogs behind!"

The threat of Seraph can be described as heartbreaking to ordinary people. The threat is so good that many people are afraid of surrendering.

Even Huang Ling'er's face turned slightly pale.

But it's a pity.

What he was facing at this moment was Jiang Tian, ​​and what he touched was Jiang Tian's reverse scale!

"Haha, originally, I wanted to take a rest, kill one or two strong men, and just calm you down!"

Jiang Tian flicked his fingers and said with a half-smile:

"It seems that I should kill you all, and then go to the temple and kill all the true gods and saints in the temple. Naturally, no one will dare to seek revenge from me!"

The whole place was dead silent.

No one expected that Jiang Taichu in this earth world would be so arrogant and arrogant.

"Okay, Jiang Taichu, I'm here to take your life and send you to hell to maintain the supreme majesty of the kingdom of heaven!"

Seraphim shouted angrily, and the nine divine rings suddenly burst into light. A pair of vertical pupils opened instantly on his forehead, and endless holy light spurted out from them.

The vast holy light formed a blazing and dazzling holy sword, tearing through the void, shining through thousands of mountains and rivers, and sweeping towards Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Taichu, repent, I will burn and baptize your sinful soul with the endless holy fire to purify you!"

Next to him, the aging angel of wisdom recited a spell, and the scriptures under his feet suddenly unfolded, turning the pages automatically.

Immediately, symbols and words flew out one after another, all of which were the gathering of holy light, condensing like metal, shining with luster, and possessing endless divine power.

Wherever the scripture passes, mountains collapse and the earth splits, and the tops of peaks are flattened or exploded from the middle.

He spent hundreds of years of hard work, picking up the holy light, and using spells to refine it into essence, and his vast magic power destroyed everything.

In the blink of an eye, symbols and words converged into scriptures, like divine chains crossing the sky, and sweeping like immortal ropes, trying to bind and suppress Jiang Tian until his soul was destroyed.

"You dare to challenge me with your little knowledge, you are so young!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly and stamped the void with his right foot.


At its feet, a hundred-foot-high mountain peak seemed to have been shot by a bunch of missiles, completely shattered, and the ground shook.

In the void, with Jiang Tian as the center, endless vast amounts of true energy pushed in all directions.

Although Jiang Tian's current cultivation level is suppressed to the early stage of foundation building, in fact, his true energy is rich and vast, comparable to a strong golden elixir.

These angels are strong men at the foundation level. In terms of cultivation, they are still a little inferior to Jiang Tian, ​​let alone magical powers and secret methods!

Endless true energy swept across and pushed forward, like a nuclear explosion!

Under the bombardment of true energy, whether it was scriptures shining with holy light, spells, or holy swords that swept and shot, they all shattered in an instant.

The scene in front of him shook violently. At this time, Seraph felt like a small boat in the huge waves, being thrown out uncontrollably.

At the same time, the violent true energy bombardment squeezed the whole body, and his hard body, which could withstand missile volleys, was torn to pieces, even fractured in many places, and even the internal organs were damaged.

Seraph stabilized his body and landed several kilometers away, in the second echelon.


He spurted blood from his mouth and was shocked. He looked at Jiang Tian from a distance, full of shock.

As for the old wise angel, it was even worse.

The scriptures were instantly torn to pieces by the torrent of true energy.

In an instant, the rings of holy light shattered into pieces. Under the violent pressure, his fingers exploded, his arms exploded, his feet exploded, his chest exploded, and finally even his head exploded, turning into countless pieces of flesh. and broken bones, scattered one after another.

Many other angels, giants and elves were dumbfounded.

The entire Ninth Sacred Mountain, covering a hundred miles in radius, was completely silent.

"How can this be?"

Seeing this scene, many angels on the Ninth Holy Mountain were dumbfounded.

Seraph, a ninth-level angel, is the guardian of this mountain. He once received the guidance of the Holy Emperor and the elders. The blazing holy light can cut the mountain peaks and split the earth, but he was defeated by Jiang Tian!

The old angel of wisdom was stomped by Jiang Tianyi and was shaken to pieces!

At this moment, Jiang Tian hadn't taken action yet. He just stamped his foot, which was so terrifyingly lethal.

"You can actually hurt me... I am inseparable from you!"

Seraph's face was full of disbelief, and then he became furious, boiling with fighting spirit, and his face was ferocious!

Being repulsed by a mortal on earth was a shame he couldn't accept and couldn't bear.

If Jiang Tian is not killed, this shame will accompany him for the rest of his life, and he will be looked down upon and laughed at by other angels.

The reason is very simple, just like a strong man being kicked away by a three-year-old child, he must regain his place.

"I'm so frustrated that you're not dead!"

Jiang Tian chuckled, and suddenly his body swayed and disappeared from the place.

"Huh? He's gone, he ran away!"

"He just needs to run away. How is he a match for Seraph?"

Many angels felt relieved and thought this with lingering fear.


However, Seraph's expression suddenly became frightened, as if he had seen a dark demon.

Jiang Tian suddenly appeared out of thin air less than half a meter in front of him, like a ghost, with cold eyes, a sarcastic smile, and stretched out his big hands.

Seraph's three pairs of wings flapped in unison, bursting out at a speed that exceeded ten times the sound barrier in an instant. However, he was too late to run away, and Jiang Tian pinched his throat.

"Ah! Let me go!"

Despite the frequent use of various holy skills and secrets by Seraphim, the light feathers filled the sky, and the whole body was ignited with burning fire. The vertical pupils on his forehead spurted terrifying flames towards Jiang Tian, ​​but he could not do anything to Jiang Tian, ​​and could not even break free. Jiang Tian’s delicate palms.


Not far away, the throne angel and the young wise angel were stunned as if they had seen the heavenly book, and stood there motionless like fools.

"How is this possible!"

Next to them, countless angels, giants and elves exclaimed.

Jiang Taichu actually held Seraph in his hand like an eagle catching a chicken.

"help me!"

Seraph's neck was broken, but he was still alive. He screamed desperately, hoping that Seraphim and other companions would save him.

The young wise angel didn't move at all. I don't know if he was scared or just didn't react.

It took a few seconds to react, but it retreated into the distance like a meteor.

"Jiang Taichu, please let go and we can talk!"

But the angel moved.

He quickly crossed the distance of several kilometers to bully him, and with overwhelming pressure, he roared angrily and shook his right hand.

The huge throne flew up under my feet!

It crashed down toward Jiang Tian like a mountain, crushing the sky and annihilating it. The mountains and rivers collapsed, as if it could destroy an aircraft carrier.

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