Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1078: The spirit of the weapon emerges, the truth behind my coming out of Hangu Pass

Jiang Tian looked at the map of the Immortal Ruins with a hint of amazement on his face and said, "It's very interesting! This is a map that can self-destruct!"

Jiang Tian glanced at the two of them and said with a leisurely smile: "In short, this is the location map of the Immortal Ruins teleportation array. Once it is snatched away, the real content will be hidden and revealed if the owner makes a thought. , is wrong information!”

"In this case……"

Ye Tianren exclaimed: "Even if the owner of the picture is killed and the picture is snatched away, the person who robbed it will only follow the wrong words and run around like a headless fly!"

Huang Ling'er said: "Then the previous archeology professor Gu Baixian of Yanjing University, wouldn't the efforts of the past few years have been in vain?"

“It can’t be considered in vain!”

Jiang Tian laughed and said:

"In order to study the original residual pictures, he published many papers and has become the leading ancient writing expert in the country. He is also the deputy director of Yanda University!"

"But now that the words and graphics are gone, what can I do?"

Ye Tianren asked with a serious frown.

Jiang Tian and Tianqing Sect spent countless manpower and material resources on this picture of the Immortal Ruins Teleportation Formation.

After fighting all the way to the East, destroying the Song family of the Yanjing martial arts family, fighting against Wudang, and subduing Shushan, they finally gathered together.

Now that it has disappeared, Ye Tianren is anxious and sad at the same time.

"Come out! If you don't come out, I will break you into pieces!"

Jiang Tian did not answer Ye Tianren, but his eyes were long and he flicked his fingers.

Suddenly, a finger light suppressed the sky above the Immortal Ruins Map, ready to go.

The Immortal Ruins Picture moves automatically without wind, trembling constantly, as if it has come alive, full of panic.

"Hey, fellow Taoists, why are you forcing each other so hard?"

With an ancient sigh, the picture glowed brightly, and a hidden shadow floated from it.

This shadow is vaguely a human figure. It is indistinguishable between male and female. It is blurry and distorted. It is a shadow composed of golden rays of light.

"What is this? Soul?" Ye Tianren was surprised.

"This residual map is a spiritual treasure in itself! It cannot be made without the power of the God Transformation!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and said:

"And this phantom is the weapon spirit contained in the spiritual treasure and has independent consciousness."

"In short, the soul is generated from the consciousness and spirit of living things, and the weapon spirit is contained in the magical weapon. However, the weapon spirit like this that can be condensed into human form is the best among spiritual treasures!"

After Jiang Tian finished explaining, he looked at the weapon spirit and said with a smile: "Just tell me what you need to say. What is your background?"

"I won't say anything! What can you do to me?" Qi Ling said arrogantly.

"This picture is not only a guide map, but also a ticket. I only need to throw you into the incinerator, and the teleportation array will start on its own, right?"

Jiang Tian rolled up the Immortal Ruins Picture and used it as a fan to fan the wind, speaking calmly and slowly.

Jiang Tian can be said to be a master-level figure in the study of formations.

In the previous life, several Zhoutian Xingdou formations had been deployed. Those are real stars!

Using a star field as the formation disk, stars as the formation base, and star energy as the driving force, harness the star energy to form a world-destroying attack.

Is there any formation method in this world that can escape Jiang Tian's eyes?

The weapon spirit was stunned for a moment, and then said in a trembling voice: "You can't find the teleportation array, why are you burning this teleportation array ticket?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were serious, a joking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said slowly:

"Yeah, I can't find the teleportation array, so it's useless for you, of course it's less!"

"If this is the case, you will have no place to live! Your Yuanling has no fixed place to live. I'm afraid I don't need to erase you. In less than a year and a half, you will be gone, right?"

"Don't, don't burn this teleportation formation ticket, please!"

The weapon spirits were so frightened that they even knelt down in front of Jiang Tianxia.

"Tell me, where is the Gate of Immortal Ruins?" Jiang Tian asked lazily.

"But I don't want to die either!"

The weapon spirit was in a dilemma and cried: "I helped you find the teleportation array, but you still have to burn me to activate the teleportation array!"

"If you help me find the teleportation array!"

Jiang Tian followed the policy of carrot and stick, threatening and offering inducements, and said calmly: "I will help you find a body to live in! A real human body!"

"Are you telling the truth?" Qi Ling was a little moved.

Since its birth, it has been refined into the guide map of the Immortal Ruins by its owner and is not allowed to move freely. To him, these Immortal Ruins pictures are like a cage and shackles.

