Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1046 Jiang Xianshi is invincible, breaking the sky and attacking

At this time, the Elder Scroll erupted and the pressure came on. Lu Huaxi and many other dark angels, as well as the giants, could not bear it.

The bones all over their bodies were creaking, as if they were about to break apart in the next moment, and their skin was trembling, undulating like ocean waves.

Some weak giants and fallen angels with only one or two haloes spat out blood and fell to the ground.

"Retreat immediately! This old man, the Holy Emperor, is crazy!"

Lu Huaxi's eyes were frightened, and he yelled through gritted teeth.

These meteorites are so solid and heavy that each one is comparable to a thousand-foot high mountain. It is no exaggeration to say that it can smash the Second Sacred Mountain into pieces.

The Holy Emperor was desperate this time. He would rather abandon the Second Holy Mountain than smash Jiang Tian to death.


Yi Ye stamped his feet heavily and gave the order decisively.

This is a battle between Jindan-level powerhouses, moving mountains and filling seas, destroying heaven and earth.

With their level of cultivation, they cannot participate at all, and will only bring disaster to the pond.

Most people retreated.

Only Huang Ling'er and Jiang Tian stood side by side, planning to erupt with wood-type spiritual bodies to restrain the meteorite.

There was a hint of pity in the depths of Jiang Tian's eyes, but in the end he shook his head gently and stopped her.

Wood overcomes earth. Originally, spiritual wood could restrain earth-type attacks, but that was only for fights of the same rank.

The size of the meteorite in this scroll is so large that it is already an attack at the level of a golden elixir or even a baby!

Even if it's just one attack!

Huang Ling'er had just established the foundation, but the gap was still too far. How could she possibly resist?

"Very good! You actually have a space magic weapon, which is already amazing!"

Facing the overwhelming pressure, Jiang Tian's face remained calm. He looked up at the meteorites and said calmly: "But, using it against me is still too far behind!"

In the previous life, in the world of cultivation, Jiang Tian had accepted Lian Feng, the prince of a secular kingdom, as his disciple.

Lianfeng is unparalleled in his grace and the emperor is intelligent. He is the most beautiful man in that country and also the most talented person in cultivation.

It's just that he is obsessed with painting. He once said that his eyes are not stained by the evil things of the world, and he only paints lovely things!

Moreover, he is indeed quite talented in this art. When he was six years old, he once painted birds. The birds were so lifelike that they captured the charm of the birds. After dotting the eyes, the birds flew out of the painting.

He is very talented in cultivation, but Jiang Tian taught him how to practice, but he was lazy in practicing.

Seeing that he refused to change despite repeated admonitions, Jiang Tian was disappointed and expelled him from the school and severed ties with him.

He may also be proficient in state governance, but he is so obsessed with painting that even when the Southern Barbarians invaded, he ignored him and continued to indulge in painting and calligraphy.

When he wakes up from the art of calligraphy and painting.

The Nanman Kingdom had already broken through his capital and was massacring civilians. His father and mother, the emperor and queen of the former Tang Dynasty, had also been killed. The Nanman soldiers were carrying their heads and swaggering through the city.

When Prince Lianfeng saw this, he immediately went crazy!

He knelt on the ground and cried loudly, saying that his eyes were not stained by the world, he did not see the suffering of the common people, and he did not see the eager eyes of the enemy. What was the use of his eyes?

He was originally a sincere person, and sincere people were often extreme and stubborn, and they immediately gouged out their own eyes.

He used his own blood to paint on the ground. He wrote like a god, and the blood fell in the wind and rain, and he instantly painted Yama, demons, ghosts, soldiers, ghosts, generals and hell.

In an instant, the entire country disappeared and turned into eighteen layers of hell, trapping the enemy's 100,000-strong army.

Some strong men from the enemy country tried to escape, but were captured by the demon and dragged into hell.

After that day, both his country and the Southern Barbarian Kingdom were finished, and Prince Lianfeng felt haggard.

Although Jiang Tian was saddened by his misfortune and angry at the disciple who was expelled from his school, he still loved him very much.

After hearing that his country was ruined and his family was destroyed, Jiang Tian also rushed over to save him, but happened to see this shocking scene.

Jiang Tian walked through the dark abyss and hell, and felt his regret, grief and despair. At the same time, he felt pity for his talent and accepted him as a disciple again and led him to practice.

