Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1048: Stepping on the Holy Emperor, Shocking Heaven

"Haha, Jiang Taichu, your death has come!"

Seeing this, the Seventh Saint Prince smiled coldly and felt proud.

Meiji also shook her head regretfully.

Jiang Taichu is indeed very strong, especially in a filthy place like the earth world, it is even more rare to be able to cultivate to such a state.

But he still couldn't compete with the powerful men of the Senate.

"The Holy Church cannot be shaken after all!" Saint Joan of Arc also took a long breath and felt more relaxed.


Seeing this, Jiang Tian was slightly surprised.

He originally thought that he could definitely kill the First Holy Mountain by bursting out two divine bodies. Unexpectedly, the twelve elders were extremely proficient in the art of combined attacks. They slashed with their swords at the same time and blocked his attack.

Jiang Tian was only slightly surprised, but the twelve elders were so frightened that they were all scared to death and sweating profusely.

This "Hunting Heaven's Twelve Light Swords Combined Slash" was originally designed to deal with the possible invasion of extraterrestrial demons. It is extremely powerful!

They have been practicing together for hundreds of years, and they have already become a perfect match. They have reached the state of transformation. They thought they could kill even the old monster Nascent Soul, but they didn't expect that they only strangled one of Jiang Tian's Dharma forms.

However, Jiang Tian quickly calmed down!

He hadn't used all his strength just now. If he attacked with all his strength, how could the twelve elders resist it?

I saw Jiang Tian stepping into the void again, his body soaring upward, and at the same time, the Gengjin Divine Body exploded!

On the head of the originally uncertain Xuanshui Qinglong, a supreme warrior with golden light shining and holding a big sword suddenly appeared out of thin air!

This battle will be a hundred meters high. His face is exactly the same as Jiang Tian's, and his whole body is as bright as the sun in the sky.

He stood upright on top of Qinglong's head, his eyes were like lightning, looking down at the world, arrogant and unruly, standing upright, as if he could shake the sun and moon with every move he made, and he had a terrifying aura that one man could hold a barrier against ten thousand others.

"There are even more! Why can't this Jiang Taichu be beaten to death?"

The Seventh Saint Prince seemed to be a monster that had stalked the entire Manggu Mountain. His expression was extremely ugly and unbelievable.

"And magical powers!"

Many powerful people in heaven exclaimed. Mei Ji and Saint Joan of Arc all turned pale, as if they had seen ghosts and gods.

The Gengjin divine body is the only divine body that Jiang Tian has cultivated to great perfection. Now it is just a stone's throw away from perfection. Once it explodes, its power will be so terrifying! Far beyond the Xuanshui Qinglong and the Whirling Sacred Tree.


Gengjin Divine General suddenly rose into the sky and flew over the square. His long sword swept across the ground like mercury. The sword was bright and spread out like a fan, covering a distance of several kilometers in radius.

Among them, the three elders didn't even have time to utter a scream before they were chopped into two pieces, their blood and internal organs falling like rain.


He stepped down, tore the sky apart, and flew down through the clouds!

He directly trampled an elder into pulp, and his body exploded, erupting into countless bright flames.

At this time, the other eight elders were so frightened that they felt like they were dead. Their whole bodies were getting cold, and the holy light was gushing out from the soles of their feet. They stumbled back, shrinking towards the main hall of the temple as fast as a meteor.


Gengjin God General dragged his sword forward, one thousand meters in a step, punched out, and annihilated the void.


The eyes of the eight elders were horrified, and they all took out their magic weapons to protect their bodies. The holy light erupted and condensed into heavy hammers, giant shields, mountains and other strange phenomena, trying to resist this punch.

But it's useless.

With a punch across the air, the ground shook and everything exploded.

Where the majestic fist passed by, a layer of the square ground that could shake a nuclear weapon was cut off, and the cracks intertwined into a spider web, the wind roared, and the sand and rocks flew.

Bang bang bang!

There was a muffled sound like thunder, and the visions of holy light were struck and exploded one after another. The eight elders looked frightened and desperate, their bones and tendons were broken, their bodies exploded at the same time, and organ fragments and broken bones flew everywhere.


Jiang Tian held Huang Ling'er's waist and slowly landed on the square like a banished immortal coming to the dust.

The whirling sacred tree behind him, the Xuanshui Qinglong above his head, and the Gengjin God in front of him shrank, all blending into Jiang Tian's dantian and disappearing.

"Three Dharma forms, infinite magical powers, this, this is simply too scary!"

"Yes, killing the ancient god knight, breaking the four ancient scrolls, and killing twelve elders at the snap of a finger, it's like an ancient myth!"

At this time, everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Jiang Tian's combat power was really terrifying.

"The true God of the beginning, invincible, invincible and invincible!"

"Overturn the temple and crush the Holy Emperor's head! This world belongs to the True God of the Beginning!"


At this time, the warriors of the giant clan roared loudly and howled as if they had been given blood.

They were deeply inspired by Jiang Tian, ​​with blood flowing like a tide, fighting spirit boiling, and morale soaring to the sky!

"That's amazing! Jiang Taichu is really a god-man, and the ancient true gods were nothing more than that!"

