Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1044 The battle before the temple attracts everyone’s attention

"The strength is not bad! It surpasses Jindan Li Longyuan, and is only slightly inferior to the great demon Bai Ze!"

Jiang Tian's face was slightly awe-inspiring.

The Holy Clan of Light has a special constitution and possesses a Holy Body of Light. Although it is not the most powerful immortal body, it still surpasses ordinary spiritual roots.

This Holy Emperor has occupied this area of ​​the world for thousands of years and is uniquely blessed. He absorbs faith and condenses his soul, refines the Holy Light, and condenses the Holy Body every day. With such strength, Jiang Tian is not surprised.

"I think you are a talented person. If you surrender, I will not kill you. I will let you be the master of the Ninth Holy Mountain, guard the temple, and live under me!"

The Holy Emperor spoke again, and his divine power was overwhelming and mighty, spreading throughout the ten Holy Mountains and hundreds of miles away.

Many people in this world have heard it.

In fact, the news of the battle has spread throughout the world, and many powerful people have come to watch. Hundreds of thousands of powerful people have gathered on many holy mountains!

Suddenly, many people were shocked and couldn't believe it. Then they looked at Jiang Tian, ​​wondering how he made the decision.

Many people did not expect that Jiang Tian would destroy the spokesperson of the Heavenly Temple in the secular world, destroy a holy mountain, and kill tens of thousands of people. The Holy Emperor did not firmly want to kill Jiang Tian, ​​but worked hard to win over him.

The Holy Lord of the Second Holy Mountain, this is no joke, it can be said that one person is inferior to ten thousand people!

Moreover, with the authority to freely enter and exit the temple, bathe in the holy light of the artificial sun, and enjoy the vast sea of ​​faith power and cultivation resources, you can improve your cultivation by thousands of miles!

This is an irresistible temptation!

Especially for Jiang Tian, ​​the pinnacle powerhouse in the earth world!

He already controls a country and a religion, has more wealth than he can spend in a lifetime, and has all kinds of beauties coming and going at the same time. What else could attract him?

There are only cultivation resources, only improvement of cultivation, and endless improvement of cultivation until immortality!

"Master Jiang Xian, please don't leave us alone!"

At this time, Yi Ye, Lu Huaxi and other powerful men looked at Jiang Tian nervously, fearing that Jiang Tian would agree.

If Jiang Tianruo is recruited, his life will naturally be safe, and he will even be reused.

But they may not!

The Holy Emperor would probably eradicate them and clean them thoroughly. After all, they had no use value for Jiang Tian.

"He should agree..."

Yi Xiaoman clenched his pink fists tightly, his pretty face was uncertain, and his heart was in confusion.

If Jiang Taichu could persuade the Holy Church not to operate on the giants and everyone would call a truce, it would be a good outcome.

"Jiang Taichu, surrender, I'm afraid this is your only chance!"

Saint Joan of Arc smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Before that, she still had some hope for Jiang Tian.

But when she felt the supreme pressure of the Holy Emperor at this moment, she was afraid, shaken, and regretted!

How can a mere mortal shake the supreme Holy Emperor! He actually followed him and committed a heinous crime of murder!

"Jiang Taichu, isn't peace bad? Why must we start a war?"

Meiji also appeared again to persuade her, and she spoke sincerely.

"Holy Emperor, you ask me to defend you and live under you, but you think too highly of yourself!"

"Come down and die!"

Jiang Tian didn't even look at the noise of the two women. There was a trace of ridicule on his handsome face, his eyes were stern, he flicked his sleeves and laughed loudly.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Huaxi and Yiye both showed endless reverence.

At this time, Jiang Tian was domineering, his eyes were arrogant and unruly, and he had a strict law that shook the world!

It seems that the entire heavenly world is not in his eyes, it seems that he suppresses the entire nine days and ten miles!

"Man, this is how it should be!"

Yiye immediately admired Jiang Tian and gave a thumbs up secretly. Lu Huaxi also thought Jiang Tian's choice was wise.

"Jiang Taichu, do you really want to be stubborn and make the same mistakes again and again?"

On the Holy Ancestor Mountain, several six-winged seraphs appeared and slowly opened the magnificent arched door of the temple hall.

The door of the Heavenly Kingdom World Power Center opened, and a group of old men walked out slowly, landing on the edge of the square and overlooking Jiang Tian.

The powerful aura was overwhelming, like a vast ocean, pushing down horizontally, causing the strange beasts to scream in terror and stumble back. Many giants' faces became as pale as paper, and they felt very uncomfortable. Even Yi Ye and Lu Huaxi also retreated. A few steps later, his eyes were shocked.

This is a group of extraordinary people. The elders of the Holy Church Senate represent the most powerful power of the Holy Church.

They lived in seclusion for many years, cultivating with the endless energy of the Holy Light Sun, and lived for an unknown amount of time.