Of course, what he envied most was getting a human body, being able to move independently without being separated from this figure.

Moreover, after a long period of time, the Yuanling has been destroyed and shattered, and cannot hold on for long.


Jiang Tian smiled and said:

"In the Western Land, there is the Eternal Life Sect, which uses bodies to seize many times to extend life span. Regardless of the body seizing technique or the various bodies, there must be a lot of them. When I fight in the Western Land, I won't be able to help you find a suitable body. So what?"

"You actually want to enter the secret realm of the West? What kind of cultivation level do you have?"

The weapon spirit screamed like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"What is the Western Land? My master has already been to the two dimensional worlds of Heaven and Star! He won a great victory and became the master!" Ye Tianren said proudly.

"Could it be that the spiritual energy has revived?" The weapon spirit was shocked and murmured.

"Tell me! Tell me your origins!"

Jiang Tianhan said: "Then tell me the location of the teleportation array to the Immortal Ruins!"

"My master is Laozi Li Er! He is also the reincarnation of Taishang Laojun, one of the Three Pure Ones in Taoism!"

Picture Qi Ling said proudly:

"He walked on the purple energy from the east and left Hangu Pass in the west, leaving me on the earth to wait for the destined person! Whatever you want to ask, just ask."

Jiang Tian and Ye Tianren looked at each other.

It turned out to be my weapon spirit!

At the beginning, there was a legend that Lao Tzu left Hangu Pass in the west and the Purple Qi came east. In fact, he went to the Western Regions including ancient Tianzhu to educate the barbarian people and caused the Taoist Duobao to be reincarnated as Sakyamuni, the Tathagata Buddha.

Legend has it that Laozi turned into a Hu to split the destiny of Western Buddhism, to straighten out the causal relationship between Buddhism and Taoism, and to prepare for the next calamity. Lao Tzu also made the most valuable human and religious treasures such as the diamond bracelet due to the results of his transformation into Hu.

But in fact, many later scholars believe that the truth of this rumor should be that when Buddhism spread to China, the culturally extremely confident Chinese people did not believe or accept it, and the spread of Buddhist teachings was hindered. So the Indian Buddhists made up the story that Laozi transformed into the Buddha. , the story of educating the barbarians.

Jiang Tian asked: "When did the Battle of Immortal Fall and Twilight of the Gods take place?"

"After the war between witches and humans on ancient earth, before the war of gods!"

Qi Ling said:

"It is rumored that 6.4 billion years ago, the Hongmeng Creator God created a world of chaos, which was opened up by Pangu into the human world, the earthly immortal world, and the heavenly world. This human world is the prehistoric world, which is extremely vast. Later, the demon clan and the witch clan fought in the prehistoric world. , exploded the prehistoric world, and its fragments separated into many stars and the ancient earth!"

"On the ancient earth, the human race and the remaining witch race stood side by side, fighting each other, and the factions were divided. In the end, the human religion came out on top."

"But at this time, stronger god-level civilizations and extraterrestrial demons invaded. The escape factions drove continents away, forming the current earth and dimensional worlds such as the Immortal Ruins! In the end, the aura of the earth exhausted!"

"And the Battle of the Gods can be said to be the return of the strong men of the human race. After that battle, many orthodox traditions were almost cut off!"

"And I am actually the reincarnation of the ancient powerful Taishang Laojun. He left behind the legacy of the pre-Qin Qi practitioners. Then he left Hangu Pass in the west, climbed to the Immortal Ruins, and went to the depths of the starry sky!"

"He didn't go to Tianzhu, but went to the depths of the starry sky? To the Immortal Ruins?"

Ye Tianren lost his voice.

In fact, Qi Ling's statement can be corroborated with that of the great demon Bai Ze.

It only determines the approximate age of the Immortal Fall War and Ragnarok.

However, the statement about Lao Tzu's westward departure from Hangu Pass is completely different from the previously circulated statement.

Jiang Tian's pupils shrank, his heart was shocked, and the situation of the Immortal Fall battle gradually became clearer.

"Immortal Ruins?"

Qi Ling shook his head and said disdainfully: "I am the clone of Taishang Laojun. What's the point of going to the Immortal Ruins?"

"The Immortal Ruins located in the constellation Centauri is just a stop on the ancient starry sky road. However, through the Immortal Ruins stops, you can go to the central galaxy deep in the universe!"

The teleportation array to the central galaxy is actually on the Immortal Ruins?

Jiang Tian was shocked and his eyes lit up.

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