Under the guidance of Jiang Tian, ​​Prince Lianfeng started painting, gradually understood his own way, and embarked on the road of cultivation.

In the end, he combined cultivation with painting. His brush strokes were as large as rafters, which could create and destroy the sun, moon and stars; his splashes of ink formed a sea, which could submerge hundreds of millions of cultivators; and his meticulous depictions were able to create a world with a cycle of vitality and endless movement, comparable to that of the true God. Become a supreme Immortal Emperor, named Tiantu Immortal Emperor.

He once cultivated a heavenly emperor who entered Taoism through painting. In terms of calligraphy and painting, Jiang Tian can be said to be a proficient figure and a patriarch.

These scrolls, to put it bluntly, create mana through painting, forming a space, and incorporating the earth-based energy from the meteorites!

It is incomparable to Prince Lianfeng's miraculous ability to create things out of thin air, condense reality with charm, and even create and destroy a whole world.

At this time, the huge meteorite was getting closer and closer to Jiang Tian, ​​and its speed was getting faster and faster. It rubbed violently with the air, bursting out into large groups of flames, and the front end of the meteorite had turned into magma and flew backwards.


Jiang Tian shouted low, held Ling'er's waist, rose into the air, punched the sky, and shot up.

The extremely powerful green wood essence of the whirling sacred tree condensed in front of him, and a towering giant tree soared up.

The shadow of the whirling sacred tree is getting bigger and bigger, more than a thousand feet long, and it is getting more and more solid, spreading crazily, with huge roots and branches dancing in the air, spreading to a length of several thousand meters in the blink of an eye.

Swaggering like a blue phoenix, it swept across the sky and rushed towards many meteorites.

At this time, although Jiang Tian's cultivation was suppressed at the third level of foundation building, his true energy reserves and cultivation were already comparable to those of the golden elixir. The explosion at this time was simply earth-shaking.


The many branches of the whirling sacred tree spread their teeth and claws like giant dragons, firmly grasping the meteorites.

Everyone thought that the whirling sacred tree would be torn to pieces by the meteorite. After all, a meteorite was a thousand meters high and there were many of them.

But a surprising scene occurred.

The whirling divine tree's mana spurt actually absorbed thousands of huge meteorite energy groups, and the meteorites shattered and disappeared one after another!

"What? The meteorite disappeared!"

Lu Huaxi rubbed his eyes violently, as if he was dazzled, full of surprise and disbelief.

"This, what kind of magical power is this?"

Yiye was also confused and shocked!

Jiang Tian's fighting style is so magical, just like ancient myths and legends.

"His magic power is so vast..."

Yi Xiaoman's beautiful eyes were so wide that they almost jumped out of their sockets, as if they had seen something incredible.

"This, this is an ancient scroll, comparable to the strike of the powerful Nian Ying! What is the level of Jiang Taichu's cultivation!"

Meiji was also shocked so much that her delicate body trembled.

"He is just a mortal!" Joan of Arc was also full of disbelief.

"Huh? This animal is not afraid of attacks from the sky!"

"What is the origin of this big tree? Why does it look like the legendary World Tree!"

The people in the church all changed their colors.

The Seventh Saint Prince is even more like mourning his heir! Many elders' faces were as dark as water, their hearts were angry, and their faces were shocked, as if they were seeing demons.

This whirling sacred tree rises to the sky, more than a thousand feet high. There are glittering and translucent stars flickering between the branches. The green silk ribbon-like initial breath hangs down, and the trunk is still extending into the void, seeming to be able to hold up the sky. It's like connecting to the universe, it's so shocking.

"Master Jiang is invincible, invincible and invincible!" Countless giants and fallen angels cheered.

But then, an even more shocking scene happened.

Jiang Tian showed no intention of retreating. He took one step in the air and soared upward, rushing towards the First Holy Mountain like a rainbow piercing the sun!

"Okay, okay! Soar up to 90,000 miles! Master Jiang Xian is about to attack!"

"Overthrow the temple!"

"Master Jiang is well done, crushing the Holy Emperor is like beating a dog!"

The other giants and fallen angels were all excited, overjoyed, and cheered loudly.

Jiang Tian's power has exceeded their imagination, and he can actually neutralize a celestial level attack with one blow!

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