The main hall of the church is high above. Among them, a cross stands high, carved with white energy-accumulating crystals. It is crystal clear, pure and flawless, and blooms with immeasurable holy light.

At the top of this cross, on a throne with a simple shape, an old man with majestic appearance and majesty sits there like a majestic mountain.

His white hair fell down like a waterfall, and his face was as white as a knife and an axe, looking down at Jiang Tian like a god.

He was dressed in white clothes, with ten suns embroidered with gold thread on his chest, and his whole body was emitting soft light. His blue eyes were as deep and vast as the stars, and he had divinity, as if he could create a world.

"Jiang Taichu, if you surrender, I will personally teach you the supreme holy art, and you will be the Pope of the Holy See from now on."

However, the Holy Emperor's face had no expression at all, with a hooked nose, deep eye sockets, and thin lips, giving people a cold and ruthless feeling, and he spoke slowly.

"As expected! In the dantian, the golden elixir in the state of light crystal emits endless light. If Li Longyuan doesn't die, it will take a hundred years to reach this level!"

Jiang Tian raised his head and thought distantly.

At this time, the Holy Emperor's endless coercion spread out like a huge wave sweeping across the sky. Even the strong ones in the early stage of foundation building could not bear it. They were afraid that they would be forced to spit out blood and their cultivation would be damaged.

But Jiang Tian, ​​with a calm expression on his face, stood there proudly, motionless.

"This person is the Holy Emperor! No one knows how many years he lived. Many followers died one after another, but he is still alive!"

Lu Huaxi sent a message to Jiang Tian, ​​reminding Jiang Tian to treat it with caution and not to take it lightly.

The Holy Emperor is indeed very strong. He is already at the middle stage of the Golden Core and belongs to the Holy Body of Light. This kind of physique is considered very powerful in the universe!

At this time, Jiang Tian could even hear the rhythmic vibrations of the light crystals in his dantian like the explosion of sunspots, could feel the blood in his veins as heavy as amalgam, and could even feel that his spirit was as solid as ten thousand mountains. , unshakable...

Jiang Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Unexpectedly, the Holy Clan of Light once appeared on the ancient earth, and now it still occupies a dimensional world.

The ancient earth must have been very exciting, a glorious and splendid era, with many foreigners living there.

It once resisted the invasion of super civilizations, and also had the Great War between the East and the West, the Battle of Immortal Fall, Twilight of the Gods, and the Dark Age...

If this period of history is fully unearthed, it will definitely shock the world and be called magnificent.

"It's a pity that you haven't reached the level of Nascent Soul after all..."

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed slightly.

Golden elixir and Nascent Soul are two completely different levels.

Generally speaking, those who step into the golden elixir are those among the immortals who can escape from the mundane world, so they are generally called true immortals!

The Yuanying is a baby-like Yuanshen born in the Dantian. It has substance and form, is indestructible to all laws, is indestructible by water and fire, and is incomparably powerful!

With this Nascent Soul, the monks can travel through the universe, travel through the world, and are not afraid of the wind and turbulence of space. It is countless times more powerful than the golden elixir.

Therefore, the Yuanying monk, also known as the Tianjun, is not comparable to the golden elixir at all.

No matter how strong the golden elixir is, it is still a mortal body and cannot transcend this world.

Otherwise, the Holy Emperor would have traveled across the universe long ago, so how could he have plans for the Earth Realm?

"I can kill even the Nascent Soul! Besides, you haven't reached the Nascent Soul realm yet?"

Jiang Tian smiled softly and said with waning spirits: "Accept me as a disciple? You think too highly of yourself!"

"Take action! After I kill you and suppress this world, I have to return to Earth to see my wife and children!"

"Jiang Taichu, you are too arrogant!"

When the Holy Emperor heard the words, he narrowed his eyes and sprayed out substantial holy light, hundreds of meters long, and said in a cold voice:

"I know that you are a big figure in the earth world. You have no rivals since your debut! So you have developed your arrogant personality. But you don't know that there are people outside the world and there are heavens outside the world!"

"I once read through the ancient scrolls, and it was recorded that a Nascent Soul cultivator could wipe out an entire country with one sword! How can you, an ant and a fly like you, be able to challenge such overwhelming power?"

"Oh, you have a scroll here that records ancient history? It records the battle of Nascent Soul..."

Jiang Tian became somewhat interested.

"Hmph! How can you imagine the secrets of my temple?"

The Holy Emperor did not want to mention it again, but said in a cold voice with a stern expression: "Today, I will kill you, an ant, to declare to the earth world the supreme majesty of my heavenly world!"

"What nonsense?"

Jiang Tian said impatiently: "If you want to be beaten, hurry up! Don't be gibbering, you're just like a girl!"

The Holy Emperor was so angry that he couldn't bear it anymore.

He pointed at Jiang Tian and shouted angrily: "Why do I need to take action to kill you! God Knight, kill him for me!"

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