Lu Huasi's eyes shone with admiration, and his hands holding the weapon trembled slightly with excitement.

"Perhaps, the True God of the First Age can really kill this temple this time. As a follower, what kind of reward will I get!"

He knew that Jiang Tian was very strong, otherwise he would not have taken refuge in Jiang Tian, ​​but at this moment, he felt that he still seriously underestimated Jiang Tian's strength!

He only wanted a small tree, but now it seems that Jiang Tian is likely to give him a forest!

"Maybe, he really has the blood of the ancient gods, and the human race on earth cannot be so powerful!"

Yi Ye showed a look of deep thought, his thoughts were running through his mind, and he looked at Jiang Tian with admiration.

"This, how is this possible!"

At this moment, the Seventh Saint Prince felt as if he had been exploded by the monsters in Manggu Mountain, his heart was in pain, and his heart was beating with fear.

"The elder is dead and all the divine knights are dead. I'm afraid not many people in the heavenly world can stop him!"

At this time, many of the Holy Princes and the Lords of the Holy Mountains were terrified and looked at Jiang Tian with fear.

In the history of the Kingdom of Heaven, there has never been a powerful being like Jiang Tian who could move thousands of miles and dominate an entire world.

"it turns out……"

St. Joan of Arc's eyes revealed a look of disbelief, and her face turned pale with shock, full of shock.

Once upon a time, Jiang Tian said that he would overthrow the Holy Church and change the Kingdom of Heaven. But she thought that Jiang Tian was just bragging, and she didn't expect that Jiang Tian really did it.

"Could he really win?"

Meiji, the leader of the Elf clan, was also in disbelief.

She was unwilling to surrender to the earthly world and was not optimistic about Jiang Tian, ​​but at this moment, she had to admire Jiang Tian's strength.

On the platform, Jiang Tian looked neither sad nor happy, and glanced at the ashen-faced Holy Emperor.

In his previous life, Jiang Tian had killed countless Guangming Saints.

The bloodline of the bright saints in the heavenly world is already impure. Even if they condense the light crystal, it will not be a challenge to Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian fed Huang Ling'er a meridians-repairing elixir, pressed his palm on her Dantian, and injected a stream of true energy to nourish her.

Then several healing spells were cast, repairing all her damaged meridians.

"I'm sorry, Jiang Tian, ​​I didn't help you, and I became a burden to you..."

Huang Ling'er's face gradually returned to normal, feeling touched and apologetic at the same time.

"What are you talking about?"

Jiang Tian smiled warmly and touched the top of her head, which made the woman's heart beat faster and her face turn red.

"It's really weird!"

The next moment, Jiang Tian took a deep look at the huge statue next to the square, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, Jiang Tian jumped into the air, walked with his hands behind his back as if walking in a park, and approached the Holy Emperor step by step.

At this time, Jiang Tian had black hair, black eyes, a jade-like complexion, and was handsome and elegant. He seemed to be the most perfect work of art by the Creator.

He has a slender figure, and every line and every gesture of his body is filled with immortal charm, and he also carries the scorn and pride of an immortal cultivator. The monstrous momentum that slowly spreads is not weaker than that of the Holy Emperor.

"Impossible! Impossible! You are just a filthy earthly ant, how can you be so powerful!"

A look of panic finally appeared on the Holy Emperor's face, and he stumbled back a few steps.

At this time, he could no longer maintain his original arrogance and calmness.

"How can you imagine what I am capable of?"

Jiang Tian looked disdainful and sneered.

The Guangming Saint Clan relies on a special physique that can control the energy of light, far beyond ordinary people.

But they don’t know that they are still mortals!

And Jiang Tian has already cultivated three kinds of divine bodies, each of which is the strongest body in the universe, and his true cultivation level is also the golden elixir, and the magical powers and secrets that he can use are world-shaking.

"I don't believe that I, the Holy Emperor, can't kill you, a little ant in the earth world!"


The Holy Emperor's face turned red, then blue, then purple, and suddenly he rose into the air and punched out.

No matter what, he is the strongest person in the world of heaven!

This punch comes.

Endless holy light burst out from his Dantian, surging like a tide, extremely blazing.

In front of his chest, it turned into a radiant sun. If it had substance, it could stretch across the sky, enough to burn mountains and scorch the earth. It would hit Jiang Tian like a comet shooting through the sky.


Jiang Tian flicked his fingers.

A ray of Geng-gold finger light exploded in the air, easily cutting through the Holy Sun of Light, and then struck the Holy Emperor's chest with unabated force.

The Holy Emperor let out a scream, and instantly flew backwards like a cannonball, crashing into more than a dozen temples before he could barely stabilize his body.

"Jiang Taichu, today I will kill you and refine you to the point where both body and soul will be destroyed!"

He had never experienced such defeat before. The Holy Emperor was so angry that he almost spit out blood and roared with a ferocious expression.


When the Holy Emperor was about to struggle to get up, Jiang Tian's kick came through the clouds and split the air, trampling him under his feet.

"Haha, you alone dare to ask me to surrender to the guards and become your disciple? You have a very rich imagination!"

Jiang Tian looked down and spoke calmly, stepping on his chest as if he were stepping on an ant that could easily be crushed to death.

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